
DECO*27 - Streaming Heart feat. Hatsune Miku

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, 26 February 2017 at 11:01:17 PM

Artist: DECO*27
Title: Streaming Heart feat. Hatsune Miku
Tags: Hatsune Miku Japanese DECO*27
BPM: 210
Filesize: 4733kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Broken heart (5.48 stars, 581 notes)
Download: DECO*27 - Streaming Heart feat. Hatsune Miku
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2nd beatmap, learning to map better.

If you downloaded before 26/02 you will need to update to get some of the major changes.

Making slight adjustments as I go...

To do:
MAYBE another diff. I'm not too sure what mode. Possibly catch? Possibly a gd?
Object spacing?

Major fixes:
HP drain
Overlapping circles/sliders

Kiai time
Slider velocity
Fixed offset
All objects (open to negotiation)

If you have any suggestions as to what difficulty could be added, please message me or leave it as a reply on this beatmap.
18:56 Kondou-Shinichi: wait, you're modding my map?
18:56 AmateurMonkeyYT: yup
18:56 AmateurMonkeyYT: I am right now
18:56 Kondou-Shinichi: Im modding yours LOL
18:56 AmateurMonkeyYT: why?
18:56 AmateurMonkeyYT: lol
18:56 AmateurMonkeyYT: xD
18:57 AmateurMonkeyYT: unintended m4m
18:57 Kondou-Shinichi: might just put the mods in the chat xD
19:00 AmateurMonkeyYT: I just changed the offset of your level for you, is it alright if I save the changed offset?
19:00 Kondou-Shinichi: yep
19:00 AmateurMonkeyYT: I've hade is in time with the music
19:01 AmateurMonkeyYT: kk
19:01 Kondou-Shinichi: whats the offset?
19:02 AmateurMonkeyYT: Hard to explain, but the offset changes the alignment of the music
19:02 Kondou-Shinichi: no
19:02 Kondou-Shinichi: I mean
19:02 Kondou-Shinichi: what did you change into
19:02 AmateurMonkeyYT: from 140 to 120
19:03 Kondou-Shinichi: ok
19:07 Kondou-Shinichi: About your map
19:07 Kondou-Shinichi: Err
19:07 Kondou-Shinichi: Timing is FINE
19:08 AmateurMonkeyYT: yea?
19:08 Kondou-Shinichi: since I don't really know much thing about timing xd
19:08 Kondou-Shinichi: err
19:08 AmateurMonkeyYT: xD
19:08 Kondou-Shinichi: The object positioning really do need work on xD
19:08 AmateurMonkeyYT: yeah...
19:09 Kondou-Shinichi: also please consider if you should put my mods in
19:09 Kondou-Shinichi: its shit
19:09 AmateurMonkeyYT: That's why I've been requesting it for a mod.
19:09 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:05:776 (1) - no need new color
19:09 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:09:633 (1) - ^^^
19:10 AmateurMonkeyYT: put that in the reply so that I can decide to give you kudosu for it if it works
19:10 Kondou-Shinichi: ill put our chat log there
19:10 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:41:919 (1,2,3,4) - either increase spacing, or no need new combo
19:11 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:50:347 (1) - 00:52:633 (1) - I dun liek spinners here :< (just put sliders)
19:11 Kondou-Shinichi: ah
19:12 Kondou-Shinichi: something important
19:12 Kondou-Shinichi: you adjusted the offset before right?
19:12 AmateurMonkeyYT: yep
19:12 Kondou-Shinichi: the inherent points were off
19:12 AmateurMonkeyYT: I've checked the offset
19:12 AmateurMonkeyYT: yep
19:13 AmateurMonkeyYT: I was going to change that when I got round to making more changes to it, but lazy me...
19:13 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:56:348 (7,1) - too large gap
19:13 AmateurMonkeyYT: xD
19:13 Kondou-Shinichi: you can select all points and decrease it by ticks
19:13 Kondou-Shinichi: 00:57:205 (1) - spacing 2017
19:14 Kondou-Shinichi: 01:15:490 - I find this part amazing, but putting a break is fine lol
19:14 Kondou-Shinichi: (the music part)
19:15 Kondou-Shinichi: 01:24:633 - to 01:32:776 - lower intensity of music lower spacing plz
19:16 Kondou-Shinichi: 01:42:633 - I perfer [ this]
19:17 Kondou-Shinichi: 01:52:062 - to 02:01:205 - make it harder, it's too easy for a loud part
19:17 Kondou-Shinichi: 02:09:205 - start the stream right away
19:17 Kondou-Shinichi: 02:09:847 (1,1) - why don't end the spinner on the white tick
19:18 Kondou-Shinichi: 02:27:347 (2,3,4) - idk lol, prob the epicest slider
19:19 Kondou-Shinichi: 02:32:062 - dun get lazy wake up keep mapping
19:19 Kondou-Shinichi: now generally
19:19 Kondou-Shinichi: Are you mapping to the lyrics?
19:19 AmateurMonkeyYT: mostly
19:20 Kondou-Shinichi: If I were you I won't have gaps
19:20 Kondou-Shinichi: because its actually hard to read lol (for me)
19:20 AmateurMonkeyYT: ok
19:20 Kondou-Shinichi: The spacing is a bit strange
19:21 AmateurMonkeyYT: gtg now, sorry
19:21 Kondou-Shinichi: Sliders very fast such sliders
If you need GD tell me


Sound Volume = 50% pls
CS = 4
Don't use x2.00 slider velocity neither x1,50, is too fast and your is making distance more then normal
2,00 slider velocidade * 1,5 = 3,00 slider velocity = Extreme


About the jumps, you are using jumps, without have the "jumps" in sound, be careful, use the jumps precisely.
The Distance snap between the normal sound is huge, do this normal and only make huge distance snap in jumps.
You need organize all the map before asking for mod.


00:02:205 (2) - symmetry and without red point
00:13:205 (2,3,1) - Confusing
00:14:347 (2,3,4,5) - don't match with sound, remap
00:15:490 (2,3,4,5) -
00:16:062 (1,2) - Blanket
00:17:776 (2,3,4,5,1) - Over distance
00:18:919 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:33:347 (4,5) - Blanket
00:42:633 (2,3) - Blanket
00:47:347 (5) - Slow down
00:56:205 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - join
00:59:776 (1,2) - fix this blanket
01:03:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - confusing
01:04:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - - look this part in your version, then see mine (You need organize this circles, do symetry, blanket and organize all the map before asking for mod.)
01:09:062 (2,4) - Blanket
01:09:919 (1,2,3) - Symmetry
01:11:347 (2) - Symmetry
01:12:205 (1,2) - Mirror to symmetry
01:37:633 (1,2) - fix blanket
01:37:633 (1,2) - distance no sense
01:36:205 (1,3) - Mirror
01:36:490 (2,4) - Mirror
01:40:062 (4,5) - fix blanket
01:39:490 (3) finish here 01:39:776
01:40:205 (5) start here 01:40:347 and finish here 01:40:633
01:41:633 (5,1) - Blanket
01:52:205 (1,2) - Blanket
02:40:205 (1,2,3) - don't make this forms
02:41:205 (1,2) - ^
02:51:919 (4,5) - Blanket
Really late mod from my queue

  1. The background resolution is really low. I really think you can use another file with a bigger resolution, just remember that the limit of the background image is 1920x1200
  2. Whenever you’re mapping always consider using the entire playfield and explore more of its corners at some point in your map (Just an advice for future maps)
[Broken heart]
  1. I think that you need to improve your objects position a lot 00:01:205 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - .
    Think about the music structure. This intro consists of phrases that repeats itself 4x times;
    00:01:205 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) -
    00:03:776 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
    00:06:062 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
    00:08:347 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -

    So the main point of mapping in this case is creating a pattern consistent, that applies to both visual/rhythm consistency. In the case of your mapping, the rhythm is very similar. You can a consistent break after this objects 00:01:490 (2,3,1,2,1,2) – since you’re mapping with vocals here. The only inconsistency in the rhythm is that you mapped first with 00:01:490 (2) – slider then circle 00:01:776 (3) – but here you made a circle then a slider 00:06:062 (1,2) – and here 00:08:347 (1,2,3) – you didn’t leave the gap you made in the previous patterns. Also both flow and distance of this 00:06:062 (1,2,1,2,3) – are really different from the previous two 00:01:490 (2,3,1,2) – even tho the song didn’t get more intense or changed to the point where you can find any reason to make it harder.
  2. The point I’ve mentioned before applies to all your map. Keep in mind that you don’t your map to be random own it’s aspects, specially on rhythm and distance. This is probably the aspect that will improve your maps even more. Another example of inconsistency is how you made transitions 00:03:490 (5,1,4,1,7,1) – from one combo to another. The first one is slightly spaced, the second is stacked and the third one is highly spaced.
  3. I don’t think I’ll discuss and talk a lot about the visual aspects of your map. But I think it’s worth mentioning that whenever you create patterns like this 01:07:633 (1,2,3) – with a lot of sliders that are following some sort of symmetric idea. A good think is to always make sure they stack or they don’t overlap. The sliderends of this sliders as it is now, look both unappealing and random. If you wanted them to overlap, you could at least make sure that their ends is doing something logic, like a straight line with equal spacing, or making a triangle since there’re 3 sliders ends, etc.

    For example this pattern here 01:09:919 (1,2,3) – you made it correctly, with a logic spacing and symmetry.
  4. And make sure to not overlaps objects that are really close in the timeline since it makes your map hard to read without a reason, like this 01:11:347 (2,4) - .

Good luck with your mapping o/
im not good at english.

Title : ストリーミングハート feat. 初音ミク (from Tsumetaku's ranked map)

00:33:633 (5) - i think you should start 1/1slider in 00:33:919 -
00:56:205 (5,6,7,1,2,3,1) - probably, it confuse the player. plz close a bit more. 00:56:348 (7,1) - 00:56:562 (3,1) -
00:57:919 (1) - remove nc
00:59:062 (1) - ^
00:59:776 (1,4) - switch NC
01:03:776 (1,3) - ^
01:06:347 (1) - nice! ...but please more neat xD try stack start & end.
02:57:205 (1) - remove? i think finish point is 02:57:062 -

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