This is a basic storyboarding queue, (I'm not Damnae sorry) and a GD queue.
If you were looking for an easy storyboard, you came to the right place!
-Give me at least a day to work on the storyboard. This means don't spam me every 30 minutes if I am online asking if the storyboard is done. Longer beatmaps require more work time on them so please be patient.
-Any length or genre is fine.
What I can do
-Particles and Effects
-Backgrounds e.g Fade ins and outs, transitioning
What I can't do
-Spectrums (or anything related to that matter)
Examples of SB
A.SAKA - Nanatsu Issenzakura
Unreleased map
supercell - Hero (I helped out with fade ins)
I only do NORMAL and EASY gds, nothing else.
-Nothing over 3 minutes (I loose interest very quickly.)
-I am okay with any genre, however I hate mapping DnB so don't even bother.
-Remind me if I get mods, I often forget to check and update.
Put the link, song and artist in whatever format you want.
Then, request VERY specifically what you want. If it's lyrics, make sure to give me the lyrics aswell. (The only exception is if you want me to just "roll with it" which means I do what I think would fit.
Bad Example:
On like, 5 seconds in, I think 00:00:685 - ? add a lot of flashes. make the kiai really intense. thanks!Good Example:
On lines 00:00:685 - and 00:11:273 - I want the black background to fade in and out to match according to the music. Use the lyrics I gave you and do make something for the chorus. Thanks!Note that I WILL be messaging you afterwards to confirm what you want.
After all of that is done, at the end put "Eggplant" so I know you read this.
Same thing, put the link, song and artist in whatever format you want.
Request either easy or normal and put the preferred star difficulty.
Don't be afraid to ask any questions or concerns. I'll be checking daily for requests.