
Hoi! (to all nasa peepos 'n' puppers in the osu! world) :3

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Im pretty new here, maybe two weeks old or something, trying out osu!. It's a really awesome game to play, and people are mostly friendly, and pretty open about themselves. I've been doing what I could climbing the rank into the 6-digit numbers, as an all-mouser. (aim and click with mouse)

I'd like to give out a more formal and thought out introduction, since im not that good talking to people, but eh... I'm too lazy to go formal. I really just express myself for who I am, and I play with other peeps in the game every now an then :3

So uhm, yeah. Hoi! :D
Heya! Welcome to the osu! forums, Xuequinox. I'm Vee.
Be sure to read up on the osu! official rules here:!:Rules and if you stay active in the forums, be sure to read the subforum rules that are stickied to the top of each subforum, like so:
And here's a cool thread for mouse players: t/302427
Have fun :D
Hoi! I'm too lazy to go informal XD

Anyway, have a welcome, and a drink ( ' ')7U
- Jade -
Welcome to the forums! I hope you have a lot of fun on here!
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forums. Hope you stick around for a while
Welcome to oss
yahallo ! :D
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