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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年1月23日 at 下午 06:35:07

Artist: VINXIS
Title: Take
Tags: drum and bass dnb Drumstep
BPM: 190
Filesize: 10148kb
Play Time: 05:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Take me on (5.36 stars, 1316 notes)
Download: VINXIS - Take
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
pp system seems pretty balanced rn

Topic Starter

Arusamour wrote:

ive dl from soundcloud but it's 1411 kbs lol
he meanz my usrepage lolz,

also its a p nic map.
VINXIS and NiNo_...

Cool stuff. Great work! ;)
Caput Mortuum
Hi from my q

01:00:251 (1) - played this map twice, missed this twice. maybe move to a more visible spot?
01:02:777 (1) - ^
01:28:672 (3) - ctrl-g do better imo

can't find more problems. only few things bugged me though, 01:32:462 (1) - this slow slider. i don't like it.. and also the ending is a bit repetitive imo.

other than that, nice map. i really like it.
cool map cool song cool vinxis
kudosu abuse
15:02 SnowNiNo_: lo sry just back home xd
15:02 FCL: np
15:02 SnowNiNo_: so got time now ?
15:02 FCL: yay
15:03 SnowNiNo_: k lets do the mod now or xd?
15:03 *SnowNiNo_ is listening to [ VINXIS - Take]
15:03 FCL: sure
15:03 SnowNiNo_: idk if you like the song tho =w=
15:06 FCL: hmm, are you sure that stuff like this is not confusing in game? 00:07:356 (1,3) -
15:06 FCL: looks so so
15:07 SnowNiNo_: well the testplayer ive ask so far didnt mention tho, ill ask for it
15:13 FCL: overall nice map
15:13 FCL: but i would say some subjective points
15:14 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:15 FCL: 00:45:251 (1,2,3,4) - why there spacing less than at 00:43:988 (1,2,3,4) - ? I guess these sections sound same
15:16 FCL: 00:51:409 (1,1) - kinda nazi point, you could avoid this overlap
15:16 SnowNiNo_: oky fix both
15:17 FCL: 00:57:014 (1) - i think this rhythm doesn't work properly cuz the song has pretty hard vocal at 00:57:093 -
15:17 FCL: so circle+kickslider would work better there
15:18 FCL: 00:59:541 (1) - hmm, same as above
15:18 SnowNiNo_: well this part mainly following the kicks tho
15:18 FCL: hmm, it seems you did everywhere these things
15:19 FCL: but idk, for me it look not so good
15:19 SnowNiNo_: if i switch this part to follow the vocal it would be kinda weird and inconsistent =w=
15:20 FCL: 01:26:699 - it's really hard beat
15:20 FCL: i'd map it and stack with 01:26:777 (1) -
15:20 SnowNiNo_: k add a note
15:21 SnowNiNo_: i map same thing like 01:26:146 (7,8,9) -
15:22 SnowNiNo_: it's more smooth
15:22 FCL: 01:27:724 (5,6,7,8) - subjective, but i'd add more distance cuz 01:27:725 (5) - doesn't sound same as 01:27:409 (1,2,3,4) -
15:22 FCL: like
15:23 FCL: yea, it's crazy but has sense
15:24 SnowNiNo_: [ how about this?]
15:24 FCL: 01:30:251 (2) - about these slider - i think you should make another share cuz this sound sounds different than 01:29:935 (1) -
15:25 FCL: also i'd increase sv or do sthm other interesing things
15:25 FCL: yay, it's fine
15:26 SnowNiNo_: well it sound the same to me lol
15:26 FCL: more slowly i guess
15:26 SnowNiNo_: =w=
15:27 SnowNiNo_: hmm.. i think it's not necessary cuz i only heard the different in 50%
15:27 FCL: 01:42:725 (2) - dam there's autostacking looks not so good
15:27 FCL: custom stacking or smth
15:27 FCL: np, it was subjective
15:28 SnowNiNo_: you mean the autostack at 01:41:777 (1,3) - ?
15:28 FCL: 01:42:409 (3,2) -
15:29 SnowNiNo_: 01:41:777 (1,3) - ill fix this
15:29 SnowNiNo_: autostack stack like that lol
15:29 FCL: 01:51:883 (1) - did you put whistle on sliderbody intentionally? sounds weird
15:30 SnowNiNo_: 01:41:777 (1,3) - ill do custom stack here, looks better
15:30 FCL: cuz you didn't do smth same before
15:30 SnowNiNo_: sliderbody?
15:30 SnowNiNo_: whistle was on sliderhead tho
15:31 FCL: not for me
15:31 FCL:
15:31 FCL: lul
15:32 SnowNiNo_: well there isnt a whistle on sliderend tho
15:32 SnowNiNo_: so the hs only was on sliderhead
15:32 FCL: 01:53:225 - aaa, this melody is so strong
15:32 SnowNiNo_: was only*
15:32 FCL: you could map this section like spaced stream
15:32 FCL: at leas i'd do it
15:32 FCL: idk why, but i have this
15:33 FCL: k nwm about whistle
15:33 SnowNiNo_: that isnt the sound im following tho
15:33 FCL: like
15:33 SnowNiNo_: you mean the synth sound right?
15:33 FCL: yep, maybe
15:34 SnowNiNo_: yea not following that sound
15:34 FCL: as you wish
15:34 SnowNiNo_: kk
15:34 FCL: 01:53:304 (1) - subjective, but i don't like shares like that
15:34 FCL: looks not so tidy
15:35 SnowNiNo_: nah is wub tho slider shape isnt rly a problem xd
15:35 FCL: 02:05:935 (1,2) - you could improve the blanket
15:35 SnowNiNo_: yap
15:38 FCL: 02:56:304 (4) - also subjective, i'd use kickslider instead for these sounds
15:38 FCL: cuz vocal sounds like 1/4
15:38 FCL: but w/e
15:39 FCL: 03:10:199 (1,3) - is overlap really need?
15:39 SnowNiNo_: not rly intense to used kick imo
15:39 FCL: you could start to use kickslider from this part btw 03:11:462 (5) -
15:39 SnowNiNo_: yea keeping the shape since is rotated
15:39 FCL: there is' more intensive
15:41 SnowNiNo_: well i just think the vocal at the non kiai isnt that intense to use kicks to express
15:41 FCL: 04:07:041 (8,1) - more distance maybe? for emhasize
15:41 FCL: okay
15:42 SnowNiNo_: oky make sense
15:42 FCL: 04:15:409 (3) - place like 136 156 would look better imo
15:42 FCL: blanket+avoiding some overlaps
15:43 FCL: 04:25:514 (3) - would move to 312 184, looks more tidy than
15:43 SnowNiNo_: i placed here cuz i want 3's sliderhead to be at middle of 1 and 2
15:44 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:44 FCL: 04:26:620 (3) - nc should be here? or it's fine
15:45 FCL: 04:29:935 (1) - there's also whistle on sliderbody
15:45 SnowNiNo_: nope there should be NCed just like every similar parts lo
15:45 FCL: 04:31:199 (2) - should be more spacing i guess
15:45 SnowNiNo_: about this i think the sound is still the same tho cuz the tail doesnt got the whistle
15:45 FCL: as you did for 01:46:830 (1,2) -
15:45 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:47 FCL: they don's stacked intentionally?
15:48 SnowNiNo_: lol wat?
15:48 SnowNiNo_: where xd
15:48 FCL: oh shit
15:48 FCL: i am sorry
15:48 FCL: 04:56:304 (1,1) -
15:48 SnowNiNo_: oh
15:49 SnowNiNo_: cuz the autostack of 04:57:093 (1,2,1) - tho
15:49 SnowNiNo_: so 04:57:093 (1) - looks a bit off
15:49 SnowNiNo_: but it;s weird if i custom stack either so i stay with autostack here
15:49 FCL: kay
15:50 FCL: 05:41:462 (4) - it would look better if you make the slider parallel with 05:41:225 (3,5) -
15:50 FCL: and follow good with preview patterns
15:50 FCL: or not xd
15:51 SnowNiNo_: o that kick is for 05:40:988 (2) - tho lo
15:51 FCL: yay, just noticed
15:51 FCL: and you did similar in whole section
15:51 SnowNiNo_: oky xd
15:52 FCL: well, that all what i can say
15:52 SnowNiNo_: cool
15:52 SnowNiNo_: post in thread :.
15:52 SnowNiNo_: :>
15:52 FCL: yep, time for kudosu abuse
Is this a billain map?
take a pee

40% volume is ridiculously loud for the starting part, and the custom hs sound like theyre part of the song and really kills the mood with the 40% volume going into that break. edit: oh thats just a part of the song, it sounds weird...

01:13:356 (4) - just nudge the end to the left a bit.
01:27:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - a bit hard to read
past that it goes more ape shit than byfar's parts in amber's love and i have no idea whats going on.

i dont know what else to say the rest of it is perfect...
hi as requested

  1. Unused hitsounds:
[Take Me on]
02:30:883 - i think the circle should be here xd (the piano sound looks strong here)
02:35:935 - ^
02:40:988 - ^
02:43:514 - ^
03:10:672 (3) - i think overlap looks not good here (the pattern looks weird imo) maybe move to (136,200) to avoid the overlap or stack (maybe the tail between slider (1) and (3) )
03:15:725 (3) - ^ (suggestion move to (47,177) )
03:18:251 (3) - tbh this confuses me (when you try to overlap just little bit at 03:15:725 (3) and 03:10:672 (3) then you make full overlap here) maybe move this slider to (178,274) instead?
03:25:830 (2) - why not ctrl j? for better pattern with slider (1)
03:49:988 - drag the break here? to make sure the vocal finished?
04:36:962 - unused green line
04:42:014 - ^
04:54:962 - 04:55:120 - ^
04:57:172 - and the next one ^
05:00:014 - ^ xd
05:02:225 - zzz (i'm just curious,why you adds green line around here? it looks unnecessary)
05:05:067 - ^
05:10:120 - ^
05:53:304 - unused blue line

ok thats it from
Topic Starter

FCL wrote:

kudosu abuse
15:02 SnowNiNo_: lo sry just back home xd
15:02 FCL: np
15:02 SnowNiNo_: so got time now ?
15:02 FCL: yay
15:03 SnowNiNo_: k lets do the mod now or xd?
15:03 *SnowNiNo_ is listening to [ VINXIS - Take]
15:03 FCL: sure
15:03 SnowNiNo_: idk if you like the song tho =w=
15:06 FCL: hmm, are you sure that stuff like this is not confusing in game? 00:07:356 (1,3) -
15:06 FCL: looks so so
15:07 SnowNiNo_: well the testplayer ive ask so far didnt mention tho, ill ask for it
15:13 FCL: overall nice map
15:13 FCL: but i would say some subjective points
15:14 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:15 FCL: 00:45:251 (1,2,3,4) - why there spacing less than at 00:43:988 (1,2,3,4) - ? I guess these sections sound same
15:16 FCL: 00:51:409 (1,1) - kinda nazi point, you could avoid this overlap
15:16 SnowNiNo_: oky fix both
15:17 FCL: 00:57:014 (1) - i think this rhythm doesn't work properly cuz the song has pretty hard vocal at 00:57:093 -
15:17 FCL: so circle+kickslider would work better there
15:18 FCL: 00:59:541 (1) - hmm, same as above
15:18 SnowNiNo_: well this part mainly following the kicks tho
15:18 FCL: hmm, it seems you did everywhere these things
15:19 FCL: but idk, for me it look not so good
15:19 SnowNiNo_: if i switch this part to follow the vocal it would be kinda weird and inconsistent =w=
15:20 FCL: 01:26:699 - it's really hard beat
15:20 FCL: i'd map it and stack with 01:26:777 (1) -
15:20 SnowNiNo_: k add a note
15:21 SnowNiNo_: i map same thing like 01:26:146 (7,8,9) -
15:22 SnowNiNo_: it's more smooth
15:22 FCL: 01:27:724 (5,6,7,8) - subjective, but i'd add more distance cuz 01:27:725 (5) - doesn't sound same as 01:27:409 (1,2,3,4) -
15:22 FCL: like
15:23 FCL: yea, it's crazy but has sense
15:24 SnowNiNo_: [ how about this?]
15:24 FCL: 01:30:251 (2) - about these slider - i think you should make another share cuz this sound sounds different than 01:29:935 (1) -
15:25 FCL: also i'd increase sv or do sthm other interesing things
15:25 FCL: yay, it's fine
15:26 SnowNiNo_: well it sound the same to me lol
15:26 FCL: more slowly i guess
15:26 SnowNiNo_: =w=
15:27 SnowNiNo_: hmm.. i think it's not necessary cuz i only heard the different in 50%
15:27 FCL: 01:42:725 (2) - dam there's autostacking looks not so good
15:27 FCL: custom stacking or smth
15:27 FCL: np, it was subjective
15:28 SnowNiNo_: you mean the autostack at 01:41:777 (1,3) - ?
15:28 FCL: 01:42:409 (3,2) -
15:29 SnowNiNo_: 01:41:777 (1,3) - ill fix this
15:29 SnowNiNo_: autostack stack like that lol
15:29 FCL: 01:51:883 (1) - did you put whistle on sliderbody intentionally? sounds weird
15:30 SnowNiNo_: 01:41:777 (1,3) - ill do custom stack here, looks better
15:30 FCL: cuz you didn't do smth same before
15:30 SnowNiNo_: sliderbody?
15:30 SnowNiNo_: whistle was on sliderhead tho
15:31 FCL: not for me
15:31 FCL:
15:31 FCL: lul
15:32 SnowNiNo_: well there isnt a whistle on sliderend tho
15:32 SnowNiNo_: so the hs only was on sliderhead
15:32 FCL: 01:53:225 - aaa, this melody is so strong
15:32 SnowNiNo_: was only*
15:32 FCL: you could map this section like spaced stream
15:32 FCL: at leas i'd do it
15:32 FCL: idk why, but i have this
15:33 FCL: k nwm about whistle
15:33 SnowNiNo_: that isnt the sound im following tho
15:33 FCL: like
15:33 SnowNiNo_: you mean the synth sound right?
15:33 FCL: yep, maybe
15:34 SnowNiNo_: yea not following that sound
15:34 FCL: as you wish
15:34 SnowNiNo_: kk
15:34 FCL: 01:53:304 (1) - subjective, but i don't like shares like that
15:34 FCL: looks not so tidy
15:35 SnowNiNo_: nah is wub tho slider shape isnt rly a problem xd
15:35 FCL: 02:05:935 (1,2) - you could improve the blanket
15:35 SnowNiNo_: yap
15:38 FCL: 02:56:304 (4) - also subjective, i'd use kickslider instead for these sounds
15:38 FCL: cuz vocal sounds like 1/4
15:38 FCL: but w/e
15:39 FCL: 03:10:199 (1,3) - is overlap really need?
15:39 SnowNiNo_: not rly intense to used kick imo
15:39 FCL: you could start to use kickslider from this part btw 03:11:462 (5) -
15:39 SnowNiNo_: yea keeping the shape since is rotated
15:39 FCL: there is' more intensive
15:41 SnowNiNo_: well i just think the vocal at the non kiai isnt that intense to use kicks to express
15:41 FCL: 04:07:041 (8,1) - more distance maybe? for emhasize
15:41 FCL: okay
15:42 SnowNiNo_: oky make sense
15:42 FCL: 04:15:409 (3) - place like 136 156 would look better imo
15:42 FCL: blanket+avoiding some overlaps
15:43 FCL: 04:25:514 (3) - would move to 312 184, looks more tidy than
15:43 SnowNiNo_: i placed here cuz i want 3's sliderhead to be at middle of 1 and 2
15:44 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:44 FCL: 04:26:620 (3) - nc should be here? or it's fine
15:45 FCL: 04:29:935 (1) - there's also whistle on sliderbody
15:45 SnowNiNo_: nope there should be NCed just like every similar parts lo
15:45 FCL: 04:31:199 (2) - should be more spacing i guess
15:45 SnowNiNo_: about this i think the sound is still the same tho cuz the tail doesnt got the whistle
15:45 FCL: as you did for 01:46:830 (1,2) -
15:45 SnowNiNo_: oky
15:47 FCL: they don's stacked intentionally?
15:48 SnowNiNo_: lol wat?
15:48 SnowNiNo_: where xd
15:48 FCL: oh shit
15:48 FCL: i am sorry
15:48 FCL: 04:56:304 (1,1) -
15:48 SnowNiNo_: oh
15:49 SnowNiNo_: cuz the autostack of 04:57:093 (1,2,1) - tho
15:49 SnowNiNo_: so 04:57:093 (1) - looks a bit off
15:49 SnowNiNo_: but it;s weird if i custom stack either so i stay with autostack here
15:49 FCL: kay
15:50 FCL: 05:41:462 (4) - it would look better if you make the slider parallel with 05:41:225 (3,5) -
15:50 FCL: and follow good with preview patterns
15:50 FCL: or not xd
15:51 SnowNiNo_: o that kick is for 05:40:988 (2) - tho lo
15:51 FCL: yay, just noticed
15:51 FCL: and you did similar in whole section
15:51 SnowNiNo_: oky xd
15:52 FCL: well, that all what i can say
15:52 SnowNiNo_: cool
15:52 SnowNiNo_: post in thread :.
15:52 SnowNiNo_: :>
15:52 FCL: yep, time for kudosu abuse

thx :>
Topic Starter

Mein Gauche wrote:

Hi from my q

01:00:251 (1) - played this map twice, missed this twice. maybe move to a more visible spot? it plays fine for me tho lol
01:02:777 (1) - ^
01:28:672 (3) - ctrl-g do better imo actually both are the same tho xd

can't find more problems. only few things bugged me though, 01:32:462 (1) - this slow slider. i don't like it.. and also the ending is a bit repetitive imo.

other than that, nice map. i really like it.

MisterDinner wrote:

Is this a billain map?
take a pee

40% volume is ridiculously loud for the starting part, and the custom hs sound like theyre part of the song and really kills the mood with the 40% volume going into that break. edit: oh thats just a part of the song, it sounds weird... decreased to 30%

01:13:356 (4) - just nudge the end to the left a bit. lol why
01:27:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - a bit hard to read but it makes sense
past that it goes more ape shit than byfar's parts in amber's love and i have no idea whats going on.

i dont know what else to say the rest of it is perfect...

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

hi as requested

  1. Unused hitsounds:
    soft-hitfinish.wav k
[Take Me on]
02:30:883 - i think the circle should be here xd (the piano sound looks strong here) mainly vocal
02:35:935 - ^
02:40:988 - ^
02:43:514 - ^
03:10:672 (3) - i think overlap looks not good here (the pattern looks weird imo) maybe move to (136,200) to avoid the overlap or stack (maybe the tail between slider (1) and (3) ) nah keeping the shape here, the shape are all consist
03:15:725 (3) - ^ (suggestion move to (47,177) )
03:18:251 (3) - tbh this confuses me (when you try to overlap just little bit at 03:15:725 (3) and 03:10:672 (3) then you make full overlap here) maybe move this slider to (178,274) instead? plays fine cuz the high ar
03:25:830 (2) - why not ctrl j? for better pattern with slider (1) flows a bit awkward imo
03:49:988 - drag the break here? to make sure the vocal finished?
04:36:962 - unused green line is not unused tho, it change sc3to sc3 which give sliderslide silence, and unused green line is totally fine tho lol
04:42:014 - ^
04:54:962 - 04:55:120 - ^
04:57:172 - and the next one ^
05:00:014 - ^ xd
05:02:225 - zzz (i'm just curious,why you adds green line around here? it looks unnecessary)
05:05:067 - ^
05:10:120 - ^
05:53:304 - unused blue line this is but a bookmark =w=

ok thats it from
thx for mod
We are discussed some flow moments.

irc mod
16:58 SnowNiNo_: lol need your mod xd
16:59 NeilPerry: have time for short irc?
16:59 NeilPerry: or not short :D
16:59 SnowNiNo_: ye
16:59 SnowNiNo_: idk xd
17:00 NeilPerry: 00:23:777 (2,3,4) -
17:00 NeilPerry: space different?
17:00 NeilPerry: or my eyes give a fck :D
17:00 NeilPerry: ye
17:00 NeilPerry: my eyes
17:00 SnowNiNo_: is the same lo
17:00 NeilPerry: sec
17:03 NeilPerry: 01:37:041 (2) -
17:03 NeilPerry: wanna to advice you change flow a bit
17:03 NeilPerry: this moment some confused
17:03 NeilPerry: let me show
17:04 NeilPerry:
17:04 NeilPerry: try smthing like this
17:04 NeilPerry: will play MUCH softer imo
17:05 SnowNiNo_: k
17:05 SnowNiNo_: i think both was fine but w*e
17:06 SnowNiNo_: w/e*
17:06 NeilPerry: 01:44:620 (2) -
17:06 NeilPerry: mby here try to do same thing?
17:06 NeilPerry:
17:07 SnowNiNo_: k a sec
17:08 SnowNiNo_: done
17:08 NeilPerry: as i told you
17:09 NeilPerry: 02:48:883 -
17:09 NeilPerry: 03:49:514 -
17:09 NeilPerry: curves in this part
17:09 NeilPerry: should be more consist imo
17:09 NeilPerry: i dunno how explain
17:09 SnowNiNo_: wat curves tho
17:10 NeilPerry: structure looks random a bit
17:10 SnowNiNo_: like where lol
17:10 NeilPerry: will be cool if you make some curve patterns and will repeat them throw part
17:11 SnowNiNo_: im slowing changing the structure at this part since the music got more intense
17:11 NeilPerry: 03:09:093 -
17:11 NeilPerry: from here yes
17:12 NeilPerry: but actyally it looks aestheticaly well
17:13 SnowNiNo_: still dont get it wat you are trying to say tho lol
17:15 NeilPerry: uh
17:15 NeilPerry: i will try explain
17:16 NeilPerry: 02:48:883 (1,4,1,3,3,1,4,1,3,3,3,1,4,1,3,3,1,4,1,3,1,3) -
17:16 NeilPerry: in this part so many different sliders
17:16 NeilPerry: it's losing a bit of consistency
17:17 SnowNiNo_: wat lol
17:17 SnowNiNo_: does it even matter
17:17 SnowNiNo_: =w=?
17:17 NeilPerry: so okay then :D
17:17 NeilPerry: just my advice to make this part more softer
17:17 SnowNiNo_: imagin if the slider are all the same
17:17 SnowNiNo_: it plays rly boring
17:18 SnowNiNo_: so more vairty is better
17:18 NeilPerry: oky then
17:18 NeilPerry: and the last
17:18 NeilPerry: 04:54:883 (2) -
17:19 NeilPerry: you stop use sliders there
17:19 NeilPerry: does it okay?
17:19 NeilPerry: 04:57:093 (1) -
17:19 NeilPerry: same
17:19 SnowNiNo_: yea cuz the music is different
17:19 NeilPerry: so strong WUB there
17:19 SnowNiNo_: here
17:19 SnowNiNo_: just compare this part with 04:54:883 (2) - or 04:54:883 (2) -
17:20 SnowNiNo_: 01:29:935 (1) -
17:20 SnowNiNo_: the music sound different
17:20 NeilPerry: yup
17:20 NeilPerry: im catch it
17:20 NeilPerry: so other looks solid for me
17:20 SnowNiNo_: yea so shouldnt be the same lol
17:20 NeilPerry: sory for poor mod :D
17:20 SnowNiNo_: k
17:20 SnowNiNo_: is oky
17:21 NeilPerry: i will post
17:21 SnowNiNo_: at least ive cahnge sth xd
17:21 NeilPerry: and
17:21 NeilPerry: 04:58:356 (3) -
17:21 NeilPerry: mby cntrl+g?
17:22 SnowNiNo_: is the same thing tho xd
17:22 SnowNiNo_: ctrl + g makes the flow 3>1 worse
17:22 NeilPerry: oky then :D
Topic Starter

NeilPerry wrote:

We are discussed some flow moments.

irc mod
16:58 SnowNiNo_: lol need your mod xd
16:59 NeilPerry: have time for short irc?
16:59 NeilPerry: or not short :D
16:59 SnowNiNo_: ye
16:59 SnowNiNo_: idk xd
17:00 NeilPerry: 00:23:777 (2,3,4) -
17:00 NeilPerry: space different?
17:00 NeilPerry: or my eyes give a fck :D
17:00 NeilPerry: ye
17:00 NeilPerry: my eyes
17:00 SnowNiNo_: is the same lo
17:00 NeilPerry: sec
17:03 NeilPerry: 01:37:041 (2) -
17:03 NeilPerry: wanna to advice you change flow a bit
17:03 NeilPerry: this moment some confused
17:03 NeilPerry: let me show
17:04 NeilPerry:
17:04 NeilPerry: try smthing like this
17:04 NeilPerry: will play MUCH softer imo
17:05 SnowNiNo_: k
17:05 SnowNiNo_: i think both was fine but w*e
17:06 SnowNiNo_: w/e*
17:06 NeilPerry: 01:44:620 (2) -
17:06 NeilPerry: mby here try to do same thing?
17:06 NeilPerry:
17:07 SnowNiNo_: k a sec
17:08 SnowNiNo_: done
17:08 NeilPerry: as i told you
17:09 NeilPerry: 02:48:883 -
17:09 NeilPerry: 03:49:514 -
17:09 NeilPerry: curves in this part
17:09 NeilPerry: should be more consist imo
17:09 NeilPerry: i dunno how explain
17:09 SnowNiNo_: wat curves tho
17:10 NeilPerry: structure looks random a bit
17:10 SnowNiNo_: like where lol
17:10 NeilPerry: will be cool if you make some curve patterns and will repeat them throw part
17:11 SnowNiNo_: im slowing changing the structure at this part since the music got more intense
17:11 NeilPerry: 03:09:093 -
17:11 NeilPerry: from here yes
17:12 NeilPerry: but actyally it looks aestheticaly well
17:13 SnowNiNo_: still dont get it wat you are trying to say tho lol
17:15 NeilPerry: uh
17:15 NeilPerry: i will try explain
17:16 NeilPerry: 02:48:883 (1,4,1,3,3,1,4,1,3,3,3,1,4,1,3,3,1,4,1,3,1,3) -
17:16 NeilPerry: in this part so many different sliders
17:16 NeilPerry: it's losing a bit of consistency
17:17 SnowNiNo_: wat lol
17:17 SnowNiNo_: does it even matter
17:17 SnowNiNo_: =w=?
17:17 NeilPerry: so okay then :D
17:17 NeilPerry: just my advice to make this part more softer
17:17 SnowNiNo_: imagin if the slider are all the same
17:17 SnowNiNo_: it plays rly boring
17:18 SnowNiNo_: so more vairty is better
17:18 NeilPerry: oky then
17:18 NeilPerry: and the last
17:18 NeilPerry: 04:54:883 (2) -
17:19 NeilPerry: you stop use sliders there
17:19 NeilPerry: does it okay?
17:19 NeilPerry: 04:57:093 (1) -
17:19 NeilPerry: same
17:19 SnowNiNo_: yea cuz the music is different
17:19 NeilPerry: so strong WUB there
17:19 SnowNiNo_: here
17:19 SnowNiNo_: just compare this part with 04:54:883 (2) - or 04:54:883 (2) -
17:20 SnowNiNo_: 01:29:935 (1) -
17:20 SnowNiNo_: the music sound different
17:20 NeilPerry: yup
17:20 NeilPerry: im catch it
17:20 NeilPerry: so other looks solid for me
17:20 SnowNiNo_: yea so shouldnt be the same lol
17:20 NeilPerry: sory for poor mod :D
17:20 SnowNiNo_: k
17:20 SnowNiNo_: is oky
17:21 NeilPerry: i will post
17:21 SnowNiNo_: at least ive cahnge sth xd
17:21 NeilPerry: and
17:21 NeilPerry: 04:58:356 (3) -
17:21 NeilPerry: mby cntrl+g?
17:22 SnowNiNo_: is the same thing tho xd
17:22 SnowNiNo_: ctrl + g makes the flow 3>1 worse
17:22 NeilPerry: oky then :D
Hey from Lazyboy's and Phyloukz' queue for NM!

00:07:356 (1) - would make sense for the beginning kicksliders to have a mute hitsound on the end hit or a 5% volume imo
00:40:199 (1) - don't feel like this fits nor does it on the later ones
02:18:725 (1) - same again + all following
02:50:777 (3) - missing a note on the red tick, I'd do 2 sliders here, same on all following with the same melody, you have skipped a lot of notes here
03:09:093 - from here the feel of the song changes a lot, yet you kept the same mapping style, i think some of the longer sliders should have some 1/2 going on instead to emphasize the fact that the map's intensity increases, plus it gets boring to play
03:31:830 (1,2) - maybe lower SV here since the beat is missing?

I don't like your slider design much, I feel like rhythmically a lot is wrong, but otherwise the map is fine :p Also I don't have too much experience modding this kinds of wild maps, so I will have missed a load of stuff that should've been pointed out

Good luck going for approval
well, so your idea was like "I'll make a perfect map with amazing forms and aestetics and stuff, where everthing stacks, matches, blankets..."
So mod is like searching all imperfectnesses (dunno if this word exists, so "all not perfect moments"). I think your aim is make a super perfect thing, so u might be interesting in super minor fixes like 1 pixel of stack, avoiding not really good overlaps, fixing angles and etc...
Uhm, here we go...
00:50:699 (1,4,5,1) - overlap
00:51:409 (1,2) - 2 supposed to match (stack) sliderend of 1
00:53:935 (1,2) - overlap
00:58:514 (2,1) - a bit wrong blanket
00:58:514 (2) - supposed to match(stack) with 00:57:567 (4) -
01:00:804 (1,1) - not really good overlap
01:03:330 (1,4,5,1) - overlap
01:29:146 (1) - seems a bit weird form, i mean, it's like bad blanked that looks a bit imperfect. oh it would work for almost all slider this "wave" form made with only 4 dots, so I'd put there all of them I consider being weird 01:31:199 (3) - 01:36:725 (1) - 01:45:725 (1) - 01:49:356 (1) - 01:50:777 (1) - 02:03:409 (1) - 02:56:462 (1) - 03:24:251 (1) - 03:40:041 (3) - 03:47:620 (3) - 04:02:777 (3) - 04:15:409 (3) - 04:56:304 (1) -

01:29:146 (1,3) - overlap
01:31:988 (2) - I think 01:31:199 (3) - was supposed to be exactly on the angle
03:10:988 (4,2) - ^
01:31:672 (1,1) - ^
01:34:199 (1) - weird blanket
01:36:567 (1) - doesn't match the angle of 01:36:251 (3) -
01:36:093 (2,1) - stack?
01:51:093 (2,1) - overlap
02:01:988 (1,3) - weird blanket
02:03:725 (2,2) - ^
03:07:672 (1,2) - ^
03:14:146 (1,2) - ^
02:31:830 (3,2) - overlap
03:14:146 (1,3) - may be better make matching sliderbodies then blanked around the sliderend
this way:
damn it looks super bad, but u may be got the idea.

03:15:725 (3,1) - stack?
03:16:041 (4,3) - off angle
03:17:777 (1,3) - strange overlap, may be better match sliderbodies?
03:18:093 (2,4) - overlap
03:19:830 (3,1,2,3) - lazy made pattern, off blankets overlaps etc...
03:16:672 - 03:49:514 -
damn, recheck this part yourself, there are lots of lost angles, obejects that drops the forms, i mean like they are jsut put somewhere randomly, weird overlaps and etc. It's like ur were already tired when mapped that or smth, This part is simply worse the the rest of the map, that seems to be almost perfect.
04:01:356 (2,1) - weird blanket
04:05:304 (3,7) - off angle
04:12:883 (3,1,2) -match angle of 2 with the angle of 3, and move the end dot of 2 to make 1 slider's end matching 2's body (tfw what i have just wrote, just watch screenshot)
hope you can understand smth here
04:13:199 (1,1) - stack
04:14:777 (1,3) - overlap
04:15:883 (1,2) - weird blanket
04:34:988 (1,2) - off angle
05:35:620 (1,2) - may be it should be blanket
05:39:409 (1,2) - ^
or not, w/e it's fine
05:45:725 (1,2) - weird blanket
05:50:462 (5,4) - stack

Also there was billions of 1(or few or some) pixel off stack things, I'll just put them all of them I could manage to observe. Some might be mistaken, missed or noticed twice
00:49:435 (1,4) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:58:277 (1,3) - 00:59:304 (3,3) - 00:59:541 (1,4) - 01:02:462 (3,1) - 01:03:093 (4,2) - 01:07:672 (4,4) - 01:11:857 (2,1) - 01:13:514 (5,1) - 01:16:041 (5,1) - 01:24:251 (1,5) - 01:23:935 (9,6) - 01:40:988 (1,3,2,1) - 01:54:409 (1,2,3,1) - damn, I give it's too hard...(u should find the rest yourself, if u care at all...)

Hope I got your idea correctly and my mod would be any useful. Inspiring map tbh, so tryhard mapping, lol.
I may be noticed couple of things twice, but who cares, right...?

You don't have to reply this at all, just fix the things you found reasonable.
Good luck, dude. A star.
Luel Roseline
From my queue.
Light mod start.

00:36:251 - What the unsnapped breaktime?
05:53:304 - Add spinner here and finish at 05:57:725

/me sleep
Topic Starter

lazyboy007 wrote:

Hey from Lazyboy's and Phyloukz' queue for NM!

00:07:356 (1) - would make sense for the beginning kicksliders to have a mute hitsound on the end hit or a 5% volume imo is already a soft sample tho, is totally fine
00:40:199 (1) - don't feel like this fits nor does it on the later ones fir for me tho
02:18:725 (1) - same again + all following same
02:50:777 (3) - missing a note on the red tick, I'd do 2 sliders here, same on all following with the same melody, you have skipped a lot of notes here not following the vocal here, otherwise would be inconsistent
03:09:093 - from here the feel of the song changes a lot, yet you kept the same mapping style, i think some of the longer sliders should have some 1/2 going on instead to emphasize the fact that the map's intensity increases, plus it gets boring to play ive already used different structure to express the music tho
03:31:830 (1,2) - maybe lower SV here since the beat is missing? oky cool ill take this

I don't like your slider design much, I feel like rhythmically a lot is wrong, but otherwise the map is fine :p Also I don't have too much experience modding this kinds of wild maps, so I will have missed a load of stuff that should've been pointed out

Good luck going for approval

Hou Rearu wrote:

well, so your idea was like "I'll make a perfect map with amazing forms and aestetics and stuff, where everthing stacks, matches, blankets..."
So mod is like searching all imperfectnesses (dunno if this word exists, so "all not perfect moments"). I think your aim is make a super perfect thing, so u might be interesting in super minor fixes like 1 pixel of stack, avoiding not really good overlaps, fixing angles and etc...
Uhm, here we go...
00:50:699 (1,4,5,1) - overlap
00:51:409 (1,2) - 2 supposed to match (stack) sliderend of 1
00:53:935 (1,2) - overlap
00:58:514 (2,1) - a bit wrong blanket fixed
00:58:514 (2) - supposed to match(stack) with 00:57:567 (4) -
01:00:804 (1,1) - not really good overlap
01:03:330 (1,4,5,1) - overlap
01:29:146 (1) - seems a bit weird form, i mean, it's like bad blanked that looks a bit imperfect. oh it would work for almost all slider this "wave" form made with only 4 dots, so I'd put there all of them I consider being weird 01:31:199 (3) - 01:36:725 (1) - 01:45:725 (1) - 01:49:356 (1) - 01:50:777 (1) - 02:03:409 (1) - 02:56:462 (1) - 03:24:251 (1) - 03:40:041 (3) - 03:47:620 (3) - 04:02:777 (3) - 04:15:409 (3) - 04:56:304 (1) -

01:29:146 (1,3) - overlap
01:31:988 (2) - I think 01:31:199 (3) - was supposed to be exactly on the angle
03:10:988 (4,2) - ^
01:31:672 (1,1) - ^
01:34:199 (1) - weird blanket
01:36:567 (1) - doesn't match the angle of 01:36:251 (3) -
01:36:093 (2,1) - stack?
01:51:093 (2,1) - overlap
02:01:988 (1,3) - weird blanket
02:03:725 (2,2) - ^
03:07:672 (1,2) - ^
03:14:146 (1,2) - ^
02:31:830 (3,2) - overlap
03:14:146 (1,3) - may be better make matching sliderbodies then blanked around the sliderend
this way:
damn it looks super bad, but u may be got the idea.

03:15:725 (3,1) - stack?
03:16:041 (4,3) - off angle fixed
03:17:777 (1,3) - strange overlap, may be better match sliderbodies?
03:18:093 (2,4) - overlap
03:19:830 (3,1,2,3) - lazy made pattern, off blankets overlaps etc...
03:16:672 - 03:49:514 -
damn, recheck this part yourself, there are lots of lost angles, obejects that drops the forms, i mean like they are jsut put somewhere randomly, weird overlaps and etc. It's like ur were already tired when mapped that or smth, This part is simply worse the the rest of the map, that seems to be almost perfect.
04:01:356 (2,1) - weird blanket
04:05:304 (3,7) - off angle
04:12:883 (3,1,2) -match angle of 2 with the angle of 3, and move the end dot of 2 to make 1 slider's end matching 2's body (tfw what i have just wrote, just watch screenshot)
hope you can understand smth here
04:13:199 (1,1) - stack
04:14:777 (1,3) - overlap
04:15:883 (1,2) - weird blanket
04:34:988 (1,2) - off angle
05:35:620 (1,2) - may be it should be blanket
05:39:409 (1,2) - ^
or not, w/e it's fine
05:45:725 (1,2) - weird blanket fixed
05:50:462 (5,4) - stack

Also there was billions of 1(or few or some) pixel off stack things, I'll just put them all of them I could manage to observe. Some might be mistaken, missed or noticed twice
00:49:435 (1,4) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:50:146 (1,1) - 00:58:277 (1,3) - 00:59:304 (3,3) - 00:59:541 (1,4) - 01:02:462 (3,1) - 01:03:093 (4,2) - 01:07:672 (4,4) - 01:11:857 (2,1) - 01:13:514 (5,1) - 01:16:041 (5,1) - 01:24:251 (1,5) - 01:23:935 (9,6) - 01:40:988 (1,3,2,1) - 01:54:409 (1,2,3,1) - damn, I give it's too hard...(u should find the rest yourself, if u care at all...)

Hope I got your idea correctly and my mod would be any useful. Inspiring map tbh, so tryhard mapping, lol.
I may be noticed couple of things twice, but who cares, right...?

You don't have to reply this at all, just fix the things you found reasonable.
Good luck, dude. A star.

S A V E R Y wrote:

From my queue.
Light mod start.

00:36:251 - What the unsnapped breaktime? fixed
05:53:304 - Add spinner here and finish at 05:57:725 nope

/me sleep
thx for mod :)
epic song,,,,,
Ello from my modding queue <3 (This mapping quality is DEFINATLY above my modding capabilities, so this will probably be a bad mod :o )

Take me on

01:31:514 (1)
MAYBE blanket this slider in this one 01:31:199 (3) where it ends?

02:19:988 (1,2,3)
Space these out evenly?

02:48:093 (2,3,1)
I feel like these could be stacked better

02:49:199 (2,3)
The spacing between these two notes is smaller than the gap between these notes 02:48:883 (1,2) which are closer timed together. Maybe place 3 in between 2 and 4 of that combo? It might be confusing for some players to read/play.

02:53:935 (1,2,3,4)

02:58:988 (1,2,3,4)

03:04:041 (1,2,3,4)

03:06:567 (1,2,3,4)
^ (If you decide to keep these I'm still fine. Don't hurt me ;w; )

I really enjoyed playing this map. I haven't played anything like it before, which I really liked. I would love to see this get ranked some day :D

Good luck on getting ranked!!!
Topic Starter

DaTopBull wrote:

Ello from my modding queue <3 (This mapping quality is DEFINATLY above my modding capabilities, so this will probably be a bad mod :o )

Take me on

01:31:514 (1)
MAYBE blanket this slider in this one 01:31:199 (3) where it ends? nope i prefer current structure

02:19:988 (1,2,3)
Space these out evenly? nope for consistent

02:48:093 (2,3,1)
I feel like these could be stacked better it's a auto stack tho

02:49:199 (2,3)
The spacing between these two notes is smaller than the gap between these notes 02:48:883 (1,2) which are closer timed together. Maybe place 3 in between 2 and 4 of that combo? It might be confusing for some players to read/play. stacking here would have more impact to play, and it follow well to the music

02:53:935 (1,2,3,4)

02:58:988 (1,2,3,4)

03:04:041 (1,2,3,4)

03:06:567 (1,2,3,4)
^ (If you decide to keep these I'm still fine. Don't hurt me ;w; )

I really enjoyed playing this map. I haven't played anything like it before, which I really liked. I would love to see this get ranked some day :D

Good luck on getting ranked!!!
thx for mod :)
Ameth Rianno
those objectend/sliderend stacking usage is VERY GOOOOOOODDDDDD

Thanks for requesting at the aesthetic queue. Please try these suggestion first before you disagreeing! :3

[Take me on]
00:09:093 (5,6) - These straight slider are rather akward to play, so make it a bit diagonal.

00:07:830 (4,5,5,5,5) - and etc, Are you sure going to use 1/1 slider? When playing it leads to numbness feeling, which is should be 1/4 triplet, i'll prefer to change these sliders to be like this 00:07:356 (1,2) - .

00:39:251 (2,3) - Going more jumps is really good for me. The sound is very high than usual.
00:44:304 (2,3) -
00:46:514 (1,2,3) - In this point, i consider to curve the (1) more, so that the flow arrow emphasizes.

00:49:120 (2,3) - Place them to x:279y:55 (make sure to Select them both), the slider now stacks with 00:47:935 (4) - 's sliderend. For me, if you want to do like this, make sure that you don't wanna make the slider overlaps.


00:51:646 (2,3) - Same as before.

00:51:962 (1,3,4,5) - I'm almost a bit skeptic about this one. (1) follows the drum although there's some vocal in the white tick. And slider spam (3, 4, 5) most likely will ruin it. But idk, your preference anyway (I noticed another pattern like this too)

00:58:988 (1,2,3) - Same as the suggestion i mentioned above, but there's some improvement

01:01:514 (1,2,3) - Same as before, but more funky

01:21:093 (6) - Maybe more cool if it's stacked under 01:20:462 (1) -

01:22:041 (4) - Improve the curve. Always avoid this kind of form:

01:26:935 (2,4) - move to x:311y:230 (select them both)

Oshit we are entering the wub mode. I don't have problem with timing placement in this place \:D/

01:29:777 (3) - Move to x:142 y:185. Need some little aesthetics.. (Your preference actually)

01:39:567 (2) - Curve the last point so 01:39:883 (3) - can connect well with the flow.

01:41:620 (1) - Consider to stack it at x:153y:182 or stack the sliderend at the 01:40:672 (1) - sliderend. Connects very well with 01:40:988 (1) - and 01:41:777 (1) - .

01:44:620 (2) - CTRL+G is more enjoyable, as making it go reverse effect flow.

01:46:356 (3) - Curve the last point too?

01:53:620 (2) - Improve the blanket.

01:55:830 (1) - Move the first point to x:259y:355. Some space is needed to avoid slidershape overlapping.

02:03:409 (1) - Move to x:410y:267 to make some space between 02:04:041 (1,2) -

oooo vucking GOOD *breaks*

02:45:093 (1,2) - How about this?

02:48:725 (3) - Move this to the red tick, there's no vocal/beat to follow at this tick.

03:14:777 (3) - This shape is rather ugly.

03:18:251 (3) - Fix the overlapping... more bit.

03:20:304 (1,3) - Maybe take my suggestion? This almost-close overlap is a bad flowing.

04:15:093 (1,2) - The spacing to 04:14:777 (1) - is kinda different. Is it intended?

04:25:356 (2) - How about x:134y:85? It doesn't kills difficulty at all.

04:26:304 (2,3,1,2,3) - dat formation kadjglajsljaslflalgjdagfkadjk

04:31:199 (2) - I noticed that you moved this object to stack.. somehow. It's not bad, but it's more good at x:185y:363. Facing the 04:31:041 (1) - slider.

05:07:199 (1,2,3) - ooOOoOOOohgod

Also 05:12:883 - 05:33:093, same as the problem i mentioned above above and above.

05:52:830 (1,2,3) - Fix the triangle.

Good luck!
sorry for the amount of images i put there
Topic Starter

Ameth Rianno wrote:

those objectend/sliderend stacking usage is VERY GOOOOOOODDDDDD

Thanks for requesting at the aesthetic queue. Please try these suggestion first before you disagreeing! :3

[Take me on]
00:09:093 (5,6) - These straight slider are rather akward to play, so make it a bit diagonal. nah keeping for aesthetic

00:07:830 (4,5,5,5,5) - and etc, Are you sure going to use 1/1 slider? When playing it leads to numbness feeling, which is should be 1/4 triplet, i'll prefer to change these sliders to be like this 00:07:356 (1,2) - . i dont want the calm part to be dat hard tbh, and im mainly following and emphasizing the hit hat

00:39:251 (2,3) - Going more jumps is really good for me. The sound is very high than usual. i rly dont want dat large spacing at calm part tho lol
00:44:304 (2,3) -
00:46:514 (1,2,3) - In this point, i consider to curve the (1) more, so that the flow arrow emphasizes. k ill fix the shape a bit but not spacing

00:49:120 (2,3) - Place them to x:279y:55 (make sure to Select them both), the slider now stacks with 00:47:935 (4) - 's sliderend. For me, if you want to do like this, make sure that you don't wanna make the slider overlaps. i dont found a problem here lol, the structure dat you bring out should be at more intense part like kiai, imo it doesnt fit at this part


00:51:646 (2,3) - Same as before.

00:51:962 (1,3,4,5) - I'm almost a bit skeptic about this one. (1) follows the drum although there's some vocal in the white tick. And slider spam (3, 4, 5) most likely will ruin it. But idk, your preference anyway (I noticed another pattern like this too) structure here is for consistent, and it follows the vocal well

00:58:988 (1,2,3) - Same as the suggestion i mentioned above, but there's some improvement

01:01:514 (1,2,3) - Same as before, but more funky

01:21:093 (6) - Maybe more cool if it's stacked under 01:20:462 (1) - nah the spacing 6>7 would be rly big and i dont want dat

01:22:041 (4) - Improve the curve. Always avoid this kind of form: oky

01:26:935 (2,4) - move to x:311y:230 (select them both) oky

Oshit we are entering the wub mode. I don't have problem with timing placement in this place \:D/

01:29:777 (3) - Move to x:142 y:185. Need some little aesthetics.. (Your preference actually) i want to blanket 01:29:777 (3) - sliderend

01:39:567 (2) - Curve the last point so 01:39:883 (3) - can connect well with the flow. k

01:41:620 (1) - Consider to stack it at x:153y:182 or stack the sliderend at the 01:40:672 (1) - sliderend. Connects very well with 01:40:988 (1) - and 01:41:777 (1) - . nope for aesthetic

01:44:620 (2) - CTRL+G is more enjoyable, as making it go reverse effect flow. current structure flows better

01:46:356 (3) - Curve the last point too? k... i dont think is necessary tho

01:53:620 (2) - Improve the blanket. k

01:55:830 (1) - Move the first point to x:259y:355. Some space is needed to avoid slidershape overlapping. nope keep for aesthetic

02:03:409 (1) - Move to x:410y:267 to make some space between 02:04:041 (1,2) - k

oooo vucking GOOD *breaks*

02:45:093 (1,2) - How about this? prefer blanket tho

02:48:725 (3) - Move this to the red tick, there's no vocal/beat to follow at this tick. lol you should heard closely

03:14:777 (3) - This shape is rather ugly.nice for me tho

03:18:251 (3) - Fix the overlapping... more bit. nah keep for structure consistency

03:20:304 (1,3) - Maybe take my suggestion? This almost-close overlap is a bad flowing. move 3 away a bit

04:15:093 (1,2) - The spacing to 04:14:777 (1) - is kinda different. Is it intended? is it matter lol?

04:25:356 (2) - How about x:134y:85? It doesn't kills difficulty at all. nah i want to keep 3 in the middle

04:26:304 (2,3,1,2,3) - dat formation kadjglajsljaslflalgjdagfkadjk

04:31:199 (2) - I noticed that you moved this object to stack.. somehow. It's not bad, but it's more good at x:185y:363. Facing the 04:31:041 (1) - slider.spacing is too big imo

05:07:199 (1,2,3) - ooOOoOOOohgod

Also 05:12:883 - 05:33:093, same as the problem i mentioned above above and above.

05:52:830 (1,2,3) - Fix the triangle. is not a triangle tho =w=

Good luck!
sorry for the amount of images i put there
thx for mod :)
i was supposed to mod this

does a star count too?
00:46:041 (4,1) - should be stacked as done before to keep consistency
01:01:751 (2,3) - could you make this follow the curve of 01:01:514 (1) - better? nazi thing tbh
01:27:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this actually doesnt fit the song as 01:27:724 (1,2,3,4) - has a lower pitch than 01:27:409 (1,2,3,4) - . you can keep this tho as it does play fine and i understand the increasing spacing concept :^>
01:44:304 - note missing? i feel like you left a slider out here as you did fill this up at the other times
02:29:777 (4) - consider unstacking this for more emphasisssss (i'd also do it for the similar situations tbh)
03:10:199 (1,3) - can the overlap between these tails be avoided? ;w;
04:10:988 (1,2,3) - i somehow feel like this all shouldnt be stacked because of the various timing between the notes
04:58:356 (3) - i prefer ctrl+g, not rly needed tho as it is fine. it'd just improve it a little

just some things i noticed while playing through this again

Hey, have you ever heard of VINXIS? He's a popular osu! mapper and makes good music.
Topic Starter

HighTec wrote:

00:46:041 (4,1) - should be stacked as done before to keep consistency
01:01:751 (2,3) - could you make this follow the curve of 01:01:514 (1) - better? nazi thing tbh
01:27:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this actually doesnt fit the song as 01:27:724 (1,2,3,4) - has a lower pitch than 01:27:409 (1,2,3,4) - . you can keep this tho as it does play fine and i understand the increasing spacing concept :^> i like how it done now so keep this :>
01:44:304 - note missing? i feel like you left a slider out here as you did fill this up at the other times no the structure at kisi is all consist
02:29:777 (4) - consider unstacking this for more emphasisssss (i'd also do it for the similar situations tbh) sound here doesnt sound need to emphasized tho
03:10:199 (1,3) - can the overlap between these tails be avoided? ;w; nope for structure
04:10:988 (1,2,3) - i somehow feel like this all shouldnt be stacked because of the various timing between the notes
04:58:356 (3) - i prefer ctrl+g, not rly needed tho as it is fine. it'd just improve it a little current flow is better imo

just some things i noticed while playing through this again

Hey, have you ever heard of VINXIS? He's a popular osu! mapper and makes good music. he is a meme /me runs
thx for mod :)
vocals made by myself
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

00:07:356 (1) - better changing this to slider because coming from spinner 2 slider is actually rly hard Xd
00:54:251 (3,1,2,3) - visually bettr 2 keep things even
01:08:146 (3,4,5) - vry bad flow/cursor movement -_
01:31:514 (1) - slider is rlly long so people will feel like they need to follow the whole slider.. making the next slider rly hard 2 hit lol
02:07:988 - rIP hitsoundz
02:59:620 (4,1,2) - le stack meme
03:10:199 (1,3) - tht overlap is rly triggring me.. thers no reason for it and it loOKS BA d.. u cud blanket sliderend 1 with 3
03:12:725 (1,3) - death
03:15:251 (1,3) - this1isevenworse
03:17:777 (1,3) - etc
04:10:988 (1) - u sud silence the sliderslide Xddddddd
04:27:409 (1,3) - aaAAAAAAA... select 04:28:041 (3,1,1,2,3,1,2) - and stack 04:28:514 (1) - on 04:27:409 (1) - sliderend is much better,,,,
04:43:199 (1,1,1) - his pattern is rly hard to play (possibly the hardest pattern 2 play in the map) and it calls for ez breakz..
05:07:041 (3,1,2) - side angle is rly weird 2 play when it visually calls for short angle movement
05:47:541 (3,4,5) - bette rif they wer evenly spaced apart :L

Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

00:07:356 (1) - better changing this to slider because coming from spinner 2 slider is actually rly hard Xd itll be weird cuz the structure tho lol
00:54:251 (3,1,2,3) - visually bettr 2 keep things even
01:08:146 (3,4,5) - vry bad flow/cursor movement -_wut.. is good for me tho lol
01:31:514 (1) - slider is rlly long so people will feel like they need to follow the whole slider.. making the next slider rly hard 2 hit lol keep for consistent strucutre
02:07:988 - rIP hitsoundz
02:59:620 (4,1,2) - le stack meme
03:10:199 (1,3) - tht overlap is rly triggring me.. thers no reason for it and it loOKS BA d.. u cud blanket sliderend 1 with 3
03:12:725 (1,3) - death
03:15:251 (1,3) - this1isevenworse
03:17:777 (1,3) - etc
04:10:988 (1) - u sud silence the sliderslide Xddddddd cam silenced slide and tick together tho rip
04:27:409 (1,3) - aaAAAAAAA... select 04:28:041 (3,1,1,2,3,1,2) - and stack 04:28:514 (1) - on 04:27:409 (1) - sliderend is much better,,,,
04:43:199 (1,1,1) - his pattern is rly hard to play (possibly the hardest pattern 2 play in the map) and it calls for ez becuz is the most intense part of the song :>
05:07:041 (3,1,2) - side angle is rly weird 2 play when it visually calls for short angle movement
05:47:541 (3,4,5) - bette rif they wer evenly spaced apart :L

thx :^)
04:20:935 (1,3) - oyea is tht on purpose btw
Topic Starter
was blanketing with 2 and 1's sliderend

00:27:567 - There should be a red line here to reset the metronome.
00:37:672 - etc.. You can hear, these are supposed to be downbeats. Your hitsound rhythm also indicates that everything should be on white ticks not reds.
00:36:409 - I suppose this means shifting the break too.
00:55:751 (1) - Felt kinda weird skipping the vinxis vocal here, especially considering 00:54:488 (1,2,3,4,1) - is following vocal
00:58:277 (1) - Same here. Maybe circle > kickslider instead?
01:35:620 (1,3) - This arrangement makes it hard to tell 3 is actually a 1/1 slider xP. Try a partial overlap instead, maybe similar to : 01:34:988 (1,2) -
01:58:356 (1,2) - The parallels in these sliders could be better.
03:10:199 (1,3) - Ehh this overlap isnt' necessary imo, weird aesthetic choice here.
03:15:251 (1,3) - Same, with the really small overlaps.
03:50:856 - Break seens unsnapped.
03:53:383 - ^
04:24:883 (1,2) - The overlap here is unnecessary, kinda distracts from the pattern.
04:41:462 (2,2) - Same, unnecessary overlap
04:57:093 (1) - Do something more interesting here pls ;c maybe a buzz slider?
04:57:409 (2) - 04:57:567 - Same, something more interesting?
05:02:146 (1,2) - ^

Cool map. Really nice slider designs. Call me back!
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:


00:27:567 - There should be a red line here to reset the metronome.
00:37:672 - etc.. You can hear, these are supposed to be downbeats. Your hitsound rhythm also indicates that everything should be on white ticks not reds.
00:36:409 - I suppose this means shifting the break too.
00:55:751 (1) - Felt kinda weird skipping the vinxis vocal here, especially considering 00:54:488 (1,2,3,4,1) - is following vocal it wont be that weird since the structure is pretty consistent, and im not mainly following the vocal tho xd
00:58:277 (1) - Same here. Maybe circle > kickslider instead? nah still keep here, keeping structure consistent
01:35:620 (1,3) - This arrangement makes it hard to tell 3 is actually a 1/1 slider xP. Try a partial overlap instead, maybe similar to : 01:34:988 (1,2) - hmm ill ask more testplayers to test this part, since due to the high ar this isnt rly hard to read
01:58:356 (1,2) - The parallels in these sliders could be better.
03:10:199 (1,3) - Ehh this overlap isnt' necessary imo, weird aesthetic choice here.
03:15:251 (1,3) - Same, with the really small overlaps.
03:50:856 - Break seens unsnapped.
03:53:383 - ^
04:24:883 (1,2) - The overlap here is unnecessary, kinda distracts from the pattern.
04:41:462 (2,2) - Same, unnecessary overlap
04:57:093 (1) - Do something more interesting here pls ;c maybe a buzz slider? well i want to make all the special sound like this to stay consistent, like 01:12:251 - etc, and the structure pretty make sense since the music at these part are pretty calm so buzz slider prob wont work xd
04:57:409 (2) - 04:57:567 - Same, something more interesting?
05:02:146 (1,2) - ^

Cool map. Really nice slider designs. Call me back!
no mention = fixed
thx for mod :>
Topic Starter
Bubbled #2
Go NiNo !
continue after irc last night

23:30 Xinely: ayyyyyy
23:31 Xinely: just feel weird for this stuff 00:40:198 (1) -
23:31 Xinely: 1/8 is barely to hear
23:31 Xinely: 00:40:356 - but clear for here to 00:40:514 -
23:33 SnowNiNo_: is a continus sound from 00:40:198 - to 00:40:514 -
23:33 Xinely: ya i mean like
23:33 Xinely: why you map the lower sound ones
23:34 SnowNiNo_: but using a small hitwindow in the calm part play rly bad so i mapped like this
23:34 SnowNiNo_: cuz idk a better way to express the sound here :<
23:34 SnowNiNo_: how would u map here
23:35 Xinely: maybe swap them instead
23:35 Xinely: i mean like
23:37 SnowNiNo_: but the sound 00:40:514 - should be clikcable tho
23:38 SnowNiNo_: i think the oroiginal structure still makes more sense
23:38 Xinely: or end the 1/8 at 1/4 for make the whitetick clickable
23:38 SnowNiNo_: and after i heard in 50%
23:38 SnowNiNo_: it fit the sound quite well
23:38 Xinely: #thatswhyihatednb
23:39 SnowNiNo_: hmm
23:39 SnowNiNo_: lul
23:39 SnowNiNo_: blame vinxis
23:39 SnowNiNo_:
23:39 SnowNiNo_: wouldnt it be too coomplex in calm part
23:39 SnowNiNo_: like compare with 00:37:672 -
23:40 Xinely: ayy really? idk
23:40 Xinely: im not a player
23:40 Xinely: i cant judge it but from rhythm, i think nope
23:40 Xinely: 04:05:934 (5) - nc?
23:41 SnowNiNo_: yap
23:41 SnowNiNo_: doonoe
23:41 SnowNiNo_: lo fk my keyboard
23:41 Xinely: haooooooooooo
23:42 Xinely: 04:13:197 (1,2) - just visual thing tho maybe stack them to avoid the overlap
23:42 SnowNiNo_: k doone
23:42 SnowNiNo_: and move 04:13:355 (1,3) - a bit
23:42 Xinely: 04:18:250 (1,2) - same for consistency but idk how to fix
23:42 Xinely: lol
23:43 SnowNiNo_: k lemme try
23:44 SnowNiNo_: done
23:44 Xinely: 04:26:619 (3) - nc can be 2 variation here, nc here due ur pattern or nc 04:26:776 (1) - due music so its up to you
23:45 SnowNiNo_: 04:26:776 - i prefer nc here to emphasis the instrument
23:45 Xinely: k
23:46 Xinely: 04:49:355 (3) - maybe nerf a bit like 432,208? the jump is bigger compared with 04:44:303 (3) -
23:47 SnowNiNo_: make 04:49:040 (2,3,1) - to a triangle instead
23:48 SnowNiNo_: fine :o?
23:48 SnowNiNo_:
23:48 Xinely: sure
23:48 Xinely: aaa can i continue to see this tomorrow i have to wake up early tomorrow lol

general :
- i think for SC:4 stuff you can use this hitnormal it sounds fit imo

vinxis moe :
- 00:47:776 (2,3,4) - if u care with blanket, this can be better
- 00:54:171 (2) - nazi, spacing can be consistent here
- 01:07:829 - finish for cymbal?
- 01:09:566 (4) - keep use 1,3x spacing for consistency with 01:08:303 (4) - ?
- 01:19:197 (1) - the spacing is too low imo, maybe move to 280,32?
- 01:20:461 (1) - same as above, maybe move to 440,288
- 01:25:513 (1) - ayy same with 01:19:197 (1) -
- 01:41:619 (1) - nazi, move to 168,216 to make 01:41:303 (3) -'s position is on center of 01:41:619 (1,1) - ?
- 01:41:776 (1,3,2) - not exactly stack but current is fine. just saying
- 02:08:145 (2,3) - hitsound? claps for both should be nice
- 02:08:461 (1) - finish
- 02:28:592 - whistle for drum
- 02:46:671 (1) - i cant hear the 1/8 here but i can hear for 02:46:790 -
- 04:07:197 (1,3) - maybe avoid the overlap for neater design (personally i prefer to put 04:07:829 (3) - to 176,232)
- 05:01:671 (2) - personally i think flow to catch this is a bit sharp, maybe ctrl+g for smoother flow?
- 05:12:882 - 04:12:250 - finish
- 05:31:513 (6) - reduce the jump a bit like 488,240 to make 05:31:119 (4) - on 5 and 6 center?

Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

continue after irc last night

23:30 Xinely: ayyyyyy
23:31 Xinely: just feel weird for this stuff 00:40:198 (1) -
23:31 Xinely: 1/8 is barely to hear
23:31 Xinely: 00:40:356 - but clear for here to 00:40:514 -
23:33 SnowNiNo_: is a continus sound from 00:40:198 - to 00:40:514 -
23:33 Xinely: ya i mean like
23:33 Xinely: why you map the lower sound ones
23:34 SnowNiNo_: but using a small hitwindow in the calm part play rly bad so i mapped like this
23:34 SnowNiNo_: cuz idk a better way to express the sound here :<
23:34 SnowNiNo_: how would u map here
23:35 Xinely: maybe swap them instead
23:35 Xinely: i mean like
23:37 SnowNiNo_: but the sound 00:40:514 - should be clikcable tho
23:38 SnowNiNo_: i think the oroiginal structure still makes more sense
23:38 Xinely: or end the 1/8 at 1/4 for make the whitetick clickable
23:38 SnowNiNo_: and after i heard in 50%
23:38 SnowNiNo_: it fit the sound quite well
23:38 Xinely: #thatswhyihatednb
23:39 SnowNiNo_: hmm
23:39 SnowNiNo_: lul
23:39 SnowNiNo_: blame vinxis
23:39 SnowNiNo_:
23:39 SnowNiNo_: wouldnt it be too coomplex in calm part
23:39 SnowNiNo_: like compare with 00:37:672 -
23:40 Xinely: ayy really? idk
23:40 Xinely: im not a player
23:40 Xinely: i cant judge it but from rhythm, i think nope
23:40 Xinely: 04:05:934 (5) - nc?
23:41 SnowNiNo_: yap
23:41 SnowNiNo_: doonoe
23:41 SnowNiNo_: lo fk my keyboard
23:41 Xinely: haooooooooooo
23:42 Xinely: 04:13:197 (1,2) - just visual thing tho maybe stack them to avoid the overlap
23:42 SnowNiNo_: k doone
23:42 SnowNiNo_: and move 04:13:355 (1,3) - a bit
23:42 Xinely: 04:18:250 (1,2) - same for consistency but idk how to fix
23:42 Xinely: lol
23:43 SnowNiNo_: k lemme try
23:44 SnowNiNo_: done
23:44 Xinely: 04:26:619 (3) - nc can be 2 variation here, nc here due ur pattern or nc 04:26:776 (1) - due music so its up to you
23:45 SnowNiNo_: 04:26:776 - i prefer nc here to emphasis the instrument
23:45 Xinely: k
23:46 Xinely: 04:49:355 (3) - maybe nerf a bit like 432,208? the jump is bigger compared with 04:44:303 (3) -
23:47 SnowNiNo_: make 04:49:040 (2,3,1) - to a triangle instead
23:48 SnowNiNo_: fine :o?
23:48 SnowNiNo_:
23:48 Xinely: sure
23:48 Xinely: aaa can i continue to see this tomorrow i have to wake up early tomorrow lol

general :
- i think for SC:4 stuff you can use this hitnormal it sounds fit imo

vinxis moe :
- 00:47:776 (2,3,4) - if u care with blanket, this can be better ye blanket is important xdd
- 00:54:171 (2) - nazi, spacing can be consistent here
- 01:07:829 - finish for cymbal? yap, and did the same at the similar part
- 01:09:566 (4) - keep use 1,3x spacing for consistency with 01:08:303 (4) - ? nah this isnt necessary since im not staying consist x1.3 ds at this part
- 01:19:197 (1) - the spacing is too low imo, maybe move to 280,32? do sth similar
- 01:20:461 (1) - same as above, maybe move to 440,288 ^
- 01:25:513 (1) - ayy same with 01:19:197 (1) - same
- 01:41:619 (1) - nazi, move to 168,216 to make 01:41:303 (3) -'s position is on center of 01:41:619 (1,1) - ? move 01:41:776 (1) - instead
- 01:41:776 (1,3,2) - not exactly stack but current is fine. just saying yap do some custom stack
- 02:08:145 (2,3) - hitsound? claps for both should be nice
- 02:08:461 (1) - finish
- 02:28:592 - whistle for drum
- 02:46:671 (1) - i cant hear the 1/8 here but i can hear for 02:46:790 - the 1/8 here was mainly expressing the vocal, not the music
- 04:07:197 (1,3) - maybe avoid the overlap for neater design (personally i prefer to put 04:07:829 (3) - to 176,232) [color=#0000FFyap, adjust 4 either[/color]
- 05:01:671 (2) - personally i think flow to catch this is a bit sharp, maybe ctrl+g for smoother flow? hmm is fine i think, cuz it plays well for me, move 05:01:671 (2) - closer to 1 instead
- 05:12:882 - 04:12:250 - finish
- 05:31:513 (6) - reduce the jump a bit like 488,240 to make 05:31:119 (4) - on 5 and 6 center?

no mention, blue word = fixed
thx for mod :3
yap lets try
Gratzz! :3
DeRandom Otaku
cool , been waiting for this
Topic Starter
hi weeb
I like trains
vinxis stop necroing smh

pretty ok song btw
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