
Butch Hartman and Ron Jones - The Fairly OddParents

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Now Ranked!

Easy [E] by Hyguys
Hard[H] by Katsuri
Insane [I] by Katsuri

Don't forget to play Icky Vicky and My Shiny Teeths and Me
this is my suggestion~

00:05:762 (4) - spacing
00:19:440 (3) - ^

00:03:917 (9) - new combo
00:04:071 (1) - remove new combo
00:26:510 (1) - spacing

starr :)

00:15:059 (1) - isso é um normal, esse spinner não ficou muito bom D:
00:19:977 (1) - ^
00:25:049 (1) - ^ oh shit


00:09:911 (4,5) - a combinação dos sons não ficou tão boa ( frescura minha )
offset 4090
Tipo, essa countdown não ficou boa >_>" Eu desabilitaria ela, hm
E ah, confira esse offset, tá meio errado pra mim (eu faria isso, mas sucko bonito em achar offset e)

00:06:222 (2) - use 0 distance snapping aqui, ficou torto do jeito que tá agora
00:28:353 (4) - ^
00:29:890 (6) - faz um spacing tipo, vc colocou ele de uma forma que ficou meio.. feio >_>"
Bom, num overall ficou bom.. só que eu acho que 1,2 de spacing pra um normal é meio tenso, já que tu não tem uma diff mais fácil e talz, tem que ser legal com os nubs. XD

00:20:227 (5) - new combo

Fora isso, tá bom ^^ Só confirme com alguém que saiba mais pra ver se esse tempo de mapa é rankeavel, pq eu não tenho certeza D:
Boa sorte~
This needs to be mapped on 1/3
Have fun with your remap \D:/

0_o wrote:

...the song is definitely in 1/3. The eighth notes are swung, so if you are sticking to the music than there should be nothing on red ticks.
^ on the other ranked version.

Here you can see it's 1/3:

Download: Butch Hartman - The Fairly Oddparents (Katsuri) [Test 13].osu

If I were you I'd also make a Normal to balance everything out, just having an Insane and Easy seems a bit cruel~
(Even better is if you make a Normal and a Hard \:D/)
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1/4 Looks better than 1/3 GladiOol

Katsuri wrote:

1/4 Looks better than 1/3 GladiOol
It's not 1/4, but I don't care, it's not my map \:D/
It's defintly 1/3, that's all I'm saying~
what other ranked version where
edit ; did my diff in 1/3~

Download: Butch Hartman - The Fairly Oddparents (Katsuri) [Hyguys's Easy].osu

^ make your artist just like in this one too~
(Don't kudosu this)

Source = Nickelodeon

GladiOol wrote:

^ make your artist just like in this one too~
(Don't kudosu this)

Source = Nickelodeon
BTW... Source would be like the cartoon's name I guess?

Not sure about timing but whatever ;_;
If possible, consider mixing 1st and 2nd Kiai :3
Also, no preview time ;_;
Add tag 'Hyguys' :3

[Hyguys's Easy]
Dunno about note timings ;_;

Dunno about note timings ;_;

Pizza ;_;
- I'm totally not sure about the timing, you ought to ask a timing pro like Lybydose, Card'n Force... to check your timing!
- Add "Nickelodeon" in the tags
- Make one or two new difficulty, don't be lazy, this song is just 0:44 long !

Hyguys' Easy
00:03:139 (3) - Reduce this slider by 1/1 to follow the vocal ?

The map is fine, but you really need to ask a timing pro :/

Here's some timing for ya' (Timing from Larto's one is a bit off. BPM is a bit slow and offset is a bit early)

I got:
BPM: 195.20, Offset: 382

Enjoy :)
This song has swing, it should be mapped on the 1/3, not the 1/4.
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Charles445 wrote:

This song has swing, it should be mapped on the 1/3, not the 1/4.
Oi o/

[Hyguys' Easy]:
Quando seu nick termina em "s" não é necessário adicionar outro.

00:01:918- Finish?.
00:05:914- ^.
00:16:672- Finish at the beginning.
00:18:414- Finish.
00:20:361- Move this circle to 00:20:156 (If you will do it remember reducing the spacing). And...
00:20:566- Start this spinner at 00:20:259 or 00:20:361 (I prefer 00:20:361).
00:37:574- Finish at the beginning.
00:42:492- Finish.


00:07:963- Use 1/4, and there move this slider to red stick.
00:10:422- Wth? . Alright, In 1/4 move the circle (5) to red tick. And the spinner should start here: 00:10:525 (and finish here: 00:11:447)

Ok, I think this diff must be mapped in 1/4.

Again. I think this diff must be mapped in 1/4

00:14:374- This cricle isn't snpped.
00:14:451- ^
00:36:209- ^
00:36:286- This spinner isn't snapped.
^ To fix these issues, use 1/4.

Star ^^

DJ Angel
offset: 692
bpm: 195.25

I might get around to modding this at some later point, but not right now, enjoy your timing though :D
2 notes are unsnapped orz
00:01:204 (5) - End point sounds weird, set length again :3?
00:07:964 (3) - ^
00:30:807 (4) - [Suggestion] Make end point fit into song melody :3?

3 notes are unsnapped orz

Still going but whatever ;_;
Sorry for double posting orz

After Card's checking and some more modding,
okay :3

Timmy: I wish this map were bubbled!

i just can't believe...
Congratz for the bubble !!

Hyguys wrote:

i just can't believe...
Congratz for the bubble !!
^ That!
rank this now
i mean
00:17:900 (2,3) - Don't stack on these rhythms, beginners will always try to hit it at a faster rhythm such as 00:15:749 (4,5).

00:42:484 (1) - I'd probably move this spinner to the end, as the last note is placed in a strange place. It ruined my SS wwww.
Seems good. Though some parts have strange distances, like 00:11:754 which has a rather small distance to at one point 00:26:095 (8,1) which has a rather large jump of space in between...
Oh my DR is high... probably just me thinking it's unfitting... one notch lower would be nice though, but maybe not... lol orz

00:26:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Combo seems to start a bit close to the last combo, though, the AR might make it fine... otherwise, move it down or something so it's more spaced 'correctly'

00:34:085 (4,5) - Lol, when I play this part, I end up hitting the 5 first, then I feel forced to do it right after playing again. But maybe it's just me. Simply doesn't feel right for me.

anyways star~
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

00:17:900 (2,3) - Don't stack on these rhythms, beginners will always try to hit it at a faster rhythm such as 00:15:749 (4,5).

00:42:484 (1) - I'd probably move this spinner to the end, as the last note is placed in a strange place. It ruined my SS wwww.
Seems good. Though some parts have strange distances, like 00:11:754 which has a rather small distance to at one point 00:26:095 (8,1) which has a rather large jump of space in between...
Oh my DR is high... probably just me thinking it's unfitting... one notch lower would be nice though, but maybe not... lol orz

00:26:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Combo seems to start a bit close to the last combo, though, the AR might make it fine... otherwise, move it down or something so it's more spaced 'correctly'

00:34:085 (4,5) - Lol, when I play this part, I end up hitting the 5 first, then I feel forced to do it right after playing again. But maybe it's just me. Simply doesn't feel right for me.

anyways star~
Something fixed, poped bubble ;_;
Since there are few fixing, fixed bubble again ;_;
[I wonder orz]
Hmm yeah...

Artist and Title are wrong, check the ranked version.

Artist: "Butch Hartman and Ron Jones"
Title: " The Fairly OddParents" (You need to use capital "P")

Sorry you will probably need to pop it again.

While you're waiting for re-bubble, you should get some mods to improve the map. (I'll mod this tomorrow)

No kd
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Okay, Thanks Gonzvlo, I'm waiting for your mod :3
  1. Folder is clean~
  2. Don't forget to fix the Artist and the Title.
[Hyguy's Easy]
  1. HPDrain is too high for this map, reduce it at least 1 tick.
  2. AR seems high too, I suggest to reduce it 1 tick too.
  3. 00:02:535 (2,3,1) - These objects are not correctly spaced, the spacing must be consistent because the objects have the same spacing between them in the timeline. Please fix the spacing between (3) and (1).
  4. 00:06:837 (1,2,3,4) - (3) sounds off, it's not following any noticeable rhythm or the vocals, I highly suggest to remove it.
  5. 00:19:129 (1,2) - (2) is not correctly spaced, it's so far away from (1), fix the spacing please.
  6. 00:20:563 (1) - This spinner seems too short for [Easy] imo, almost like a ninja spinner. The high BPM will make the next object really hard to hit. I highly suggest to use a slider instead.
  7. 00:24:046 (1,2,1) - Same issue about spacing here, You can't use huge spacing between objects in 1/1 and then use little spacing between some objects that are placed on 1/1 too. Fix the spacing between (2) and the last (1) please.
  8. 00:40:026 (1,2,3) - I'll say it again, "BPM: 195" makes even a bunch of 1/1 notes together hard to hit (for Rookies). Why don't you try something like this, That's way easier and fits the music.
  9. 00:42:484 (1) - The beginning of this spinner seems a bit odd, I suggest to start this spinner here: 00:42:176 - that will also make the spinner longer. (It's kinda short imo)
  1. AR seems too high for [Hard] you should reduce it 1 tick. (You used AR: 8 for Insane too, so you should use 6~7 for Hard)
  2. 00:07:964 (3) - The end of this slider sounds off. I suggest to end this slider 1/3 earlier, sounds way better (Perhaps, add a whistle at the end too?
  3. 00:09:296 (1,2,3,4) - Why are these in 1/2? I've tested them in 1/3 and they sound perfectly fine, even better~
  4. 00:10:525 (1) - This spinner barely gets 3k on Auto, it totally kills the flow. I highly suggest to use a slider instead, the spinner seems too short...
  5. 00:15:647 (1,2,3,4) - These objects would feel better if you stack (1)&(2) and (3)&(4) or use sliders instead
  6. 00:24:968 (4) - This repeat is snapped to 1/2, it should be snapped to 1/3 too. (The repeat should land here: 00:25:172 - )
  7. 00:31:421 (1) - I saw the same huge spinner in [Easy] where it seemed acceptable, but in [Hard] too?, it makes me think that you got lazy. Why don't you delete that spinner and map that part? (That spinner doesn't suit this diff anyways. IMO)
  1. HPDrain is too high, reduce it at least 1 tick. (2 if it's possible)
  2. 00:03:662 (8,9) - This jump doesn't fit at all. It feels so random and unintuitive. I suggest to reduce spacing
  3. 00:17:593 (5) - This sounds off, it should be placed 1/3 later.
  4. 00:17:798 (6,7,8,9,10) - (8) and (9) are not following any noticeable rhythm, you should remove those circles.
  5. 00:25:788 (8,1) - This spacing is completely wrong, (1) looks like a fake 1/3. You need to move (1) away.
Fixed almost all , gonz ;D
ps: send diff by in-game pm
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Okay, somethings fixed
Card N'FoRcE
Offset should be set to 691 so the metronome functions correctly. The inherited sections at the end aren't snapped properly; the kiai should start precisely on the circle. These are the main reasons for popping.


00:39:616 (8) - Move this down one space, the spacing shift with the overlap is odd and confusing.


My main concern here is how much the rhythm of this difficulty deviates from the melody without meaning. The objects that could be moved forward 1/3 and shortened to fix this are 00:02:433 (3), 00:04:891 (5) and 00:12:266 (4).
00:15:339 (4,1) - May as well increase the spacing here, I think it's just odd to keep this so static.
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All done!
-The BPM is also currently off. I am not 100% sure on it but jericho recommends 195.150 so I would just go with that for now. Make sure to resnap all notes/timing sections correctly

Hyguys' Easy:
00:25:275 (2,1) - overlaps like this could look nicer
00:31:420 (1) - not the most creative/ interesting way to map this for such a short mp3

00:13:604 (5,6,7) - this pattern could look nicer in general
00:18:719 (1) - odd to break the flow here just for 1 note, I suggest you keep mapping this part normally
00:31:420 (1) - again I would expect this to be more creative for a Hard

-Glad to see at least some of the flow issues were sorted out but still has some problems with it
-Really doesn't need HP 9 for this type of map, at least do -1
Nazi: 00:01:920 (1,2) - might as well stack stuff like this correctly
00:08:988 (1,4,5) - stack these so the spacing stays equal
00:13:495 (9) - I would expect this to start on a white tick like the ones mentioned earlier (and shorten it)
00:25:787 (8,1) - don't overlap stuff like this if possible
00:31:932 (4) - start on white tick like the start
00:33:162 (10) - ^ (same for any others after this)

Personally I think the mapset could use some more modding in general just to polish things up before it gets rebubbled
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All Fixed!
I need a D:
lol Larto not a BAT anymore ><
[Hyguys' Easy]
00:42:300 (1) - Start from 00:42:504 :3?

00:20:880 (2,3) - [Suggestion] Just worried about covered by previous note but whatever...


Cola orz
Just rechecking one more ;_;

edit. Okay okay... ...
Love this song :3
oh man. the good old days when i didn't have to do sht for school. <3
Also... any reason why there isn't a note here at 00:31:128 (x)? ;_; in insane difficulty
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Sorry, I'll not fix it because I think it's ready, but thanks for check and star :3

Jarby wrote:

Offset should be set to 691 so the metronome functions correctly.
Why didn't you change this? It's not terribly important but the metronome should still be fixed if possible, so the main menu flashes look alright.

In fact, if you're so willing, you can create another red section at 691 instead of moving the first one, so the metronome follows all the beats before that and still keep the metronome in place. That might be a bit unnecessary though.

Well, I cannot find anything else wrong. BPM and offset sound fine to me. Beat placement is good. Insane surpassed my expectations but Hard was a bit cramped up; easy is just average.

I guess I'll have to rebubble after you do this, though, since it's timing. I'll pop for the moment (you'll probably fix this in the next 10 minutes I post this).

EDIT: I was right!
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Fixed :3
Considering the amount of approvals and everything this has gotten, I think it's time to rank it. It probably should have been an instant rank since my last post.

So ranked! Congratulations.
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Love you :3
Gratz :3
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