Thanks to xi9w for the Main Menu screenshot

There is an Extras folder in the skin that includes more cursors and different gameplay styles (Like ShigeHDHR or the style of the latest Shigetora's skin)

08/05/2016 - 08/05/2016Fixed ranking panel graph bug
Changed ranking panel letters
Changed default hitcircles and slider
Added more cursors in Extras folder
Added more gameplay styles in Extras folder
Fixed weird bug with green cursor (Thanks SpajdeR for report this!
Changed ranking panel letters
Changed default hitcircles and slider
Added more cursors in Extras folder
Added more gameplay styles in Extras folder
Fixed weird bug with green cursor (Thanks SpajdeR for report this!

-Main Menu

Song Select

Mod Icons

Pause Menu

Fail Menu

osu!std Ranking Panel

osu!std Spinner

osu!std Gameplay

osu!taiko Ranking Panel

osu!taiko Gameplay

osu!catch Ranking Panel

osu!catch Spinner

osu!catch Gameplay