
animated hitcircleoverlay (question)

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disclaimer: putting this in the help thread would only get it invalid, and there is no 'skinning questions' thread (like why would there be?) So theres no better place to ask it but here. (inb4 everyone locks the topic and sends me the proper place to ask the question)
So, there is a way to animate the hitcircleoverlay, but its 2FPS (as far as I know) and has no way or changing it.
I decided to 'get creative' with it and make it change color on when you should click in AR9, or its just a simple aethsetic.

Yeah that video is a joke, well, kind of. It could be a potential way to use as an approach circle, but peppy was already 9 steps ahead of me and disallowed this in hidden mod, so its just an aesthetic for now. But is there a way to adjust the FPS of it? The issues were that it wouldnt work in any other AR other then 9 unless I adjusted it, But I do see this as a way to read a low AR on a fast map with alot of objects (or using EZ mod) Easier. I didnt test that out yet, but it might actually work.
So my questions so far would be:
-Would this look good in a skin? (In your opinion)
-Would this someone add an advantage? (In your opinion, also) Yes, Maybe.
-Is there a way to adjust the FPS of this?

im almost certain people will just criticize me for not knowing where to ask this, so rip me
Edit: Okay, so i'll explain what I did and the result of it.
First I decided to make the red hitcircle the third one, because AR5 has a 1 second (1000ms) reaction time.
When I played, it, even tho the hitcircle would be in red I couldn't keep up, so I decided to make the hitcircleoverlays before the red one invisible.
then i realized I had to change the hitnumbers to make them invisible Because it doesnt look good.
I changed my slider border color to avoid confusion.
But at the end, AR5 only has a reaction time of 1200 With easy Mod (I edited the AR to 10 because the goal was to be able to read EZ mod easier.)
subtracting the delay before the red circle appears, I only got 200ms to react (thats 1/5 or 0.2 of a second btw) And...Well I cant read that.
AR10 has a 450 Reaction time, and AR11 has a 300 reaction time. (According to the ARTable.png And what I saw ingame.
So...The result of using an EZ mod makes it barely any time to react, ironic. I just reversed AR on EZ mod (kinda)
So I had to reduce the AR, again and again until AR7, with EZ making it 3.5, osu saying it has a Reaction time of 1380, or 380 when subtracted.
I could barely react, or I could and I would not hit it, or whatever. I can't read okay?
Maybe the problem was I used 2 frames of invisible circle, I'll try to make it 1 and use AR5, which is going to Give me 700ms to react. Good chance I won't be able to read it becasue too much objects on the screen
TL;DR: I might've found a way that makes EZ mod EZ'er to read.

Edit: Well Yeah, AR10 + EZ + 1200ms - 500 = 700ms, which is kinda impossible (FOR ME) to react to, aka i cant read it, because...idk it isnt too fast its too slow...Ik if I keep looking I'll find it, like having AR7 on regualar which is 900ms, - 500 is 400ms, which might be good enough. But who has issues reading AR7? Nobody does so...Idk.
It does provide an advantage somewhat, Idk if you can adjust the FPS yet, and I might be creative enough to find a way that makes this useful in aesthetic s , Idk yet. I updated that questions list, I guess.
wow cool skin oh may you give me the skin?
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faiswusuf wrote:

wow cool skin oh may you give me the skin?
i'll release my skin when its fully done someday, but i can give the elements i used for hitcircleoverlay ...
The reason hitcircleoverlay is only 2 fps is to prevent AR simulation abuse.

Imagine your desired method. If you would be able to freely change the fps of the overlay you could make as many frames that would be needed for AR9 (or other values).

Now what would make EZ a challenge if you can bypass what makes EZ actually difficult (high note density)? You take away the feel of accomplishment it can provide depending on the results.

This next scenario is where the abuse could happen. You could carry over this type of bypass to any AR. You could make the craziest scores on hard AR8 or lower maps and put you at a huge advantage where others would struggle just because they don't use this method, being at a huge disadvantage.

If it helps you go ahead with using this method, but why do you play EZ in the first place when you eliminate the actual challenge it offers?
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Haskorion wrote:

The reason hitcircleoverlay is only 2 fps is to prevent AR simulation abuse.

Imagine your desired method. If you would be able to freely change the fps of the overlay you could make as many frames that would be needed for AR9 (or other values).

Now what would make EZ a challenge if you can bypass what makes EZ actually difficult (high note density)? You take away the feel of accomplishment it can provide depending on the results.

This next scenario is where the abuse could happen. You could carry over this type of bypass to any AR. You could make the craziest scores on hard AR8 or lower maps and put you at a huge advantage where others would struggle just because they don't use this method, being at a huge disadvantage.

If it helps you go ahead with using this method, but why do you play EZ in the first place when you eliminate the actual challenge it offers?
EZ was actually supposed to make stuff easier, not harder, or else It would've been a score multiplier instead of a score halfer. But thats osu!logic.
Obviously I'm not going to cheat the system like this, i'll try learning easy once I mastered AR11 prob. (It would be impossible to be able to play both at the very best, idk.) So I guess I literally just did what peppy didn't want anyone to do, rip. Why could you animate hitcircleoverlay in the first place? I guess i'll find out one day. You got a point, cheating already has its own downfall, apart from being banned. I didn't actually mean to cheat but I had this idea in my head and decided to explore it (aka im stupid for just figuring out what everyone else already knew)

Thanks for replying, I might aswell wait until the topic is locked or whatever. Thanks for replying Haskorion!
Just an assumption: the main reason hitcircleoverlays are animatable are because of taiko circleoverlays. The original taiko no tatsujin games has notes with faces. After a certain combo they start to open their mouth and close it rhythmically according to the songs BPM. On a higher combo this animation even speeds up. I think it would look bad if the animation contains an uneven amount of frames and get out of sync with the bpm.

Since I don't know how standard hitcircles and taiko hitcircles are coded they may share a similar code or are the same with the BPM part disabled in standard.

Also you don't need to worry if you feel like you are cheating with this. You could say this about those who blanked out sliderendcircles way before it was officially supported but it never was a ban reason.

My main concern with my post was that you bypass the actual challenge that EZ provides which feels more rewarding when you do it well normally.
There is a skin.ini parameter that defines the framerate of all animations in your skin ("AnimationFramerate: #"), but it doesn't change the hitcircleoverlay animation at all. And honestly, I think the fact that it animates at all probably is because it's leftover code from somewhere; the framerate seems to be completely independent from BPM and AR (DT does increase the framerate, but since all DT does is speed up the game itself, that's to be expected). Having an animation that acts on its own doesn't seem like something that was intentional.

Since I feel like it might just be a broken mechanic, I'm going to try reaching out to ppy and see what he has to say.
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TakuMii wrote:

There is a skin.ini parameter that defines the framerate of all animations in your skin ("AnimationFramerate: #"), but it doesn't change the hitcircleoverlay animation at all. And honestly, I think the fact that it animates at all probably is because it's leftover code from somewhere; the framerate seems to be completely independent from BPM and AR (DT does increase the framerate, but since all DT does is speed up the game itself, that's to be expected). Having an animation that acts on its own doesn't seem like something that was intentional.

Since I feel like it might just be a broken mechanic, I'm going to try reaching out to ppy and see what he has to say.
Nothing wrong with having animated hitcircleoverlays, just need to find a way or reason to use them that would be helpful.
Also if it was leftover code, why wouldn't hitcircles be animateable?
If it was leftover code, why did peppy take the time to disable the function in hidden mod? He obviously knows its there.

Haskorion wrote:

Just an assumption: the main reason hitcircleoverlays are animatable are because of taiko circleoverlays. The original taiko no tatsujin games has notes with faces. After a certain combo they start to open their mouth and close it rhythmically according to the songs BPM. On a higher combo this animation even speeds up. I think it would look bad if the animation contains an uneven amount of frames and get out of sync with the bpm.

Since I don't know how standard hitcircles and taiko hitcircles are coded they may share a similar code or are the same with the BPM part disabled in standard.

Also you don't need to worry if you feel like you are cheating with this. You could say this about those who blanked out sliderendcircles way before it was officially supported but it never was a ban reason.

My main concern with my post was that you bypass the actual challenge that EZ provides which feels more rewarding when you do it well normally.
I'm pretty sure people had to use hitcircleoverlay-0 to bypass sliderendcircle (or at least thats how it can be done in stablefallback, and in that vid where i got my hitcircle from in the first place.)

The taiko Idea actually sounds awesome, but Moving faces in std isn't normal, tbh. But why would Peppy go through trouble such as limiting it to 2fps and disabling it in hidden, instead of disabling it in std? Probably because there will be some way to do something with it in STD, still thinking of a way to use it, My only Idea would be to have the second frame invisible as if the circle was hitnumbers and effect when you click it, I have no clue.

And Yeah, I would feel awesome If I could read EZ mod. Not sure if I would feel more happy then I would if I could read AR10/11 because that means I could react faster which kinda feels good to know u can react. But to read EZ is being able to see alot of objects and know whats going on. Idk why I spend so much time thinking about this, lol.

Viperial wrote:

Nothing wrong with having animated hitcircleoverlays, just need to find a way or reason to use them that would be helpful.
Also if it was leftover code, why wouldn't hitcircles be animateable?
If it was leftover code, why did peppy take the time to disable the function in hidden mod? He obviously knows its there.
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with having them animatable (although I could see everyone and their mom adding animations to their skins to improve readability if it actually worked properly). I'm saying that it makes zero sense to have an animation that doesn't follow anything else and always plays at 500ms per frame, regardless of whatever else is happening in game. Follow point animation speed follows AR, Taiko face animations follow BPM, and pretty much every other animation follows the AnimationFramerate parameter or animates based on how many frames there are in the skin. There's no reason for something that's this directly involved with gameplay to be disconnected from everything else besides being an afterthought.
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TakuMii wrote:

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with having them animatable (although I could see everyone and their mom adding animations to their skins to improve readability if it actually worked properly). I'm saying that it makes zero sense to have an animation that doesn't follow anything else and always plays at 500ms per frame, regardless of whatever else is happening in game. Follow point animation speed follows AR, Taiko face animations follow BPM, and pretty much every other animation follows the AnimationFramerate parameter or animates based on how many frames there are in the skin. There's no reason for something that's this directly involved with gameplay to be disconnected from everything else besides being an afterthought.
Exactly. I have one reason why someone would have it animated, and that would be to disable it back in 2014 or whatever year before they allowed sliderendcircles, Even though it is achievable with hitnumers, its an easier way. However, theres not really a Use for this in Std unless your on stable-fallback.
Note: as you see in the video preview the hitcircleoverlay pops out on both sides even though there is no hitcircleoverlay for it to pop out of. Just thought I'd point that out
(I tried it and it works, and a guy who made a play in 2014 used that technique

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