I was recently modding a map, and it had a rather mis-shaped slider in it. So I said the mapper that it should be better if he could redo it (and give an image)
Then I thought, why not have a simpler way to do it?
My proposal:
If you copy a .osu specific slider code, it'll put the slider on the screen
The .osu code is
God I'm so bad at explaining this, if someone has a better explanation, please tell me
Then I thought, why not have a simpler way to do it?
My proposal:
If you copy a .osu specific slider code, it'll put the slider on the screen
The .osu code is
301,317,321794,6,2,B|292:238|306:194|381:197|384:134|375:90|311:65|277:77|260:106|252:127|252:127|248:137|236:141|226:135|226:135|208:123|178:109|143:119|106:178|124:218|163:268|223:222|258:249|267:286,1,640,14|4,0:1|3:1,0:1:0:0:If you copy over that line, it'll paste the slider whenever you press ctrl V
God I'm so bad at explaining this, if someone has a better explanation, please tell me