
The Prince Of Sinewaves - Ori and The Blind Forest (POS remi

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ok all

waiting raika

Lenfried- wrote:

00:03:453 (3453|0) - does this LN really have to be this short? D: same with other similar cases like 00:07:453 (7453|6) -
yesssss... because the sound fade out per hit, its good to make it like that, and ive already make sure player could get 300g.

00:14:882 (14882|0,14882|1,15453|1,15453|0) - try making a distinction between these two sounds by moving one of the LNs to another col. Idk the layering but i hear varying pitches.
the suggestion is okay... but the idea and this mapping structure is mostly inverse and avoid additional new LN for the pattern.

00:25:739 - kind expecting some spicy note releases here because of what you did with 00:16:024 (16024|5,16024|6,16167|4,16310|3,16596|2,16882|1) -
uhm.. well i try to not repeat the pattern, and its also hard to get perfect 300 so i skip it...
but sure... in return, i reduce the OD to "7" , for more forgiving LN release.

00:28:596 (28596|0,28739|1,28882|2) - 1/4 LN stair could have a 132 flow for some rigidity. 00:28:596 (28596|6,28739|5,28882|4) - should follow a 756 flow.
for this, sureeee~
i was focusing on "easy" and "comfortable" pattern beforehand, so for some rigidity, sure why not? >w<
Topic Starter

thanks for mod

01:04 ArcherLove: APAKAH SUDAH ADA WAKTU? :D
01:04 ArcherLove: inb4 "masih belum"
01:06 LordRaika: haha, sbnrny msh ad 1 request lagi T^T
01:06 LordRaika: np me the map
01:06 ArcherLove: ooh masih kerjain check orang tooh
01:06 *ArcherLove is listening to [ The Prince Of Sinewaves - Ori and The Blind Forest (POS remix)]
01:06 LordRaika: msh ad hitsound req check @_@ entah darimana pdhl g ad buka queue
01:07 ArcherLove: sudah di approve sm kami sih, cuma mau denger general opinion dr kamu www
01:07 ArcherLove: soalnya yang ngemap LN dan pernah rank model begini kan kamu 'w'
01:07 ArcherLove: mari makan mie bersama
01:07 LordRaika: SULIT
01:07 LordRaika: BIASA
01:07 ArcherLove: HHEEHEHHE
01:07 LordRaika: oh
01:08 LordRaika: demn la
01:08 ArcherLove: btw ini style consist dari liat stylemu
01:08 ArcherLove: 'w'
01:08 LordRaika: sbnrny klo mau jujur.....
01:08 ArcherLove: rip
01:08 ArcherLove: jujur aj gpp
01:08 LordRaika: w g suka SHield yang tanggung2
01:08 LordRaika: wkwkw
01:08 ArcherLove: ranking criteria..
01:08 ArcherLove: ;wwwwwwwwwwww;
01:08 LordRaika: 00:17:167 - nah spt ini
01:08 ArcherLove: RANKING CRITERIA ;wwwwwwww;
01:09 LordRaika: kenapa gak putuskan aja LN di baris 7
01:09 LordRaika: KENAPA
01:09 ArcherLove: ohh
01:09 ArcherLove: itu soalnya masih jalan
01:09 LordRaika: putusin disini 00:17:024 - si 00:16:310 (16310|6) - ini
01:09 ArcherLove: suaranya
01:09 ArcherLove: atau di re-add di situ aja?
01:09 LordRaika: GAK mesti gitu
01:09 ArcherLove: habis putus
01:09 ArcherLove: terus add lagi
01:09 ArcherLove: ?
01:09 LordRaika: ya bole add Note
01:09 LordRaika: bole add LN
01:09 ArcherLove: okee
01:10 ArcherLove: kuputuskan huubngan dia dengan note setelahnya T^T
01:10 ArcherLove: dan kutambahkan LN di antara mereka
01:10 LordRaika: nah, perfect break... INI 3x lipat lbh gmpg dari yg sblmnya... klo sblmnya Gampang putus di 7, krn kurang control
01:10 LordRaika: LN tu kan ssh di control nya
01:10 ArcherLove: welp kan emg niatnya buat latihan "hard-control"LN sih
01:11 ArcherLove: tapi ini gampang banget sih ..
01:11 ArcherLove: changed btw
01:11 ArcherLove: temenku pada be like "can't suggest anything, too easy" rip
01:11 LordRaika: ini trlalu kecil SR nya, gk sepadan haha
01:11 LordRaika: jgn nanya yg pro la
01:12 ArcherLove: tannya yang pro LN layering sih
01:12 LordRaika: coba u tny yg bisa "S" 4star tapi suruh main diff ini
01:12 LordRaika: u tny yg pp 2000,
01:12 LordRaika: die
01:12 ArcherLove: aku tanya yg main lv 20-an sih
01:12 ArcherLove: 10-20
01:12 LordRaika: 00:12:024 - ini pls
01:12 ArcherLove: mereka bilang ga susah" amat krn LN system di o2
01:12 LordRaika: trlalu byk nih
01:12 LordRaika: susahnya di tahan yg ke3
01:12 ArcherLove: ini 00:12:024 (12024|0) - doublenya 00:12:024 (12024|6) -
01:12 ArcherLove: gpp itu latihan kontrol
01:13 ArcherLove: kalau dibuat gampang semua malah gabisa" ;w;
01:13 LordRaika: 00:12:024 (12024|0) - delete aja
01:13 LordRaika: cool kok
01:13 LordRaika: krn dia tmbh turun
01:13 LordRaika: arah LN nya <<<
01:13 ArcherLove: ndak balance nnti
01:13 ArcherLove: berat kanan
01:13 LordRaika: 00:18:310 (18310|2) - ini, break dsini dong00:19:310 -
01:14 LordRaika: jadi untuk apa tny w :(
01:14 ArcherLove: lho kan kaya yg pertama tadi
01:14 ArcherLove: itu penting lho :o
01:14 ArcherLove: tapi ad bbrp yang emg "disengaja"
01:14 LordRaika: DELETE, trus ini panjangin >>> 00:09:167 (9167|0) -
01:14 LordRaika: zzz
01:14 LordRaika: y udh u liat aja w main
01:15 LordRaika: g prcy amat, w bs FC bykn LN map w T^T
01:15 LordRaika: tapi yg spt ini jauh
01:15 ArcherLove: lah gmn mw liat ini ud di uba" wwwwwwwwwww
01:15 ArcherLove: lo bukan ga percaya sih
01:15 ArcherLove: kan emg kadang layering itu ada beda" tiap org
01:15 *LordRaika is playing [ The Prince Of Sinewaves - Ori and The Blind Forest (POS remix) [Sulit [HD]]] <osu!mania> |7K|
01:15 ArcherLove: nah opini yg beda itu yg dicari sih
01:15 ArcherLove: kadang bisa buat pattern baru yg menarik
01:15 ArcherLove: yg tadi dipanjangin \w/
01:15 LordRaika: y ud u liat aja, dimana w biasa bisa FC
01:16 ArcherLove: GIMANA
01:16 ArcherLove: UDAH DIGANTI
01:16 LordRaika: u liat dgn jelas, luar biasa susah kontrolnya dimana >_<
01:16 ArcherLove: UPDATE TO LATEST
01:16 LordRaika: aa
01:16 ArcherLove: AA
01:16 ArcherLove: ini kmarin rank 60 dapet B ww
01:16 ArcherLove: bms player si
01:19 LordRaika: 570k, 84%
01:19 LordRaika: klo u tny w,... w bisa nge map 3star lbh dan w bs "S" pattern w
01:20 LordRaika: :(
01:20 LordRaika: mkny w mls nge mod
01:20 ArcherLove: loo general opinion XD
01:20 ArcherLove: ini uda IRC loo
01:20 ArcherLove: ez kds
01:20 ArcherLove: jk
01:20 ArcherLove: ini tadi ad bbrp yang diganti menurutmu kok
01:20 ArcherLove: yg panjangin sm pendekin td ud diganti
01:20 ArcherLove: sm add bbrp LN accordingly
01:22 LordRaika: klo mmg tujuan kt beda.... ok... tpi ingat, tujuan w nge map... w buat pattern nya se maksimal mgkn gampang dimainkan, g ada cancer pattern..... ( w ad pernah ambil map orang 2000note, w susun dan w acak jadi cancer pattern, 2000 note juga, susahnya ampe nangis darah....) kira2 spt itu
01:22 LordRaika: jd ni w ks tau aja
01:22 LordRaika: btr
01:22 ArcherLove: iyaa
01:22 ArcherLove: 'w'
01:23 LordRaika: 00:44:596 - w selalu miss disijni, trlalu ssh kontrol tahan di LN ke 5
01:23 ArcherLove: aku pingin soalnya map kontrol LN jadi ada di osu! \w/
01:23 ArcherLove: oo iya itu sengaja supaya latihan "read"-"coordination"
01:23 LordRaika: smua yg berbau spt ini trlalu sulit utk lv ini
01:23 ArcherLove: reading coodination skill \w/
01:24 ArcherLove: ini harusnya emg lv 10-an sih
01:24 LordRaika: tapi klo u buat spt ini, utk tangan kanan lbh gmpg
01:24 ArcherLove: rip aku tangan kiri
01:24 LordRaika: klo gitu sorong smua ke sebelah kiri
01:24 LordRaika: 00:16:882 (16882|4) - ini trlalu minor
01:25 LordRaika: g d map jg g mslh
01:25 ArcherLove: piano sound
01:25 ArcherLove: yepyep
01:25 ArcherLove: supaya ada impack 00:16:882 (16882|4,17167|4) -
01:25 LordRaika: 00:32:024 (32024|5) - remove aj?
01:25 ArcherLove: di 00:17:167 (17167|4) -
01:25 ArcherLove: oh iya removed
01:27 LordRaika: 00:33:167 - , seriously... :(
01:27 LordRaika: ingat, control yang tengah, trus jari telunjuk dan manis gerak tu susah banget
01:27 LordRaika: tapi klo manis yg tahan, sisany gerak, jauh lbh gmpg
01:27 LordRaika: apalagi yg jari tengahny panjang....
01:27 LordRaika: @_@
01:27 ArcherLove: iya emg kan reading-coordination control ini map tujuannya
01:27 ArcherLove: mangkanya pendek
01:27 ArcherLove: maksudnya
01:28 ArcherLove: patternnya didesain gt
01:28 LordRaika: 00:35:453 (35453|5) - remove aj :( , klo full LN, w prefer full LN, jgn tambah2i mini note....
01:28 LordRaika: ini mkny w g suka mod
01:28 LordRaika: orz
01:28 ArcherLove: hmm jadi bland itu orz
01:28 ArcherLove: loo kan tker pendapat masa ga suka ;w;
01:29 ArcherLove: sebenarnya ini semua salah SR :(
01:29 LordRaika: stiap ketemu NEW HOLD, itu klo smua LN, gmpg... tapi klo ad normal note di antara new hold itu,.... susah kontrol mana tahan mana lepas
01:29 LordRaika: YES
01:29 ArcherLove: kalau seumpama map ini SR 4 pasti ga bakal gini XD
01:29 LordRaika: krn w mewakili smua player lv rendah, mrk pasti g ad yg suka
01:29 ArcherLove: maksudnya komen" km
01:29 ArcherLove: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
01:29 ArcherLove: yaaaaaa
01:29 LordRaika: minimal pp mereka harus 3500 ke atas
01:29 ArcherLove: troll people
01:29 ArcherLove: funn \:D/
01:29 LordRaika: yah gitu la
01:30 ArcherLove: wwww
01:32 LordRaika: w rasa sisanya sih okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
01:33 LordRaika: normal , u mesti cari yg bener2 newb klo mau pendapat yg akurat
01:33 ArcherLove: oookeeeeeeeeeeeeee
01:33 ArcherLove: kata eter enak ;;
01:33 ArcherLove: sama kemarin si itu
01:33 ArcherLove: anu
01:33 ArcherLove: er
01:33 ArcherLove: pokoknya dia dapet 96
01:33 ArcherLove: si itu anak baru pokoknya 'w'
01:33 ArcherLove: ya gitu de
01:34 LordRaika: "anak baru" not found
01:34 ArcherLove: GA GUTY
01:34 LordRaika: klo normal, bbrp normal note slain extra tuk snare/clap, sih mnrt w bakal mengganggu banget
01:34 ArcherLove: GA GITU
01:35 ArcherLove: z
01:35 ArcherLove: mm
01:35 ArcherLove: yah bpm rendah juga sih
01:35 LordRaika: ya, ttp aja di kontrol LN nyta
01:35 LordRaika: *ny
01:35 ArcherLove: nggak kaya HD kok
01:35 ArcherLove: literally "sulit"
01:35 ArcherLove: yang ini "biasa"
01:35 ArcherLove: BIASA SULITNYA
01:36 LordRaika: X_X
01:36 ArcherLove: post log dong XD
01:36 ArcherLove: itu td ad yg di-add soalnya
01:37 LordRaika: :(
01:37 LordRaika: :( :( :(
01:37 ArcherLove: waat
01:37 ArcherLove: nggak post jg ga masalah sih ...
01:37 ArcherLove: kan up to you tbh
01:39 LordRaika: krn w g ngerasa spt mod
01:39 ArcherLove: opini" kecil ini justru menurutku mod lho
01:39 ArcherLove: drpada yg panjang lebar tapi poinnya ilang krn kebanyakan "poin"
01:39 ArcherLove: kan enk langsung "ini gini-gini krn aku gini-gini"
01:40 LordRaika: krn poin mrk itu "konsisten konsisten kon!!!!!!"
01:40 ArcherLove: daripada "menurut ininininini dan ininini bahwa pattern inininini itu gininini karena inininini dan ginininini maka dari itu ininini dan ginininini blabla"
01:40 LordRaika: tambah ini tambah itu, gak mesti gitu klo mapper udah MAP MNRT PATTERN, g mesti harus ngitung jumlah note lagi
01:40 ArcherLove: kayak pidato presiden aja
01:40 ArcherLove: ;w;
01:40 LordRaika: mapper tau dimana g bole over note dan dimana patternny trlalu sulit tuk di eksekusi klo tmbh note
01:40 ArcherLove: playability for ln playerrrr ;w;
01:40 LordRaika: ini mksdny w? @_@
01:40 LordRaika: hueeeeee
01:41 ArcherLove: yahj.. akhirnya terserah sih...
01:41 ArcherLove: kalau mau dipost gpp kalau ga gpp ww
01:41 ArcherLove: nnti mask ke mapdesc jg
01:41 ArcherLove: ]spt pikobaka
01:41 LordRaika: hmmmmmmmmm
01:42 LordRaika: u mau w GD aj? diff nya "GILAK"
01:42 ArcherLove: lagu apa?
01:42 LordRaika: yg tadi
01:42 ArcherLove: hmm tapi ini utk rank lho
01:42 ArcherLove: ww
01:42 LordRaika: w mau buat LN yg lbh susah tapi W pasti bisa "S" kan
01:42 LordRaika: YES
01:42 LordRaika: i know
01:43 ArcherLove: terserah deh tapi hitsound default aja yaa
01:43 LordRaika: oh, ok..krn laguny pendek dan bpm rendah... harusnya bisa cpt siap...
01:43 ArcherLove: soalnya ini literally tinggal nunggu CS ngecek XD
01:43 LordRaika: tunggu dlm bbrp hari ya XD
01:43 ArcherLove: okee
01:43 ArcherLove: er
01:43 ArcherLove: nunggunya sbelum CS bilang "siap"
01:43 ArcherLove: rip
01:44 LordRaika: klo map w, 90% g prlu mod lagi :(
01:44 LordRaika: im the tester
01:44 ArcherLove: OH OKE
01:44 ArcherLove: DASAR ELITE MAPPER
01:44 ArcherLove: HUH
01:44 LordRaika: soalny kebetulan cocok ama lv w
01:44 LordRaika: PLSSSSSSSS
01:44 LordRaika: >_<
01:44 ArcherLove: HHHHHhh
01:44 LordRaika: bakarcher
01:44 ArcherLove: iyaa ditunggu deh
01:44 LordRaika: BAKAR cher
01:44 ArcherLove: mmm
01:44 ArcherLove: gbs
01:44 ArcherLove: BAKARAIKA
01:44 ArcherLove: BAKAR AIKA
01:44 ArcherLove: =D
01:45 LordRaika: OMG YOU WOT MATE
01:45 ArcherLove: =3
01:45 LordRaika: wkwkwkw
01:45 LordRaika: gut job
01:45 ArcherLove: kk
01:45 ArcherLove: ditunggu deh =3
01:45 ArcherLove: harusnya 2 jam selesai sih kalo speed map ww
01:45 ArcherLove: tapi gpp ditunggu nnti CS dipending
01:45 ArcherLove: ato..
01:45 ArcherLove: emg dia udh sibuk si
01:45 ArcherLove: \w/
01:46 LordRaika: ntr w ks kbr w siap dlm brp lama XD, krn w map... g prnh cpt....
01:46 LordRaika: life as raika T^T
01:47 ArcherLove: okedeh
01:47 ArcherLove: semangat pak
01:48 ArcherLove: a btw
01:48 ArcherLove: mau map diff apa
01:48 ArcherLove: "Raika's Lumayan Sulit"
01:49 ArcherLove: "Raika's Super Sulit"
01:52 ArcherLove: ee oke dah atur deh mau tidur x_x
01:52 ArcherLove: bb
Topic Starter
marked for ever
Internet is back! and Sorry for late mod :)

Mod for Mod Request

  1. BPM: OK
  2. Offset: OK
  3. AiMod: Tags conflict with Raika's Kesulitan [MX] diff.
  4. Audio: OK
  5. Background: OK
  6. Preview Point: OK
7k P A T T E R N - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7|

  1. I think much better if you add one note here 00:04:596 - and remove one note here 00:05:167 -
  2. Change 00:20:596 (20596|4) - the limit of the LN here 00:21:167 - for consistency.
  1. Try to move this note 00:10:882 (10882|5) - to column 2
  2. 00:17:167 - remove one note (Not the LN) to stable the hitsound and i think 5 notes is enough.
OMG it's LN mapset T_T Nuuudles I'm so sorry for the late mod and thanks for mod my map. Goodluck :)

Biasa [NM]
00:09:739 (9739|3) - to make it simple for NM diff, how about remove these snare note and catch only sound like 00:10:310 (10310|2) - ?

Raika's Kesulitan [MX]
00:10:310 (10310|1) - why not make this into LN? refer > 00:19:453 (19453|6,19596|4,19667|5,19739|6,19810|2,19882|1) -
00:16:024 (16024|5,16024|6,16167|4,16310|3,16596|2,16882|1) - can't really see why u should end them at the different timing here, i guess is better to snap every LN here at 00:17:024 -
00:20:596 (20596|6,20739|2,21167|4) - while i see your intention of doing this, but i think snap at 00:21:739 - would be better or 00:21:596 - for a LN shield
00:25:167 (25167|1,25167|4,25310|2,25453|3,25739|0) - same case like before ^
00:38:882 - add another at col 5?
00:39:453 (39453|5,39453|1,39453|0,39453|6) - pretty odd to make a break here, suggestion >
00:43:453 (43453|5,43453|4,44310|5,44310|4) - i can't really hear what sound u are following, sound like 00:42:310 (42310|5,42310|4,44596|2,44596|1) - is fine to make 1/4 LN but this seems a little odd
Topic Starter

Shiro-neechan wrote:

Internet is back! and Sorry for late mod :)

Mod for Mod Request

  1. BPM: OK
  2. Offset: OK
  3. AiMod: Tags conflict with Raika's Kesulitan [MX] diff.
  4. Audio: OK
  5. Background: OK
  6. Preview Point: OK
7k P A T T E R N - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7|

  1. I think much better if you add one note here 00:04:596 - and remove one note here 00:05:167 - added but not removed because the sound is a bit louder on that section
  2. Change 00:20:596 (20596|4) - the limit of the LN here 00:21:167 - for consistency.
  1. Try to move this note 00:10:882 (10882|5) - to column 2 hmm I d on't know about this because it will be heavy-left for left thumb user like me but changed for now
  2. 00:17:167 - remove one note (Not the LN) to stable the hitsound and i think 5 notes is enough.
OMG it's LN mapset T_T Nuuudles I'm so sorry for the late mod and thanks for mod my map. Goodluck :)
ayy cs \o
Topic Starter

Critical_Star wrote:


Biasa [NM]
00:09:739 (9739|3) - to make it simple for NM diff, how about remove these snare note and catch only sound like 00:10:310 (10310|2) - ? I deleted all similiar sound except something like 00:12:024 (12024|4,12596|3,13167|2) - :D
waiting raika's response

edit : update bakaraika diff

Critical_Star wrote:

Raika's Kesulitan [MX]
00:10:310 (10310|1) - why not make this into LN? refer > 00:19:453 (19453|6,19596|4,19667|5,19739|6,19810|2,19882|1) -
oh, no.. the second one is there because of total 2LN, 00:10:310 (10310|0,10310|6) - and 00:19:453 (19453|0,19453|6) -
and adding 00:10:310 (10310|1) - LN here too gonna make it harder, so no XD thanksss anyway ^^

00:16:024 (16024|5,16024|6,16167|4,16310|3,16596|2,16882|1) - can't really see why u should end them at the different timing here, i guess is better to snap every LN here at 00:17:024 -
00:25:167 (25167|1,25167|4,25310|2,25453|3,25739|0) - same case like before ^
hmm... thou its not that hard, but to think again, it might be frustating to get all 300 rainbow and that is not my mapping style,
so yeah... gotta remake this part.

00:20:596 (20596|6,20739|2,21167|4) - while i see your intention of doing this, but i think snap at 00:21:739 - would be better or 00:21:596 - for a LN shield
well since i didnt use any unique release pattern anymore, i will change this one as well...

00:38:882 - add another at col 5?
looks ok for add note, but adding there makes it not balance, so i will pass on it.

00:39:453 (39453|5,39453|1,39453|0,39453|6) - pretty odd to make a break here, suggestion >
00:43:453 (43453|5,43453|4,44310|5,44310|4) - i can't really hear what sound u are following, sound like 00:42:310 (42310|5,42310|4,44596|2,44596|1) - is fine to make 1/4 LN but this seems a little odd
thx for the suggestion but yeah... its the correct sound to follow...
(i include the explanation for this at the end of this reply)

errr, its 1/2 length of LN, and you know.... the main reason is because i use perfect shield pattern on it.
thus,... i break the 23 or 56 LN, if i didnt break it, it will looks like this
or do you mean by this 00:42:453 (42453|2) - ??? since you also highlight 00:44:596 (44596|1,44596|2) -
in anyway... no change there... thx :)

btw here is the extra explanation and bonus XD (just spent an hour to transcribe and remake this)
Ori and The Blind Forest, clear instrumental remake ^^

the highlight will give you hint on what sound it is... its basically full 1/2 of the same pitch sound, with different volume
(there is the volume graphic below, yes the 1/2 has lower volume that works like the echo of the sound)
that image is the song's pitch from 00:36:596 -

update :
thx for the mod~
sry late reply :(
alright, rechecked and seems good to me, bubbled!
good luck for rank :)
Topic Starter
thanks my idol~~ zzz
tfw should be doing homework but checking a map instead

  1. BG seems pretty low quality imo. Found a similar picture that's a bit better quality here (resized) or a slightly unrelated to the owl but still ori, this (resized)
  2. As cool as I am with a wide variety of diff names, I really don't see how using Indonesian diff names relates to the game at all.
  3. 00:00:125 - This is kind of a useless green line don't you think? You can just set the uninherited point at 40% volume instead for what you need.
  4. Similarly, LordRaika uses 15% vol on the first green line whereas the other diffs use 40%. Seeing that he uses double hitsounds, increase the line volume to 20% instead.
  5. Ok, the hitsounds are really disappointing I'm not going to lie. The way the song is set up, it's just simple kick + snare every 2/1 beats which isn't hard to hitsound at all. Try using these samples; they're already named so you literally don't have to touch the hitsounds except for setting the sample set to custom 1: kick, snare
00:12:596 - Kind of inconsistent to map this snare with a single when you used a triple at 00:10:310 (10310|2,10310|0,10310|4) -
00:17:167 - Similarly. I would at least suggest using jumps there.
00:21:167 (21167|1) - At the same time, I don't really think it's necessary here to use a jump when the sound is only a hihat.
00:35:453 - Add another note for the snare
00:40:024 - Similarly to the above. It feels so underwhelming.
00:44:596 - ^

00:09:167 (9167|1) - Add drum finish
00:11:453 (11453|2) - ^
00:12:596 (12596|3) - Change to normal sampleset
00:13:739 (13739|4,16024|5,18310|6,20596|4,22882|5,25167|5,27453|1,29739|5,32024|2,34310|0,36596|1,38882|2,41167|5,43453|1) - Add drum finish
00:12:596 (12596|3,17167|4) - Change to normal sampleset
00:17:739 (17739|3) - remove normal hitnormal from here, there's no snare
00:31:453 (31453|3) - ^
00:17:167 (17167|4,30882|4,40024|5) - Add normal hitnormal

00:14:882 (14882|2) - Think it'd be better to move this to 2 since it's not used at all in this measure.
00:43:453 - Feel like you could end this off with a bit more symmetry. Column 1 feels too empty and that gives it an incomplete feeling imo. Maybe try this instead? Basically just shifted the short note to 4 for symmetry

00:01:167 (1167|0,1167|4,1739|1,1739|5,2310|6,2310|4,4596|4,4596|0,5167|6,5167|2) - Double hitsounds everywhere \o/ Remove one from each note
00:09:167 (9167|5) - Add drum finish
00:11:453 (11453|6,13739|2,16024|1,18310|2,20596|1,22882|0,25167|2,27453|0,29739|1,32024|2,34310|3,36596|3,38882|2,41167|1,43453|4) - Add drum hit finishes
00:12:596 (12596|3,33167|3,40024|4) - Add normal hit normals

00:03:453 (3453|0) - make this 1/8 long to be consistent with the other bells?
00:07:453 (7453|6) - ^ Similarly
00:10:382 - I think the vibrato actually begins on the first downbeat of the measure. try this instead?
00:16:453 - 00:16:739 - Think it'd be a smoother roll if you made this a uniform 1/4, like this (shortened the LN in 1 to fit the last 1/4 LN)
00:19:453 - Similar to what I mentioned above about the 1/8 starting on the downbeat as opposed to the 1/2 after. Also, I think the outside roll from index finger to ring is kind of uncomfortable, so this is what I would do
00:25:167 (25167|4) - Would suggest moving this to 6 since that column hasn't been used a lot for the past 2 measures

00:09:167 (9167|4) - Change to soft sampleset for the crash

Kind of disappointed by hitsounds tbh
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

tfw should be doing homework but checking a map instead

  1. BG seems pretty low quality imo. Found a similar picture that's a bit better quality here (resized) or a slightly unrelated to the owl but still ori, this (resized)
  2. As cool as I am with a wide variety of diff names, I really don't see how using Indonesian diff names relates to the game at all.
  3. 00:00:125 - This is kind of a useless green line don't you think? You can just set the uninherited point at 40% volume instead for what you need.
  4. Similarly, LordRaika uses 15% vol on the first green line whereas the other diffs use 40%. Seeing that he uses double hitsounds, increase the line volume to 20% instead.
  5. Ok, the hitsounds are really disappointing I'm not going to lie. The way the song is set up, it's just simple kick + snare every 2/1 beats which isn't hard to hitsound at all. Try using these samples; they're already named so you literally don't have to touch the hitsounds except for setting the sample set to custom 1: kick, snare
00:12:596 - Kind of inconsistent to map this snare with a single when you used a triple at 00:10:310 (10310|2,10310|0,10310|4) - the LN is not snare, it's for melody and bass synth
00:17:167 - Similarly. I would at least suggest using jumps there.
00:21:167 (21167|1) - At the same time, I don't really think it's necessary here to use a jump when the sound is only a hihat.
00:35:453 - Add another note for the snare
00:40:024 - Similarly to the above. It feels so underwhelming.
00:44:596 - ^

^^ all of this actually a pattern from 00:12:024 (12024|4,12596|3,13167|2) - 00:16:596 (16596|2,17167|4,17739|3) - 00:21:167 (21167|1,21739|2,22310|3) - etc... so I will keep for now =3

00:09:167 (9167|1) - Add drum finish
00:11:453 (11453|2) - ^
00:12:596 (12596|3) - Change to normal sampleset
00:13:739 (13739|4,16024|5,18310|6,20596|4,22882|5,25167|5,27453|1,29739|5,32024|2,34310|0,36596|1,38882|2,41167|5,43453|1) - Add drum finish
00:12:596 (12596|3,17167|4) - Change to normal sampleset
00:17:739 (17739|3) - remove normal hitnormal from here, there's no snare
00:31:453 (31453|3) - ^
00:17:167 (17167|4,30882|4,40024|5) - Add normal hitnormal

00:14:882 (14882|2) - Think it'd be better to move this to 2 since it's not used at all in this measure.
00:43:453 - Feel like you could end this off with a bit more symmetry. Column 1 feels too empty and that gives it an incomplete feeling imo. Maybe try this instead? Basically just shifted the short note to 4 for symmetry re-arranged to

00:01:167 (1167|0,1167|4,1739|1,1739|5,2310|6,2310|4,4596|4,4596|0,5167|6,5167|2) - Double hitsounds everywhere \o/ Remove one from each note
00:09:167 (9167|5) - Add drum finish
00:11:453 (11453|6,13739|2,16024|1,18310|2,20596|1,22882|0,25167|2,27453|0,29739|1,32024|2,34310|3,36596|3,38882|2,41167|1,43453|4) - Add drum hit finishes
00:12:596 (12596|3,33167|3,40024|4) - Add normal hit normals

Kind of disappointed by hitsounds tbh
sorry prot ;; and thanks~ apply other that's not replied
waiting raika's response, I hope not 1 week;;

Protastic101 wrote:

00:03:453 (3453|0) - make this 1/8 long to be consistent with the other bells?
00:07:453 (7453|6) - ^ Similarly
first, the sound is fading out, or echoing... if you notice, i reduce the hitsound volume % on them too
and also the length of the short LN, means that you should hit it really lightly, similarly to produce a lower sound.
but... if you think its bad for rank maybe? i will consider to change it.

00:10:382 - I think the vibrato actually begins on the first downbeat of the measure. try this instead?
00:19:453 - Similar to what I mentioned above about the 1/8 starting on the downbeat as opposed to the 1/2 after. Also, I think the outside roll from index finger to ring is kind of uncomfortable, so this is what I would do
Hmm, agree! thou the first reason is to make it easy, but i reposition them a bit now to make it moreee easy

00:16:453 - 00:16:739 - Think it'd be a smoother roll if you made this a uniform 1/4, like this (shortened the LN in 1 to fit the last 1/4 LN)
eeerrrr... no, the thing is i doubt its full 1/4 so i restrain of using it.
and btw its 7 hold on your screenshot XD

BUT!! for smoother LN roll... i decide to make all of them a very consistent release and new hold 1/2 , which is really good now.

00:25:167 (25167|4) - Would suggest moving this to 6 since that column hasn't been used a lot for the past 2 measures

00:09:167 (9167|4) - Change to soft sampleset for the crash
i didnt change it, but i add soft finish 40% to other note

Similarly, LordRaika uses 15% vol on the first green line whereas the other diffs use 40%. Seeing that he uses double hitsounds, increase the line volume to 20% instead.
-imo, its ok to use 15% in my diff since i can hear the soft hitnormal jst fine
and i believe i use more chord on my diff so i use less % since they multiply it.

Ok, the hitsounds are really disappointing I'm not going to lie. The way the song is set up, it's just simple kick + snare every 2/1 beats which isn't hard to hitsound at all. Try using these samples; they're already named so you literally don't have to touch the hitsounds except for setting the sample set to custom 1: kick, snare
hahaha XD its okay..., i get it.
but yes i do not intend to use additional stuff on the minimalist song and map like this,
like the theme is really compact and simple and yet... get the use of the default and get things done.

Kind of disappointed by hitsounds tbh
i dont mind thou, since i personally dont expect good hit feedback on this, since i will concentrate purely on the LN control if im at the players view.
furthermore.. uhh yes the song just cant really call for an exciting hitsound so i skip custom and use the simple one just like how the song is >w<
Thanks for the mod >w<
and i add more detail here :
-00:15:024 - add 1/4 slow grace note style to most section.
-00:31:167 - add 3rd echo and special for col 4. here too : 00:40:310 -
-00:33:167 - then... special col 4 for snare only, same for 00:42:310 -

k, recheck

00:07:453 (7453|3,8024|3) - Add whistles to be consistent with raika's diff
00:21:167 (21167|1,21739|2,22310|3) - Lmao wtf hitsounds. Remove all 3 finishes here.
00:21:739 (21739|2) - add normal hitnormal to this note

00:33:167 (33167|3) - Missing normal-hitnormal
00:07:453 (7453|5,8024|2) - Add whistles to be consistent with raika's diff
00:40:024 (40024|5) - missing normal-hitnormal

00:18:310 (18310|5,18310|2) - Add finish here or remove the finish in HD and NM instead
Topic Starter

1000th post~~
thnkss prot \:D/
Does it work on yourself too? :thinking:

Anyways, talked in discord and fixed a couple more hitsound inconsistencies, good to go now~
Kenapa gak "Kesulitannya Raika" atau apalah. Kan lebih indo gitu wkwkwk
Kalo "Raika's... "kayak campuran indo inggris xD

Btw gratz la :D/
you forgot me :( sed

anyway congrato

the bg doesn't fit this current theme tho
Topic Starter

Raymond wrote:

you forgot me :( sed

anyway congrato

the bg doesn't fit this current theme tho
i know lool

I'm not forgetting you, I will inform you next time the thing expew check and said "ready", because that's worth it kkk

Congrats >ww<
kampret udah kerank aja ini map kwkwkwkw
btw grats kak Archer
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