Who is he ?! (post pictures)
Mr_Color wrote:
I just read 1 week worth of Off-Topic without stopping.
Even with that, I fail to see the purpose of the existence of this thread. Why, Mathias, why? Did you decide to try and make a thread under alcohol or drugs? Just why? I've seen you in #modhelp a handful of times and you weren't like this, so why the useless and stupid thread? Do you want to look like the "cool guys" that make topics in OT, or do you want the supreme privilege that is the glorious Valhalla? Why would you ever do such a thread then, when I'm sure you know it's obviously headed towards the wasteland and will die a painful death? And most importantly, what the hell is this pooting thread all about? No matter how many times I read it does not make any sense!
In short, your thread sucks, bro.
dis guy indeedyLarto wrote:
E-Hooker wrote:
Yes, I am cooler than you.