
Searching for Skin?

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MonoKuro Tenshi
Hello! I'm searching for parts of a skin I've been using for a while. Recently I lost all of my files in my osu! folder, and you can only imagine how frustrating that was for me.
Anw I'm trying to play again but I'm trying to build back the skin I've made from other components (chill, I got them from other skins, but I haven't distributed it) otherwise it's uncomfortable for me to try another skin. Yeah, if you get it. Shrug

I hope a kind soul who recognizes the skin (or skins, if the two pics are from different ones..) from the images I've put below can help me find the source ;-; Thank you very much in advance.
Edit: or if anything, if you have any good skin recommendations please don't hesitate _(:3 thanks

(I'm sorry I really don't know how forum posts work?? I've never posted before. In case the pictures don't show, here are the links: )

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