
azusa - Summer in Photos (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年6月20日 at 下午 05:30:38

Artist: azusa
Title: Summer in Photos(TV Size)
Source: Lotte no Omocha!
Tags: yongtw123 jameskong1 xykbear Manatsu no Photograph ending
BPM: 102
Filesize: 8264kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aoi's Insane (4.9 stars, 202 notes)
  2. Hard (4.54 stars, 159 notes)
  3. Jameskong1's Hard (4.89 stars, 213 notes)
  4. Normal (2.75 stars, 100 notes)
  5. Taiko Oni (4.67 stars, 252 notes)
  6. yongtw123's Easy (1.79 stars, 77 notes)
Download: azusa - Summer in Photos(TV Size)
Download: azusa - Summer in Photos(TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
アスタロッテのおもちゃ!ED - 真夏のフォトグラフ
This my 2nd map
So beautiful song!!

guest diff:
yongtw123's Easy by yongtw123
Jameskong1's Hard by jameskong1
Aoi's Insane by xykbear

Thanks for more and more moding this map and every help me test this map player>"<
Joy it!!
:) :) :)
beautiful song >3<
Topic Starter

Evil_Twilight wrote:

beautiful song >3<
Ibuki Suika
taiko Mod.

I really didn't see anything wrong with it! Really nice slow smooth song~
That ending .75 SV is weird though, might wanna make it back to 1.0
00:05:657 (2,3,5,6,7) - 注意對稱,有必要的話請用Grid Level 4(Tiny)微調
00:10:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:15:951 (5,6) - ^
00:21:245 (4) - 留點空隙,像(2)那樣會比較好看
00:40:363 (1) - finsih?
00:50:216 (2,3) - nazi spacing lol
01:08:010 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - 這整段照spinner前面方法加clap就好了(現在下法有點亂)
01:10:951 (1,2,3) - 個人覺得不太好看...
01:18:010 (2) - whistle at beginning of slider?
01:19:775 (4) - whistle?
01:25:510 (1) - 延長到01:29:186,然後silence?


01:08:892 (4) - 感覺有點多餘?
01:18:304 (4) - ^



Topic Starter

yongtw123 wrote:

00:05:657 (2,3,5,6,7) - 注意對稱,有必要的話請用Grid Level 4(Tiny)微調
00:10:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:15:951 (5,6) - ^
00:21:245 (4) - 留點空隙,像(2)那樣會比較好看
00:40:363 (1) - finsih?
00:50:216 (2,3) - nazi spacing lol
01:08:010 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - 這整段照spinner前面方法加clap就好了(現在下法有點亂)
01:10:951 (1,2,3) - 個人覺得不太好看...
01:18:010 (2) - whistle at beginning of slider?
01:19:775 (4) - whistle?
01:25:510 (1) - 延長到01:29:186,然後silence?


01:08:892 (4) - 感覺有點多餘?
01:18:304 (4) - ^

可以 改成你的diff也可是要3星以下

Topic Starter
nice map star~

IRC moded
Topic Starter

PSPDS Eddie wrote:

nice map star~
thanks mod in IRC
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Cyril Scarlet
GoodMap~ 8-)
star :)
guest diff finished
hit-sound added

:)Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [Kong's Diff].osu
my diff~被JK抢先了!随意吧~ :)
wmf‘s Mod,ignored something... :shock:
star :)
fully HR-able and DT-able lol :)

Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [Easy].osu
nice song~
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why. Remember these are all suggestions.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game :)

  1. The website show six difficulties, but your main post show only three.
  2. Why is there yongtw123 in the tags ? And who's Aoi ç_ç
  3. Your mp3 is 320kbps. (inb4 VBR) You need to re-encode it to 192.
  4. The website doesn't show that the map has a video. :/
  1. This diff doesn't have the video enabled. Also, rename it to yongtw123's Easy or something like that.
  2. 00:28:010 (1) - I really don't think this is a good idea. Such sliders are confusing for new players, since they can't expect the number of repeats. You should delete it, or make it a simple 1/2 repeat slider. :/
  3. 00:38:892 (2,3,4,5,6) - I think this is hard compared to the overall difficulty of this diff. You should probably cut the stream in half or something.
  1. The difficulty settings are really high for a Normal. I suggest you reduce them all by at least one tick (except circle size).
  2. 01:08:010 (1) - This slider is hidden by 01:06:245 (4) -
  1. Make it start at the same time as the other difficulties.
  2. I don't understand why there are sliderwhistles at the end. I honestly think it would be better without them. :/
Kong's Diff
  1. Rename to Kong's Hard ?
  2. 01:10:951 (1,2,3) - This stack looks really bad ingame (check with F5), you should unstack them.
Aoi's Photos
  1. Rename to Aoi's Insane ?
Make the OD 5 ?

[00:05:069] 加一根绿线,之后最开始的红线volume调成30~35%
[00:17:716] whistle
[00:18:010] no whistle


Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [Hard].osu

Kong's Diff

[00:03:304] no whistle
[00:03:598] whistle
[00:30:363] 这里重叠意思不太大 建议稍微做一个jump
[00:38:010] 这slider歪了
[00:44:775] 离得太近了 向右3,向上1
[00:52:128] 向下3
[00:57:716] 适当调整
[00:59:480] 1 up
[01:00:657] 2 down

Aoi's Insane

*BY Wmf's modding /taiko guest queue

[Aoi's Insane]
01:20:363 (8) - New combo and remove 01:21:392 (1). And so on, fix the spacing.
00:23:892 (1-st) - Wistle
00:25:657 (5) - Remove wistle
00:26:245 (8-1st) - Wistle
00:39:775 (4,5,6,7) - W>N>W>N

Kong's Diff]]
James ~ here you are !
第一次mod你的圖a =]
00:40:363 (3-1st) - Finish

Wow Great in here, Good luck..

Odaril wrote:

  1. This diff doesn't have the video enabled. Also, rename it to yongtw123's Easy or something like that. I'll leave this to spboxer3
  2. 00:28:010 (1) - I really don't think this is a good idea. Such sliders are confusing for new players, since they can't expect the number of repeats. You should delete it, or make it a simple 1/2 repeat slider. :/ hmm, i think it's fine though :/, the bpm is slow enough to let players react
  3. 00:38:892 (2,3,4,5,6) - I think this is hard compared to the overall difficulty of this diff. You should probably cut the stream in half or something. Adding some spice to the map to make it a bit more fun? I've hinted this kind of 1/8 pattern before this point.
Although I've decided to not change, still thanks for modding though.
- Kamito -
*o* ~
Set audio lead in for JK1's diff

00:19:186 (1,3) - stack
00:28:304 (3,4,5) - whistle
00:33:892 (4,6) - stack
00:39:775 (4,5,6,...) - make it symmetrical, up 1 grid? otherwise (2) up 1 grid
00:44:186 (4) - down 1 grid
00:46:245 (6,8) - stack
00:48:745 (12,1) - too sudden jump?
01:29:186 - make is softer?

[JK1's Hard]
00:09:186 (1) - whistle
00:21:539 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - down 1 grid
00:23:892 (1,2,3,4) - maybe this overlapped too much with previous notes?
00:28:010 (1) - delete whistle?
00:47:422 (1,2,3) - stack
00:51:833 (4,1) - spacing
01:03:304 (1,2) - stack

00:12:128 - k d d d d k
00:26:833 - ddkkd
00:36:245 - don't recommend such kind of stream, try 00:35:951 - kkd k d k d d K
00:38:892 - k d k k d ...
01:08:992 - delete / remove finish / move 1/2 forward
01:11:833 - dd dk d
01:24:922 - 1/4 forward

Rating: 7/10

Change easy to yongtw123's Easy.
Yumeko Yuki
The 08 team_Bourdon
Star~!! :D
Snowy Dream
  1. The timing sounds really off, I can't get the perfect timing but this offset works for me: 4501 (Ask an expert to check this)
  2. Taiko: You should use AR and HP Drain Rate: "5" too, that suits most of the Taiko diffs.
  3. Tags are not the same between diffs, fix this please.
  4. Are you sure about capitalizing that "P" (Photos)? I tried searching for it but got no results
[yongtw123's Easy]
  1. I don't see why the HP drain is "3". "2" fits this diff imo, consider changing it.
  2. 00:28:010 (1) - Rookies won't expect a 1/4 repeating slider in [Easy], I feel that it's too much for the easier diff, 1/2 sliders sounds perfectly fine, consider changing it.
  3. 00:38:892 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - This seems more like a "Normal-ish" pattern. In my opinion it's too hard for Easy, something like this seems more acceptable. Actually placing a beat here: 00:38:892 - is so unintuitive and hard to hit, If you decide to change the pattern, start it here: 00:39:186 - please.
  4. 00:56:980 (1) - The beginning of this spinner seems a bit random almost like forcing it's length, I would start it here: 00:57:128 -
  5. 00:59:186 (1) - I don't have any problem with this slider starting 1/1 beat after the slider because the BPM is slow but I do care about it being too far from the center, move it closer please.
  6. 01:03:304 (3,4,1) - I don't like to see lots of circles in [Easy] that are not following any specific rhythm just plain 1/2 or 1/1. I suggest to remove (4) it's unnecessary. (I would remove (3) too but I guess you'll refuse to do it :P)
  7. 01:24:922 (1) - Hmm this spinner is not correctly placed, the artist starts to hold the note here: 01:25:363 - fix it please.
  1. 00:08:010 (2) - This slider seems a bit forced, it sounds a bit off. You should remove it and add a circle here: 00:08:598 - instead
  2. 00:36:833 (2) - This slider doesn't feel good, It's rhythm seems a bit iffy. I suggest to make it a bit longer and make it here: 00:37:422 -
  3. 00:40:363 (1) - You should place a "Finish" here to re-mark the music change (and kiai)
  4. 01:00:363 - 01:02:716 - These claps sound SO random, you didn't use claps for the whole map and you sudden add these. You should remove them and use whistles instead. If you decided to keep them you should add some claps to the whole chorus too.
  5. 01:07:716 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern at all, it looks really messy because it's getting covered by the previous slider, I suggest to move the objects a bit. Perhaps something like this?
  6. 01:24:922 (4) - The end of this slide is not correctly placed, It should end here: 01:25:363 -
  7. Consider adding a spinner here: 01:25:510 - to match all the other diffs.
  1. HP drain rate should be reduced 1 tick.
  2. 00:03:010 (1) - This spinner doesn't suit this part IMO, it's way too short and not intuitive at all. I suggest to use a slider instead.
  3. 00:38:892 (1,2,3,4,5) - If you want to use this kind of spacing place a New Combo on (3) because it's so hard to read.
  4. 00:50:069 (1,2,3) - What is this 1/4 mapped to? It's not following any noticeable rhythm you should remove (2)
  5. 00:52:422 (2,3,4) - Same here with (3)
  6. 00:58:010 - I don't like this slider speed change at all 1.5x is too much for a song like this one. I highly suggest to use 1.20 or 1.30 instead.
  7. 01:08:304 (2,3,4,5) - Those whistles on the slider bodies doesn't suit this song IMO, you should remove them.
  8. 01:24:922 (4,5) - These two 1/4 are so hard to hit accurately, actually (5) seems off it should be placed here: 01:25:363 - . However I suggest to use a slider instead of 2 circles.
[Jameskong1's Hard]
  1. Perhaps HP Drain Rate -1 ?
  2. 00:18:010 (3) - That last repeat sounds too "extra" you should remove it.
  3. I don't see major problems here, but there are many streams that are not mapped to any rhythm, sorry but this song is not "streammy" at all. I'll mention some of those:
  4. 00:12:128 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sorry but the artist is just holding a note here, I don't hear any 1/4 rhythm you should use an slider instead of a bunch of circles
  5. 00:26:245 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same here.
  6. 00:51:539 (2,3,4,5) - Same for this one, this is just forcing the difficulty. (Try a slider)
  7. 00:59:186 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^
  8. 01:00:363 (2,3,4,5,6) - Again, remember that you're mapping a song so you should follow that song. There's no 1/4 rhythm on this part.
  9. 01:23:304 (2,3,4,5) - This last pattern is not following the music correctly, It sounds quite off. Try this.
  10. 01:25:878 (1) - Why is this spinner snapped to 1/8, it's not necessary. Make it start here: 01:25:951 -that's where it should start.
  11. This diff is quite nice, but I hate to see those 1/4 streams mapped to nothing.
[Aoi's Insane]
  1. You should start this diff here: 00:00:363 - to match the other diffs.
  2. OD is too high, reduce it 1 tick please.
  3. Quote: I don't see major problems here, but there are many streams that are not mapped to any rhythm, sorry but this song is not "streammy" at all. I won't list all the streams 'cause I'll start raging about them :P
  4. I don't see any major problems here

Gonzvlo wrote:

[yongtw123's Easy]
  1. I don't see why the HP drain is "3". "2" fits this diff imo, consider changing it. done
  2. 00:28:010 (1) - Rookies won't expect a 1/4 repeating slider in [Easy], I feel that it's too much for the easier diff, 1/2 sliders sounds perfectly fine, consider changing it. fixed
  3. 00:38:892 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - This seems more like a "Normal-ish" pattern. In my opinion it's too hard for Easy, something like this seems more acceptable. Actually placing a beat here: 00:38:892 - is so unintuitive and hard to hit, If you decide to change the pattern, start it here: 00:39:186 - please. hmm, it plays out quite nice to me and I'd like some variations even if this diff is an easy. So..probably nope.
  4. 00:56:980 (1) - The beginning of this spinner seems a bit random almost like forcing it's length, I would start it here: 00:57:128 - done
  5. 00:59:186 (1) - I don't have any problem with this slider starting 1/1 beat after the slider because the BPM is slow but I do care about it being too far from the center, move it closer please. ok...
  6. 01:03:304 (3,4,1) - I don't like to see lots of circles in [Easy] that are not following any specific rhythm just plain 1/2 or 1/1. I suggest to remove (4) it's unnecessary. (I would remove (3) too but I guess you'll refuse to do it :P) nah, these two correspond to a hitsound in the background.
  7. 01:24:922 (1) - Hmm this spinner is not correctly placed, the artist starts to hold the note here: 01:25:363 - fix it please. but that would create a large space in timeline...but i really think the spinner is ok :/
Thanks for modding!

Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [yongtw123's Easy].osu

Gonzvlo wrote:

[Aoi's Insane]
  1. You should start this diff here: 00:00:363 - to match the other diffs.
  2. OD is too high, reduce it 1 tick please.
  3. Quote: I don't see major problems here, but there are many streams that are not mapped to any rhythm, sorry but this song is not "streammy" at all. I won't list all the streams 'cause I'll start raging about them :P
  4. I don't see any major problems here
Topic Starter
  1. The timing sounds really off, I can't get the perfect timing but this offset works for me: 4501 (Ask an expert to check this)
  2. Taiko: You should use AR and HP Drain Rate: "5" too, that suits most of the Taiko diffs.
  3. Tags are not the same between diffs, fix this please.
  4. Are you sure about capitalizing that "P" (Photos)? I tried searching for it but got no results
ALL fix :D

  1. 00:08:010 (2) - This slider seems a bit forced, it sounds a bit off. You should remove it and add a circle here: 00:08:598 - instead
  2. 00:36:833 (2) - This slider doesn't feel good, It's rhythm seems a bit iffy. I suggest to make it a bit longer and make it here: 00:37:422 -
  3. 00:40:363 (1) - You should place a "Finish" here to re-mark the music change (and kiai)
  4. 01:00:363 - 01:02:716 - These claps sound SO random, you didn't use claps for the whole map and you sudden add these. You should remove them and use whistles instead. If you decided to keep them you should add some claps to the whole chorus too.
  5. 01:07:716 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern at all, it looks really messy because it's getting covered by the previous slider, I suggest to move the objects a bit. Perhaps something like this?
  6. 01:24:922 (4) - The end of this slide is not correctly placed, It should end here: 01:25:363 -
  7. Consider adding a spinner here: 01:25:510 - to match all the other diffs.
ALL fix :D

  1. HP drain rate should be reduced 1 tick.
  2. 00:03:010 (1) - This spinner doesn't suit this part IMO, it's way too short and not intuitive at all. I suggest to use a slider instead.
  3. 00:38:892 (1,2,3,4,5) - If you want to use this kind of spacing place a New Combo on (3) because it's so hard to read.
  4. 00:50:069 (1,2,3) - What is this 1/4 mapped to? It's not following any noticeable rhythm you should remove (2)
  5. 00:52:422 (2,3,4) - Same here with (3)
  6. 00:58:010 - I don't like this slider speed change at all 1.5x is too much for a song like this one. I highly suggest to use 1.20 or 1.30 instead.
  7. 01:08:304 (2,3,4,5) - Those whistles on the slider bodies doesn't suit this song IMO, you should remove them.
  8. 01:24:922 (4,5) - These two 1/4 are so hard to hit accurately, actually (5) seems off it should be placed here: 01:25:363 - . However I suggest to use a slider instead of 2 circles.
ALL fix :D
[Jameskong1's Hard]
  1. Perhaps HP Drain Rate -1 ? no >.>
  2. 00:18:010 (3) - That last repeat sounds too "extra" you should remove it. changed
  3. I don't see major problems here, but there are many streams that are not mapped to any rhythm, sorry but this song is not "streammy" at all. I'll mention some of those: not for me
  4. 00:12:128 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sorry but the artist is just holding a note here, I don't hear any 1/4 rhythm you should use an slider instead of a bunch of circles
  5. 00:26:245 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same here.
  6. 00:51:539 (2,3,4,5) - Same for this one, this is just forcing the difficulty. (Try a slider)
  7. 00:59:186 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^
  8. 01:00:363 (2,3,4,5,6) - Again, remember that you're mapping a song so you should follow that song. There's no 1/4 rhythm on this part.
  9. 01:23:304 (2,3,4,5) - This last pattern is not following the music correctly, It sounds quite off. Try this. Thanks for the mythod , used
  10. 01:25:878 (1) - Why is this spinner snapped to 1/8, it's not necessary. Make it start here: 01:25:951 -that's where it should start. Nice advice
  11. This diff is quite nice, but I hate to see those 1/4 streams mapped to nothing.
Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [Jameskong1's hard].osu
Topic Starter
all Done :D
Your diffs start from different points. It's a bit weird, but no more than that.
Source : Lotte no Omocha!
Add "Manatsu no Photograph" end "ending" to the tags.
Title : Summer in Photos (TV Size)
Don't forget to make full submit after title fixing. How make full submit correctly

Aoi's Insane
- Add "Letterbox during breaks"
- Try to avoid long combos (over 10). Cut it, where that possible. As example:
00:00:383 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I guess you could add new combo at 00:02:736 (5) . As for me, this is nazi suggestion, you can ignore it :)
01:21:559 (5) - add whistle to the start
01:22:736 (6) - ^
01:23:912 (8) - add whistle to the start, remove whistle from the end
01:24:942 (9) - add whistle

Jameskong1's hard
Capitalize "h" in diff's name => Jameskong1's Hard
Set slider tick rate 1, as in other diffs
01:17:442 (7,1) - a bit confused thing
01:25:383 (5) - this slider sounds very bad, i suggest to remove it, and start spinner from 01:25:383

4 diffirent slider's speed. Try to avoid it. I suggest use 1.3x instead of 1.5x
00:50:383 (2) - 1 grid up for fixing spacing
01:08:324 (2,3) - Fix ends of sliders, they are not snapped 01:23:912 (3,4,5) - spacing, hard to read without spacing

Where is your kiai?
[T] 5089 - set 45 or 50% of volume instead of 30%

00:06:853 (3,4) - spacing
00:21:559 (3) - 1 grid right
00:28:030 (1) - add whistles to the start and to the end
00:56:265 (2) - add whistle to the end
01:00:383 (3) - add whistle
01:00:971 (1) - remove whistle from the start and add whistles to the end
01:02:148 (2) - add whistle to the end
01:10:971 (1) - add whistle to the end
01:12:736 (2) - remove whistle

Aleks719 wrote:

00:06:853 (3,4) - spacing fixed
00:21:559 (3) - 1 grid right
00:28:030 (1) - add whistles to the start and to the end end only
00:56:265 (2) - add whistle to the end
01:00:383 (3) - add whistle
01:00:971 (1) - remove whistle from the start and add whistles to the end
01:02:148 (2) - add whistle to the end
01:10:971 (1) - add whistle to the end
01:12:736 (2) - remove whistle
Others I didn't fix. I place whistles on the same spot as the music does.

Thanks for modding though.

Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [yongtw123's Easy].osu
Download: azusa - summer in Photos(TV Size) (spboxer3) [Jameskong1's Hard].osu
Jameskong1's hard
Capitalize "h" in diff's name => Jameskong1's Hard fixed
Set slider tick rate 1, as in other diffs no
01:17:442 (7,1) - a bit confused thing fine for me
01:25:383 (5) - this slider sounds very bad, i suggest to remove it, and start spinner from 01:25:383 changed

Aleks719 wrote:

Aoi's Insane
- Add "Letterbox during breaks" =no the beatmap with video shouldn't use this
- Try to avoid long combos (over 10). Cut it, where that possible. As example:
00:00:383 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I guess you could add new combo at 00:02:736 (5) . As for me, this is nazi suggestion, you can ignore it :) =max combo under 14 is all fine
01:21:559 (5) - add whistle to the start =ignore
01:22:736 (6) - ^ =done
01:23:912 (8) - add whistle to the start, remove whistle from the end =done
01:24:942 (9) - add whistle =done
thx for your mod :)
Topic Starter
all Done!!!
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