
Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei (Approval)

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well, overally it's really a nice map, but these jumps (Collab difficulty) :

01:27:769 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - (etc next times) are just unplayable.

also have my star

Lunah wrote:

well, overally it's really a nice map, but these jumps (Collab difficulty) :

01:27:769 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - (etc next times) are just unplayable.

also have my star
Guess i'll be faster than Saten-san now even though it's not my part.

We've watched ppl play it, and they can fc it. It's just a tricky part to play/read

00:15:644 (1,2,1) - Fix this spacing. It will make it that much easier to hit if you do. (spacing is 1.07, 1.05, 1.02 and all should be 1.0)

00:25:519 - possibly delete the note here so its not just one giant stream here.

00:26:644 (1,2,3,4) - Should be 1.0?

00:29:519 - delete the note here for the same reason as before??

00:30:644 (1,2,3,4) - 1.0

00:45:144 (2,3) - ^

00:48:144 (1) - Snap to 0.67-0.75 with previous note. 1.0 is for the speed up section and it hasn't gotten to the speed up yet.

00:49:644 - Too spread out? I think the beat is primarily 1/2th or at least 1/1. It shouldn't be greater than 1/1

Maybe it might work better with singular notes 1/1 apart instead of sliders. I know you should have single notes to fill that gap like so in the second screenshot. Eh experiment.

01:31:769 (4) - How about moving this half a beat back and adding two repeats? The second repeat will allow the next slider to be shifted correctly without affecting your transition all that much. I think it sounds better at least.

02:06:394 (3,1) - Please use 1.0. This is throwing me off and I am mishitting.

02:39:644 (4,5) - I don't like this transition. 1.5 is much larger spacing than the other transitions. You kind of don't expect it after the other sliders lull you into a comfortable pace. Could you maybe lower it to 1.3?

02:50:644 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1.0?

03:07:644 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1.0 Also maybe you should shift the edges of the sliders so the sliders aren't completely lines up. It sort of looks weird when sliders trail perfectly.

Look at this.

03:28:144 (1) - Please use 0.5 snap with previous slider. It's very awkward to transition from slow repeater to fast repeater with the current spacing.

03:30:519 (6,7) - Is the extra spacing really necessary?

03:31:644 (1,2,3,4) - 1.0

03:32:519 (4,5) - Same as 3:30

03:41:019 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - 1.0

04:28:019 (4,5) - 1.0

04:31:019 (2,3) - ^

04:41:644 (1,2) - spacing

Suggested in IRC ^
Possible transition (Uses 1.7 snap)
Suggested in IRC^

00:17:644 (5) - New combo. You're going from ridiculous spacing to normal spacing.

01:26:519 (4) - I don't think this note should exist.

01:38:894 (1) - Make a half beat longer if you extended the similar slider in the previous section.

03:40:644 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Just No. Not enough of a beat for this.

04:02:269 (10,1) - This jump doesn't work IMO.

04:08:269 (9,10,11) - Inconsistant spacing....
Topic Starter
Did everything, only one thing I was unsure about

TheVileOne wrote:

00:49:644 - Too spread out? I think the beat is primarily 1/2th or at least 1/1. It shouldn't be greater than 1/1
if I change this, I need to change the rest of the pattern~
- Insane
01:25:644 (1,2) - Ohh,,, Can you fix it with same distance with 01:26:019 (2,3)? (I means distance snap)
03:03:894 (4,5,6,7) - Same distance snap with 03:03:519 (3,4).
03:08:394 (1) - Remove new combo is okey in here.

- Collab
AP can be lower to 7
01:32:894 (1,2,3) - Not beautiful.

- All
101 STARS! I can't believe I forgot to star this.

KingsAL2 wrote:

- Collab

01:32:894 (1,2,3) - Not beautiful. Leaving it as it is.
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei (Saten-san) [Collab].osu
TAG2 80%


Tag2 is crazyyyyyy
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei (Saten-san) [TAG2].osu
Sorry for the big delay orz

Teras wrote:

Guess i'll be faster than Saten-san now even though it's not my part.

We've watched ppl play it, and they can fc it. It's just a tricky part to play/read
who ? cookiezi only, lol it's just unplayable :S, I really like the song/map, but this part fits off

just remembering 240 BPM 1/2

oh boy
My bat is a cat.

Lunah wrote:

who ? cookiezi only, lol it's just unplayable :S, I really like the song/map, but this part fits off

just remembering 240 BPM 1/2
If you mean those diamond then square jumps, even I can hit them sometimes (I usually miss and fail miserably though) and I'm not a pro or anything.

Lunah wrote:

Teras wrote:

Guess i'll be faster than Saten-san now even though it's not my part.

We've watched ppl play it, and they can fc it. It's just a tricky part to play/read
who ? cookiezi only, lol it's just unplayable :S, I really like the song/map, but this part fits off

just remembering 240 BPM 1/2
Sigh, not only Cookiezi. Just you that can't handle it then, stop whine please because you can't handle it by yourself. Not my part, and even me that is terribad at jumps can hit those after a couple of tries.
Your choice to complain, I can't really answer this but I'd personally say you should just leave it as it is
good map :)
Topic Starter
Thanks~ :)

Added TAG2 & TAG4

Every diff is in pending now~♪

nuff said. :3

Saten-san wrote:

Thanks~ :)

Added TAG2 & TAG4

Every diff is in pending now~♪
Thanks for your "Thanks" :D
This map is love!

Edit:tag2 is almost impossible for ctb

Ikillforpies wrote:

This map is love!

Edit:tag2 is almost impossible for ctb
Saten /o/ :)

Ikillforpies wrote:

This map is love!

Edit:tag2 is almost impossible for ctb
it can clear '-'
but holy....
Verdisphena, so pro. lol

OnosakiHito wrote:

Verdisphena, so pro. lol

That play played by Velperk '-'

Verdisphena wrote:

oh boy
Taiko diff..^^
Taiko diff..^^[/quote]

oh.....misstake xp
This beatmap's got the worst TAG4 ever... ;_;
or.. The worst TAG4 I've ever seen.

theowest wrote:

This beatmap's got the worst TAG4 ever... ;_;
or.. The worst TAG4 I've ever seen.
Thats not true :(

Verdisphena wrote:

theowest wrote:

This beatmap's got the worst TAG4 ever... ;_;
or.. The worst TAG4 I've ever seen.
Thats not true :(
Yes it is. Are there any worse? If you can find any worse, please show them to me.
nice tag4 diff :3

-BKS- wrote:

nice tag4 diff :3
ty :3
Louis Cyphre
ty :3
Прямая дорога в грейвйард.
good map :)

Also, some stuff about collab:
02:12:394 (1,2) - This is too hard. Sure it's a hard approval, but this is just too extreme. Stuff like this makes an enjoyable hard map into an unenjoyable hard map.
03:04:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not sure if this is even allowed. These are hidden behind the slider(s).
04:31:769 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - God damnit. Dat spacing. :D

Hopefully you reconsider about these 3 moments, also no need to kudo if you do.
(inb4 i can't play, cookie fcd etc)
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:


Also, some stuff about collab:
02:12:394 (1,2) - This is too hard. Sure it's a hard approval, but this is just too extreme. Stuff like this makes an enjoyable hard map into an unenjoyable hard map. Yeah, I know. I'll change this later on, just had this for a reason (ctb tournament :3)
03:04:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not sure if this is even allowed. These are hidden behind the slider(s). gonna ask Teras
04:31:769 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - God damnit. Dat spacing. :D lol, it's so delicious

Hopefully you reconsider about these 3 moments, also no need to kudo if you do.
(inb4 i can't play, cookie fcd etc)

lolcubes wrote:

03:04:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not sure if this is even allowed. These are hidden behind the slider(s). I don't think it makes that much sense since it would only be hard to read in hidden probs. If more ppl say anything about it I can re-arrange em I guess
Love it ♥ :)
when I watch auto play ono's taiko.
the auto got miss,why ?
try see it.

HeatKai wrote:

when I watch auto play ono's taiko.
the auto got miss,why ?
try see it.
Yes please.
Star *-*
I like Tag.
Topic Starter

I LOVE this map <3
It's realy a nice Map,thx for mapping <3
The Tag2 diff is.. orgasmic °-°
Topic Starter

Also, found this on youtube, by TTTL

TTTL is pro at taiko and osu! ._.
Fantastic map ^w^

Took some time to take a closer look! There will be lots of suggestions too! Green stuff are just my complaints for something that isn't that wrong.

  1. 00:16:644 - Suggestion: swap to normal hitsound set for this section, use slightly lower volume though. It's a fast paced section with no voice and with a hearable drumline.
  2. 00:22:644 (11) - New combo here. Remove NC from 00:23:644 (1).
  3. 00:26:519 (1) - I understand that this combo is for the different spacing and a start of a new pattern, but why not reposition or completely remove this note and map something differently to avoid that? For example, you could turn the slider 00:26:269 (10) (which BTW is not grid snapped, but I guess that's not an issue) into a repeating slider and place the new combo on the note 00:26:644 (2). This way the combo would follow the music alot better.
  4. 00:32:644 - If you decided to go with my suggestion to go normal hitsound set before, go soft here.
  5. 00:42:644 (4) - For consistency sake, place a new combo here, or remove it from 00:46:644 (1). I would probably place the new combo due to slower section for such a high bpm song.
  6. 00:47:894 (1) - Remove this new combo.
  7. 00:49:144 (4) - Remove clap from the start of the slider.
  8. 00:50:644 (6) - New combo here and remove the new combo from next note. There is absolutely no reason to have the NC on the next note (spacing is the same and there is no difference in patterns) and there is a big reason (musical) to have it on this one instead.
  9. 00:58:394 (1) - This note is not confusing at all (spacing-wise) so this NC seems unnecessary to me. Leave it here for the better read if you want, but I'd rather have it on 00:58:644 (3) instead, since it's a "heavy" note which marks a new section (pardon the wording here, I sometimes have difficulties when expressing myself).
  10. 01:16:644 (7) - This one really calls for new combo. Remove NC from next note. Also to make this section more interesting, swap to normal sound set for this small section.
  11. 01:20:644 - If you decided to go with normal hitsound set suggestion above, go soft here.
  12. 01:24:644 - Suggestion: go normal hitsound set here.
  13. 01:25:144 (1) - Remove this NC, it's fine to have those sliders without a NC.
  14. 01:28:644 (5) - New combo here, remove it from the next slider. Fits the music better. If you're afraid of the spacing, just rotate the slider a little, there are no patterns (that I see) which require that positioning, although I don't think it's confusing at all.
  15. 01:32:644 (13) - New combo! Remove it from the next note. Also, swap to normal hitsounds for this section.
  16. 01:34:644 (8) - Same deal here, New combo here and remove it from the next note.
  17. 01:36:644 (13) - Also a new combo. I can understand why you would want in on the next note (in this case a different slider shape), however I prefer combos to follow the music as much as possible (unless a really complicated pattern is involved). Don't forget to remove it on the next note.
  18. 01:38:644 (10) - ^
  19. 01:40:644 - Swap back to soft hitsounds here.
  20. 01:43:394 (1,2,3) - I suppose this is fine, but I don't like it. The music is calmer here and the word is spoken fast on this spot, so I don't think spacing like this fits the song. Would be much better if you reduced the jump, but I don't think it's wrong, your call.
  21. 01:47:394 (7) - This spot looks good for a new combo. If you do this, remove it from 01:48:144 (1).
  22. 01:48:644 (1) - Finish on the start of the slider? (it's in the music as well)
  23. 01:52:644 (1) - ^
  24. 01:55:394 (1) - Remove this new combo.
  25. 01:55:769 (4) - Remove this note. It's not following anything in the music.
  26. 01:55:894 (1,2,3,4) - These don't fit at all, the drum is 1/3. Make a returning slider for this to avoid confusion imo.
  27. 01:56:144 (5) - Pretty much the same. This doesn't fit the music at all. The drums are 1/4 here. Also you could just make it a normal stream if you feel it's too easy to have a 1/4 "hold" slider.
  28. 01:56:644 - Suggestion: swap to normal hitsound set for this section
  29. 01:58:644 (13) - New combo here. (Also while you're at it, the slider is not grid snapped, not a big deal though). Remove NC on 01:59:644 (1) afterwards.
  30. 02:00:394 (1) - Remove this NC.
  31. 02:00:644 (5) - New combo here.
  32. 02:07:644 (1) - You don't really need NC for this as this is a fast section with lots of notes. Just remove it.
  33. 02:09:644 (1) - ^
  34. 02:02:019 (12) - Remove the clap from the start of the slider, it doesn't fit. (claps are on white ticks around this section, and you ignored a clap on a section before which is just like this)
  35. 02:02:644 (1) - This slider doesn't make much sense, especially since this map is supposed to be hard. It's still a fast part of the song and you even ignored the words for this just to make it this long. Remove it and map the voice instead (which means having it end, or deleting it and putting something else, at 02:02:894, adding a note at 02:03:019 and a note at 02:03:144. The last note you add can have a clap as well, would fit nicely).
  36. 02:07:644 (1) - Remove NC.
  37. 02:09:644 (1) - ^
  38. 02:12:394 (1,2) - These 2 still aren't fixed? (I already complained about them in another post earlier) You should completely remove them cause they don't fit, and just map a slider that would connect to the previous one (slider 02:12:144 (4)) so it fits the music.
  39. 02:12:644 (1) - This thing is cool but completely unnecessary. You aren't mapping this part of the song, you have a break here, so why not convert this into a single circle with the same starting point? This plays awful at taiko as well (although this isn't a valid reason cause there is already a taiko specific diff)
  40. 02:28:644 - If you went with the normal hitsounds suggestions before, put it back to soft here.
  41. 02:32:269 (6) - Remove finish from the end of the slider, there is no such a sound in the music. Rather put a whistle instead.
  42. 02:36:269 - Add a note? Sounds pretty good with the drum at this timeline.
  43. 02:36:644 (8) - New combo. Remove it from the next note.
  44. 02:38:269 (3,4,5) - Remove these notes completely, and change stuff around so you have a slider at 02:38:144 - 02:38:644. These 3 notes don't follow anything in the music and the slider follows the voice MUCH better.
  45. 02:38:644 (6) - New combo (for consistency, other sections are divided like this).
  46. 02:39:269 (7) - The start of the slider follows nothing in the music, yet there is voice at 02:39:394 (and it's completely ignored). Start it there instead. (02:40:269 (10) - this one is fine cause there is actually a drum at that spot in timeline)
  47. 02:40:269 (10) - Remove finish from the end of the slider. There is no such a sound in the music here. Rather put a whistle instead.
  48. 02:42:019 (4,5,6) - Pretty much the same deal as 02:38:269. The only exception is the start of the slider 5 where the voice starts, the rest should be removed completely.
  49. 02:43:019 (3) - Same as above, this note follows nothing.
  50. 02:44:394 (8) - The drum is 1/4. There is no reason to have 1/8 in a map if there is nothing that covers it in the music.
  51. 02:45:644 (1) - Remove this new combo.
  52. 02:48:644 - Go with the normal hitsound set from here.
  53. 02:51:644 (5,6) - Hmm you copypasted this part (nothing wrong about that btw), but why not flip these as well then? Flip them horizontally.
  54. 02:52:644 - If you went with the normal hitsound set above, go soft here.
  55. 02:56:644 - Go normal hitsound here.
  56. 02:57:644 (1) - Remove new combo.
  57. 02:58:394 (1) - Remove new combo and place it on the next note (to follow the music). (if you really feel this pattern needs a new combo i guess it's fine to leave it on this note, but as I said before, if you can, follow the music.)
  58. 02:59:144 (1) - Remove this NC.
  59. 03:00:644 - If you went with the normal hitsound set above, go soft here.
  60. 03:01:144 (2,3) - These are fine, but the whistle really doesn't fit. Either map them so they follow the voice, or make another custom hitsound (from normal-hitnormal and make it have lower volume, if you can't do this I can do it for you but once I'm back home, you can also use it for other sections to "spice" things up a little) (I just noticed you have it under soft custom set 2) which would follow that drum they follow.
  61. 03:02:019 (5,7,9) - These don't follow anything in the music. :| Remove them and change the gaps into sliders.
  62. 03:02:644 (10) - New combo.
  63. 03:04:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pointless, there is no 1/4 in the music. Just map 1/2. Also the position of these is unrankable I think (I already wrote that in my previous post). From what I know, nothing is allowed to be under the slider path. Check with a MAT or a BAT just to be sure.
  64. 03:17:394 (3,4,5) - As I complained above, these don't fit because it's a calm section. Take the same advice, up to you.
  65. 03:18:644 (9) - New combo.
  66. 03:19:394 (12,13,14) - Same as 3,4,5 above.
  67. 03:20:644 (4) - New combo here, remove it from the next note.
  68. 03:22:644 (8) - New combo.
  69. 03:24:269 (12) - Pointless. Remove it and place notes at 03:24:394, 03:24:519 and 03:24:644 to atleast follow the voice/drum. Don't forget to put the finish on the last note and make it a new combo, then remove the new combo from the next note.
  70. 03:25:644 - A slider is going past this position in the timeline where there is something good to map. Consider ending that slider here and continue with something else where the slider is currently ending.
  71. 03:26:269 (6,8) - These 2 follow nothing. Remove them.
  72. 03:26:644 (9) - New combo.
  73. 03:27:644 - Same as 03:25:644 pretty much. I suggest removal of 03:27:519 (11) completely because of the next issue I will point out.
  74. 03:28:019 (1,2) - These two are horribly misleading. The drum in the background is 1/3. Since mapping that would be insanely confusing, you will have to get rid of 03:27:519 (11) to do it right I think. Try this: remove 03:27:519 (11) and place a circle in it's place at the start, add a circle at 03:27:644 and add a returning slider at 03:27:894 with it's end point at 03:27:977 and make it repeat twice so it ends at 03:28:144. Then after all that continue the stream after this point as it follows the music.
  75. 03:28:144 - Swap to normal hitsounds here.
  76. 03:28:644 (11) - New combo and remove it from the next note. Also I suggest you make this circle into a slider which ends where currently (1) in the next combo starts, would follow the voice much better. As for that slider, just put a circle where the slider currently ends. (or you can continue making long slider + long slider + 2 circles pattern because of this, which is good consistency-wise).
  77. 03:29:644 (1) - Remove new combo.
  78. 03:31:644 (1) - ^
  79. 03:31:644 (1,2) - I don't agree on the spacing for these. If you look at all the sliders before they had somewhat consistent spacing, this one is far more extreme. Don't get me wrong, it plays fine and it's not a bad thing to do, but it's completely random. Would be nice if you could reduce the spacing a little.
  80. 03:33:644 (1) - Remove the NC. Same thing about spacing, but I guess you can leave it as it is if you want since it's not wrong. :|
  81. 03:35:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - These don't fit the music well, the jump isn't really intuitive. You could probably move around the objects on the timeline to create a more consistent pattern spacing wise.
  82. 03:38:394 (1,2,3,4) - This stream doesn't follow the music at all, remove it entirely (but keeping 1 as it follows the music, but remove the new combo from it)
  83. 03:38:644 (5) - New combo.
  84. 03:39:644 (1) - Remove new combo.
  85. 03:40:394 (3,4,5,6) - Same deal as the above, keep 3, remove the rest, they don't follow the music.
  86. 03:40:644 (7) - New combo.
  87. 03:41:644 (1) - Remove new combo.
  88. 03:42:644 (5) - New combo.
  89. 03:44:394 (13,14,15,16) - Again, pointless stream. :| Keep the first note and the third note (drums) if you want to follow the music, delete the other two.
  90. 03:44:644 - End the kiai here?
  91. 03:44:644 (1) - Same things about this thing like before, you could have a nice spinner here which would fit perfectly. This only builds up combo, has 0 play value (has infinite rage @taiko) and looks slightly cool. :|
  92. 03:46:019 - The voice stops here, so end the spinner i suggested above here (or if you really NEED to keep that slider which I suggest you don't, end it here else it's just "vibrating" in the empty space which is bad).
  93. 03:46:144 - Add a note here after you do the changes above to follow the drums.
  94. 03:49:144 (1) - Remove NC.
  95. 03:50:144 (1) - ^
  96. 03:51:144 (1) - ^
  97. 04:00:644 - If you went with the normal hitsounds before, swap to soft here. Also, I don't think you should use kiai here at all.
  98. 04:04:644 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why not use symmetry for both of the patterns? Also they're not grid snapped, snap them to grid as there is no reason for them not to be.
  99. 04:06:394 (9) - Use 1/2 for this, there is no 1/4 in the music.
  100. 04:06:769 (1) - To make it symmetrical to the previous pattern just copy paste the (4) from previous combo and flip it horizontally and yeah, you know the rest.
  101. 04:18:144 (1) - Don't use 1/8 when there is nothing in the music that covers it. The melody is 1/3 until 04:18:394 and afterwards it's 1/2. So make a slider until 4:18:394 and map a circle afterwards.
  102. 04:18:644 - Normal hitsounds are nice! Also start the kiai here (like you already did heh), for the more calm section don't use kiai at all.
  103. 04:20:644 (11) - New combo.
  104. 04:21:394 (1,2,3,4) - Argh, just do like for the rest I described somewhere above, follow the music. Also remove new combo.
  105. 04:22:644 (9) - New combo.
  106. 04:24:394 (3,4,5,6) - Same thing ...
  107. 04:25:519 (10) - New combo.
  108. 04:26:394 (17) - Another same thing...Just map the music. :|
  109. 04:27:644 (1) - Remove this new combo.
  110. 04:29:644 (1) - You can go without this new combo. Although, because this section is slightly different because of the start compared to the other ones, you can leave this new combo here. Just a comment.
  111. 04:31:644 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - I already complained about this in my previous post here, which you said the spacing here is delicious. I suppose it is, for some, but it's really ridiculous. You should really tone it down a little, atleast to match the spacing of the previous patterns that look like this. Another reason is the upcoming notes. Those follow the voice (and the guitar i suppose) which is slower and yet they have lower spacing than this section which just doesn't really fit. Consider remapping this part completely so it makes more sense.
  112. 04:34:644 (4) - :| Just make a spinner instead of it. Rather have 2 consecutive spinners than something which is just a filler. If you REALLY want to keep this, atleast put some hitsounds up so they follow the drum on occasion.
  113. 04:42:144 (5,6,7,8,9) - This part makes no sense. You mapped a stream which follows nothing and you mapped a slider at a spot where a stream would fit. Map a stream for the duration of slider 5 and continue with a slider from 04:42:394.
  114. 04:44:144 (8,9,10,11) - Again, a stream which doesn't fit.
  115. 04:46:144 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^
  116. 04:50:644 (11) - New combo. Also swap back to soft hitsounds if you used normal like I suggested.
  117. 04:50:769 - Add a note.
  118. 05:06:519 (11) - Don't stack this note. It's much better if it's unstacked.

I suppose that's it!
The song is really long and I see why not many people want to go into much depth to mod it. The combos were all over the place (it's fine if they are matching the patterns, but it's always better to have them match the music whenever you can), some parts were overmapped, some were unfitting (in my opinion), so I just commented on everything.
Don't take it as bashing though, I was just pointing out stuff like I usually do, so if I was harsh, I apologize.
Hope you like the suggestions and I will take a look at the other diffs some other time, it took 2 hours to mod this diff only and I have to go now. :(

Good luck! :D

edit: due to the length of the post, added a box!
Topic Starter
Oh wow,

I will check this once I get a computer~

lolcubes wrote:

02:12:394 (1,2) - This is too hard. Sure it's a hard approval, but this is just too extreme. Stuff like this makes an enjoyable hard map into an unenjoyable hard map.
This isn't hard. Not only do I hit it every time, it's not even close to the hardest thing in the map.
Topic Starter
ok, fixed some and some not due to various reasons (Need Teras for some, and he's currently away)

Will probably write what I did and not, but don't have time now D:

Saten-san wrote:

ok, fixed some and some not due to various reasons (Need Teras for some, and he's currently away)

Will probably write what I did and not, but don't have time now D:
I hope you do, I want to see the changes. :D
Kawayi Rika
nice map~good lucky~

Great TAG4 difficulty.

++++++++++☆ :)
have you checked with BATs?

I haven't looked at the map, but this should probably be split up into 2 different mapsets. If you stick tag4 and tag2 into their own map, that would probably work even better, though I think that one of the tag authors would need to upload it.
this map is very interesting!!

star!!!! 8-)

Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question.

I can't read an English^^
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

have you checked with BATs?

I haven't looked at the map, but this should probably be split up into 2 different mapsets. If you stick tag4 and tag2 into their own map, that would probably work even better, though I think that one of the tag authors would need to upload it.
I might do that. I'll ask Verdi or Mitiai about it.
Miu Matsuoka
S o N g
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Komeiji Yuki
Kudo :3

( ゚∀゚)o彡~~~☆

Your message is too short.
Raging Bull
FFFFFFF- Tick rate 0.5 is unrankable. Use tick rate 2 so it would be easier to see the speed ups or slow downs. (or not approval if you wanna get technical hehe) Verdi <3 the only one who didn't use tick 0.5

Collab SB:
I would personally remove the arrow at 01:27:644 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). It would be rather confusing because you think it would rotate counter clockwise the whole time but it actually changes after 4.
02:11:644 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) ^
and probably a few more. I think since most pros would play this they would be able to read it without the arrow anyways.
Also I would suggest maybe toning down HP and AR by 1 tick because you have a lot of jumps here and there and it would rather suck to miss a whole combo half way through the song and fail.

Scroll 1, 2, 3 are over the maximum size for SB which is 800x600 reduce it.
Topic Starter

Raging Bull wrote:

FFFFFFF- Tick rate 0.5 is unrankable. Use tick rate 2 so it would be easier to see the speed ups or slow downs. (or not approval if you wanna get technical hehe) Verdi <3 the only one who didn't use tick 0.5 kay, now with higher chance of slider breaks

Collab SB:
I would personally remove the arrow at 01:27:644 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). It would be rather confusing because you think it would rotate counter clockwise the whole time but it actually changes after 4.
02:11:644 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) ^
and probably a few more. I think since most pros would play this they would be able to read it without the arrow anyways.
Also I would suggest maybe toning down HP and AR by 1 tick because you have a lot of jumps here and there and it would rather suck to miss a whole combo half way through the song and fail. Removed the arrows but the difficulty settings is staying though

Scroll 1, 2, 3 are over the maximum size for SB which is 800x600 reduce it. Fine, all is 600x### with the same aspect ratio like before

Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my fucking arm hurts.
nice map.
I like it.
God doraewon1 just 1miss and ACC:99.26

Kirino Kousaka
Go Saten-san!~ >w<
Epic Map!!! OwO
I hope this gets approved soon :)
Koishi Komeiji_old

A great map indeed :D.

but for some reason it won't let me add a star..
awesome =O can i make a difficulty?
Your message is too shoooooooooooooooooooort.
Topic Starter
Made a few jumps on [Collab] easier now.
In exchange for that, I made [Chaos] the hardest map in this set (from my part)

Koishi Komeiji wrote:


A great map indeed :D.

but for some reason it won't let me add a star..
The star system has changed..

SkyDevil wrote:

awesome =O can i make a difficulty?
Your message is too shoooooooooooooooooooort.
There's already too many, but thanks anyway :3
u removed all those jumps in collab, the map becomes so bored. there is no point of collab. at least add 1 jump for the collab

Farmer wrote:

u removed all those jumps in collab, the map becomes so bored. there is no point of collab. at least add 1 jump for the collab
oh! u add it in chaos. i didnt see that :?
nice map
Why is there a Taokaka BG image on the taiko diff while the other diffs all got the same BG image, seems a bit weird.
Topic Starter

Dangaard wrote:

Why is there a Taokaka BG image on the taiko diff while the other diffs all got the same BG image, seems a bit weird.
Because OnosakiHito chose it~
no real reason behind it I guess, this song is not related to any game/anime
This was included in the Magipoka OP single though.
It was also included in the "Gothic lolita Propaganda" Album
I'd rather use Magipoka BG or eventually Rachel from Blazblue (gothic girl) in case you want a rather unrelated BG.
Topic Starter
It's really hard to find a good Magipoka BG that also fits with the song genre. Maybe Rachel like you said, but that's up to OnosakiHito & Medi-chan
so eazy o_O

eazy > diffcult

i am korean
Topic Starter
Also I have -3 now.
This need moare stars
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Teras wrote:

This need moare stars
and more mods
This needs a rank approve.
Komeiji Yuki
This needs graveyard attention.
Topic Starter

Komeiji Yuki wrote:

This needs graveyard attention.
why are you so mean? ><
Komeiji Yuki
graveyard is jk :O"

no offsense :P"
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