iFix3d wrote:
READ ME: First of all I have to warn english isn't my native language and you may see a lot of typos here, but I'll do my best...
• Your pen won't slip away from your fingers again, never. Guaranteed.
• You shouldn't have to adapt your playstyle with this method.
• It only costs $1/€1 or so.
• Your pen will be a bit heavier and thicker, just a bit. Maybe you won't even going to notice it, I promise.
• Your pen buttons will be unusable, unless you take a cutter and cut its outline.
• You have to lift up your as* from the chair and stop farming pp to do this.
What do you need?
• A pair of scissors
• Your pen (duh)
• Want to do it
And... the reason of this tutorial, the most hidden secret:
• A tennis racket overgrip
Wait... what?!?! Tennis racket overgrip? WTF???
Indeed my dear friend, tennis racket overgrip. Here's an amazon offer as example. As you can see, the price (at the moment when I do this tutorial) is 3 USD, but I bought one to 20 ARS [argentine pesos] (equivalent to 1,32 USD/1,18 EUR at the moment when I do this tutorial, Argentina's economy isn't well known for being stable) at my local sports shop and I think you can too, give me some feedback.
Why this in particular?
Easy, it's cheap, it's light, it's thin, it's made to don't let your fingers slip from it even if you sweat and it's easy to apply (you don't have to do anything special).
Step 1
Buy the stupid thing. You don't have to buy the most expensive, premium, ultra comfortable, extra durable, highly absorbent edition, just buy the cheaper one. Be sure you're buying an overgrip and not a grip, they aren't the same and what we need this time is an overgrip.

Step 2
Remove the adhesive tape which is around the overgrip and reserve it, we'll use it later. Take the overgrip nib, remove the paper that is protecting the adhesive part and stick it to the bottom of your pen, just after the end of the pen nib's cone.

Step 3
Start spinning the pen and/or the overgrip making the surface of the pen as uniform as possible. While doing this you have to be removing the plastic film that protects the surface of the overgrip. It's important to keep the overgrip tense to don't make your pen undesirably thick. If you want to undo and do this again don't be afraid and do it, if this takes two or three tries don't worry.

Step 4
Make a complete rotation where you want the overgrip to end and cut it. Take the adhesive tape we reserved at the Step 2 and stick it around the center of the complete rotation we made.

Step 5
Enjoy a free "pen slipping from my fingers" osu! experience. ლ(>_<ლ)

Hey! Wait a second... it has left plenty.
Yes, of course, what did you expect? This is made for tennis rackets, no tablet pens, duh.
Why don't you just put some rubber bands around your pen?
Many people do this, e.g Rohulk, and I tryed too. It's fine but meh. I found this is a lot better, comfortable and useful for me.
iFix3d wrote:
~Pls enjoy game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )