
Bundle your own ranked/pending maps to osu!

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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It looks like no one asked this before...

What I had in mind was something similar to how bundled maps (from the various MBCs) work right now: once you enter osu for the first time osu!direct downloads them automatically.
In this feature your own maps will be treated the same: once you log in, osu!direct will start downloading your own ranked (or even pending) maps.

As I briefly discussed this in #modhelp, I think this is more of a right of the owner to always have his works with him, since sometimes life happens and you never know when you get to change pc.

I'm well aware this feature won't change much as things are now (inb4 "you can always download them again") and it is obvious not all mappers really care to have their maps always with them, but I still think it should be that way. Just to take an extreme case, Andrea or DjPop will have a ton of them and if they ever change pc they will have to re-dl manually a lot of maps. (please don't bring up the "you can always save them on a usb and bring them with you" since that's not really my point here)
Again, while this might not be a need I still find it something that should be this way on a moral level.

I just want to bring an analogy to this situation:
Think of every map as a painting. While it is true that painters don't go around with their works we must consider how osu actually works: in real life it would be as if a painter sends his works to a certain storehouse, to keep them safe. It is his right to get his works delivered to him wherever it moves and maybe he still has some work to do on them, right?

Seeing the nature of this request, it will mostly turn out into a discussion, so let me know what do you think and if there are any flaws or things that I considered wrongly in your opinion.
Yeah... I understand the intention of the feature. However, if you haven't uploaded your map (or update) it's lost, there is no return back. I mean, I'd lose around 100 unsubmitted mapsets if my computer goes nuts and decides to die. But yeah, like said. The request isn't that bad at all.
I like this
I often switch between PC and Mac, and having to redownload all my own maps seperately is quite a hassle...
1. you can save your maps on a one drive

2.if you get a new pc your going to have to re-download all of your skin(s) anyways so why not download your maps ALONG with your skins?

3.I don't find many people who actually NEED this feature, I mean I can see how people like z-trot and Pishifat would LOVE this but honestly, you have to remember the majority of mappers don't have more than 100 ranked mapsets, even if they had 10 ranked mapsets or so it wouldn't be that hard to download them all,

4. I don't think this is needed that badly, you have to think how many people A. are mappers in osu! B. Have more than 30 ranked mapsets C. who actually wan't to change their pc
d. who are too lazy to just download them all

That aside, I can somewhat see this feature being helpful
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