
Difficulty Names

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I personally think the current rule regarding mapset naming to be a bit constrictive and dampens community and mapper enjoyment.

The Rule: A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.

I have some question regarding this rule. In the scenario if the highest difficulty of a mapset isn't the highest star rated map of the set, is the mapper allowed to call a difficulty with lower star rating the hardest level of a set and use a custom difficulty name? What about the situation in which there are two equally challenging difficulties?

What reasonable reason is there in restricting the "hardest difficulties" from having a custom difficulty name? Given that the star rating system and the beatmap difficulty iconing system do not distinguish mapset difficulties above 5.25 stars, why must there be generic "extreme, extra, ultra" difficulty names that offer no real additional level of clarity between difficulties?

Rule Amendment Proposal: A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the highest difficulty of the set or difficulties above 5.25 stars (where at least the bottom difficulty above 5.25 stars has a name that indicates its level) or when there is a reasonable level of approximate difficulty overlap between two or more of the hardest difficulties in a set. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.
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Loctav wrote:

Wrong forum?
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I recommend you to contact a member of the ubkrc or just wait until the general RC proposal is out.
hmm that seems weird as a solution, because your line of reasoning is "there's a bunch of difficulties from 5.25 to like 9 stars that could go under extra", but if you suggest it like that you could ask if sets like Tokyo where there are like 6 insanes and 15 extras couldn't use a set of custom difficulty names?

I find it weird that you only draw a line for extras and i don't see how your reasoning doesnt apply to any difflevel where you could make multiple diffs at

hence i don't really support it, i'd much rather define a set of extra diffnames that indicate scaling difficulty so that that naming becomes more uniform or think of something different entirely than going the route of "custom diffnames for everything" which is kinda ending in chaos.

I actually like the custom diffname for highest SR thing, because then every time you encounter one of these it's the "hardest" diff of a set according to pp algorithm. People went according to SR with this rule because you can measure it, and i think anything else to replace it would need a measurable metric to not end in people trying to reason in order to get through with some sort of nonsense

just my thoughts on these
Marking this as inactive, gonna close and move in a month unless you want to keep discussing here, Xexxar
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