
Camellia - Key of timepieces [Taiko]

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Topic Starter
Ladies Night
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

You only need 30 more secs which could be easily added by adding a long sppiner here 03:23:669 - add maybe here 00:43:669 -

Call me back when your done :)
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

IControl wrote:

You only need 30 more secs which could be easily added by adding a long sppiner here 03:23:669 - add maybe here 00:43:669 - Fixed.

Call me back when your done :)
M4m From my Que
Relics of the Vigenere cipher

01:33:840 (73,74,75) - try changing this to kkd? sounds higher than lower and kkd is more conformable to play

01:35:220 (83,84,85) - this could be kkk because 01:35:392 (85) - sounds higher than 01:34:013 (75) - and 01:34:702 (80) -

01:54:789 - add a note here. feint sound

01:55:823 - ^ Also apply changes from what i mentioned before if you agreed with it to keep it consistent.

01:57:375 - ^

01:57:547 - add note? I think this could be a nice place for a stream

01:59:099 - add a note here and 01:59:271 - because the bass is very loud here and I feel like it should be ignored

01:59:099 (66) - remove this note to the kick here 01:59:013 (65) - more emphasis

02:04:185 (105,106,107) - these should be ddk to match with your other parts

02:06:944 (19,20,21) - these should be kkd ( or kdk if you didnt agree with my point above) to match other parts

02:09:961 - add d

02:10:306 (46,47) - swap

02:10:564 (48) - d? sounds lower

02:37:030 (8,9) - I think you should remove these finishers from the doubles. I don't think they are rank-able and they weren't very fun to play for me

02:43:323 (36,37,38,39,40) - try 1/3 (kddd)? most maps that have dubstep elements use 1/3s to match the "wub" sounds. Also 02:44:702 (44,45,46) - sounds faster

02:49:013 - add d small sound here again

02:44:961 - add note? ^

02:50:909 - add 1/6 (kkkd) to map to the high pitched sound ? The beat doesn't really stop like the other parts in the song

04:27:116 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - You should definitely consider nerfing this. This is the pattern i came up with:

04:28:151 - I came up with this pattern for this part

04:50:737 - add a spinner here?

try to find some good places for kai time!

This map set was really good So I couldn't find to much wrong with it.
Good luck :) no kudos
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

IControl wrote:

M4m From my Que
Relics of the Vigenere cipher

01:33:840 (73,74,75) - try changing this to kkd? sounds higher than lower and kkd is more conformable to play - I think the pattern plays fine as it is and I'd like the keep same pattern consistent for the same sections since I use it throughout the song, the kats used in the triple (k,d,k) pattern represent the synthetic growls in the song.

01:35:220 (83,84,85) - this could be kkk because 01:35:392 (85) - sounds higher than 01:34:013 (75) - and 01:34:702 (80) - The consistent pattern I use for those particular sections for the growls in the sound usually block out the extra sounds but I'll reconsider the patterns near the finishers and see if I can make it more rhythmically fun to play.

01:54:789 - add a note here. feint sound - ^, same reason as above applies.

01:55:823 - ^ Also apply changes from what i mentioned before if you agreed with it to keep it consistent. - ^, same reason as above applies.

01:57:375 - ^ - ^, once again, same reason as above applies.

01:57:547 - add note? I think this could be a nice place for a stream - I think the patterns play fine but if more people bring it up, I'll reconsider the patterns.

01:59:099 - add a note here and 01:59:271 - because the bass is very loud here and I feel like it should be ignored - ^, same reason as above applies.

01:59:099 (66) - remove this note to the kick here 01:59:013 (65) - more emphasis - At 01:59:185, you can clearly hear something of a kick that can best be represented by a kat/clap and plus the don before at 01:59:013, represents the drums and growls at that point in the song.

02:04:185 (105,106,107) - these should be ddk to match with your other parts - Fixed that current section, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency.

02:06:944 (19,20,21) - these should be kkd ( or kdk if you didnt agree with my point above) to match other parts - Fixed, thanks for the heads-up about this inconsistency as well.

02:09:961 - add d - While I do hear some very faint drums in the background here, the triple (k,d,k) pattern before at 02:09:702 (40,41,42) drowns the out, especially with the kats so I think it's best to be consistent with the patterning here.

02:10:306 (46,47) - swap - I feel there's nothing too notable to emphasize if I were to swap and plus the kats represent the loud synthetic sounds here and the dons covering the drums here.

02:10:564 (48) - d? sounds lower - While it does sound notably lower, having a don for that note still sounds strange rhythmically and the kats would be better for the notable sound.

02:37:030 (8,9) - I think you should remove these finishers from the doubles. I don't think they are rank-able and they weren't very fun to play for me - I agree as well, fixed rest of the section as well that had 1/4th finishers.

02:43:323 (36,37,38,39,40) - try 1/3 (kddd)? most maps that have dubstep elements use 1/3s to match the "wub" sounds. - Changed to 1/3rd for the pattern.
Also 02:44:702 (44,45,46) - sounds faster - Fixed, combined that pattern with the later double (d,k) to make it a streamy part.

02:49:013 - add d small sound here again - Fixed, combined some patterns to make it a streamy pattern.

02:44:961 - add note? ^ - Already fixed it when you pointed an earlier inconsistency in your mod post.

02:50:909 - add 1/6 (kkkd) to map to the high pitched sound ? The beat doesn't really stop like the other parts in the song - A 1/6th pattern would be weird since this section of the song is already erratic with some notes ending on blue ticks, so it would be better as a 1/4th pattern and plus, the finisher at 02:51:168 would block out most of the 1/6th pattern for the high pitched sound.

04:27:116 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - You should definitely consider nerfing this. This is the pattern i came up with:

- I'd disagree with nerfing this pattern since this would be the climax after the buildup that started at 04:07:806, plus I think the pattern is doable, but I revised the pattern to make it more readable and keep it somewhat challenging.

04:28:151 - I came up with this pattern for this part - Same thing as above, but I revised the pattern to make it more readable and easier to come out of the 1/6th stream pattern for the climax.

04:50:737 - add a spinner here? - While a spinner would make sense here, I made this part a 1/6th stream pattern to concede that this is near the end of the song and I'd like it to be challenging as the song nears the end.

try to find some good places for kai time! - With the many green inherited points in the timeline, adding kiai sections would cause some issues with AiMod and plus, the song by itself doesn't have too many sections that can call for kiai sections so I did without them.

This map set was really good So I couldn't find to much wrong with it. - Thanks for the mod.
Good luck :) no kudos
Hello M4M request from my queue.



º Your background is very large please change to 1366 x 768 Specifically

Relics of the Vigenere Cipher
00:47:289 (4) - You can change this to k
00:51:427 (21,22) - ctrl + g if you want.
00:52:806 (27) - k here for consistency
00:54:185 (32,33) - ctrl + g If you apply the same in the previous one.
00:55:564 (38,39) - and 00:56:082 (40,41) - ctrl + g
00:58:323 (51,52) - ctrl + g too
01:01:082 (64,65) - ^ Same
01:02:116 (69) - You can change this to k and 01:02:461 (72,73) - ctrl + g Here
01:03:840 (79,80) - ctrl + g here
01:05:651 (92,93) - Same ^
01:07:633 (7) - You can change this to k
01:39:358 - You can add a note here if you want 01:40:737 - And same here.
02:01:254 (76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90) - Could you do a wonderful stream here. Only if you want.
I think you could add a spinner from here 03:19:530 - Up here 03:23:151 - If you want. Or... a slider Up here: 03:22:978 -
03:48:151 (11,12) - You can do ctrl + g here
03:53:668 (32,33) - Same^
04:00:392 (63,64) - Same^
04:10:220 (27) - k

The rest of the map seems to me to be fine. Good luck. :)
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

JessiChan wrote:

Hello M4M request from my queue.



º Your background is very large please change to 1366 x 768 Specifically - Thanks to this, I'm allowed to use higher res BGs that aren't 1366 x 768, however, I'll consider down scaling it if it's mentioned multiple times.

Relics of the Vigenere Cipher
00:47:289 (4) - You can change this to k - While I could change it to a kat, the higher pitch is barely noticeable that keeping it consistently don for those patterns would be more practical.
00:51:427 (21,22) - ctrl + g if you want. - Changed, thanks for pointing out that pitch inconsistency.
00:52:806 (27) - k here for consistency - Chose not to change to keep consistency for the reasons stated above.
00:54:185 (32,33) - ctrl + g If you apply the same in the previous one. - Fixed, as well as other similar patterns for more consistency.
00:55:564 (38,39) - and 00:56:082 (40,41) - ctrl + g - Didn't change these two, since there's a clap sound located here 00:55:737 (39) for the first one and for the second one, 00:56:082 (40) was kat for the higher pitch.
00:58:323 (51,52) - ctrl + g too - Didn't change this one as you can hear a faint clap but is still noticeable since the song is starting to build up.
01:01:082 (64,65) - ^ Same - ^, for the same reasons as I stated above, I didn't change to keep consistency in the rhythm and build up for the song.
01:02:116 (69) - You can change this to k and 01:02:461 (72,73) - ctrl + g Here - For the first one I changed, thanks for pointing out another pitch inconsistency and for the second one, changed as well for the rhythm consistency.
01:03:840 (79,80) - ctrl + g here - Didn't change this one since you can hear a noticeable clap on 01:04:013, which is the placement for my kat there.
01:05:651 (92,93) - Same ^ - Changed, but I didn't necessarily followed your suggestion but instead, changed it to (d,k,k) to make the piano sound pronounced.
01:07:633 (7) - You can change this to k - Changed, thanks for pointing it out.
01:39:358 - You can add a note here if you want 01:40:737 - And same here. - Intentionally left notes out for these sections with wubs in them and made them doubles for more challenge, I also found they represent the rhythm most soundly.
02:01:254 (76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90) - Could you do a wonderful stream here. Only if you want. - ^, didn't change them for the same reasons as stated above and plus, I think streams there wouldn't make rhythmically sense and pattern-wise, something fun to play.
I think you could add a spinner from here 03:19:530 - Up here 03:23:151 - If you want. Or... a slider Up here: 03:22:978 - I left that part out intentionally as I felt it was better left blank however, if others point this out, I'll add in some sections for this part to make it more optimal.
03:48:151 (11,12) - You can do ctrl + g here - Fixed, thanks.
03:53:668 (32,33) - Same^ - Fixed as well.
04:00:392 (63,64) - Same^ - Changed it, but I rearranged the pattern in a different way then your suggestion.
04:10:220 (27) - k - Fixed, as well as other inconsistencies in this part of the song.

The rest of the map seems to me to be fine. Good luck. :) - Thanks for the mod.
[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
00:49:616 (14) - remove?
02:01:082 - change to k dk dk …… kd ?
02:54:358 (97,98,99,100) - change to 1/4 kd dd?
02:55:995 (7) - change to k?
03:59:013 (56,57) - swap?
04:56:427 - change to kddkdkd?
05:00:564 - change to dddkkkk kd?
05:03:495 - change to kkkdddd?
05:18:151 (29,30) - 05:20:909 (51,52) - 05:29:185 (16,17) - swap?
05:30:220 - change to kkddd d?
05:33:323 (39) - I think d is better
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

NlHIL wrote:

[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
00:49:616 (14) - remove? - Fixed, as well changed the other inconsistencies in this section.
02:01:082 - change to k dk dk …… kd ? - Fixed, but I changed it a bit differently compared to your suggestions.
02:54:358 (97,98,99,100) - change to 1/4 kd dd? - I chose to make this pattern at 02:43:323 (38,39,40,41) a 1/3rd, because you can hear the music become choppy and glitchy and and 1/3 represents it best, while later on at 02:48:840 (66,67,68,69,70) is 1/4th because there's no choppy or glitchy sounds here and 1/4th fits it well.
02:55:995 (7) - change to k? - Changed it, but I changed differently according to your suggestions, I did a (k,k,d,d) for that pattern instead.
03:59:013 (56,57) - swap? - Fixed, as well as the other inconsistency here.
04:56:427 - change to kddkdkd? - Fixed, that pattern sounds much better rhythmically.
05:00:564 - change to dddkkkk kd? - Changed, the pattern comes out of the 1/6th, better to play.
05:03:495 - change to kkkdddd? - I think that pattern wouldn't emphasize the background synths as well as the dons being in the front of the 1/6th pattern since kats would overpower the sound, the pattern I have for now is best rhythm wise.
05:18:151 (29,30) - 05:20:909 (51,52) - 05:29:185 (16,17) - swap? - I'm doing a 1/4th double kats rhythm for these sections to make the synths that're fading out more emphasized than usual and it plays out fine.
05:30:220 - change to kkddd d? - Changed, but not exactly according to your suggestions.
05:33:323 (39) - I think d is better - Same as well.

Thanks for the mod.
Hihi~ From my Queue

[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
00:49:013 (11) - Change this to a don to mirror the pattern you have at 00:54:185 (31,32,33,34)
00:55:047 (35,38) - Change these to dons as you have established a pattern before this and changing it here doesn't seem right
00:59:702 (55,56,57) - Change this to dkd as there is a higher sound on 00:59:875
01:51:886 (6) - Change this to a don as this emphasises the loud 'k' note on 01:51:944
02:55:909 (6,7) - These should be kats as it has the same sound as 02:55:823
03:57:116 (44) - Change this to a kat, to fit in with this pattern at 00:57:806 (46,47,48,49,50,51) as it has the same sound
04:34:013 (87,88) - Change these to kats as you have put the same sound as kats on 04:33:323 (81,83), but not these ones
04:39:185 (21) - Change this to a kat as it feel it sounds better
05:04:013 (15) - Change this to a don? This note sounds very low to me
05:08:151 (45,46,47,48) - This should be dddk instead of kkkd as the sound goes higher rather than lower

That is all from me, Good luck~!!
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Ceryuia wrote:

Hihi~ From my Queue

[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
00:49:013 (11) - Change this to a don to mirror the pattern you have at 00:54:185 (31,32,33,34) - Changed.
00:55:047 (35,38) - Change these to dons as you have established a pattern before this and changing it here doesn't seem right - These are kats as you can start to faintly hear claps from the drums in the background as the song starts to build up and so kats reflected that.
00:59:702 (55,56,57) - Change this to dkd as there is a higher sound on 00:59:875 - Changed, thanks for pointing out the inconsistency.
01:51:886 (6) - Change this to a don as this emphasises the loud 'k' note on 01:51:944 - This 1/6th pattern was much different than the other 1/6th patterns in that the kats represent the "winding up" sound and as well the louder than usual clap sounds and so the double kat rhythm I have works just as well and plus, it plays well as a (d,d,k,k) pattern.
02:55:909 (6,7) - These should be kats as it has the same sound as 02:55:823 - Changed.
03:57:116 (44) - Change this to a kat, to fit in with this pattern at 00:57:806 (46,47,48,49,50,51) as it has the same sound - Fixed, thanks for showing the inconsistency here.
04:34:013 (87,88) - Change these to kats as you have put the same sound as kats on 04:33:323 (81,83), but not these ones - Changed.
04:39:185 (21) - Change this to a kat as it feel it sounds better - Changed.
05:04:013 (15) - Change this to a don? This note sounds very low to me - Changed, makes sense the music changes up and the 1/6th stream pattern makes it hard to hit the big K finisher.
05:08:151 (45,46,47,48) - This should be dddk instead of kkkd as the sound goes higher rather than lower - This is a 1/6th (k,k,k,d) pattern that I didn't changed as it reflected the same section earlier at 01:46:771 (71,72,73,74) for the same sound and I wanted to keep consistency and plus, the kats offset the lower sound and it still plays rhythmically well.

That is all from me, Good luck~!! - Thanks for the mod.
Sorry for a late response.
M4M from my queue :D
[Relics of the Vigenere Cipher]
  1. Cipher? I think fix this (mayus)
  2. The BG have dimensions that is not permited. Fix this to 1024x768 or 1366x768
  3. 00:49:185 (12,23,34,45,58) - I think that this is excessive, I suggest remove this so agrees more with this 03:47:978 (9,10,11,12) - 03:50:737 (20,21,22) - . If you not accept this, add note in 01:02:978
  4. 00:58:323 (50,51) - Ctrl + G
  5. 01:05:564 (90,92) - Ctrl + G
  6. 01:05:909 (93) - Remove
  7. 01:18:151 (74) - Change to k so agree whit this 01:18:323 (75,76,77,78,79,80,81) -
  8. 02:26:513 (96,2) - k
  9. 05:50:047 (98) - Remove

Sorry for short mod. I like the song, shoot star~
Good luck for rank! :D
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

gaston_2199 wrote:

Sorry for a late response.
M4M from my queue :D
[Relics of the Vigenere Cipher]
  1. Cipher? I think fix this (mayus) - I didn't capitalize cipher since the word doesn't have any importance attached to it and it wasn't a noun like Vigenere, it would also go in line with the song's title (Key of timepieces), where timepieces isn't capitalized, so I kept the difficulty name consistent with the song title as well.
  2. The BG have dimensions that is not permited. Fix this to 1024x768 or 1366x768 - Thanks to this Rule Change, the BG dimensions for this song that's 1920 x 1080 is allowed and rankable wise.
  3. 00:49:185 (12,23,34,45,58) - I think that this is excessive, I suggest remove this so agrees more with this 03:47:978 (9,10,11,12) - 03:50:737 (20,21,22) - . If you not accept this, add note in 01:02:978 - Changed, I fixed those sections you mentioned by adding in notes and removing notes to keep consistency in my patterns, thanks for pointing out.
  4. 00:58:323 (50,51) - Ctrl + G - I didn't CTRL+G these two notes as the kat emphasizes the faint clap in the background since the music is building up and it would be consistent wise with this pattern later on at 01:01:082 (63,64).
  5. 01:05:564 (90,92) - Ctrl + G - I didn't CTRL+G those two notes but I changed them to fit the rhythm a bit better.
  6. 01:05:909 (93) - Remove - Faint drum sounds here and plus, the music is building up here and I would like to keep rhythm here going with the dons and kats.
  7. 01:18:151 (74) - Change to k so agree whit this 01:18:323 (75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - Changed, thanks for pointing out the inconsistency.
  8. 02:26:513 (96,2) - k - This pattern is nearly identical to the pattern earlier at 02:15:220 (83,84,85) for the same sounds and plus, the kats emphasize the louder pitch sounds well enough that I can keep the same (k,d,k) pattern for consistency.
  9. 05:50:047 (98) - Remove - Removed, nice catch, didn't notice the inconsistency there.

Sorry for short mod. I like the song, shoot star~ - It's fine, thanks for the kudosu.
Good luck for rank! :D - Thanks for the mod.
Heyo! M4M from my queue (thanks for the work on Night Sky).
  1. d = don & k = kat, Caps on either for a Finisher.
  2. Consider adding some kiai time.
  3. Apologies in advance for any nitpicks related to placing k in places; I tend to do it a lot.

[ Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
  1. 00:47:289 (4) - Could change to k, though it's honestly fine. My main reason for the suggestion is just because seeing dd twice in a row as the music is evidently rising in tone feels a little awkward. If you're ever worried that having two kd in a row is bad then you could always place the note at (2), which would be fine but probably less so as (2,3) overall is lower in tone than (4,5) and so would be less likely to include a k.
  2. 00:50:047 (15) - Essentially the same comment as above. Also a suggestion for 00:52:806 (26). And I only just noticed that this also applies to the section just after the break in the middle of the map.
  3. 01:20:737 (98) - Change to k, looking at your style and the sounds you've mapped to I'm surprised this ended up as d. Same applies to 01:22:116 (8) and all 1/6 kddd you have put down in this buildup of the song; but I think keeping a few as they are will be good for variety purposes.
  4. 01:25:564 (32) - Change to k, to match the point I made above and also because the following note sounds significantly lower in tone. Also applies to the next two dd doublets but again keep one or two the same is fine for variety purposes.
  5. 01:28:151 - 01:29:875 - Could easily fit a spinner in here if desired.
  6. 01:30:478 - Add d, there's a distinct low drum sound here and the contrasting sound should make the following k feel more lively.
  7. 01:48:161 - Could make this a 1/6 4-plet, as it's essentially the same sound as 01:49:530 only lower toned, and you have that point as a 1/6.
  8. 02:15:737 (86) - Change to d, sound is identical to the note before it which you have as d. Also applies to 02:21:254 (92) and 02:26:771 (98).
  9. 02:17:978 (87,88,89) - Okay so with the previous comment I thought keeping the first note as k was good because of the held-cymbal but for this set you don't have that so you have three identical sounds, so I'd recommend either ddd or kkk (both sound fine to me). Also applies to 02:23:495 (93,94,95).
  10. I'm pretty happy with everything else up to the break.
  11. 04:27:116 (34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - Pretty sinister pattern which I'm okay with, but there is no real reason why (34,35,36,37,38,39) should be any different to (40,41,42,43,44,45) since they're the same noise (albeit the latter is slightly higher pitch). Changing (36) to a d or (42) to a k would be recommended. Of course I could just say make it all 1/4 but, where's the fun in that?
  12. 04:30:909 (69,70) - Both could be k, mostly the latter to emphasis tone difference between (70) and (71). Also applies to 04:36:427 (5,6) and 04:42:461 (41).
  13. 04:35:564 (2) - Change to D as it sounds much deeper than (1).
  14. 04:38:064 - Could add a k here since there is a distinct sound higher than (13).
  15. 04:43:927 (51) - Change to k due to identical sound with (50) and significant tone difference between it and (52).
  16. 04:51:082 (9) - This is rather unintuitive and what I'd deem "a disgusting pattern". There's something similar to this in Raiden's Pavor Nocturnus and it's pretty gross to play since the player usually assumes the new colour begins on their preferred hand. I'd recommend changing this note in particular to a k so that the player isn't weirded out with this burst.
  17. 04:51:771 (18) - Consider moving this note a 1/4 tick to the right.
  18. 05:00:564 (86,87,88,89,90,91,92) - Could be improved to ddddkkk, though after some testing I found just ddddddk to sound the best because the "tang" noise really only happens at the end of the pattern. Of course this pattern is fine if you consider one of the background noises but it's pretty faint that I could barely tell it was there.
  19. 05:01:484 (96) - Change to k, sound is identical to that of (97) which you have as k.

Best of luck getting this into the Approved category!
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Jaye wrote:

Heyo! M4M from my queue (thanks for the work on Night Sky). - No problem.
  1. d = don & k = kat, Caps on either for a Finisher.
  2. Consider adding some kiai time. - I didn't utilize Kiai time since I used a lot of green inherited timing points that interchange between Normal and Soft hitsound samples and plus, the song's nature itself doesn't exactly require Kiai time to much of an extent.
  3. Apologies in advance for any nitpicks related to placing k in places; I tend to do it a lot. - It's fine.

[ Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
  1. 00:47:289 (4) - Could change to k, though it's honestly fine. My main reason for the suggestion is just because seeing dd twice in a row as the music is evidently rising in tone feels a little awkward. If you're ever worried that having two kd in a row is bad then you could always place the note at (2), which would be fine but probably less so as (2,3) overall is lower in tone than (4,5) and so would be less likely to include a k. - I decided to keep the 1/4th (d,d,) pattern in place since the music is in fact rising in tone but at 00:47:806 (6,7), it stops in tone and at 00:48:668 (9,10,11,12), the music tones down and starts over again as the pattern resumes again.
  2. 00:50:047 (15) - Essentially the same comment as above. Also a suggestion for 00:52:806 (26). And I only just noticed that this also applies to the section just after the break in the middle of the map. - Same as the reasoning as provided above, tone does rise up in those pattern but stops at 00:50:564 (17,18) and slows down at 00:51:427 (20,21,22,23) and plus, the music is building up faintly in the background with the drums going on. This would also essentially apply to the section after the break in the middle of the song, since it's almost the same with a few variable differences.
  3. 01:20:737 (98) - Change to k, looking at your style and the sounds you've mapped to I'm surprised this ended up as d. Same applies to 01:22:116 (8) and all 1/6 kddd you have put down in this buildup of the song; but I think keeping a few as they are will be good for variety purposes. - I changed the ends of the 1/6th patterns with a kat to build more variety as well make the song more rhythmically sounding, I changed all of them since it wouldn't make sense to break consistency when they nearly have identical rhythm for all the 1/6th parts.
  4. 01:25:564 (32) - Change to k, to match the point I made above and also because the following note sounds significantly lower in tone. Also applies to the next two dd doublets but again keep one or two the same is fine for variety purposes. - I didn't exactly follow according to your suggestions since I made all the following notes for that pattern a kat, while significantly lower in tone, the "clap" sound for that part is very noticeable and the pattern plays off nicely and again, I changed them all consistently since variety wouldn't make much sense in this scenario and consistency would be the stronger choice here.
  5. 01:28:151 - 01:29:875 - Could easily fit a spinner in here if desired. - Added a spinner.
  6. 01:30:478 - Add d, there's a distinct low drum sound here and the contrasting sound should make the following k feel more lively. - While distinct, I chose not to include this since the following big K finisher definitely outshines the note here and plus the drastic SV changes doesn't factor having a note here well.
  7. 01:48:161 - Could make this a 1/6 4-plet, as it's essentially the same sound as 01:49:530 only lower toned, and you have that point as a 1/6. - Unfortunately, that note is a big D finisher and it's definitely unrankable with a 1/6th stream pattern with a finisher at the beginning and plus, I think the big D finisher does the job well in representing the lower tone synthetic sound here.
  8. 02:15:737 (86) - Change to d, sound is identical to the note before it which you have as d. Also applies to 02:21:254 (92) and 02:26:771 (98). - Changed.
  9. 02:17:978 (87,88,89) - Okay so with the previous comment I thought keeping the first note as k was good because of the held-cymbal but for this set you don't have that so you have three identical sounds, so I'd recommend either ddd or kkk (both sound fine to me). Also applies to 02:23:495 (93,94,95). - The kats for those patterns do emphasize a very distinct but faint sound, they represent the higher pitch synthetic sounds and the 1/4th keyboard keys going on in the background. This reasoning also applies to the later pattern at 02:23:495 (93,94,95).
  10. I'm pretty happy with everything else up to the break. - Thanks.
  11. 04:27:116 (34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - Pretty sinister pattern which I'm okay with, but there is no real reason why (34,35,36,37,38,39) should be any different to (40,41,42,43,44,45) since they're the same noise (albeit the latter is slightly higher pitch). Changing (36) to a d or (42) to a k would be recommended. Of course I could just say make it all 1/4 but, where's the fun in that? - The reasoning behind the kats was that they progressively get less and less through the 1/6th stream pattern into 1/4th stream, they go from three kats to two kats and so on, the kats represent the intensity of the kicks here and how they progressively fade out with the dons providing a decent offset and making it more readable.
  12. 04:30:909 (69,70) - Both could be k, mostly the latter to emphasis tone difference between (70) and (71). Also applies to 04:36:427 (5,6) and 04:42:461 (41). - Emphasizing tone difference would be rather hard with how loud finishers are and the big D finishers are supposed to be consistent with the same sound like earlier at 04:30:392 (67) and the big K finishers are exact same but with the added kick in the background, I did however, fix an inconsistency with the one of the finishers.
  13. 04:35:564 (2) - Change to D as it sounds much deeper than (1). - Noticeable cymbal sound here and I decided to emphasize that with a Soft hitsound sample big K finisher.
  14. 04:38:064 - Could add a k here since there is a distinct sound higher than (13). - The big D finisher at 04:38:151 (14) makes it hard to add a kat here since there's minimal SV changes and as well as very few loud rhythm changes that could support a note here.
  15. 04:43:927 (51) - Change to k due to identical sound with (50) and significant tone difference between it and (52). - Changed, thanks for pointing out that tone inconsistency.
  16. 04:51:082 (9) - This is rather unintuitive and what I'd deem "a disgusting pattern". There's something similar to this in Raiden's Pavor Nocturnus and it's pretty gross to play since the player usually assumes the new colour begins on their preferred hand. I'd recommend changing this note in particular to a k so that the player isn't weirded out with this burst. - Fixed, you're right about it being rather hard to read this 1/6th pattern.
  17. 04:51:771 (18) - Consider moving this note a 1/4 tick to the right. - With the big K finisher at 04:51:944 (19), it's rather hard to back up a note being here and plus, the don is supposed to offset the kats that emphasize the kicks here and the don representing the faint drum here.
  18. 05:00:564 (86,87,88,89,90,91,92) - Could be improved to ddddkkk, though after some testing I found just ddddddk to sound the best because the "tang" noise really only happens at the end of the pattern. Of course this pattern is fine if you consider one of the background noises but it's pretty faint that I could barely tell it was there. - I think the 1/6th stream pattern is fine as is, the kats would represent the kicks and as well the louder synthetic sounds that slow down here and plus, the kats here aren't too bothersome with the rhythm here and so they're fine as is.
  19. 05:01:484 (96) - Change to k, sound is identical to that of (97) which you have as k. - Changed, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency, it sounds rhythmically better.

Best of luck getting this into the Approved category! - Thanks for the mod.
from my queue

in general, add som kiai times, and don't abuse of longs 1/6 patterns

00:54:693 (34) - delete
00:55:210 (36) - k
00:55:555 (39) - k
00:56:245 (42,43,44) - ctrl+g
00:57:107 (47) - k
00:57:452 (49) - delete
01:05:383 (95) - k
01:05:555 (96,97,98) - ctrl+g
01:07:279 (10) - k
01:07:452 (11) - d
01:07:452 (11) - add a d
01:07:452 (11) - ^
from 01:30:727 - to 02:13:831 - try to change the patterns, by adding notes between tripplets.
03:19:090 (88) -[
03:23:659 - try to use as less as possible the breaks in taiko.
03:51:245 (23) - delete
03:53:141 (32) - k
03:54:003 (36) - delete
03:56:762 - delete
03:58:659 (58) - k
03:59:521 (62) - delete
04:02:279 (76) - delete
04:03:831 (83,84,85) - ctrl+g
04:04:521 (89) - k
04:04:865 (91) - k
04:05:038 (92) - d
04:07:969 - in this serie of patterns, try to change some of them by kddkddk... patterns, this sounds pretty well for example (04:09:693 (31) -)
04:19:176 - these patterns are too repetitive
in game mod

2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: Hi, are you available for a testplay?
2016-12-21 22:15 Intelli: sure
2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: thanks
2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - Key of timepieces]
2016-12-21 22:32 Voyage: ye, hit me up when you're back or something
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: sorry friend was at my house. Just got wisdom teeth out today
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: ye, no worries
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: you don't have to continue the testplay
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: I figured out a section that was bothering me lol
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: lol nice
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: make sure you don't overuse 1/6ths
2016-12-21 22:50 Intelli: and svs
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: nonetheless, thanks for the testplay
2016-12-21 22:50 Intelli: np
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: I feel the 1/6ths are justified considering the song
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: making them 1/4ths would undermapped them and ruin the consistency of the map
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: but fair point
2016-12-21 22:51 Intelli: yeah but for rankability reasons, make sure that they are used consistently (i.e. dont change the patterns too often on them) and when you do use them, it needs to be CLEARLY reflected in the song
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: mmm, I think they're reflected well by the songs
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: the synthetic growls from the song
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: and long drawn out glitchy sounds
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: are represented by the 1/6ths
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: almost of all the 1/6ths are used consistently which would be the ones that are quads
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: the longer ones are represented by the buildup in the songs
2016-12-21 22:53 Intelli: also 1/6th streams with color changes like at 02:14:003 are not ok at this sr
2016-12-21 22:53 Voyage: but if more people mention them I'll see what I can do
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: The pattern isn't anything ground breaking wise
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: it doesn't violate any rules or guidelines
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: if need be, I can change them into seperate two 1/6ths patterns
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: I feel the SR indication doesn't necessarily judge those patterns well enough
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: The mapped is marked with an Extra indicating it's difficulty
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: so the 1/6ths patterns are well justified in that aspect
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: but its sr is way too low to justify that type of complex streaming
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: its kinda like "this 4* oni is called oni, so a 32 note long 1/4th stream makes sense"
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: see where im coming from?
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: but nothing in the guideline/rules would indicate the SR type of thing tbh
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: but this is a inner oni
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: the song's nature allows these types of patterns to exist and I feel it would work
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: most of the 1/4th patterns are well consistent for their difficulty norms
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: and plus, the song indicates the long 1/6th parts with the build up
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: I do get your point though
2016-12-21 23:00 Voyage: I feel like using the osu!taiko SR as a indicator on how a map should be complex wouldn't work well
2016-12-21 23:00 Voyage: as the SR is pretty flawed on how it calculates difficulty
2016-12-21 23:00 Intelli: there are between 3 to 5 extra long and difficult 1/6th streams in the map imo, and if i just remove the 3, the sr drops to 5.1
2016-12-21 23:00 Intelli: i know but the point is the 1/6th streams are WAY harder than the rest of the map, even if justified by music
2016-12-21 23:01 Voyage: the difficulty spikes are justified since the music spikes in those sections as well
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: and also for the long 1/6th pattern
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: there's a break section
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: with only 1/2 notes
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: the second long 1/6th pattern goes into 1/4th streams
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: so it build ups and then it slows down
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: I do agree the second pattern might need be to reworked nonethelss
2016-12-21 23:03 Intelli: the bass actually dropped out in the others, so most mappers would use finishers or a drum roll to represent the growl because the music technically calms down before the drop on a few of the others
2016-12-21 23:04 Voyage: can you list me where they drop out so I can see?
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: even though it leads to a slow section, 02:14:004
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: 04:50:727
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: 05:03:314
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: most striking examples
2016-12-21 23:07 Intelli: just changing those 3 to something like drumrolls would both improve the sr-to-actual difficulty difference, and would make the map more consistent in terms of difficulty
2016-12-21 23:07 Intelli: the one that slows into 1/4ths might just have to be made more monochrome
2016-12-21 23:08 Voyage: hmm
2016-12-21 23:08 Voyage: you think they can be seperated into two 1/6ths patterns?
2016-12-21 23:09 Intelli: actually the one at 04:27:107 could be kddkddkddkddk and work to an extent
2016-12-21 23:09 Voyage: 05:03:314 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42) - I know this pattern can be made monochrome to make it much more readable
2016-12-21 23:10 Intelli: at 02:14:003, try kkkk dddd D
2016-12-21 23:10 Intelli: on an unrelated note, make 04:38:486 1/4th, it plays better
2016-12-21 23:11 Intelli: just make 04:50:727 a spinner tbh
2016-12-21 23:12 Intelli: and 05:03:314 could be made monochrome, but a spinner would also work
2016-12-21 23:12 Voyage: 04:38:831 - I think this is fine as 1/3rd
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: as it goes from 1/6th to 1/3
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: lots of testplayers played fine from what I seen
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: I can agree about the last one pattern being 1/6th
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: as the kats are very hard to hit
2016-12-21 23:16 Intelli: also every sv is greater than or equal to 1x multiplier, why?
2016-12-21 23:17 Intelli: you could very easily drop every single one by .2 or something
2016-12-21 23:17 Intelli: it would make it much more readable, especially considering the complex rhythmns
2016-12-21 23:18 Voyage: The SV parts play fine from what I seen from other testplayers
2016-12-21 23:19 Intelli: i think the problem is you're conflating "testplayers play it well" and "players will play it well"
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: and I was trying to match the erratic parts from the song itself
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: I understand that
2016-12-21 23:19 Intelli: because if every testplayer you got was around my level, it may skew the results
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: I've gotten testplays from most of the skill levels that could play this
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: as far as I'm concerned
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: there was no issues with the SV parts themselves
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: if need be, they'll be pointed out by mods
2016-12-21 23:21 Intelli: thats fair, I just think they could stand to be lower in general, and not by much
2016-12-21 23:21 Voyage: I see
2016-12-21 23:22 Voyage: if anything, the testplays from people who played HR on this didn't have a problem with the SV
2016-12-21 23:23 Intelli: yeah i just played some w/ hr too. most HR players will be used to this kind of sv, because the bpm is kinda low
2016-12-21 23:23 Intelli: hd might be an issue though, but that comes hand in hand with camellia
2016-12-21 23:26 Voyage: I mean, thanks for the input if you any more issues you're welcome to voice them out
2016-12-21 23:27 Intelli: why od 6.4
2016-12-21 23:27 Intelli: lol
2016-12-21 23:27 Voyage: to prevent notelocking but you can recommend a better OD and HP if ya want
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: although a case can be made for >6 od
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: i think 6/5 is what I would go with, because its so long (huehue) and above 6* is generally reserved for super slow but complex songs
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: 5.5 hp is also ok i think
2016-12-21 23:30 Voyage: ye, I agree with your suggestion
2016-12-21 23:31 Voyage: changed it
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: other than that, pretty good, just a couple of slight pattern inconsistencies that mods should clear up.
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: good job for a first time mapper :D
2016-12-21 23:32 Voyage: yeah, this could chalk up as a IRC mod tbh
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: yeah lol
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: oh shoot didnt notice
2016-12-21 23:32 Voyage: Nonetheless, thanks again for the input and feedback
2016-12-21 23:33 Intelli: set all the timing samples to normal
2016-12-21 23:33 Intelli: its kinda an unspoken rule unless you have custom samples
2016-12-21 23:33 Voyage: Oh some of them are set to soft for the default cymbal sounds
2016-12-21 23:34 Voyage: unless there's a better way to emphasize those
2016-12-21 23:34 Intelli: i would either just set it to normal or find a good custom one
2016-12-21 23:35 Voyage: I see
2016-12-21 23:36 Voyage: I mean, I feel like the soft default ones are being left out
2016-12-21 23:36 Voyage: I mostly use the soft default one for finishers
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: yeah i disagree with it too, but it just ends up getting things dq'd
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: if you REALLY wanna use it, you could set the same hitsound to a custom normal one
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: LOL
2016-12-21 23:37 Voyage: yeah
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: I thought about that
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: but idk if someone would chalk that up as a mistake of me switching them since they're default
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: in a mod
2016-12-21 23:38 Intelli: maybe go into audacity and raise the pitch by 1.1x and boom new hs XD
2016-12-21 23:38 Intelli: well as long as you explained idk if it matters
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: hmm, I'll see if I can do that
2016-12-21 23:39 Voyage: do you mind if either you or me post this as an IRC mod?
2016-12-21 23:39 Voyage: you posted some valid suggestions
2016-12-21 23:39 Intelli: sure
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Oui wrote:

from my queue

in general, add som kiai times, and don't abuse of longs 1/6 patterns - Adding in Kiai times would cause some issues from AiMod to pop up and plus, the song's very nature doesn't include much Kiai time at all so I felt leaving out Kiai time was a more viable option. I seldom used 1/6ths patterns compared to the amount of 1/4th patterns in the song and not only that, but, some sections needed the 1/6th patterns or else it would not represent the music very well if I mapped it 1/4th wise and made it undermapped. Nonetheless, thanks for the concerns and I'll be on the lookout if more people address these issues.

00:54:693 (34) - delete - There's a very faint drum sound here so I decided to emphasize it with a Don and plus, I keep consistency by doing the same pattern for similar sections earlier at 00:48:659 (9,10,11,12).
00:55:210 (36) - k - The tone of instrument being played here sounds much lower so I represented it with a Don and I'm keeping consistency with earlier 1/2 patterns like at 00:52:279 (24,25) and 00:49:521 (13,14). Only 00:55:038 (35) is different since it's a Kat, due to the fact the very faint kick sounds are coming in.
00:55:555 (39) - k - This isn't a Kat, since it sounds much lower than the note later at 00:55:728 (40) and there's also a kick sound here as well and plus, I'm keeping the consistency with earlier 1/2 patterns like at 00:52:796 (26,27) and 00:50:038 (15,16).
00:56:245 (42,43,44) - ctrl+g - This pattern wasn't CTRL+G because these two notes at 00:56:072 (41,42) are keeping consistency with earlier 1/2 patterns like at 00:53:314 (28,29) and also the tone sounds much lower for the Don and that's why I emphasize the section with the Kat first. The Kat at 00:56:417 (44) was used to emphasize the faint kicks that are building up throughtout the section.
00:57:107 (47) - k - Changed, I also changed two similar patterns. Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency since I forgot to emphasize the kick sound here.
00:57:452 (49) - delete - I was representing the faint drums sound in the background here and was keeping consistency with a earlier 1/2 pattern at 00:51:417 (20,21,22,23).
01:05:383 (95) - k - Fixed, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency.
01:05:555 (96,97,98) - ctrl+g - I didn't CTRL+G this pattern as the Kat at 01:05:727 (98), was emphasizing the synthetic sound in the background and kick sound as well.
01:07:279 (10) - k - I decided to keep this note a Don, to keep the pattern more consistent and as well as making sure the Kats at 01:07:452 (11,12) sound more rhythmically sounding.
01:07:452 (11) - d - This note was a Kat since it was emphasizing the very faint kick sounds that was building up at this section.
01:07:452 (11) - add a d - ?, unless you're talking about the spaces between the Kat note, I decided to keep them empty as they're sufficiently covered by the Kat sounds.
01:07:452 (11) - ^ - ?, Same as the reasoning stated above.
from 01:30:727 - to 02:13:831 - try to change the patterns, by adding notes between tripplets. - While it's true there's a lot of sounds between the triplets in this section. I decided to keep this section a bit easier and plus, the triplets do well to mask the very faint sounds between them. However, later on at 04:51:934 (41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), Where the music is more intense, I decided to make it more harder and added in notes between the triplets like the suggestion you mentioned.
03:19:090 (88) - - While this part has very faint drums sounds here, the bass sound is much louder and overpowers them, so I emphasized the bass with Dons despite them landing on blue ticks and plus, you can hear the cymbal crash at 03:19:434 (1), which is I used a big Kat finisher here, this section was designed to be hard to hit after the very consistent 1/4th patterns and not only that, but, the break appears right after this.
03:23:659 - try to use as less as possible the breaks in taiko. - Yea, after some feedback from testplayers and other people, I will change this section to be mapped later on, not as of right now.
03:51:245 (23) - delete - This Don was representing the faint drums sounds and as well as the synthetic sound here and plus, it's following consistency with a earlier 1/2 pattern at 00:51:417 (20,21,22,23) and also later on at 03:56:245 (46,47,48,49).
03:53:141 (32) - k - Fixed, as well as other similar notes in this section.
03:54:003 (36) - delete - You can hear a faint drum sound here and so I emphasized that with a Don and plus, I used a similar 1/2 pattern earlier on at 03:47:969 (9,10,11,12).
03:56:762 - delete - I was emphasizing the faint drum sound here as well and also I used a similar 1/2 pattern earlier at 03:50:727 (20,21,22,23).
03:58:659 (58) - k - Changed, as mentioned from one of your earlier suggestions.
03:59:521 (62) - delete - There's faint drum sound and bass here as well and continuing with earlier 1/2 patterns like at 03:53:486 (33,34,35,36).
04:02:279 (76) - delete - Very faint drum sounds here and bass as well and plus, I'm keeping the consistency with these 1/2 patterns earlier at 03:56:245 (46,47,48,49).
04:03:831 (83,84,85) - ctrl+g - This pattern wasn't CTRL+G as these two 1/2 notes at 04:03:659 (86,87) were keeping consistency earlier at 03:49:865 (17,18) and also the Kat at 04:04:003 (89) was representing the kick sounds that build up throughout this section, so I felt the pattern was best not CTRL+G.
04:04:521 (89) - k - Fixed, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency.
04:04:865 (91) - k - I kept this note a Don as changing it would have this section having too much Kats and blocking out the rhythm here and plus, the Don emphasizes the faint drums here.
04:05:038 (92) - d - Didn't make this one a Don, since it's representing the loud synthetic sound here and the bass sound that's building up here.
04:07:969 - in this serie of patterns, try to change some of them by kddkddk... patterns, this sounds pretty well for example (04:09:693 (31) -) - I feel the current set of patterns used here are well suited to the build-up as your suggestion seems to add more and I feel that would overmap it and it wouldn't mesh well with what I have here and later on for the climax for the build-up, so I won't use it but I'll consider it if more people bring this up.
04:19:176 - these patterns are too repetitive - This section of patterns at 04:18:831 (95,96,97,98,99,100,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35) is different from the earlier section of build up and plus, I'd like to keep these patterns consistent since there's no change in the rhythm and it's a consistent build-up, which I feel my patterns represent it well.

Thanks for the mod.
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Intelli wrote:

in game mod

2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: Hi, are you available for a testplay?
2016-12-21 22:15 Intelli: sure
2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: thanks
2016-12-21 22:15 Voyage: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - Key of timepieces]
2016-12-21 22:32 Voyage: ye, hit me up when you're back or something
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: sorry friend was at my house. Just got wisdom teeth out today
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: ye, no worries
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: you don't have to continue the testplay
2016-12-21 22:49 Voyage: I figured out a section that was bothering me lol
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: lol nice
2016-12-21 22:49 Intelli: make sure you don't overuse 1/6ths
2016-12-21 22:50 Intelli: and svs
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: nonetheless, thanks for the testplay
2016-12-21 22:50 Intelli: np
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: I feel the 1/6ths are justified considering the song
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: making them 1/4ths would undermapped them and ruin the consistency of the map
2016-12-21 22:50 Voyage: but fair point
2016-12-21 22:51 Intelli: yeah but for rankability reasons, make sure that they are used consistently (i.e. dont change the patterns too often on them) and when you do use them, it needs to be CLEARLY reflected in the song
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: mmm, I think they're reflected well by the songs
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: the synthetic growls from the song
2016-12-21 22:51 Voyage: and long drawn out glitchy sounds
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: are represented by the 1/6ths
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: almost of all the 1/6ths are used consistently which would be the ones that are quads
2016-12-21 22:52 Voyage: the longer ones are represented by the buildup in the songs
2016-12-21 22:53 Intelli: also 1/6th streams with color changes like at 02:14:003 are not ok at this sr
2016-12-21 22:53 Voyage: but if more people mention them I'll see what I can do
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: The pattern isn't anything ground breaking wise
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: it doesn't violate any rules or guidelines
2016-12-21 22:54 Voyage: if need be, I can change them into seperate two 1/6ths patterns
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: I feel the SR indication doesn't necessarily judge those patterns well enough
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: The mapped is marked with an Extra indicating it's difficulty
2016-12-21 22:55 Voyage: so the 1/6ths patterns are well justified in that aspect
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: but its sr is way too low to justify that type of complex streaming
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: its kinda like "this 4* oni is called oni, so a 32 note long 1/4th stream makes sense"
2016-12-21 22:56 Intelli: see where im coming from?
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: but nothing in the guideline/rules would indicate the SR type of thing tbh
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: but this is a inner oni
2016-12-21 22:57 Voyage: the song's nature allows these types of patterns to exist and I feel it would work
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: most of the 1/4th patterns are well consistent for their difficulty norms
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: and plus, the song indicates the long 1/6th parts with the build up
2016-12-21 22:58 Voyage: I do get your point though
2016-12-21 23:00 Voyage: I feel like using the osu!taiko SR as a indicator on how a map should be complex wouldn't work well
2016-12-21 23:00 Voyage: as the SR is pretty flawed on how it calculates difficulty
2016-12-21 23:00 Intelli: there are between 3 to 5 extra long and difficult 1/6th streams in the map imo, and if i just remove the 3, the sr drops to 5.1
2016-12-21 23:00 Intelli: i know but the point is the 1/6th streams are WAY harder than the rest of the map, even if justified by music
2016-12-21 23:01 Voyage: the difficulty spikes are justified since the music spikes in those sections as well
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: and also for the long 1/6th pattern
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: there's a break section
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: with only 1/2 notes
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: the second long 1/6th pattern goes into 1/4th streams
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: so it build ups and then it slows down
2016-12-21 23:02 Voyage: I do agree the second pattern might need be to reworked nonethelss
2016-12-21 23:03 Intelli: the bass actually dropped out in the others, so most mappers would use finishers or a drum roll to represent the growl because the music technically calms down before the drop on a few of the others
2016-12-21 23:04 Voyage: can you list me where they drop out so I can see?
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: even though it leads to a slow section, 02:14:004
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: 04:50:727
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: 05:03:314
2016-12-21 23:06 Intelli: most striking examples
2016-12-21 23:07 Intelli: just changing those 3 to something like drumrolls would both improve the sr-to-actual difficulty difference, and would make the map more consistent in terms of difficulty
2016-12-21 23:07 Intelli: the one that slows into 1/4ths might just have to be made more monochrome
2016-12-21 23:08 Voyage: hmm
2016-12-21 23:08 Voyage: you think they can be seperated into two 1/6ths patterns?
2016-12-21 23:09 Intelli: actually the one at 04:27:107 could be kddkddkddkddk and work to an extent
2016-12-21 23:09 Voyage: 05:03:314 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42) - I know this pattern can be made monochrome to make it much more readable
2016-12-21 23:10 Intelli: at 02:14:003, try kkkk dddd D
2016-12-21 23:10 Intelli: on an unrelated note, make 04:38:486 1/4th, it plays better
2016-12-21 23:11 Intelli: just make 04:50:727 a spinner tbh
2016-12-21 23:12 Intelli: and 05:03:314 could be made monochrome, but a spinner would also work
2016-12-21 23:12 Voyage: 04:38:831 - I think this is fine as 1/3rd
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: as it goes from 1/6th to 1/3
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: lots of testplayers played fine from what I seen
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: I can agree about the last one pattern being 1/6th
2016-12-21 23:13 Voyage: as the kats are very hard to hit
2016-12-21 23:16 Intelli: also every sv is greater than or equal to 1x multiplier, why?
2016-12-21 23:17 Intelli: you could very easily drop every single one by .2 or something
2016-12-21 23:17 Intelli: it would make it much more readable, especially considering the complex rhythmns
2016-12-21 23:18 Voyage: The SV parts play fine from what I seen from other testplayers
2016-12-21 23:19 Intelli: i think the problem is you're conflating "testplayers play it well" and "players will play it well"
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: and I was trying to match the erratic parts from the song itself
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: I understand that
2016-12-21 23:19 Intelli: because if every testplayer you got was around my level, it may skew the results
2016-12-21 23:19 Voyage: I've gotten testplays from most of the skill levels that could play this
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: as far as I'm concerned
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: there was no issues with the SV parts themselves
2016-12-21 23:20 Voyage: if need be, they'll be pointed out by mods
2016-12-21 23:21 Intelli: thats fair, I just think they could stand to be lower in general, and not by much
2016-12-21 23:21 Voyage: I see
2016-12-21 23:22 Voyage: if anything, the testplays from people who played HR on this didn't have a problem with the SV
2016-12-21 23:23 Intelli: yeah i just played some w/ hr too. most HR players will be used to this kind of sv, because the bpm is kinda low
2016-12-21 23:23 Intelli: hd might be an issue though, but that comes hand in hand with camellia
2016-12-21 23:26 Voyage: I mean, thanks for the input if you any more issues you're welcome to voice them out
2016-12-21 23:27 Intelli: why od 6.4
2016-12-21 23:27 Intelli: lol
2016-12-21 23:27 Voyage: to prevent notelocking but you can recommend a better OD and HP if ya want
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: although a case can be made for >6 od
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: i think 6/5 is what I would go with, because its so long (huehue) and above 6* is generally reserved for super slow but complex songs
2016-12-21 23:30 Intelli: 5.5 hp is also ok i think
2016-12-21 23:30 Voyage: ye, I agree with your suggestion
2016-12-21 23:31 Voyage: changed it
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: other than that, pretty good, just a couple of slight pattern inconsistencies that mods should clear up.
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: good job for a first time mapper :D
2016-12-21 23:32 Voyage: yeah, this could chalk up as a IRC mod tbh
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: yeah lol
2016-12-21 23:32 Intelli: oh shoot didnt notice
2016-12-21 23:32 Voyage: Nonetheless, thanks again for the input and feedback
2016-12-21 23:33 Intelli: set all the timing samples to normal
2016-12-21 23:33 Intelli: its kinda an unspoken rule unless you have custom samples
2016-12-21 23:33 Voyage: Oh some of them are set to soft for the default cymbal sounds
2016-12-21 23:34 Voyage: unless there's a better way to emphasize those
2016-12-21 23:34 Intelli: i would either just set it to normal or find a good custom one
2016-12-21 23:35 Voyage: I see
2016-12-21 23:36 Voyage: I mean, I feel like the soft default ones are being left out
2016-12-21 23:36 Voyage: I mostly use the soft default one for finishers
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: yeah i disagree with it too, but it just ends up getting things dq'd
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: if you REALLY wanna use it, you could set the same hitsound to a custom normal one
2016-12-21 23:37 Intelli: LOL
2016-12-21 23:37 Voyage: yeah
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: I thought about that
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: but idk if someone would chalk that up as a mistake of me switching them since they're default
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: in a mod
2016-12-21 23:38 Intelli: maybe go into audacity and raise the pitch by 1.1x and boom new hs XD
2016-12-21 23:38 Intelli: well as long as you explained idk if it matters
2016-12-21 23:38 Voyage: hmm, I'll see if I can do that
2016-12-21 23:39 Voyage: do you mind if either you or me post this as an IRC mod?
2016-12-21 23:39 Voyage: you posted some valid suggestions
2016-12-21 23:39 Intelli: sure
Did a IRC mod with Intelli and we discussed about the usage of 1/6ths in the beatmap and as well as about the break section used and also the beatmap's difficulty settings that were used and etc.


  1. Some of the long 1/6ths patterns used in the beatmap.
  2. The break section.
  3. Beatmap's difficulty settings.
  4. Changed all Hitsound Samples to Normal.

[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
doesn't anybody suggest to give a "kiai mode" in this beatmap ?
i recommended to put kiai's time in :
01:52:624 - to 02:14:693 - and
04:51:934 - to 05:14:003 -

some part like 00:49:176 - | 00:51:934 - i guess it not cover with any sound, you may delete this
00:50:900 - you can add note here for variety instead
01:04:952 - add don ? a bit drum stream will be energetic
01:07:452 - change don ? snare for 01:07:624 -
01:13:745 - add don ? make not monotoune
01:26:245 - change kat ?
01:45:383 (17,18,19,20) - make kdkkd ?
02:50:986 - delete to emphasize 02:51:159 -
03:07:538 (92,93) - change don
03:09:003 - change don
04:24:952 - add note ?
04:25:124 - | 04:26:503 - add don

well maybe just that
good luck
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

[R] wrote:


[Relics of the Vigenere cipher]
doesn't anybody suggest to give a "kiai mode" in this beatmap ? - Numerous people have mentioned about the lack of Kiai sections in the beatmap itself but however, due to the usage of green inherited points in the beatmap, it would cause issues with AiMod and plus, the song's very nature doesn't exactly need Kiai sections and so I opted to leave them out but I'll consider the timing you used for the Kiai sections if the suggestion arises again.
i recommended to put kiai's time in : - I'll keep note of these timings for Kiai sections in the future, if I need to apply Kiai time later on.
01:52:624 - to 02:14:693 - and
04:51:934 - to 05:14:003 -

some part like 00:49:176 - | 00:51:934 - i guess it not cover with any sound, you may delete this - This section of notes is mapped to the very faint synthetic string instruments here and as well as the faint drums being played in the background so I think leaving this section as is, fits it fine.
00:50:900 - you can add note here for variety instead - You're right that I could add a note, since there's a faint drum sound here but I was keeping consistency with my 1/2 pattern I had used earlier at 00:46:762 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) and plus, the drums here are much fainter compared to when they build up so I can ignore their rhythms in place for a dominant rhythm here.
01:04:952 - add don ? a bit drum stream will be energetic - Adding a Don here would add more unnecessary rhythm here, as I was trying to keep a simple 1/4th beat used here and plus, the Kat earlier at 01:04:865 (91) emphasized the loud synthetic string instrument over the faint drums later on. but I added a Don at 01:04:434 and turned that pattern into a streamy one to add more variety.
01:07:452 - change don ? snare for 01:07:624 - The Kat was emphasizing the faint kick sound here and I was keeping consistency with earlier 1/2 (k,k) patterns like at 01:06:590 (5,6) and 01:04:693 (91,92).
01:13:745 - add don ? make not monotoune - The patterns do switch up each time the song builds up like at 01:14:003 and also, I'm mostly keeping the patterns the same consistency wise to make the beatmap's rhythm build up be the same with the song's build up as well.
01:26:245 - change kat ? - I feel the sounds being played here is the same as similar patterns like earlier at 01:25:555 (49,50,51) and later on at 01:26:934 (59,60,61), I feel the patterns being the same would work best here.
01:45:383 (17,18,19,20) - make kdkkd ? - The patterns being used here should mostly be the same like later on at 01:46:072 (22,23,24,25) to keep consistency, despite the faint drums in between the spaces but those faint drums are later utilized in the map since the song's rhythm is rather simple at this section.
02:50:986 - delete to emphasize 02:51:159 - Deleted, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency.
03:07:538 (92,93) - change don - One of the note is already Don, to emphasize the bass here and the other is a Kat, to represent the synthetic sounds being used here and plus keep consistency the stream pattern like later on at 03:08:659 (100,1,2,3,4,5,6).
03:09:003 - change don - ^, Same as the reasoning stated above, I also wanted to differentiate the streams patterns used earlier at 03:03:141 (56,57,58,59,60,61,62) and 03:01:762 (44,45,46,47,48,49,50).
04:24:952 - add note ? - The Kats being used here emphasize the loud kick sounds here and so, it blocks out the faint rhythms after it and plus, I wanted to keep consistency with my 1/4th pattern being used here for the song's build up.
04:25:124 - | 04:26:503 - add don - ^, Same like the reason mentioned above.

well maybe just that
good luck - Thanks for the mod.
Hola, M4M from my userpage thank you!
Consider adding kiai time in places like:
01:30:555 (4) - And
04:29:865 (87) -
Consider placing something at the start, you don't have to but i think you could if you wanted.
all of this is based on my opinion and experience. it may not match with other players/modders.

[Relics of the Caesar cipher]
• 00:29:696 (20) - you can remove this because there is no note played in the music. appose to later parts of the intro like 00:40:731 (60)
• 00:51:417 (20) - change this to d k k d to match the contour a bit more
• 00:56:934 (46) - ^
• 01:02:452 (76) - ^
• 01:31:072 (7) - 01:33:659 (27) - i feel like the kdk part (1:33:659) pattern works better at the ddk it's a lot of effort to change but i think it'd be worth it
• just wanted to add that with the above point, it works with every section like that IMO
• 03:15:555 (58) - you can get rid of this pattern to match the short break in the music. 03:15:727 (60) - but make this a k finisher
• 03:50:727 (20) - make d k k d to match countour
• 03:56:245 (46) - ^
• 04:01:762 (76) - ^
• 04:41:762 (60) - might as well make this finisher too
• 05:04:003 (43) - make K
• 05:41:590 (11) - there isn't a note in the music so this doesn't need to be here
• 05:52:624 (51) - ^

This is a pretty fun map, good luck with ranking if that's what you're going for!
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Sivies wrote:

Hola, M4M from my userpage thank you! - No problem.
Consider adding kiai time in places like: - I have considered adding in Kiai sections, but the amount of green inherited points used in this map would cause issues with AiMod.
01:30:555 (4) - And
04:29:865 (87) -
Consider placing something at the start, you don't have to but i think you could if you wanted. - Kiai time could be warranted to be added in but I feel they're not entirely necessary and the song's nature itself doesn't need much Kiai sections, so I felt it was better to leave them out.
all of this is based on my opinion and experience. it may not match with other players/modders. - Some other modders had the same opinion but it doesn't affect gameplay wise and it wasn't an issue with most testplayers, but if need be, I can add in Kiai time if it's required later on.

[Relics of the Caesar cipher]
• 00:29:696 (20) - you can remove this because there is no note played in the music. appose to later parts of the intro like 00:40:731 (60) - There is very faint string instruments being played here but you could argue they are so faint it's better to emphasize them but, it would be weird since I have a consistent 1/2 triple pattern going earlier at 00:26:593 (8,9,10) and later on at 00:32:110 (28,29,30), so it would be better to be consistent.
• 00:51:417 (20) - change this to d k k d to match the contour a bit more - The Kats are supposed to emphasize the faint kicks and string instruments here and the Dons represent them trailing off and plus, I'm keep consistency with later patterns that are the same like at 01:02:452 (76,77,78,79). Also, the pattern isn't much of a concern since it's near the build up and the start of the song. Most players will fly by this section without any issues.
• 00:56:934 (46) - ^ - ^, same as the reason stated above.
• 01:02:452 (76) - ^ - ^, same like the reasoning mentioned above.
• 01:31:072 (7) - 01:33:659 (27) - i feel like the kdk part (1:33:659) pattern works better at the ddk it's a lot of effort to change but i think it'd be worth it
• just wanted to add that with the above point, it works with every section like that IMO - I made this section's set of patterns (d,d,k) to break repetition, considering the part after these patterns are exactly the same and plus, I wanted to make the Kats stand out more and emphasize the very loud growls at the end of each pattern and every Don would build off of the Kats here.
• 03:15:555 (58) - you can get rid of this pattern to match the short break in the music. 03:15:727 (60) - but make this a k finisher - There's a short pause here in the music, but I was going for a continunation of the consistent 1/4th patterns here since the short pause is very instaneous and this part is rather similar to the section earlier at 02:59:003 (23,24,25), where I did a similar thing. The Kat at 03:15:727 (60) is very loud, but, the sound the Kat was representing the kick and there was no warranted need to make this a finisher since there's no indication of cymbals crashing here unlike later on at 03:19:434 (1) and earlier at 03:04:348 (66).
• 03:50:727 (20) - make d k k d to match countour - ^, Same reasoning as mentioned way above. I'll reconsider these patterns if they're brought up again by others.
• 03:56:245 (46) - ^ - ^, Same as my reasoning stated above.
• 04:01:762 (76) - ^ - ^, Same like my reasons mentioned above.
• 04:41:762 (60) - might as well make this finisher too - The Don was representing the lower sounding growls here compared to the louder synthetic growls the finishers that I used to emphasize them and plus, making that note a finisher would oversaturate that parts with finishers and block out a lot of rhythm and would sound unnecessary there.
• 05:04:003 (43) - make K - Fixed, thanks for pointing out that inconsistency.
• 05:41:590 (11) - there isn't a note in the music so this doesn't need to be here - This Kat note was emphasizing the clock's large hand ticking that was 60 BPM since they now come in to the music and I decided to emphasize that with Kats.
• 05:52:624 (51) - ^ - ^, Same as the reasoning stated above.

This is a pretty fun map, good luck with ranking if that's what you're going for! - Thanks for the mod.
I like the song
I like this map concept
  1. 00:34:869 - d k d
    | Consistency
    | Fit with melody pitch

    easter egg
  2. 01:04:434 - Remove
    | No sound here (I think remove this won't have much issue with consistency >_> 01:07:193 - )
  3. 02:12:452 - k d k
    | k around here really make nice job on cover high pitched wub and should do the same to this one
    | Patterns look more clean

  4. 02:15:210 - k d k ? (remove the k at 02:16:072 - )
    | 02:14:693 - White noise? make the sound on 02:16:072 - hard to catch ;w;w;w;w;
  5. 02:36:762 - , 02:42:279 - , 02:47:796 - , and yes the note like these should be covered by red note
    | Kicku desu
    | It's fit better with red note

    I don't want my mod to be super long and boring to read so i put it in here
    02:53:314 -
    02:56:676 -
    02:57:365 -
    02:58:831 -
    03:04:348 -
    03:09:865 -
    03:15:383 - d pl0x
  6. 03:45:727 - here comes copy pasta! nothing to see here! these really are solid work!
  7. 04:06:245 - 1/6 please
    | pp I think you forgot to make 1/6
    Why do you care
  8. 04:32:365 - d please for pp consistency... ok
    Stop highlight me!
  9. 04:45:383 - d
    | Kick
    | if you agree you may change 04:44:693 - to kdk cuz beauty pattern

  10. 04:47:883 - add note
    | there is some noise here
    | I prefer this to be kkddk cuz better flow and pattern look relate to other patterns around

    I'm just a space.... stop highlight me! baka!!
  11. I think this need kiai
    01:30:555 - ~ 02:14:693 - cuz sick beat
    04:51:934 - ~ 05:14:003 - According to density (or until 05:36:072 - ?)
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Kantan wrote:

I like the song
I like this map concept - Thanks.
  1. 00:34:869 - d k d - Fixed, right that makes sense.
    | Consistency
    | Fit with melody pitch

    easter egg
  2. 01:04:434 - Remove - Removed, those notes were white noise for the most part.
    | No sound here (I think remove this won't have much issue with consistency >_> 01:07:193 - )
  3. 02:12:452 - k d k - I wanted to emphasize the really high pitch sound at 02:12:452 with a Kat compared to the lower pitch at 02:12:624 , which I used a Don for and also this would go in line with my later 1/6th pattern at 02:12:969 (23,24,25,26) since it follows the same concept used.
    | k around here really make nice job on cover high pitched wub and should do the same to this one
    | Patterns look more clean

  4. 02:15:210 - k d k ? (remove the k at 02:16:072 - ) - I intentionally left the note at 02:15:727 (45) as a Don because the sound there was very faint and covered by the winding down sound from the bass and I used the same pattern later at 02:20:727 (53,54,55). I did alternate between (k,d,d) and (k,d,k) as evident by this pattern at 02:17:969 (47,48,49) which represents a similar but different sound. As for the the Kat at 02:16:072 (46), it's suppose to emphasize the dinging sound and add more variety to this slower section in the song.
    | 02:14:693 - White noise? make the sound on 02:16:072 - hard to catch ;w;w;w;w; - The Don finisher at 02:14:693 (42) is representing the very loud bass after the long 1/6th pattern so I found it rather fitting and plus, the note at 02:16:072 (46) isn't very to read since the SV transitions decently enough for the pattern to be comprehended after the build up.
  5. 02:36:762 - , 02:42:279 - , 02:47:796 - , and yes the note like these should be covered by red note - For those three finishers, I used custom hitsounds to better emphasize the cymbal crashes that are somewhat faint so I think Kat finishers are fine here and also my Don finishers are designated to different sounds that I used for the patterning in this section. But if people bring this suggestion up, I'll reconsider the finishers.
    | Kicku desu
    | It's fit better with red note

    I don't want my mod to be super long and boring to read so i put it in here - All these suggestions in the box have been addressed by my reasoning above.
    02:53:314 -
    02:56:676 -
    02:57:365 -
    02:58:831 -
    03:04:348 -
    03:09:865 -
    03:15:383 - d pl0x - Fixed, forgot about this note so thanks for point out the inconsistency.
  6. 03:45:727 - here comes copy pasta! nothing to see here! these really are solid work! - Yeah, this part is almost identical to the beginning, I did this to keep consistency as the music didn't change too much other than the long build up that comes after this section.
  7. 04:06:245 - 1/6 please - Changed, missed that one.
    | pp I think you forgot to make 1/6
    Why do you care
  8. 04:32:365 - d please for pp consistency... ok - A mixture of consistency and the fact that the 1/6th Don pattern for the most part does well in masking that individual tick in terms of rhythm.
    Stop highlight me!
  9. 04:45:383 - d - Fixed, missed that one also.
    | Kick
    | if you agree you may change 04:44:693 - to kdk cuz beauty pattern

  10. 04:47:883 - add note - Originally wanted to have a Don here as well but the two Dons doesn't mix well with the really loud pitch wubs here so I opted for triplet pattern and just one Don only and plus, keeping some form of consistency with this later pattern at 04:48:141 (5,6,7).
    | there is some noise here
    | I prefer this to be kkddk cuz better flow and pattern look relate to other patterns around

    I'm just a space.... stop highlight me! baka!!
  11. I think this need kiai - Would be an added bonus but the amount of green inherited points would cause issues with AiMod if there were Kiai times added and plus, the song's nature isn't overtly crazy. If I have to change it, I'll probably do it in those sections you listed down below though.
    01:30:555 - ~ 02:14:693 - cuz sick beat
    04:51:934 - ~ 05:14:003 - According to density (or until 05:36:072 - ?)
Thanks for the mod, I noticed the little hidden easter eggs inside the text of your mod, nice little touch.
M4M is here!

  1. 00:30:214 (21,22) - since you're following the lil melody in the background, it's actually 1/2 earlier : 00:30:041 - 00:30:214 -
  2. 00:35:731 (41,42) - the ring note is a way too high to hear anything from those note (and also what they are following
  3. 01:05:555 (96,97,98) - change it into a ddd ? I feel like it follow the melody a lil better.
  4. 01:07:279 (9,10) - your ddk just before this pattern is following the melody. So I think it'd be better to change those note into a k d. since the melody is here : 01:07:279 (9) - .
  5. 01:39:176 (69,70,71,72) - how about changing those 2 doublets, into a dk dk ? I feel like those notes 01:39:262 (70,72) - are more emphasized as k. Tho, it might flow weird with this one 01:39:003 (68) - as, if you change it, I highly recommand to change it as d. Tho², those one 01:40:555 (80,81,82,83) - as kd kd are okay to me with the current pitch.
  6. 02:36:245 (5) - the way it's currently is, is fine. But if you want to make this note different from those 2 02:36:072 (4,6) - ; you can change it into a k. Since this note also have another sound : 02:36:245 (5) - almost similar to a snare.
  7. 02:53:314 (93) - I can understand why it's a big K. But I still prefer this one as a big D. As a K, I feel like it's not this emphasized with the k triplet.
  8. 02:56:417 (8,9) - the sounds are really different to me. How about changing it into K D ?
  9. 02:57:107 (10) - i don't feel like this one have to be a big note. Maybe just me.
  10. 03:28:314 (29,30) - I think it'd be better to have those 2 notes different. Since you're follow the melody which is here 03:28:486 (30,31) - ; and there's nothing from what you follow here : 03:28:314 (29) -
  11. 03:33:831 (57,58) - same thing here. But I prefer 03:34:003 (58) - as d.
  12. 04:35:555 (25) - maybe just me, but I think this one flow better as D.
  13. 05:54:521 (60) - I think this one as k sounds better with the melody pitch.
I hope it was helpful >_>
good luck!
nice SV btw
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Kin wrote:

M4M is here! - Hello.

  1. 00:30:214 (21,22) - since you're following the lil melody in the background, it's actually 1/2 earlier : 00:30:041 - 00:30:214 - I'm following the melody as you mentioned and where it is currently is better compared to 00:30:041, since the melody doesn't start there but a tick later, if anything there's only a piano sound at 00:30:041, which might be what you're talking about and it would be disjarring to break consistency from the set patterning I'm using; especially in a quiet section like this.
  2. 00:35:731 (41,42) - the ring note is a way too high to hear anything from those note (and also what they are following - With the consistent patterning I'm using and how I introduced it at the very beginning. I believe players won't have an issue with this, but if this gets to be a problem I'll just tune down the Hitsound volume here.
  3. 01:05:555 (96,97,98) - change it into a ddd ? I feel like it follow the melody a lil better. - The Kat is there to represent the synthetic ding sound that's present for that particular note and since it's pretty noticeable, I used a Kat there.
  4. 01:07:279 (9,10) - your ddk just before this pattern is following the melody. So I think it'd be better to change those note into a k d. since the melody is here : 01:07:279 (9) - My current patterns are based off of previous sections like at 00:50:555 (17,18,19) and 00:56:072 (41,42,43,44,45), The difference between these three are that the rhythm gets denser due to the drums kicking in, so the notes you mentioned somewhat corresponds to my previous patterns. The Kat at 01:07:452 (10) is representing the snare drum here so switching the two notes would unsuitable in my opinion.
  5. 01:39:176 (69,70,71,72) - how about changing those 2 doublets, into a dk dk ? I feel like those notes 01:39:262 (70,72) - are more emphasized as k. Tho, it might flow weird with this one 01:39:003 (68) - as, if you change it, I highly recommand to change it as d. Tho², those one 01:40:555 (80,81,82,83) - as kd kd are okay to me with the current pitch. - Fixed, I managed to preserve the patterning to make it the least awkward while changing it based on your suggestions since I made the first double full Kat and the second double I switched the two notes.
  6. 02:36:245 (5) - the way it's currently is, is fine. But if you want to make this note different from those 2 02:36:072 (4,6) - ; you can change it into a k. Since this note also have another sound : 02:36:245 (5) - almost similar to a snare. - While I could change those two into Kats, the way it is now is absolutely fine since if anything, the snares are really noticeable at 02:35:555 (1,2,3) and the drums at 02:36:072 (4,5,6) are the main element here and it would best be represented with Kats.
  7. 02:53:314 (93) - I can understand why it's a big K. But I still prefer this one as a big D. As a K, I feel like it's not this emphasized with the k triplet. - I've gotten numerous testplays and most people passed this section decently well so for playability, this section works fine and plus, I think it's emphasized well enough. If other people mention this particular one, I'll see what I can do about it.
  8. 02:56:417 (8,9) - the sounds are really different to me. How about changing it into K D ? - They're representing the loud pitched synthetic sounds here and the Kat finishers at 02:56:676 (9,11) are emphasizing the cymbal sounds here which I use custom Hitsounds for this particular sound. While I could use Don finishers here, I think the sounds here are different from the rest of the song and I believe that it justifies it well enough, since the next section solely uses Kat finishers.
  9. 02:57:107 (10) - i don't feel like this one have to be a big note. Maybe just me. - It is a bit questionable, but I decided to make this note a finisher to stay consistent to the previous two notes and as well as make this note stand out more as well and plus, the sound here has more of a reverb compared to the sound at 02:57:796. So I think it works out fine.
  10. 03:28:314 (29,30) - I think it'd be better to have those 2 notes different. Since you're follow the melody which is here 03:28:486 (30,31) - ; and there's nothing from what you follow here : 03:28:314 (29) - Changed, but not exactly according to your suggestions but it'll follow the melody much better hopefully.
  11. 03:33:831 (57,58) - same thing here. But I prefer 03:34:003 (58) - as d. - I think it's fine the way it is since the Kats are emphasizing the louder melody here while the Don does the opposite.
  12. 04:35:555 (25) - maybe just me, but I think this one flow better as D. - It's fine as a Kat finisher since I used this same note earlier in the song at 02:36:762 (7), This note and my example both emphasize the cymbal crashing, and I think it serves as a great way to introduce a less dense but more pronounced section considering it stops the dense rhythm that starts at 04:31:934.
  13. 05:54:521 (60) - I think this one as k sounds better with the melody pitch. - Changed, but not according to your exact suggestions. But it'll play much better along with the melody.
I hope it was helpful >_> - It was, thanks for the mod.
good luck!
nice SV btw - Thanks.
so many sv in this map :o

d : don
k : kat
D : big don
K : big kat

02:16:015 (57) - delete this and add d in 02:15:986 (57)
02:21:532 (69) - delete this and add d in 02:21:503 (69)
02:27:049 (79) - delete this and add d in 02:27:021 (79)

this is my little mod, hehe :D
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

sweetbravery wrote:

so many sv in this map :o

d : don
k : kat
D : big don
K : big kat

02:16:015 (57) - delete this and add d in 02:15:986 (57) - They're 1/6 doubles, so 1/4 wouldn't sound right and they're perfectly fine as they are right now and plus, changing the note to Don wouldn't make much sense considering there's no bass here and the chimes fit well with the Kats.
02:21:532 (69) - delete this and add d in 02:21:503 (69) - ^, same as the reasoning stated above.
02:27:049 (79) - delete this and add d in 02:27:021 (79) - ^, same like the reasons above.

this is my little mod, hehe :D - Thanks for the mod.
hi ( ´ ▽ ` )ノツ
nm from my queue~
really sorry to late ;w;

[ General ]

generally, many funny pattern, but all same color. you can make different color if it doesn't sounds bad.

[ Relic of the Caesar cipher ]

00:43:659 (1) - how about circles like before pattern? i can't find special reason to use spinner in here. 00:46:417 (1) this finish note will change the mood.

01:25:555 (48,49,50) , 01:26:245 (53,54,55) , 01:26:934 (58,59,60) - all same color, little boring. little color changed is needed imo.

01:27:969 (1) - move at 01:27:796 and delete 01:27:796 (1) imo.

02:16:015 (57,58) - to me, don't look to need. not special sound like 02:21:532 (69,70), and even double notes.

02:43:314 (38,39,40,41) - i think you can make this stream little hard to use noise sound.

04:51:848 (46) - drum sound is here to me in here.

05:03:314 (38) - k? for feel to go lower at this stream.

that's all.
well made map, want to you refer my general area :)
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

404 AccNotFound wrote:

hi ( ´ ▽ ` )ノツ - Hello.
nm from my queue~
really sorry to late ;w; - That's okay.

[ General ]

generally, many funny pattern, but all same color. you can make different color if it doesn't sounds bad. - Sure.

[ Relic of the Caesar cipher ]

00:43:659 (1) - how about circles like before pattern? i can't find special reason to use spinner in here. 00:46:417 (1) this finish note will change the mood. - I used a spinner for the unique key sound here to break the monotonous 1/2 notes here and to also introduce the new section that starts in the song as indicated by the Don finisher at 00:46:417 (1). This spinner is consistently used as shown later on at 03:42:969 (1), for the same exact sound so there's a reason behind it.

01:25:555 (48,49,50) , 01:26:245 (53,54,55) , 01:26:934 (58,59,60) - all same color, little boring. little color changed is needed imo. - You're right, introduced a bit of variation in those triple patterns.

01:27:969 (1) - move at 01:27:796 and delete 01:27:796 (1) imo. - Reason for the Don finisher here is because of the loud bass that I really wanted to emphasize before the drop, since the buildup leads to the Don finisher as well. The spinner is supposed to represent the clocking ticking that starts at 01:27:969 and it fits really well for the particular special sound so I feel the spinner is well justified in that regard. All in all, I feel keeping both of them would best emphasize the rhythm here.

02:16:015 (57,58) - to me, don't look to need. not special sound like 02:21:532 (69,70), and even double notes. - The 1/6 Kat doubles here are perfectly fine to play and as well as emphasizes the clinking and ding sounds that are faint but noticeable here. They're also consistently used as noted later on at 02:21:532 (69,70) and 02:27:049 (79,80). So players can adjust to the 1/6 and it also representing the sounds there as well.

02:43:314 (38,39,40,41) - i think you can make this stream little hard to use noise sound. - This pattern is pretty easy to hit as a 1/3 pattern from my own testplays and others who played it as well and while it's true it's a very faint sound to emphasize, I think 1/3 works for that particular static sound since 1/4 doesn't fit and overpowers it and the 1/3 would work well here since it's a rather technical section here.

04:51:848 (46) - drum sound is here to me in here. - I addressed this issue by making this 1/4 triple at 04:51:590 (43,44,45) a (d,k,k) so that it emphasizes the snare sounds here since I wanted to keep the Kat finisher at 04:51:934 (46) to keep consistency and also emphasizing that loud sound there and have a Kat at 04:51:848 would be breaking the Ranking Criteria here.

05:03:314 (38) - k? for feel to go lower at this stream. - While you're right that I could add Kats here into this 1/6 stream that fits the music well, The 1/6 stream is really hard to hit so I decided to keep it as a monochrome pattern and use Inherited Timing Points to change the volume to emphasize the buildup here.

that's all.
well made map, want to you refer my general area :)
Good luck~ - Thanks for the mod.
hi! for my m4m req :D

well as I told you when we were talking I'm not at metadata stuff so I'm not even trying
offset, bpm, bg, SV multiplier, consistency, volumes... all checked and all right
just a little comment... I know kiai isn't neccesary but you could try it here 01:30:555 - or/and here 04:51:934 - to make it funnier :P

[Relic of the Caesar cipher]
well map is really good but I'd like to point some suggestions that I think can help
  1. 00:28:662 (16) - try a kat here, it makes it a little more dynamic and since you're following the high pitch here then try
    ^ I think there are a lot of k d patterns and could make it a little repetitive
  2. 00:29:352 (18,19,20) - try a k k d pattern considering it's an descendent sound, sounds fine imo bc as I said (think) you're following that sound
  3. 00:34:179 (36) - same comment as above :P
  4. 01:17:969 - on this section try this maybe: I think it fills better and could've fun if you use doubles :P
  5. 01:25:038 - you can also try some doubles here if you like the idea... Also it could be a nice introduction to doubles on next section :P
  6. 02:36:072 - on this section I got just a little confused about some finishers, I think some of them aren't really that strong to deserve a big note D:
  7. 03:15:153 (56) - try a kat here, I think it's nice to use this pattern (because I've not seen that before this place) and gives a better emphasis on next don
  8. 03:23:314 - you can try it here too if you want to
  9. 04:06:245 - similar comment about using doubles, maybe quarters for making it different?
well not anymore comment... I think it's really really nice (star for you<3)
I told you i don't like Camellia but I liked this xD goodluck!
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

xfraczynho wrote:

hi! for my m4m req :D

well as I told you when we were talking I'm not at metadata stuff so I'm not even trying - That's fine.
offset, bpm, bg, SV multiplier, consistency, volumes... all checked and all right - Thanks for the double check.
just a little comment... I know kiai isn't neccesary but you could try it here 01:30:555 - or/and here 04:51:934 - to make it funnier :P - While I do agree with your timestamps on where the Kiai sections could be, I really don't think Kiai sections are too much of a necessity since I feel it's not as energetic, compared to a 200BPM t+pazolite song. The other main reason is mostly that, adding Kiai sections into the timestamps you mentioned would cause errors as stated by AiMod, "Kiai is toggled very frequently!" and that's quite a problem with this map since it's comprised of a lot of SV sections.

[Relic of the Caesar cipher]
well map is really good but I'd like to point some suggestions that I think can help
  1. 00:28:662 (16) - try a kat here, it makes it a little more dynamic and since you're following the high pitch here then try - You're right, changed the intro and end sections that included those parts into Kats to introduce a bit more variation and follow that sound a bit better.
    ^ I think there are a lot of k d patterns and could make it a little repetitive - I'll probably change the intro/end and buildup sections to be a bit more dynamic and less repetitive to play.
  2. 00:29:352 (18,19,20) - try a k k d pattern considering it's an descendent sound, sounds fine imo bc as I said (think) you're following that sound - Yea, fixed that and a couple of others in the intro and end parts.
  3. 00:34:179 (36) - same comment as above :P - ^, changed like I stated above.
  4. 01:17:969 - on this section try this maybe: I think it fills better and could've fun if you use doubles :P - I'm kinda on the fence about this suggestion since the one I originally had and the one you suggested sounds just about the same but mine seems to emphasize some more beats but it's a rather weird pattern, while your suggestion is a bit more conventional in terms of structure. I'll keep it as it originally since numerous testplayers flyby this section without any problems. If others bring it up, I'll reconsider this section but for now, I really think it's fine as it is.
  5. 01:25:038 - you can also try some doubles here if you like the idea... Also it could be a nice introduction to doubles on next section :P - I could use doubles but I don't hear any beat/rhythm that would justify doubles here and that would make this section sound out of place if it did have doubles,
    so I think what I have already is fine enough. The doubles later on the next section have distinct sounds and they introduce themselves fine from what I'm hearing and what I've seen from other testplays.
  6. 02:36:072 - on this section I got just a little confused about some finishers, I think some of them aren't really that strong to deserve a big note D: - This drumstep breakdown section here has really strong bass that I wanted to represent with finishers and this part sounded a lot less strong without the finishers here and also, I felt the finishers and the fast/slow SV section here meshed well to emphasize the drumstep part of this song since it's so different compared to the rest of the song and so far, it worked well. They're shown in a rather readable and presentable manner so finishers are rather notable and are emphasized with the synthetic sounding growls as well.
  7. 03:15:153 (56) - try a kat here, I think it's nice to use this pattern (because I've not seen that before this place) and gives a better emphasis on next don - Didn't exactly changed according to your suggestions but rather made it a 1/6 (k,k,k,k) pattern instead since, the sound here is rather unique and I don't think it shows up anywhere in the song again and also it fits well with the Don notes around it.
  8. 03:23:314 - you can try it here too if you want to - I made it a 1/6 (k,k,d,d) since the synthetic sounds go a pitch lower on the Don notes and it sounded better compared to what you suggested, I did try out what you suggested and there's minor differences between the two but I don't think they affect gameplay too much and what I have and what you suggested are pretty similar in sounds so I don't think it would matter too much hopefully.
  9. 04:06:245 - similar comment about using doubles, maybe quarters for making it different? - ^, won't change it based on the reasoning I stated above and also the section is rather different since it introduces another buildup section with more prominent beats and it does in a weird way so, I think what I have does a similar thing while still retaining emphasis on the important beats. I'll reconsider it if other people bring it up though.
well not anymore comment... I think it's really really nice (star for you<3) - Thanks for the Kudosu.
I told you i don't like Camellia but I liked this xD goodluck! - Thanks for the mod.
From my queue t/594747

Change HP6 to HP4 because this is a marathon diff, and the HP is very high for a marathon diff :o

I feel that you map would benefit greatly if you delete a few notes in the preview point to follow music more closely, and it would also improve playability.
My suggestion is to remove the note after each
K, as each K is on a strong growl with no important sound on the red tick after it. This also keeps the map from becoming messy to play. This would also be a good idea to do because of the frequent SV changes on the big notes. (Ex: 01:30:727 (7) - 01:36:245 (49) - 01:41:762 (92) - )

02:14:003 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - Imo change this pattern to kddkkkkddk for playability and it still sounds fine

00:26:593 (8,9,10) - I think dkd sounds better in these patterns
00:32:110 (28,29,30) - ^
00:34:869 (38,39,40) - If you accepted the previous suggestions, change this pattern to kdd to maintain variety
00:37:628 (48,49,50) - dkd sounds better

00:46:417 (1,2,3) - I feel like you are missing a few strong violin/whatever string instrument this is notes that you could emphasize with a k
03:45:727 (1,2,3) - ^

04:27:107 (57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75) - Holy moly, this pattern is hard. You might want to delete a few notes here and there, especially for the transition into the 1/4 stream

I think that is all i can mod, not very good at playing this difficulty :(

Good luck on this mapset! I hope my mod helped :D
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

strickluke wrote:

From my queue t/594747

Change HP6 to HP4 because this is a marathon diff, and the HP is very high for a marathon diff :o - I think HP6 is absolutely fine for this marathon, the HP was intended to be more of a prominent factor alongside with the current OD. As for your concern about the current HP being high for this marathon, I've seen numerous testplayers pass the map with the current difficulty settings on both Nomod and HR as well. Also, do you mind reiterating the reasoning on why the HP is very high for a marathon? If the HP does become a concern, I might reduce the HP to 5 and have OD7 instead to compensate for the lower HP and also still providing a challenge in terms of accuracy if it comes down to it.

I feel that you map would benefit greatly if you delete a few notes in the preview point to follow music more closely, and it would also improve playability.
My suggestion is to remove the note after each
K, as each K is on a strong growl with no important sound on the red tick after it. This also keeps the map from becoming messy to play. This would also be a good idea to do because of the frequent SV changes on the big notes. (Ex: 01:30:727 (7) - 01:36:245 (49) - 01:41:762 (92) - ) - The Don notes after each finisher were intentional and while you're right that they don't emphasize noticeable sounds in the song, they instead represent the growls subtly trailing off since the pitch of the growls sound much different on the red ticks you mentioned and I showed that with Don notes in those timestamps. I did do what you suggested however, the patterns felt awkward and out of place with the red tick notes gone since the section preceding this one is a buildup section and it leads up to this part of the song, which is Drum & Bass and it indicates a rather constant rhythm, which I showed originally with a mix of 1/2 and 1/4 patterns for emphasis on that. With the red tick notes gone, parts after the finisher were a bit empty and making the notes after that, awkward to play and that wasn't my original intention for that part in the song. Not only that, but I feel that the structure of the patterns is very noticeable and was presented in a concise manner so that players could be accustomed to the patterns and easily adapt to the rhythm being used since it's notably used later on in the second half of the song. The frequent SV changes are very subtle and also doesn't interfere with the notes for readability and are generally used for the 1/6 synth growls that are before the finisher and shouldn't affect the next section of patterns since the finishers indicate the start/end of a measure in the song. Another reason is that I used it quite extensively and consistently throughout the song and deleting those red tick notes would cause some issues later on with the structure. Thanks for your concern though, I'll probably ask for testplays for this part and as well as play it myself so make sure this section of the song is comfortable to play while following the music.
02:14:003 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - Imo change this pattern to kddkkkk
ddk for playability and it still sounds fine - That was originally what the 1/6 pattern was before, but I felt it didn't represent the snyth growl the best and I opt for the pattern which I currently have. The 1/6 pattern I currently have places more emphasis on the Dons which I felt, represented it the best and also emphasized the Kats for the higher pitched sounds here by contrasting it with the high amount of Dons used. Most of the testplayers actually FC this pattern without any qualms or problems about it and the progressive increase of the SV here was done clearly, so I feel what I have right now is fine.

00:26:593 (8,9,10) - I think dkd sounds better in these patterns - Hmm, quite the opposite for me I feel like. The Kat notes are representing the higher pitched keys here and the Don note in the middle of the 1/2 pattern serves to contrast and emphasize the Kat note at 00:26:938 (10) which is largely emphasizing the bell here and as well as the key sound here.
00:32:110 (28,29,30) - ^ - ^, While there isn't bell sounds here , I mostly didn't change based on the reasoning stated above and also keeping consistency here since breaking it would indicate a large change in the song which there isn't any here.
00:34:869 (38,39,40) - If you accepted the previous suggestions, change this pattern to kdd to maintain variety - Fixed, not exactly based on the previous suggestions like you stated, but rather as (d,k,k) since it didn't exactly match up in terms of consistency for patterns I used for that sound and also, I used something different later on.
00:37:628 (48,49,50) - dkd sounds better - What I have sounds fine, once again it represents the key sounds and the bell much more compared to what you suggested from what I'm hearing.

00:46:417 (1,2,3) - I feel like you are missing a few strong violin/whatever string instrument this is notes that you could emphasize with a k - Was intentional, the Dons were showing how low the string instruments sound here and later on, I introduced Kats into the 1/2 notes to indicate progression in the song as well as emphasizing the louder string instruments like at 00:47:796 (6) and 00:48:314 (8). This was done deliberately to show contrast in tone and pitch here. It's also used consistently throughout the buildup sections for each drop so there's some justification behind it as well.
03:45:727 (1,2,3) - ^ - ^, same as the reasoning used above.

04:27:107 (57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75) - Holy moly, this pattern is hard. You might want to delete a few notes here and there, especially for the transition into the 1/4 stream - I agree with you on that pattern is rather hard, I have tried substituting 1/4 notes on the blue ticks after each 1/6 pattern ends on the red ticks but that only made it much harder to play due to the frequent change between 1/6 and 1/4 and that causes some readability and density issues. Not entirely sure about deleting some notes here since I wanted to keep the same level emphasis of the rhythm here with the continuous stream of 1/6 notes since it's the highlight of the second buildup of the second half of the song. I'll reconsider it though, if it gets pointed out a lot later on.

I think that is all i can mod, not very good at playing this difficulty :( - That's fine, thanks for the testplays if I'm correctly assuming.

Good luck on this mapset! I hope my mod helped :D - Thanks for the mod.
05:32:624 - 05:35:383 - pls just don this, cuz kat for that snare drom..05:32:969 - and next... kdk 1/2 for the instrument only in the next part. dont walltext me lul

playshoulder, will be back with mod. I guess but its fukin guud.
Hello, from my modding queue.

  • d=Don
    D=Big Don
    K=Big Katsu

  • wow, too many sv changes, good job
[Relic of the Caesar cipher]

  • 01:01:848 - add a d here, i know there isn't a sound there, but you was using ddk and suddendly stop there, so better keep ddk here for consistency with previous patterns.
    01:19:176 - i suggest removing 01:19:406 - , moving 01:19:463 - to 01:19:434 - and change to k, (kddd)kd fits better there imo as the burst sound stops at 01:19:348 - .
    03:01:762 - due to the sound how about to change to k? kdkkkdk fits good
    03:03:659 - if you applied ^ how about change this to k too?
    03:07:279 - if you applied 03:01:762 -same here about k
    03:12:796 - same, if you applied 03:01:762, change 03:12:796 - and 03:13:314 - to k
    03:27:969 - move this note to 03:27:796 - and change to k, then change 03:27:279 - to d, 03:27:452 - to k and 03:27:624 - to d, fits lot better imo
    03:33:314 - same as ^ if applied
    03:38:831 - ^
    04:07:681 - here it fits a long 1/6 (not like the similar section of the start of the song), you can add a d in 04:07:681 - and 04:07:739 - , and change 04:07:796 - to k removing the finisher, kdddddk 1/6 fits good imo
    04:28:227 - this section is a bit killer xD just suggesting that from 04:28:227 - to 04:29:090 - probably you can add a spinner instead of 1/4 as they are a bit confuse to hit after the long 1/6 (or maybe you can extend the 1/6 instead).
    04:30:900 - change this note and 04:31:417 - to K finishers? they fit better i think.
    04:36:417 - and 04:36:934 - same as ^
    04:42:452 - ^
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Hanjamon wrote:

Hello, from my modding queue.

  • d=Don
    D=Big Don
    K=Big Katsu

  • wow, too many sv changes, good job - Thanks.
[Relic of the Caesar cipher]

  • 01:01:848 - add a d here, i know there isn't a sound there, but you was using ddk and suddendly stop there, so better keep ddk here for consistency with previous patterns. - I'll remap the buildup sections since they don't make much sense right now.
    01:19:176 - i suggest removing 01:19:406 - , moving 01:19:463 - to 01:19:434 - and change to k, (kddd)kd fits better there imo as the burst sound stops at 01:19:348 - . - Fixed, sounds much better.
    03:01:762 - due to the sound how about to change to k? kdkkkdk fits good - That's what I had originally but it sounded really weird considering there was too many Kat notes so instead, I based the kats around the higher pitched vocals and the synth winding sounds and plus, I feel it plays much better and fits the structure more closely than what I had before.
    03:03:659 - if you applied ^ how about change this to k too? - ^, same reasoning as used above.
    03:07:279 - if you applied 03:01:762 -same here about k - ^, same reasoning as stated above.
    03:12:796 - same, if you applied 03:01:762, change 03:12:796 - and 03:13:314 - to k - ^, same reasoning as shown above.
    03:27:969 - move this note to 03:27:796 - and change to k, then change 03:27:279 - to d, 03:27:452 - to k and 03:27:624 - to d, fits lot better imo - Didn't move the first note since what you suggested sounded pretty faint, I tried your other suggestions and I feel what I have currently sounds fine since they represent the pitch of the synthetic sounds more closely in my opinion.
    03:33:314 - same as ^ if applied - ^, same reason as above.
    03:38:831 - ^ - ^, same reason as shown above.
    04:07:681 - here it fits a long 1/6 (not like the similar section of the start of the song), you can add a d in 04:07:681 - and 04:07:739 - , and change 04:07:796 - to k removing the finisher, kdddddk 1/6 fits good imo - Really nice suggestion, but I wanted to emphasize this second buildup through finishers as you can tell later on, I use a lot of finishers. So it wouldn't fit to be honest.
    04:28:227 - this section is a bit killer xD just suggesting that from 04:28:227 - to 04:29:090 - probably you can add a spinner instead of 1/4 as they are a bit confuse to hit after the long 1/6 (or maybe you can extend the 1/6 instead). - I simplified the 1/4 patterns after the 1/6 stream, it should be less confusing and a bit easier to play. (Having that entire part as 1/6 would be kinda overkill).
    04:30:900 - change this note and 04:31:417 - to K finishers? they fit better i think. - The Kat finishers are based on those loud synth sounds with snares and I use Kat finishers for this specific sound like at 04:29:865 (92). I don't think they'd fit any better compared to a Don finisher.
    04:36:417 - and 04:36:934 - same as ^ - ^, same reason as shown above.
    04:42:452 - ^ - ^, same reason as listed above.
Good luck~ - Thanks for the mod.

thx for not walltexting ingame i guess or nah or blah
03:34 Voyage: Do you want me to respond your post and give you kudosu or wait?
03:35 Surono: wait,.
03:35 Voyage: k
03:35 Voyage: o/
03:37 Surono: oor just respon first
03:37 Surono: then I will post mod if i have tim
03:37 Surono: eeeee
03:37 Voyage: Nah, I'll just wait
03:37 Voyage: you probably got other stuff so ye
03:38 Surono: repppppp ,. oke.,
05:18 Surono: ,.
05:18 Voyage: ?
05:18 Surono: so wats ur though bout my that post
05:20 Voyage: Uhh, just waiting for you to finish your mod I guess
05:20 Voyage: I'll respond and give you kudosu then
05:20 Surono: hmm, how about i have no idea to mod ur map :p
05:21 Voyage: I can't really help you there LOL
05:21 Surono: what
05:22 Surono: yeah I think I dont need to mod ur whole map cuz u did something thats rlly guud. hh
05:23 Voyage: Eh, there's always stuff to improve on but if that's what you feel sure
05:23 Surono: `_L`
05:24 Voyage: '_>'
05:24 Surono: ok, if u free.. i will point out some minor or idk
05:24 Voyage: uh sure
05:25 Surono: 01:47:796 -
05:26 Surono: k
05:26 Surono: ,.
05:27 Voyage: I just opt for a different pattern
05:27 Surono: k
05:27 Voyage: sound is pretty unique, sounds better when playing
05:27 Surono: *ok
05:27 Voyage: I can make it a (k,k,d)
05:27 Voyage: though
05:27 Surono: dkk enough with alteration sound
05:27 Voyage: I did the same thing at 04:51:590 (39,40,41)
05:28 Surono: but differ sound... theres drum.. 01:47:796 - kdd or kkd.. yea
05:29 Surono: if u do kkd, 01:48:659 - here kdd ,...
05:30 Voyage: that sounds good, changed to kdd for 01:48:659 -
05:32 Surono: 02:14:578 - u can add here kat, so from 02:14:003 - here is kdddkkkdddk. or just 02:14:348 - 02:14:521 - swap these..
05:32 Surono: ur current pattern are odds alteration.. and its 1/6 orz
05:33 Surono: kdddkkkddd is neat imo with flow...
05:33 Voyage: Makes sense, changed
05:34 Surono: 02:30:900 - idk about this increasing svs on spinner, whats purpose if this? if volume changes, its ok.
05:35 Voyage: I mean, it doesn't affect gameplay
05:35 Voyage: I just did it for fun lol.
05:36 Voyage: I guess it makes the transition between slider and the notes kinda smooth
05:37 Surono: pls lol.... at least those are have vol changes.. ok, idk if other BNs look dis. xd
05:39 Voyage: It's not unrankable nor does it affect gameplay, don't think it matters that much
05:39 Voyage: so yeah I guess
05:39 Surono: lol
05:39 Voyage: If it becomes a big problem, I'll just make it 1.0x SV
05:40 Voyage: no biggie
05:41 Surono: 04:07:452 - 1/6 lul?
05:41 Surono: 04:07:538 - rip
05:41 Voyage: Yup
05:41 Voyage: 1/6
05:42 Voyage: does it play bad?
05:42 Surono: xxx 1/4 pls... noticeablah sound it is, but up to u.. snapping taiko will madus..
05:42 Voyage: I'll keep it 1/6 cause I did use 1/6 earlier at 01:19:176 (93,94,95,96,97,98)
05:44 Surono: thats differ,, ur links are complex beat.. but 04:07:538 - clearly 1/4 .. I have ever seen.. bn pop my bubble bcus case like dis
05:44 Surono: but u can keep it xd as long u tell them x'''d
05:44 Surono: *u can tell them sadsagdgasd nvm
05:45 Voyage: I just tried 1/4
05:45 Voyage: it sounds kinda undermapped
05:45 Voyage: lol...?
05:45 Surono: :ok_hand:
05:45 Voyage: :ok_hand:
05:46 Voyage: 1/4 sounds kinda awkward there, tried every triple pattern
05:47 Voyage: didn't sound well
05:47 Surono: yeah up to u
05:47 Surono: overmapped doesnt mean bad,. undermapped feelsbatman. ikr
05:47 Voyage: yea
05:47 Surono: 04:27:107 - :tank:ing so hard
05:47 Voyage: undermapping is good sometimes, don't think it fits this part though
05:48 Voyage: oh lol
05:48 Voyage: I mean, if you got something better to suggest
05:48 Surono:
05:48 Surono: well try to think this ss, or idk
05:49 Surono: 1/6 with some many cats then 04:27:911 - many dones here...
05:49 Surono: *if u think its guud
05:49 Surono: bout balance..
05:51 Voyage: Sure
05:51 Voyage: fixed it
05:51 Surono: 04:50:727 - then F5
05:51 Surono: beautiful.
05:51 Voyage: sounds good
05:53 Voyage: sounds kinda weird
05:53 Voyage: feel like it should dk 1/6 stream
05:53 Surono: but flow just flat like that... or keep it?
05:53 Voyage: the ddkk 1/6 doesn't sound good
05:53 Voyage: hmm
05:54 Surono: dem increasing from long don then long kat. ok x'''d
05:54 Voyage: I mean, most testplayers didn't have a problem with the original pattern
05:54 Voyage: what do you think?
05:54 Surono: for me, who cant do fast bpm. hurts x'''d
05:55 Surono: or revert colors, kkddkkddkkddk
05:55 Surono: okey thats same. u can keep, i need git gud maybe.. but tbh i just nvr play again for hardmap
05:56 Surono: 05:03:314 - redsnake X"D nvm
05:56 Voyage: r e d snake
05:57 Voyage: yup
05:57 Surono: oooooo dem
05:57 Surono: 05:24:865 - 05:25:383 - dont feel its rip in fading part?
05:58 Surono: dlt one kat of kkkd, then kkd.
05:58 Voyage: last section is pretty boring
05:58 Surono: 05:30:469 - yes
05:59 Voyage: 1/4 mostly of dnb
05:59 Surono: yeh camel lie song..
05:59 Voyage: if you can suggest a better 1/6 pattern
05:59 Surono: but fading.... pls
05:59 Voyage: I'll be happy to change it
05:59 Surono: oo
05:59 Surono: overall?
05:59 Voyage: yea I had 1/4 pattern for that
06:00 Surono: ok.
06:00 Surono: 05:30:469 - fading pls,. dlt dlt dlt. oke done.
06:00 Voyage: I think it's pretty easy to hit
06:00 Surono: me post u update, then me recheck.
06:01 Voyage: 05:30:469 -
06:01 Voyage: delete this note right?
06:01 Surono: 05:41:934 - i hear its similar sound with.. 05:41:590 - add kat there......
06:01 Surono: yes dlt.
06:01 Voyage: Isn't it fading out here instead? 05:30:727 -
06:01 Voyage: @_@
06:02 Voyage: I think the don note fits
06:02 Voyage: since it fades out with the kat notes at 05:30:727 (77,78,79)
06:02 Surono: ok. cuz dem fade
06:03 Voyage: oh are you talking about the ticking sound?
06:03 Surono: nope
06:03 Surono: tone
06:03 Surono: idk, if u done update this tell me. oke updated lets check
06:05 Voyage: 05:41:934 -
06:05 Voyage: this is pretty faint, so probably not gonna add it
06:05 Voyage: I'll update now
06:05 Surono: yeh
06:05 Voyage: updated
06:06 Surono: ok, playing.
06:12 Voyage: o k
06:12 Surono: o last part
06:12 Surono: at least that 1/6 fading and kdddkdk dem..... idk
06:13 Voyage: testplayers fced it for the most part, so idk
06:14 Voyage: Do I respond to your post on the forum?
06:15 Surono: nope.
06:15 Surono: 02:25:814 - dlt greenlines. 02:25:727 - 1.10
06:15 Voyage: ok
06:16 Surono: yeah hoyl ur wholes full green lines just like aspire, are u join aspire? k
06:16 Voyage: fixed it
06:16 Voyage: 1.10 is now on the 02:25:727
06:16 Voyage: 02:25:727 -
06:17 Surono: 04:29:176 - 04:29:262 - idk whats these but maybe i just dum
06:18 Voyage: lol isn't there firce777, fantazy and etc for Aspire
06:18 Voyage: they're really good at that stuff
06:18 Surono: X'd .......
06:18 Voyage: They make the notes not overlap
06:18 Surono: oohhhh
06:18 Surono: X'd .......
06:18 Surono: *dem u sv mapper
06:18 Voyage: :ok_hand:
06:19 Surono: 05:19:693 - k, cuz burrrrsssssst to differ with 05:25:038 - this pianor or idk
06:19 Voyage: ok
06:19 Surono: 05:30:469 - u want dlt it or not.. cuz longstream then suddenly 05:30:727 - from here single notes......
06:19 Voyage: should I make 1/4 or a different 1/6 pattern at 05:25:038
06:20 Surono: so why nut 05:30:210 - triplet 1/4 then 05:30:900 - single nut...
06:20 Voyage: I get what you mean though
06:21 Surono: 05:25:038 - yeah keep it
06:21 Voyage: sure deleted it
06:21 Surono: update it.
06:21 Voyage: deleted that note you said
06:22 Voyage: and make this a 1/4 right? 05:25:038 -
06:23 Surono: yes
06:24 Voyage: done
06:26 Voyage: anything else? gonna update if you want
06:26 Surono: done update?
06:27 Voyage: yeah you want me to update now?
06:27 Surono: yes
06:27 Surono: oohhh I guess u have updated it lul
06:27 Surono: nice, no error issues. posting
Hello Voyage, sorry but me and some other BNs have concerns regarding the map being brought to ranked status now.

-> First of all, could you explain this diffiulty name choice, is it related to the title in some way ? We're just wondering if there is a real sense behind this.

[Relic of Caesar Cipher]

The map is overall very repetitive, for exemple at the beginning of this part 01:30:038 - the triplet usage is extremely redundant, leaving the map far from being brought up to its full potential.

04:27:107 - This isn't the pop reason, but do you think in a 4.5 - 5* worth map, a 20 notes 1/6 burst is appropriate, even if the music calls for it ? It makes a really weird and sudden difficulty spike completely unexpected.

Considering the SVs :

00:46:417 - Why is the build up SV you're using starting from a x1 SV ? And not a lower one ? This is counter productive as a already high SV will be less emphasizing as starting from a lower one. You could try starting from 0.8 and build it up around that.

02:36:762 - Here this is only from me but still : The SV usage at this place feels extremely forced and thus absolutely not intuitive to play. Some say it is fine but I personnaly think it really brings down the map. You should try to have a clear SV structure more focused around sounds than patterns.

In conclusion, the map has potential but you have to make it less repetitive pattern wise and still has to be improved, as it is not reaching the quality we're expecting in the ranked section.
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Arrival wrote:

Hello Voyage, sorry but me and some other BNs have concerns regarding the map being brought to ranked status now. - Thanks for taking a look.

-> First of all, could you explain this diffiulty name choice, is it related to the title in some way ? We're just wondering if there is a real sense behind this. - Difficulty name is based on these three sources: Relic of Cyphisonia, Caesar Method, Key of timepieces. The difficulty name refers to all three by solving the mini-secret/cypher found in Key of timepieces and combining the hints found in this song and the second track in the Cyphisonia E.P. by using the Caesar encryption method and then, you'll unlock a surprise for solving. Overall, the difficulty name bears relation directly to the cypher theme of the E.P. and indirectly to the song through the cypher found in the song to solve the overall secret of the E.P.

[Relic of Caesar Cipher]

The map is overall very repetitive, for exemple at the beginning of this part 01:30:038 - the triplet usage is extremely redundant, leaving the map far from being brought up to its full potential. - The repetitive patterns are very much a driving point for this map, they serve to emphasize both the song purely in its Drum & Bass rhythm and to contrast when the rhythm breaks away from the normal beat the song offers like at 01:38:831, 01:47:624, 01:49:865, 02:00:900, 02:09:176, and etc. like when the song switches to different genres throughout. The usage of the triples are completely fine to be honest and there's no redundancy to them as the music clearly supports them and I decide to represent the high pitched synthetic growls through triples.

04:27:107 - This isn't the pop reason, but do you think in a 4.5 - 5* worth map, a 20 notes 1/6 burst is appropriate, even if the music calls for it ? It makes a really weird and sudden difficulty spike completely unexpected. - I believe the 20 notes 1/6 stream is justified, as you said, the music calls for it through the second buildup and undermapping it by substituting the 1/6 stream with 1/4 or slider or spinner really doesn't represent the second half of the song as it's much more intense with its Dubstep elements being included in. Throughout the map, I use a lot of 1/6ths burst and streams as noted like at 02:14:003, 04:38:486, 04:50:727, 05:00:555, 05:03:314 and ton more smaller 1/6 bursts placed throughout the song. Having these examples strewn everywhere in the map, players should become accustomed to the high amount of 1/6 usage as it's used earlier in the map and throughout the course of it. So it'd be pretty weird to having something easier for this section if I use 1/6 regularly in this map.

Considering the SVs :

00:46:417 - Why is the build up SV you're using starting from a x1 SV ? And not a lower one ? This is counter productive as a already high SV will be less emphasizing as starting from a lower one. You could try starting from 0.8 and build it up around that. - Changing the SV here would make the start of the map counterproductive already since the SV there is 1.0x already. Besides, I feel starting from 1.0x SV is pretty normal..? The increase in SV change is pretty gradual just like how the song builds up and that increase in the intensity of the song starts all the way from the timestamp you listed. The SV structure here is pretty straightforward and shown in a very readable manner, SV changes here are not a major factor in this part of the song as the increased density of the patterns was instead, the main intention. The SV increase serves to only emphasize this buildup of patterns in a more subtle manner.

02:36:762 - Here this is only from me but still : The SV usage at this place feels extremely forced and thus absolutely not intuitive to play. Some say it is fine but I personnaly think it really brings down the map. You should try to have a clear SV structure more focused around sounds than patterns. - Section here is heavily Drumstep/Dubstep and very much different from the rest of the song, so I wanted to emphasize that through the erratic SV changes here so that the genre change here is much more prominent. I do not see how it is extremely forced from your perspective though, it's intuitive to play in my view and all the SV changes are related to each other in how they speed up or slow down for the next SV change on this particular rhythm for this section. I feel that the SV changes here are both equally based on the sounds and patterns here and it's just a matter of interpretation on what the SV structure here should have more importance on.

In conclusion, the map has potential but you have to make it less repetitive pattern wise and still has to be improved, as it is not reaching the quality we're expecting in the ranked section. - Once again, thanks for the mod/in-depth look.
I will make a proper answer tomorrow, im too drunk atm
I pretty much agree with Arrival, in my honest opinion the map is overly repetitive, the overall difficulty is inconsistent with large spikes (mainly the 1/6) and a lot of potential for the song is being ignored.

Mapping directly to the song may work in some types of music, but for this map it just becomes overly repetitive, unintuitive and boring where the song itsself has a lot more to offer.

I would make concrete points on stuff that i feel should be fixed, but for me the problem lies with the map as a whole. I feel like there aren't any concrete changes that could be made to bring the map to sufficient quality without remapping the entire thing. The song itsself is relatively complex and i would reccomend getting more experience in mapping and also becoming better at playing in order to be able to judge what types of patterns are intuitive/interesting/fun to a better extent before revisiting this.
I dont mind about repetitive overall, at least is not randomness to be mapped. so I think its solid. but if you guys feel this is really bad and its about variation, up to you.
I guess the variation are just at some part such burst stream 1/6 or structure odds/evens stream, if you are talking about variety and inconsistency.. kinda confused to discussed it. but yeah its really repetitive, same pattern on different sounds mostly. just realized now bcus too much think its solid...

and I have 1 concern again to point out

04:50:727 - im easily dont mind with/can understand your subjective reason but, if I told you about related with the song.. I guess you will agree. just make it ddkkddkkddkkd or vice versa bcus the flow of sounds are just flat, its just the volume are increasing. yes in editor it sounds bad but if you press F5, i think it fits.
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Chromoxx wrote:

I pretty much agree with Arrival, in my honest opinion the map is overly repetitive, the overall difficulty is inconsistent with large spikes (mainly the 1/6) and a lot of potential for the song is being ignored.

Mapping directly to the song may work in some types of music, but for this map it just becomes overly repetitive, unintuitive and boring where the song itsself has a lot more to offer.

I would make concrete points on stuff that i feel should be fixed, but for me the problem lies with the map as a whole. I feel like there aren't any concrete changes that could be made to bring the map to sufficient quality without remapping the entire thing. The song itsself is relatively complex and i would reccomend getting more experience in mapping and also becoming better at playing in order to be able to judge what types of patterns are intuitive/interesting/fun to a better extent before revisiting this. - Sounds valid, I'll wait for Arrival's response so I can get a sense of what to do.

Surono wrote:

I dont mind about repetitive overall, at least is not randomness to be mapped. so I think its solid. but if you guys feel this is really bad and its about variation, up to you.
I guess the variation are just at some part such burst stream 1/6 or structure odds/evens stream, if you are talking about variety and inconsistency.. kinda confused to discussed it. but yeah its really repetitive, same pattern on different sounds mostly. just realized now bcus too much think its solid...

and I have 1 concern again to point out

04:50:727 - im easily dont mind with/can understand your subjective reason but, if I told you about related with the song.. I guess you will agree. just make it ddkkddkkddkkd or vice versa bcus the flow of sounds are just flat, its just the volume are increasing. yes in editor it sounds bad but if you press F5, i think it fits. - I tried what you suggested and other patterns in the editor and even testplaying them, didn't like how it sounds though, must be my skin's hitsounds or something else since it didn't fit. If you can suggest something a better alternative then yeah, I'll change it if it's good.
Random checking here, as this map has been discussed among the BNs for a while.


> Improper formatting of file names and unused files:

- 'taiko-normal-hitwhistle' should be renamed as 'taiko-normal-hitclap' as Taiko mode does not support custom hitwhistle. It cannot be identified.

I dont really know that taiko-normal-hitwhistle is for K lol

> The diff. name should be fine as it is related to the song to a certain extent, but I guess it would be better if you copy and paste the explanation in the first page of the thread so the people outside won't be too surprised and lost track when they see the stylish title.


! I am pretty much concerned by the SV usage as follows:

> 01:30:038 - this 1.2x usage is weird, since the main theme starts at 01:30:555 - while it only has 1.15x. Judging from the SV, it seems that 01:30:038 - is the boss but not the main theme lol.

> 01:32:969 - these kind of 83% volume is not noticeable and the music itself does not have obvious volume change right here and there (except some sections, will be discussed later in this mod). This green timing point is kinda redundant.

> 01:33:314 - why does this low glitch has a higher SV than the high glitch part? The contrast is weird and mis-matched.

> 01:38:831 - The glitch is dropping down with diminuendo, but you did not put a single green timing point. It goes against your SV style anyway.

> 01:41:245 - another cycle starts

> 01:52:107 - / 01:52:365 - these D should have a sense or feeling of 'pauses and brakes', like what you did at 01:48:141 - . 1.18x is another mis-matching with the coming up 1.15x main theme.

> 02:00:900 - It is a contrary case of 01:38:831 - , there should be some higher SV with higher volume setting

> 03:15:383 - / 03:15:555 - same case with 01:52:107 - / 01:52:365 -, a more vigorous SV change is expected here.

> 04:50:727 - a spinner right here would be great to show another re-join of strong base drum at 04:51:590 - . These 1/6 are too sudden as the main usage of circles right here in this section is to express the strong base drum set, right? These kinds of 1/6 (higher density in terms of beat snapping) is weird, and unexpected.

> 05:03:314 - same case as above, slider words this time due to very low glitch at the BG.

> 05:04:262 - / 05:04:348 - ineffective green timing points, they are redundant for real. Please remove them if you are not going to put any notes on them.

> 05:31:072 - the following volume changes are all mis-matching: the volume of base drum is actually constant, meanwhile the noise gate open at this timing up til 05:36:072 - . In this section, the volume should show a cresc. instead of dim..


I focus on the SV usages only, of course there are bunches of pattern issues aroused from Arrival, but I will leave them to him.

Voyage wrote:

If you can suggest something a better alternative then yeah, I'll change it if it's good.[/b]

last concern about this stream from me, becauseforeasierplayablesothatswhyipointthis.
sorry doublepost, i forget to press edit on my last post.

Skylish wrote:

Random checking here, as this map has been discussed among the BNs for a while.


> Improper formatting of file names and unused files:

- 'taiko-normal-hitwhistle' should be renamed as 'taiko-normal-hitclap' as Taiko mode does not support custom hitwhistle. It cannot be identified.
is not, taiko-normal-hitwhistle for kat finish. you know? yes I confused, with his setting hitsounds panel or i dumb, but yeah so far i know, taiko hitwhistle are used for kat finish. the file of hitsound its cymbal
Topic Starter
Ladies Night

Skylish wrote:

Random checking here, as this map has been discussed among the BNs for a while. - Thanks for taking a look.


> Improper formatting of file names and unused files:

- 'taiko-normal-hitwhistle' should be renamed as 'taiko-normal-hitclap' as Taiko mode does not support custom hitwhistle. It cannot be identified.

I dont really know that taiko-normal-hitwhistle is for K lol - Yeah... seemed a bit weird cause I definitely hear the custom hitsounds.

> The diff. name should be fine as it is related to the song to a certain extent, but I guess it would be better if you copy and paste the explanation in the first page of the thread so the people outside won't be too surprised and lost track when they see the stylish title. - Don't think it's much of an issue, they can look in the threads if they're really curious as to why there's a different difficulty name from the norm. I might consider it if it's brought up multiple times later on.


! I am pretty much concerned by the SV usage as follows:

> 01:30:038 - this 1.2x usage is weird, since the main theme starts at 01:30:555 - while it only has 1.15x. Judging from the SV, it seems that 01:30:038 - is the boss but not the main theme lol. - Higher SV is to represent the sudden drums before the first drop.

> 01:32:969 - these kind of 83% volume is not noticeable and the music itself does not have obvious volume change right here and there (except some sections, will be discussed later in this mod). This green timing point is kinda redundant. - The volume changes are a bit over the top but for the most part, I can hear the subtle differences on my end, since they're supposed to emphasize the loud synth growls.

> 01:33:314 - why does this low glitch has a higher SV than the high glitch part? The contrast is weird and mis-matched. - Actually had the opposite intention with the SV here for the glitchy parts: lower SV for high amounts of glitchy sounds in the song for the former and higher SV for lesser amounts of the glitchy sounds for the latter. That was the intention, sorry for not making that SV concept a bit clearer.

> 01:38:831 - The glitch is dropping down with diminuendo, but you did not put a single green timing point. It goes against your SV style anyway. - Fixed, lowered the SV here 1.10x to show the changes in the song more clearly.

> 01:41:245 - another cycle starts - Won't change due to the one of the reason stated above.

> 01:52:107 - / 01:52:365 - these D should have a sense or feeling of 'pauses and brakes', like what you did at 01:48:141 - . 1.18x is another mis-matching with the coming up 1.15x main theme. - Maybe so but, I interpreted it differently as later on the song is thrusted into the same Drum & Bass with a bit more variation into it and the three finishers here were prominent sounds that I wanted to also show with more speed since earlier on, it was a breakaway and much slower. The three finishers pretty much forces an introduction again to the faster paced rhythm as noted.

> 02:00:900 - It is a contrary case of 01:38:831 - , there should be some higher SV with higher volume setting - SV change sounds reasonable so fixed, the sounds here though, warrant a much lower volume setting I feel.
> 03:15:383 - / 03:15:555 - same case with 01:52:107 - / 01:52:365 -, a more vigorous SV change is expected here. - Just a breakaway from the normal rhythm here so I won't make drastic SV changes though, changed to something a bit more fitting for the situation here.

> 04:50:727 - a spinner right here would be great to show another re-join of strong base drum at 04:51:590 - . These 1/6 are too sudden as the main usage of circles right here in this section is to express the strong base drum set, right? These kinds of 1/6 (higher density in terms of beat snapping) is weird, and unexpected. - Song breaks away from the Dubstep elements from earlier on here and another buildup that leads to the Drum & Bass section warrants the 1/6 in a way that they're not weird and unexpected, since I use 1/6 streams and burst earlier in the song so players can at least expect them and the build up warrants for something different I feel.

> 05:03:314 - same case as above, slider words this time due to very low glitch at the BG. - I feel the 1/6 is actually pretty justified here since players are given ample time to hit this pattern, 1/6 also seems like a better substitution to the high amount beats here compared to a 1/4 slider.
> 05:04:262 - / 05:04:348 - ineffective green timing points, they are redundant for real. Please remove them if you are not going to put any notes on them. - They're to prevent to the higher SV at the 1/6 conflicting with the later sections and the large white tick in gameplay as well. There's a reason behind them so there's no redundancy since it affects purely visuals and gameplay in a way.

> 05:31:072 - the following volume changes are all mis-matching: the volume of base drum is actually constant, meanwhile the noise gate open at this timing up til 05:36:072 - . In this section, the volume should show a cresc. instead of dim.. - Fixed, should be more accurate according to your suggestions. However, volume will stay the same since I mainly focused on the drums instead of the crescendo of the song. Otherwise, there would instead be a spinner here.


I focus on the SV usages only, of course there are bunches of pattern issues aroused from Arrival, but I will leave them to him. - Sure, thanks again for the in-depth look/mod for the SV and volume changes.

Surono wrote:

Voyage wrote:

If you can suggest something a better alternative then yeah, I'll change it if it's good.

last concern about this stream from me, becauseforeasierplayablesothatswhyipointthis. - Changed, sounds good.
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