
How do you change slider type? [Resolved]

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I've been wondering how to change slider type in the Osu! editor. Referring to the FAQ, it states

Set the type of slider you want (Options-->Slider Curve Type). There are three types of curves - Catmull, Bezier and Linear. Bezier is recommended as it produces the smoothest looking curves. Linear mode is useful if you want sharp (e.g. 90 degree) corners in your sliders.
I can't seem to find the 'Options' menu. Any help is appreciated.
That's outdated - now only beziers exist. If you want linear, ctrl click on a point and it'll turn red. If you want catmull, don't.
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Thanks for the quick reply.
Catmull sliders are really ugly, believe me x)

You can still make them though, by making 2 slider points next to each other, like this
Those aren't really the same but get the point across I guess.

Another way to create ugly, catmull-like sliders is to place redpoints with whitepoints on either side in a straight line, like this:
Redpoints? What are those?
Double-click a regular point... thing.
A redpoint marks the ending of one bezier curve and the beginning of another. They are joined together into one slider. These are useful for sharp edges or when you want to force the slider to pass through a certain point.
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