
Osu!Workshop kind of thing

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Would you use an "osu!Workshop"?

Total votes: 7
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Hello community,

Some time ago I saw a random discussion on #help which led to the argumentation about why "osu! on Steam" would be so awesome and what we would gain from it. I don't think that we need Steam just for something like a workshop (because we already got everything else we need) so I decided to create a "workshop" for osu! if there are enough people who would actually use that.

Now I want YOUR input on this:
- Do you think this might be helpful?
- How should it work/behave?
- What should be shareable?
- How should I add integration to osu! ?

Here are my thoughts:
If this is implemented there could be a WebApp (maybe written with React) and a "native client" (probably written in JavaScript with GitHub Electron to get some cross-platform ability) which both communicate with one API server (which I would write in Rails, using the grape gem).
The client could act as "middleware" between osu itself and the user, like a "launcher" type of program. You can download new beatmaps, skins etc.; modify settings; let it organize your collections (and maybe even create collections on-the-fly with some sorting algorithm); etc.

I could start working on a "demo" for this ASAP, although I wouldn't spend any money on stuff like a domain or a server yet. I would use Heroku to get everything running. If this project ever get's any donations, or even finds a sponsor, it could get a nice domain too.

Have a nice day,
Uh, can you briefly describe for people not familiar with Steam (me for example) what this osu!workshop is supposed to do and achieve when it's up and running?
It's difficult to give you feedback right now because it's rather vague for me.
Topic Starter

Endaris wrote:

Uh, can you briefly describe for people not familiar with Steam (me for example) what this osu!workshop is supposed to do and achieve when it's up and running?
It's difficult to give you feedback right now because it's rather vague for me.

The basic idea the people on #help had was that you can share stuff like beatmaps and skins on a "workshop". It's basically just a big, organized collection which allows you to easily install stuff into the game. You could sort skins by the theme for example, or the gamemodes which are supported. The same applies to beatmaps. But it could also get more advanced features like merging skins, modifying some basic beatmap data (like the BPM, health, CS, AR, etc.), and share replays or analyse your installed beatmaps and organize them in collections. It could also be expanded so you can download other 3rd party programs through the workshop (like osu!StreamCompanion, etc.)

I know that we already have the forums but they are kind of "unorganized" IMO. And people are lazy. The easier something is to use, the higher is the probability that they use it :P
so this is a custom client that allow you to test some stuff?

H3X0RZ wrote:

ou could sort skins by the theme for example, or the gamemodes which are supported. The same applies to beatmaps. But it could also get more advanced features like merging skins, modifying some basic beatmap data (like the BPM, health, CS, AR, etc.), and share replays or analyse your installed beatmaps and organize them in collections.
Most of this is planned to be a part of the game afiak.
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