Problem Details:
Letting auto go so far into a song, reloading a skin, and then restarting auto (with the quick retry key) causes auto to miss all of the notes up until the point the skin was reloaded. Happens in all 4 game modes (in ctb even the fruits that land on the plate aren't collected and phase right through)
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: 20160819cuttingedge
Letting auto go so far into a song, reloading a skin, and then restarting auto (with the quick retry key) causes auto to miss all of the notes up until the point the skin was reloaded. Happens in all 4 game modes (in ctb even the fruits that land on the plate aren't collected and phase right through)
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: 20160819cuttingedge