This skin is fully made by me, Xial, hope you enjoy it !
Feel free to use it as you want (but plz credit)
Feel free to use it as you want (but plz credit)
♥inggod wrote:
rlly nice one, underrated skin tho
but i worked so hard on it[ - Ayumi - ] wrote:
Is very good, I would only change the cursor. xd
Yeah thats what i wantedpaulettelapoule wrote:
Hey, your skin is really nice.
The circles really "look" like glass, almost as if I was going to break them by hitting them hahaha
♥-[H o n o k a]- wrote:
Wow very nice! <3
Nice Work!
I'm sure your skin are great ! And you can learn from me if you want !LagAmpli wrote:
Cool skin!i should learn from you senpai! T_T my skins are just too plain :'(
Thanks !Lilgamer1444 wrote:
Wow 10/10
Also did you use vectors or something to get the Anti Aliasing effect? I want to know how that was done.
-Ryuichi- wrote:
As someone who dislikes full circle hitcirles...
I would like to announce that this is my main skin from now on and I ain't changing it for a loong time.
//On a serious note, This skin is so nice and playable ! <3
Thanks you very much !!!Screech wrote:
Great skin!