
Indonesian Top CTB Players 2016 [Closed | Video Released]

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Selamat datang di thread Indonesian Top CTB Players 2016, sebelum melakukan voting mohon kerjasama nya untuk membaca seluruh peraturan terlebih dahulu agar tidak ada kesalahan saat voting, jika ada pertanyaan / kritik / saran silahkan langsung PM saya :)

Jangan lupa check extra yak lol


Klik Disini
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, berikut beberapa peraturan yang harus diperhatikan sebelum voting:

1. Semua player boleh melakukan voting maksimal 1 kali
2. Voter diharuskan memiliki setidaknya 1000 playcount pada mode osu!catch agar bisa bergabung ke vote ini.
3. Satu orang hanya dapat memilih sebanyak 10 player dan 4 player setiap mod spesialis secara urut, tidak kurang dan tidak lebih
4. Hanya boleh memilih player yang masuk nominasi
5. Tidak diperbolehkan memilih diri sendiri dalam voting
6. Dalam vote "Mod Specialist", tidak diperkenankan vote player yang sama dalam 2 mod yang berbeda
7. Voting akan berlangsung dari 31 Oktober 2016 - 27 November 2016
8. Voting akan dibagi dalam 2 fase, yaitu :
Fase 1 tanggal 30 Oktober 2016 - 13 November 2016 Thread akan berada pada forum Indonesian
Fase 2 tanggal 14 November 2016 - 27 November 2016 Thread akan berada pada forum Catch the Beat
9. Voting yang telah dipost akan langsung di hitung dalam waktu 1x24 jam, mohon pikiran baik" terlebih dahulu sebelum post voting

Format Voting
Format Voting
Best Player

#1 :
#2 :
#3 :
#4 :
#5 :
#6 :
#7 :
#8 :
#9 :
#10 :

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock :
Double Time :
Hidden :
Flashlight :

Contoh voting yang benar
Best Player

#1 : Player 1
#2 : Player 2
#3 : Player 3
#4 : Player 4
#5 : Player 5
#6 : Player 6
#7 : Player 7
#8 : Player 8
#9 : Player 9
#10 : Player 10

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Player 1
Double Time : Player 2
Hidden : Player 3
Flashlight : Player 11

Contoh voting yang salah
Yang diberi tanda Bold menandakan kesalahan pada vote

Best Player

#1 : Player 1
#2 : Player 2
#3 : Player 3
#4 : Player 4
#5 : Player 5
#6 : Player 6
#7 : Player 7
#8 : Player 8
#9 : Player 9
#10 : Player 1

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Player 1
Double Time : Player 1
Hidden : Player 2
Flashlight : Player 3

Format Penilaian
Klik Disini
Berikut point yang di dapatkan dari voting :

Best Player

#1 : 10 Point
#2 : 9 Point
#3 : 8 Point
#4 : 7 Point
#5 : 6 Point
#6 : 5 Point
#7 : 4 Point
#8 : 3 Point
#9 : 2 Point
#10 : 1 Point

Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini ada point tambahan jika seorang player memiliki prestasi dalam tournament yang di selenggarakan pada tingkat nasional / internasional, syaratnya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Ada thread tournament dan sudah berstatus completed
2. Tournament maksimal di selenggarakan dalam 1 tahun terakhir
3. Format tournament boleh bersifat individual / team
4. Kriteria penambahan point jika player mendapatkan juara 1 (Satu) / 2 (Dua) / 3 (Tiga) pada tournament tersebut

Silahkan pihak player jika memiliki prestasi dalam tournament dan sesuai dengan kriteria diatas bisa PM saya
Penambahan point pada prestasi di atas adalah sebanyak 50 Point

Syarat Nominasi
Klik Disini
Berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini akan ditambahkan syarat nominasi karena sedang ramainya multi-account / account sharing dan untuk mempermudah voter untuk memilih, yaitu:
1. Minimal play count adalah 20.000 Play Count
2. Country Flag pada userpage wajib Indonesia
3. Akun minimal berumur 1 tahun sejak pembuatan akun
4. Player aktif dalam waktu 3 bulan terakhir (Masih membuat record dan warna nama pada leaderboard masih biru)
5. Bukan Multi account dan account sharing (Jika kalian memiliki info tentang player yang multi account, jangan sungkan untuk pm saya)

Jika akun kalian / orang lain memenuhi syarat di atas tapi tidak masuk nominasi silahkan PM saya

El SolarBeam's Record-Based Nomination Algorithm

Klik Disini
Sama seperti tahun 2015, untuk mempermudah para voter yang belum terlalu mengenal kemampuan dari player-player CtB Indonesia, saya berinisiatif untuk membuat sebuah algoritma untuk menampilkan 2 notable record dari tiap player yang kira-kira dapat mewakili kemampuan dari masing-masing player (namun kalau kalian lebih suka melihat keseluruhan record secara detail, kalian boleh saja cek profil mereka satu per satu).

Kelebihan dari algoritma ini:
1. Mempermudah voter yang belum terlalu mengenal kemampuan player CtB Indonesia dalam membandingkan record satu sama lain
2. Menghemat waktu, tenaga, dan kuota internet
3. Mendorong voter untuk melakukan voting secara objektif berdasarkan record yang telah ada, bukan berdasarkan player yang sudah dikenal saja
4. Lebih menonjolkan record yang bersifat unik, dimana tidak semua orang mampu memperoleh record yang bersangkutan
5. Memisahkan player farmer yang cenderung hanya membuat record pada map yang menghasilkan pp tinggi

Kondisi notable record:
1. Record dibuat tidak lebih dari 1 tahun yang lalu sejak list ini dibuat
2. Record dibuat pada map yang telah berstatus ranked sebelum November 2016
3. Record harus Full Combo dan tidak menggunakan mod EZ (Easy), NF (No Fail), dan HT (Half Time)
4. Tidak lebih dari 10 player global atau 2 player nasional yang membuat record di diff terkait dengan menggunakan mod yang sama dan full combo
5. Record hanya diambil dari best performance atau first place ranks yang dimiliki player bersangkutan (pengecualian jika record berasal dari rekomendasi player dan disetujui panitia dengan catatan tidak melanggar kondisi yang lainnya)

Keterangan khusus:
1. Bagi player yang belum memiliki record yang memenuhi seluruh kondisi diatas dan tidak memberikan record, maka ditandai dengan [INSUFFICIENT RECORD]
2. Bagi player yang masih aktif dan memiliki record yang memenuhi syarat, namun dibuat lebih dari 1 tahun yang lalu, maka ditandai dengan [RECORD INACTIVE]
3. Bagi player yang ingin mengganti record miliknya yang ditampilkan disini, silakan PM saya kapan saja, namun cermati terlebih dahulu kondisi diatas

"Perlu diperhatikan pula bahwa kemampuan seorang player tidak hanya ditentukan oleh record yang telah dibuat olehnya, bahkan masih banyak faktor-faktor lainnya yang bisa menjadi acuan. Algoritma ini hanya dapat memetakan kemampuan player berdasarkan record, yang merupakan kekurangan yang telah saya sadari sendiri. Namun untuk sementara waktu, saya rasa hal ini cukup untuk memberi gambaran dari kemampuan masing-masing player."
- El Solarbeam 2015

Terimakasih kepada El Solarbeam karena sudah membuat algoritma ini, direvisi oleh Kazuyo untuk menyesuaikan peraturan voting tahun ini, jika ada syarat yang kurang berkenan dapat PM saya kapanpun

List Nominasi

Klik Disini

  • -[ Asuna ]-


  3. AKINO from bless4 - MIIRO [Miiro] (
  4. LiSA - Rising Hope (TV Size) [Gu's Hard] + HD DT (

  6. 2nd place on Indonesian Catch the Random Cup 2015 as Team Demit

  7. xi - Aragami [Death] (
  8. nano - Bull's eye [Skystar's Extra] (

  9. Icon For Hire - Cynics & Critics [Extreme] + HD (
  10. Mayama Rika - Liar Mask anime size [captin's Insane] + HD (
  11. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  12. orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.) [the faith of truth] (
  13. Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere [GIRLC's Intangible] (
  14. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  15. JAM Project - THE HERO!!~Ikareru Kobushi ni Hi o Tsukero~ (TV Size) [Collab Insane] + HD (
  16. IOSYS - Third Eye ya! [tetetete den den den den] + HD (

  17. Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira! [Dan Dan] + HR (
  18. Matsushita&yuikonnu - LOVE x LOVE Whistle [Extra] (
  19. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

    El Solarbeam
  20. School Food Punishment - in bloom [Insane] + HD DT (
  21. zts - resurrectedreplayer [Intricate] + HD DT (
  22. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  23. t+pazolite - Electric "Sister" Bitch [N/A's INFINITE] (
  24. Reol - MONSTER [FOREVER] (

  25. SPYAIR - I'M A BELIEVER [Xexxar's Extreme] + HD HR (
  26. Hanatan - Shiwa [Insane] + HD HR (
  27. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  28. HIELO - La Posesion Du Mimi - ILLUMINATEK Rmx - HIELO Refuck! [Natsu's Insane] + HD (
  29. Primary - Sweets Weekend [Extra] + HD (

  30. Aqours - Aozora Jumping Heart [Sunshine] + HD (
  31. Wagakki Band - Valkyrie-Ikusa Otome- [Akali's Extra] + HD (

  32. Sayuri - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna [Hard] + HR DT HD (
  33. ELISA - Dear My Friend -Mada Minu Mirai e- (TV size) [Hard] + HR DT HD (
  34. 3rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kue Sus

    Keiji Subarashi
  35. Avicii - Levels [Insane] + HD DT (
  36. I MY ME MINE - Troublemaker [tocean's Salad] + HD HR FL (

  37. ARM (IOSYS) - Koisuru*Uchuu Sensou!! Abababa Mix [Last Bubble's Rain] + HD HR (
  38. Yousei Teikoku - Kuusou Mesorogiwi (TV Size) [Saten] + HD HR (

  39. Aimer with chelly (EGOIST) - ninelie (TV size) [Insane] + HD HR (
  40. Horie Yui - Asymmetry [Collab Platter] + HD HR (
  41. 3rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kue Sus

  42. Halozy - K.O.K.O.R.O [Yoru's Extra] + HR (
  43. ParagonX9 - Chaoz Japan [Clean Cut] + HR (

  44. Kanon Wakeshima - Tsukinami [Fragile] + HD (
  45. Nico Nico Douga - U.N. Owen Was Her? [Normal] + FL (
  46. 2rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kerang Ajaib

  47. Rabpit - Saika [Insane] + HD DT (
  48. Umetora - Ifuudoudou [eveless] + HD DT (
  49. 1st place on Indonesian Catch the Random Cup 2015 as Team LupaCaraMain


  51. Silent Siren - Cherry Bomb [Expert] + HD (
  52. sasakure.UK - HeavenZ-ArmZ [Heaven] + HD (


  54. Sharlo - Songs Compilation [Sharathon] + HD (
  55. BIGBANG&2NE1 - Lollipop [Rainbow] (

  56. Denkishiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan - Toki Hatsuru Yume [Dream] + HD DT (
  57. KOKIA - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. [Hard] + HD HR (
  58. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  59. Sakakibara Yui - Koi no Honoo [ignore's Slider Madness] + HD (
  60. My Chemical Romance - Helena [Kyshiro's Extra] (
  61. 3rd place on Catch the Beat Indonesian Cup 2016

  62. sakuzyo - Imprinting [Orchestra] (
  63. Hatsune Miku - Sayonara Goodbye (Short Ver.) [Insane] + HD HR (

  64. saradisk - 168 - 401 [Insane] + HD DT (
  65. CINDERELLA PROJECT - Star!! [Platter] + HD DT (


History Indonesian Top CTB Player 2012 - 2015

Klik Disini




Klik Disini
Berbeda dengan tahun lalu, tahun ini akan ada hadiah untuk player yang beruntung yaitu supporter tag selama 1 bulan
ketentuan untuk mengikuti adalah :

1. Player yang melakukan vote dengan benar
2. Nomor undian adalah nomor dari post kalian, misal reply ke 10 pada thread maka nomor undian nya adalah 10
3. Berlaku untuk semua player yang melakukan vote baik player indonesia atau bule
4. Hadiah akan diumumkan bersamaan dengan rilis video best player pada bulan desember

English Version | Translated by Senritsu

Welcome to Top Indonesia CtB Players 2016!
Before voting, we are hoping for your cooperation to read the whole rules beforehand to avoid errors in voting.
If you have any question/suggestions, please directly send me a PM :)


click here
Like previously years, there are some rules to follow before you vote :

1. Every player can only vote once
2. Voters need to have at least 1000 playcount on osu!catch mode to be able to join this pool
3. Each player can only choose 10 players and 4 players every mod specialist in order, no more and no less
4. You can only vote for the nominated player
5. Not allowed to vote yourself
6. In "Mode Specialist" vote, not allowed to vote the same player on 2 different modes
7. Vote will be held from 31 October 2016 - 27 November 2016
8. Vote will be divided into 2 phase, that is :
Phase 1 : 31 October 2016 - 13 November 2016 (thread will be placed at Indonesia forum)
Phase 2 : 14 November 2016 - 27 November 2016 (thread will be placed at Catch the Beat forum)
9. Vote which has been posted will immediately locked after 24 hours after the vote casted, so please think carefully about who to vote.

Voting Form
click here
Best Player

#1 :
#2 :
#3 :
#4 :
#5 :
#6 :
#7 :
#8 :
#9 :
#10 :

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock :
Double Time :
Hidden :
Flashlight :

An example of the right vote
Best Player

#1 : Player 1
#2 : Player 2
#3 : Player 3
#4 : Player 4
#5 : Player 5
#6 : Player 6
#7 : Player 7
#8 : Player 8
#9 : Player 9
#10 : Player 10

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Player 1
Double Time : Player 2
Hidden : Player 3
Flashlight : Player 11

An example of the wrong vote
Bold indicates the wrong part of the vote

Best Player

#1 : Player 1
#2 : Player 2
#3 : Player 3
#4 : Player 4
#5 : Player 5
#6 : Player 6
#7 : Player 7
#8 : Player 8
#9 : Player 9
#10 : Player 1

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Player 1
Double Time : Player 1
Hidden : Player 2
Flashlight : Player 3

click here
Here is the points given for each place in voting :+

Best Player

#1 : 10 Point
#2 : 9 Point
#3 : 8 Point
#4 : 7 Point
#5 : 6 Point
#6 : 5 Point
#7 : 4 Point
#8 : 3 Point
#9 : 2 Point
#10 : 1 Point

We have something new this year, and that is a player who won a competition both national / international region, will get additional points, with requirement below :

1. Tournament thread is available and it's already completed
2. Tournament is organized within the last 1 year
3. Individual / team type tournament is allowed
4. Additional point is added if player get the first / second / third place on that tournament

Any player who fulfill the requirement above can send me a PM
Amount of additional point with achievement stated as above is 50 Point

Nomination Requirement
click here
Contrast from the previously years, we have added some new requirements for players to get nominated, that is :
1. Minimum play count to get nominated 20.000 Play Count
2. Country flag on userpage must be Indonesia
3. Account must be minimum one year after the account was made
4. Player is active within last three months
5. Not a multi account (If you have any information regarding this, please don't be afraid to send me a PM)

El SolarBeam's Record-Based Nomination Algorithm

click here
Same as previous year, to help people who haven't known the skill of CtB Indonesia's player, we decided to make an algorithm which shows two notable records from each player, which could represent the ability of each player (but if you prefer seeing all record in details, you can check their profile one by one).

Advantage from this algorithm :
1. Help people to easily know the ability from CtB Indonesia players and to compare each record
2. Saving your time and energy
3. Encourage people to vote bassed on each player's ability, not based on who people already knows/friend of the voter
4. Featuring more unique record, where not all player is able to get the same achievement
5. Separating farmer player who tend to make record on map who gives many pp

Notable record condition :
1. Record is made within one last year since this list is made
2. Record is made on ranked maps before November 2016
3. Record must have full combo and doesnt use EZ (Easy), NF (No Fail), or HT (Half Time) mods
4. Not more than ten global players or two national players make the same record on the same diff using the same mod and full combo
5. Record is only taken from best performance or first place ranks from the relevant players (exception if record is recommended by the player and agreed by manager and does not violate other conditions)

Special information :
1. For player who still doesn't have records that fulfill the requirements above and doesn't give any record, they will be marked as [INSUFFICIENT RECORD]
2. For player who is active and have the records that fulfill the requirements, but made over one last year, they will be marked as [RECORD INACTIVE]
3. For player who wishes to change their displayed records, do PM me anytime, but remember to understand the conditions above

"It's important to note that a player's ability is not only determined by records they have made; in fact, there are many other elements that can be your references. This algorithm map player's ability only based on record, which is a disadvantage i realize by myself. But for the time being, i feel that this algorithm is enough to give an overview from each player's ability."
- El Solarbeam 2015

Thanks to El Solarbeam for making this algorithm, revised by Kazuyo to adjust the rules this year, if there's any unsatisfactory requirements, please gladly PM me anytime you wish

Nomination List

click here

  • -[ Asuna ]-


  3. AKINO from bless4 - MIIRO [Miiro] (
  4. LiSA - Rising Hope (TV Size) [Gu's Hard] + HD DT (

  6. 2nd place on Indonesian Catch the Random Cup 2015 as Team Demit

  7. xi - Aragami [Death] (
  8. nano - Bull's eye [Skystar's Extra] (

  9. Icon For Hire - Cynics & Critics [Extreme] + HD (
  10. Mayama Rika - Liar Mask anime size [captin's Insane] + HD (
  11. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  12. orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.) [the faith of truth] (
  13. Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere [GIRLC's Intangible] (
  14. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  15. JAM Project - THE HERO!!~Ikareru Kobushi ni Hi o Tsukero~ (TV Size) [Collab Insane] + HD (
  16. IOSYS - Third Eye ya! [tetetete den den den den] + HD (

  17. Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira! [Dan Dan] + HR (
  18. Matsushita&yuikonnu - LOVE x LOVE Whistle [Extra] (
  19. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

    El Solarbeam
  20. School Food Punishment - in bloom [Insane] + HD DT (
  21. zts - resurrectedreplayer [Intricate] + HD DT (
  22. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  23. t+pazolite - Electric "Sister" Bitch [N/A's INFINITE] (
  24. Reol - MONSTER [FOREVER] (

  25. SPYAIR - I'M A BELIEVER [Xexxar's Extreme] + HD HR (
  26. Hanatan - Shiwa [Insane] + HD HR (
  27. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  28. HIELO - La Posesion Du Mimi - ILLUMINATEK Rmx - HIELO Refuck! [Natsu's Insane] + HD (
  29. Primary - Sweets Weekend [Extra] + HD (

  30. Aqours - Aozora Jumping Heart [Sunshine] + HD (
  31. Wagakki Band - Valkyrie-Ikusa Otome- [Akali's Extra] + HD (

  32. Sayuri - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna [Hard] + HR DT HD (
  33. ELISA - Dear My Friend -Mada Minu Mirai e- (TV size) [Hard] + HR DT HD (
  34. 3rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kue Sus

    Keiji Subarashi
  35. Avicii - Levels [Insane] + HD DT (
  36. I MY ME MINE - Troublemaker [tocean's Salad] + HD HR FL (

  37. ARM (IOSYS) - Koisuru*Uchuu Sensou!! Abababa Mix [Last Bubble's Rain] + HD HR (
  38. Yousei Teikoku - Kuusou Mesorogiwi (TV Size) [Saten] + HD HR (

  39. Aimer with chelly (EGOIST) - ninelie (TV size) [Insane] + HD HR (
  40. Horie Yui - Asymmetry [Collab Platter] + HD HR (
  41. 3rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kue Sus

  42. Halozy - K.O.K.O.R.O [Yoru's Extra] + HR (
  43. ParagonX9 - Chaoz Japan [Clean Cut] + HR (

  44. Kanon Wakeshima - Tsukinami [Fragile] + HD (
  45. Nico Nico Douga - U.N. Owen Was Her? [Normal] + FL (
  46. 2rd place on Mixed as Six osu!Catch Tournament as Team Kerang Ajaib

  47. Rabpit - Saika [Insane] + HD DT (
  48. Umetora - Ifuudoudou [eveless] + HD DT (
  49. 1st place on Indonesian Catch the Random Cup 2015 as Team LupaCaraMain


  51. Silent Siren - Cherry Bomb [Expert] + HD (
  52. sasakure.UK - HeavenZ-ArmZ [Heaven] + HD (


  54. Sharlo - Songs Compilation [Sharathon] + HD (
  55. BIGBANG&2NE1 - Lollipop [Rainbow] (

  56. Denkishiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan - Toki Hatsuru Yume [Dream] + HD DT (
  57. KOKIA - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. [Hard] + HD HR (
  58. 2nd place on Catch the Beat World Cup 2016 as Team Indonesian

  59. Sakakibara Yui - Koi no Honoo [ignore's Slider Madness] + HD (
  60. My Chemical Romance - Helena [Kyshiro's Extra] (
  61. 3rd place on Catch the Beat Indonesian Cup 2016

  62. sakuzyo - Imprinting [Orchestra] (
  63. Hatsune Miku - Sayonara Goodbye (Short Ver.) [Insane] + HD HR (

  64. saradisk - 168 - 401 [Insane] + HD DT (
  65. CINDERELLA PROJECT - Star!! [Platter] + HD DT (


History of Indonesian CtB Players 2012-2015

click here




click here
Another new thing, this year, there will be a gift for one luck player, and that is one month supporter tag.
Requirement to participate are :

1. Player votes following the exact rules
2. Lotter number is your post's number, example if your post is the 10th reply to the thread, then that's your lottery number
3. Anyone can join, whether you're Indonesian or non-Indonesian
4. Winner will be announced together when best player video is released on December

Goodluck and happy voting~
Topic Starter
List will be updated every 02:00 UTC (21.00 WIB)

Total Vote : 29
Valid Vote : 26
Invalid Vote : 3

Valid Vote List
  1. Galaxi (10)
  2. MizzoKing- (11)
  3. Xinely (12)
  4. Yuri- (14)
  5. Sarada (15)
  6. Funtastic (16)
  7. flavescens (19)
  8. Dreamless- (22)
  9. Time- (23)
  10. Minalinsky- (24)
  11. Shocolade (26)
  12. Emilia-Satella (27)
  13. Shurelia (28)
  14. Surono (30)
  15. dika312 (31)
  16. Rukaru (32)
  17. Valskiel (33)
  18. El SolarBeam (34)
  19. yuda653 (37)
  20. Ddraigon- (38)
  21. Reihan_Xray (43)
  22. yogafm (47)
  23. [ Mephisto ] (48)
  24. mina- (61)
  25. Goomy (66)
  26. moncar321 (67)
Invalid Vote list
  1. Yukaa- (29) -> Vote player that aren't on nomination list, duplicate player vote
  2. - Rii - (50) -> Vote player that aren't on nomination list
  3. Tasked (58) -> Vote player that aren't on nomination list (#9 Yukaa-)
  1. 31-10-2016

    - Added new rule, you need at least 1000 playcount on catch the beat mode (see on rules)
    - Add Mizzoking- Record
    - Add Constantine Record
    - Change on Funtastic Record
    - Add Time- Record
    - Add moncar321 Record
    - Add everyone record (Credit : El Solarbeam)

  2. 1-11-2016

    - Change on sort method nomination list from rank to alphabetical
    - Add Ddraigon- Tournament Record

  3. 3-11-2016

    - Change on Ddraigon- Record
    - Fixed Link on Galaxi Record
pertamax , o wait keduax.


edit , ain't gonna vote before the list detail is completed.

pengen ngintipin dlu rekor2 yg menang nominasi banggakan.

waduh wkwk yang lain pada menang tourney nambah 50 point
welp hype for this!!

gonna vote soon..

Gak ada NoMod speciallist?
gak ada mod HT specialist :'( *ditabok*

gonna vote soon.. [2]
kiki baik banget sih terharu aku :')

good luck and happy voting guys~ :D
I guess I can vote this one later :^)
Wooo no tourney no extra point T-T

nb : kek nya diff nya map gw ada yang salah /?
Masih ga nyangka.... :?: :?: :?
Kenapa Ane Bisa Masuk :?: :?: :?: :?
cacad la ga ada gw ki :(
ok, ini vote saya :

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : dika312
#5 : MizzoKing-
#6 : Shurelia
#7 : Minalinsky-
#8 : Ddraigon-
#9 : Funtastic
#10 : Cera-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

maaf buat yg gk kepilih :)
Good Luck

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : El Solarbeam
#5 : Minalinsky-
#6 : dika312
#7 : Shurelia
#8 : Ddraigon-
#9 : Funtastic
#10 : Cera-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight : Deceitful
Best Players Vote from me o/

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : Galaxi
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : dika312
#7 : Cera-
#8 : Ddraigon-
#9 : mina-
#10 : Time-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : gw MizzoKing-
Topic Starter


halo, changelog di tambahkan pada reply pertama ya, jangan lupa di check terus karena peraturan dan record yang di tampilkan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : El SolarBeam
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : dika312
#7 : Valskiel
#8 : Funtastic
#9 : Ddraigon-
#10 : MizzoKing-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-
Vote from me

#1 : Cera-
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Time-
#4 : Galaxi
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : MizzoKing-
#7 : Deceitful
#8 : Ddraigon-
#9 : Minalinsky-
#10 : El Solarbeam

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Cera-
Flashlight : MizzoKing- [4 mod ar 9 aja dia bisa kok]
Let's vote bois 8-)

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : El Solarbeam
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : dika312
#7 : Time-
#8 : Minalinsky-
#9 : MizzoKing-
#10 : Constantine

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

Kazuyo wrote:

3. Record harus Full Combo dan tidak menggunakan mod EZ (Easy), NF (No Fail), dan HT (Half Time)
wahahaha tangan2 salty hampir tak dapat ikut nih wkwk

gonna vote and submit record very-very soon :')
Caput Mortuum
Best Player

#1 : Surono

oops wrong mode
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : El SolarBeam
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : MizzoKing-
#7 : Valskiel
#8 : dika312
#9 : Ddraigon-
#10 : Funtastic

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El SolarBeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-
kalo misalnya record yg dibanggain EZ gimana :v misal aja

secara EZ skrg ga makin gampang yang ada makin greget lol

btw jujur ga mau vote (males ngevote + semua pro di bidangnya sendiri2)

Eraser wrote:

Best Player

#1 : Surono

oops wrong mode

+1 Surono best player

Constantine wrote:

kalo misalnya record yg dibanggain EZ gimana :v misal aja

secara EZ skrg ga makin gampang yang ada makin greget lol
nah ini akhirnya ada yang ngomong juga
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : MizzoKing-
#5 : Funtastic
#6 : Minalinsky-
#7 : El SolarBeam
#8 : Keiji Subarashi
#9 : Ddraigon-
#10 : dika312

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El SolarBeam
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

Constantine wrote:

kalo misalnya record yg dibanggain EZ gimana :v misal aja

secara EZ skrg ga makin gampang yang ada makin greget lol

btw jujur ga mau vote (males ngevote + semua pro di bidangnya sendiri2)
Vote aja apa susahnya kwkwkwkw, tinggal pilih siapa yg kamu suka, aku ngliatnya dari keseriusan mereka main map sampai fc and "skill"

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : El Solarbeam
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : Kazuyo
#5 : dika321
#6 : Ddraigon-
#7 : Shurelia
#8 : Minalinsky-
#9 : Constantine
#10 : Mizzoking-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : Mizzoking-
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful << (dari 2013 sampai sekarang ini aja terus wkwk NICE!)
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : Kazuyo
#4 : El SolarBeam
#5 : dika312
#6 : MizzoKing-
#7 : Ddraigon-
#8 : Shurelia
#9 : Funtastic
#10 : Time-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

8-) 8-) 8-)
Topic Starter


halo, record semua player sudah di tambahkan, jika ada yang ingin merubah record yang ditampilkan silahkan PM saya kapanpun o/

Top Indonesian Player 2016 Vote:

#1 : Galaxi
#2 : Deceitful
#3 : Kazuyo
#4 : dika312
#5 : Minalinsky-
#6 : Funtastic
#7 : El Solarbeam
#8 : MizzoKing-
#9 : Shurelia
#10 : Valskiel

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-
Best Player

#1 : Kazuyo
#2 : Deceitful
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : Ddraigon
#5 : dika312
#6 : El Solarbeam
#7 : Valskiel
#8 : Shurelia
#9 : Minalinsky-
#10 : mina-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-


  1. 1. Deceitful
  2. 2. El Solarbeam
  3. 3. Galaxi
  4. 4. dika312
  5. 5. Kazuyo
  6. 6. Funtastic
  7. 7. Minalinsky-
  8. 8. Time-
  9. 9. Mizzoking-
  10. 10. Ddraigon-

Mod Specialist

  1. Hardrock : Galaxi
  2. Double Time : El Solarbeam
  3. Hidden : Deceitful
  4. Flashlight : Mizzoking-
Best Player

#1 : Yukaa-
#2 : Yukaa-
#3 : Yukaa-
#4 : Yukaa-
#5 : Yukaa-
#6 : Yukaa-
#7 : Yukaa-
#8 : Yukaa-
#9 : Yukaa-
#10 : Yukaa-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Yukaa-
Double Time : Yukaa-
Hidden : Yukaa-
Flashlight : Yukaa-
it smells like some1 memeing me.,

Surono is not Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : Funtastic
#5 : Kazuyo
#6 : Mizzoking-
#7 : dika312
#8 : Vaskiel
#9 : Time-
#10 : Shurelia

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : Mizzoking-

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : Kazuyo
#4 : El Solarbeam
#5 : Funtastic
#6 : Minalinsky-
#7 : Ddraigon-
#8 : Shurelia
#9 : Time-
#10 : MizzoKing-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Kazuyo
#3 : Galaxi
#4 : El SolarBeam
#5 : Shurelia
#6 : Ddraigon-
#7 : Cera-
#8 : Kyon97
#9 : Funtastic
#10 : MizzoKing-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El SolarBeam
Hidden : Shurelia
Flashlight : MizzoKing-
Best Player

#1 : Kazuyo
#2 : Deceitful
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : Shurelia
#5 : Constantine
#6 : Galaxi
#7 : MizzoKing-
#8 : mina-
#9 : dika312
#10 : yogafm

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : Kazuyo
Hidden : El Solarbeam
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

99% voting FL to mijon
El SolarBeam
Glad this project has been made without any unnecessary memes wqwq
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : dika312
#4 : Kazuyo
#5 : yogafm
#6 : Minalinsky-
#7 : Ddraigon-
#8 : Time-
#9 : Shurelia
#10 : Constantine

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

Jujur agak bingung nentuin urutannya karena taun ini pada mendadak pada jago wkwk.
Mantap dah rekornya secara kuantitas meningkat drastis dibanding taun kemaren.

Valskiel wrote:

Best Player

#1 : Kazuyo
#2 : Deceitful
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : Shurelia
#5 : Constantine
#6 : Galaxi
#7 : MizzoKing-
#8 : mina-
#9 : dika312
#10 : yogafm

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : Kazuyo
Hidden : El Solarbeam
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

99% voting FL to mijon
belom tento 99% masih ada yg lain

Yukaa- wrote:

Best Player

#1 : Yukaa-
#2 : Yukaa-
#3 : Yukaa-
#4 : Yukaa-
#5 : Yukaa-
#6 : Yukaa-
#7 : Yukaa-
#8 : Yukaa-
#9 : Yukaa-
#10 : Yukaa-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Yukaa-
Double Time : Yukaa-
Hidden : Yukaa-
Flashlight : Yukaa-
susu murniii nasiionall ~~~

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : Funtastic
#5 : Kazuyo
#6 : yogafm
#7 : Ddraigon-
#8 : Time-
#9 : Mizzoking-
#10 : Mina-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Kazuyo
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight :Mizzoking-

btw netama- mana ya ? padahal dia jago hrnya ..
#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : El Solarbeam
#4 : dika312
#5 : MizzoKing-
#6 : Time-
#7 : Minalinsky-
#8 : Shurelia
#9 : Kazuyo
#10 : Kyon97

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : MizzoKing-

Btw, thanks yg masih vote gue walaupun udh gabut maen gara-gara kesibukan RL yah. Good Luck~

Ddraigon- wrote:

Btw, thanks yg masih vote gue walaupun udh gabut maen gara-gara kesibukan RL yah. Good Luck~

derita maba dod sama kok :')

yuda653 wrote:

Ddraigon- wrote:

Btw, thanks yg masih vote gue walaupun udh gabut maen gara-gara kesibukan RL yah. Good Luck~

derita maba dod sama kok :')
Iya, nih. Terima aja lah. Mau digimanain lgi sih, sdh kolot. Wkwk
Vote saya pls :^)
will vote later

Senritsu wrote:


jamin mel gw insta win
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : Kazuyo
#4 : El SolarBeam
#5 : Minalinsky-
#6 : dika312
#7 : Ddraigon-
#8 : MizzoKing-
#9 : Shurelia
#10 : Time-

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Minalinsky-
Double Time : Galaxi
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight : MizzoKing-
wadowado udah mulai ketika tidak ada leptop

akan diedit setelah bermain osu diwarnet.
"i want my friend in this list so bad so imma fuckin put him above deceitful"
meme anyone?

OkigamiKarnazt wrote:

"i want my friend in this list so bad so imma fuckin put him above deceitful"
meme anyone?
kalau yang kamu maksud itu ngajakin orang nge meme di sini , kalau begitu lebih baik jangan.

Kalau kamu baper atau ga suka atau semacamnya karena vote-vote yang ada di sini kalau begitu kamu terlalu berpikiran negatif.
Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Galaxi
#3 : Kazuyo
#4 : El Solarbeam
#5 : Minalinsky-
#6 : Ddraigon-
#7 : Funtastic
#8 : Keiji Subarashi
#9 : dika312
#10 : Constantine

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El Solarbeam
Hidden : Ddraigon-
Flashlight : Keiji Subarashi

makasih yg udah vote saya, apalagi di vote sama veteran DT :)
tahun kemaren ga vote :(

Best Player

#1 : Deceitful
#2 : Time-
#3 : Kyon97
#4 : Mizzoking-
#5 : Funtastic
#6 : Shurelia
#7 : Galaxi
#8 : El Solarbeam
#9 : Neuphia
#10 : Constantine

Mod Specialist

Hard Rock : Galaxi
Double Time : El SolarBeam
Hidden : Deceitful
Flashlight : Mizzoking-

OkigamiKarnazt wrote:

"i want my friend in this list so bad so imma fuckin put him above deceitful"
meme anyone?
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