
Genre [Rejected] [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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It'd be nice to be able to select a genre when inputting the song info for a beatmap. Then we could sort and search beatmaps by genre, maybe arrange by genre in the game's menu, etc. Crazy other uses include: Leaderboards for the best players in each genre, associating different skins with different genres (i.e. EBA skin with pop and Ouendan skin with jPop), etc. Just a thought.
This sounds good, but we would need a list of set genres. Shall we come up with one and get this in? :)
Categorizing by genre can be risky and dangerous because almost nobody gets the genre of a song correctly unless they have a very fluent background in it. I myself listen to a good dozen or two genres of music that the ignorant masses would simply define as "heavy metal", despite the apparent variety in styles. I myself am not even innocent of this, either. I don't know the correct genre for a good portion of the groups I listen to.

On the other hand, generalizations of genres would certainly act as a filter against completely incorrect genres. If I wanted to search for a song by Wintersun, and it were categorized simply as metal, stuff like Sheryl Crow, Nobuo Uetmatsu, U2, Blink 182 etc would most certainly not appear in the search, so I could see it working.
Topic Starter
Yeah I was thinking really, really general genres, since this is a rhythm game, not an encyclopedia.

Something like:


I mean, there would be more of them, but not much specific than that. More like categories of genres, rather than specific genres.
Another tentative list suggestion:

J-Pop (It really is quite different) (includes Anime)
Punk (includes all forms of punk/emo/indie)
Rock (includes pop-rock, hard rock, industrial, alternative, etc)
Techno (and Electronica)
Videogame music (possibly could fall under Techno)
Swing? (That's like 1940s, but you never know!)

Even if some genres are not used, it would not really hurt to have them, would it?
I honestly don't think this is necessary. There are enough categories already.

Just as an aside, sorting by J-Pop won't help anyway, you'll just filter out about 10 songs :mrgreen:
This shall change! Even if only by my own two hands (well, and Manabeasts by the looks of it).
Not entirely sure if I really care for this feature, but still...
AWP's list looks reasonably good. Probably multiple genres per song would need to be implemented since there could be a lot of crossover/overlap. Maybe the genres could be selected by the beatmapper and could be altered through community consensus. I imagine a lot of controversy between correctly identifying a genre might ensue.

Oh yeah, I was thinking that maybe a genre for beatmaps that are true to the original beatmaps in Ouendan1/2 or EBA be included.

awp wrote:

J-Pop (It really is quite different) (includes Anime)
Punk (includes all forms of punk/emo/indie)
Rock (includes pop-rock, hard rock, industrial, alternative, etc)
Techno (and Electronica)
Videogame music (possibly could fall under Techno)
If there'll be a genre listing, then these options would be great. It doesn't need more detail than that.

Note that I exchanged "Jazz/Blues/Ska/Swing" with "Other" in the quote

chan wrote:

Not entirely sure if I really care for this feature, but still...
Probably multiple genres per song would need to be implemented since there could be a lot of crossover/overlap.
Assuming I'm reading you correctly I, personally, am a bit iffy on this. Suppose someone submitted a song categorized as "Punk/Rock". Having the song appear in both the punk and rock sections is a bit unnecessary/bloated. I think a song should only go in its parent genre; since punk rock is punk that takes elements from rock, it should appear in the punk genre.

I think ultimately it's up to dev team/beatmap moderators to decide, but that's just my input.
not agreedo!
as eyup said, the existing categories are enough
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