
Shoji Meguro - Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 30 października 2016 at 13:17:17

Artist: Shoji Meguro
Title: Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Source: ペルソナ3
Tags: Memories of You Yumi Kawamura 川村 ゆみ dnb Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 ATLUS
BPM: 170
Filesize: 10686kb
Play Time: 05:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Remembrance (5,26 stars, 1632 notes)
Download: Shoji Meguro - Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
metadata got weebd boys

thanks to all modders, Strategas, Pentori and MrSergio

rove sru all eternity
m4m (picked this one cause it was the only one i could play ._.)

  1. 00:31:613 (5,6,7,8) - hmm mb you could emphasise this 00:31:789 (6) - . I know you ignored that drum woosh thing 00:31:083 (1,2,3,4) - here but icould be a nice addition still (you do it later on with slider and stuff)
  2. 00:32:848 (2,3) - you coul nc to indicate a different rythm (on (3) that is)
  3. 00:50:319 (4,5,6,7,8) - do some crazy shit with the vocal on 00:50:495 -. (put the second kick slider over 00:50:848 (1) - cause lyrcs die out RLY fast hehe)
  4. 00:56:142 (7) - slow this down for *~contrast~* to 00:56:407 (8,1) -
  5. 01:07:789 - wouldnt it be more fitting if you tuned down the slider velo? (like 0,8x)
  6. 01:18:995 (4,1,2) - mb you could make this even more extreme. I didnt feel enough contrast playing it
  7. 01:18:995 (4,1) - increase spacing and/or 01:19:083 (1,2,3) - space this more than usual.
  8. (01:20:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - would fit more with how you mapped this 01:21:201 (1,2,3,4) - since the vocals do similar things) you kinda switched around from 5 note streams and kick patterns.
  9. 01:25:789 (3) - mb kick this instead ?
  10. 01:30:024 (1,2,3,4) - you could reduce the spacing on those to contrast the speed of the slider 01:30:466 (2) - .
  11. 01:36:995 (7,8,9,10,11) - you coudl change it up a bit from time to time so its not only equally spaced streams
  12. 01:39:289 - mute this one since its ignore 01:39:201 -
  13. 01:46:966 - you could make this clickable and folly the melody instead
  14. 02:18:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - arent the vocals a bit to subtle to map the usual spaced stream over them. The drums arent as monotone either. some rythm like this might fit with with somewhat low spacing on the triplets
  15. 02:36:730 (1) - same thin about sv
  16. 02:37:789 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) -
  17. 02:37:789 (1,2,3,4) - i think half the spacing on this would make a good contrast to emphasise 02:38:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - better (dont foce yourself t follow patterns, the stacking game 02:36:907 (3) - 02:37:260 (3) - )
  18. 02:53:142 (4) - 02:53:672 (4) - you could ctrl+h them so they slowly indicate that the next pattern will be up there. Also the "TE" on both of those owuld be emphasized better imo (cant explain why, mb because it points away from first part f the pattern (02:52:789 (1,2,3) - ) and thuse looks it want to escape break free (wtf am i tlking about))
  19. 02:55:083 (1,2,3,4,5) - 2 double rythm would emphasis the vocals better slider on (2) would make for a great pattern imo
  20. 02:58:436 - mb you like this kind of stuff It feels kinda empty
  21. 03:30:024 (1,2,3,4,5) - this was kinda wierd to play. mb 2 kicksliders would fit better ?
  22. 03:31:789 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - sick
  23. 04:40:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - where is this coming from? The song does have constant 1/4 rythm but its not as bland as this :/
  24. 05:00:024 - 5 min mark... sick
pretty cool actually!
Only those switches from 5 note streams to kickslder pattern in the kiais were wierd and unpredictable at times.

good luck!
Topic Starter

Smokeman wrote:

m4m (picked this one cause it was the only one i could play ._.)

  1. 00:31:613 (5,6,7,8) - hmm mb you could emphasise this 00:31:789 (6) - . I know you ignored that drum woosh thing 00:31:083 (1,2,3,4) - here but icould be a nice addition still (you do it later on with slider and stuff) ???
  2. 00:32:848 (2,3) - you coul nc to indicate a different rythm (on (3) that is)
  3. 00:50:319 (4,5,6,7,8) - do some crazy shit with the vocal on 00:50:495 -. (put the second kick slider over 00:50:848 (1) - cause lyrcs die out RLY fast hehe)
  4. 00:56:142 (7) - slow this down for *~contrast~* to 00:56:407 (8,1) - no neeed
  5. 01:07:789 - wouldnt it be more fitting if you tuned down the slider velo? (like 0,8x) probably, too lazy though
  6. 01:18:995 (4,1,2) - mb you could make this even more extreme. I didnt feel enough contrast playing it
  7. 01:18:995 (4,1) - increase spacing and/or 01:19:083 (1,2,3) - space this more than usual. Transition into chorus sounds rather smooth for me
  8. (01:20:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - would fit more with how you mapped this 01:21:201 (1,2,3,4) - since the vocals do similar things) you kinda switched around from 5 note streams and kick patterns. no they don't it's straight up 5 syllables vs 2+2+1+1
  9. 01:25:789 (3) - mb kick this instead ? I think smooth stream fits better, next note is super ghosty but this rhythm is better for overall reception
  10. 01:30:024 (1,2,3,4) - you could reduce the spacing on those to contrast the speed of the slider 01:30:466 (2) - .
  11. 01:36:995 (7,8,9,10,11) - you coudl change it up a bit from time to time so its not only equally spaced streams
  12. 01:39:289 - mute this one since its ignore 01:39:201 -
  13. 01:46:966 - you could make this clickable and folly the melody instead
  14. 02:18:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - arent the vocals a bit to subtle to map the usual spaced stream over them. The drums arent as monotone either. some rythm like this might fit with with somewhat low spacing on the triplets I think they stand out a lot
  15. 02:36:730 (1) - same thin about sv
  16. 02:37:789 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) -
  17. 02:37:789 (1,2,3,4) - i think half the spacing on this would make a good contrast to emphasise 02:38:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - better (dont foce yourself t follow patterns, the stacking game 02:36:907 (3) - 02:37:260 (3) - ) I like the stacking game
  18. 02:53:142 (4) - 02:53:672 (4) - you could ctrl+h them so they slowly indicate that the next pattern will be up there. Also the "TE" on both of those owuld be emphasized better imo (cant explain why, mb because it points away from first part f the pattern (02:52:789 (1,2,3) - ) and thuse looks it want to escape break free (wtf am i tlking about)) no idea lol, but I need to change the rhythm of the first sequence
  19. 02:55:083 (1,2,3,4,5) - 2 double rythm would emphasis the vocals better slider on (2) would make for a great pattern imo I feel like it's 5 equal syllables
  20. 02:58:436 - mb you like this kind of stuff It feels kinda empty
  21. 03:30:024 (1,2,3,4,5) - this was kinda wierd to play. mb 2 kicksliders would fit better ? ctrl+G'd
  22. 03:31:789 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - sick
  23. 04:40:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - where is this coming from? The song does have constant 1/4 rythm but its not as bland as this :/ no idea lol
  24. 05:00:024 - 5 min mark... sick
pretty cool actually!
Only those switches from 5 note streams to kickslder pattern in the kiais were wierd and unpredictable at times.

good luck!
thanks, sorry for late response
M Il T H O S
Some notes near the start aren't snapped properly.
it starts at 00:00:25 and ends at 5:00:24

i think it's 1 millisecond short

maybe extend the spinner by 1 millisecond
12:53 Akali: all right
12:53 Azerite: 00:31:613 (5,6,7,8) -
12:53 Azerite: this is p ugly
12:53 Azerite: wait i need to change skin
12:54 Akali: ok it is
12:54 Azerite: 00:36:201 (4,5,6,3,4) - ugly overlap
12:55 Akali: it's not
12:55 Akali: used ds there
12:55 Azerite: okok
12:56 Azerite: 01:07:436 (1,2,3,4,1) - thats very weird
12:57 Akali: wud dis b kewler
12:57 Azerite: yea that's like modern mapping
12:58 Azerite: 01:16:260 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is meh
12:58 Akali: :alien:
12:58 Akali: ye arcs suck ass
12:58 Azerite: 01:24:730 (1,2,3) - could probably get a little more creative and aesthetic here
12:59 Azerite: 01:25:436 (1,2) - n here
12:59 Akali: now come on this is p cool
12:59 Azerite: 01:30:024 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i think this s hould be like u did in the image
12:59 Akali: good bridge
12:59 Azerite: cuz that pattern looks awkward af
13:00 Akali: 01:30:377 (1,2) - i want a stack here z
13:00 Akali: will try other things
13:00 Azerite: 01:30:289 (4,1) - this jump is awkward
13:01 Azerite: 01:30:730 (3) - imo looks better if u fill the gap above the stream with this
13:02 Akali: would be kinda big jump
13:02 Akali: will rearrange this whole thing
13:02 Azerite: 01:45:554 (5) - this sounds kinda intense
13:02 Azerite: but has less spacing than others
13:02 Akali: y
13:03 Azerite: 01:50:936 (4) - this too
13:03 Azerite: 4>5
13:03 Akali: so (5)
13:03 Akali: ? 4 sounds the same like the previous 2
13:04 Azerite: yea i missclicked
13:04 Akali: misclicked*
13:04 Azerite: sry bad modder
13:04 Akali: np
13:04 Akali: you have to post anyway because I'm not changing anything now
13:05 Azerite: whoa
13:05 Akali: hi tech immersion, need dnb immersion
13:06 Akali: also A F K sorry
13:06 Azerite: 02:07:701 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - meh
13:06 Akali: 3-5 min
13:06 Akali: you can keep going god bless
13:06 Azerite: 02:09:024 wheres the note
13:07 Azerite: 02:09:907 (1,2) - this is kinda ugly imo
13:09 Azerite: 03:29:319 (2,3) - weird rhythm here
13:09 Azerite: 03:32:848 (1) - what the heck
13:11 Azerite: 04:02:230 (2,5) - overlap
13:11 Azerite: 04:15:554 (3,4,5) - spacing
13:12 Azerite: 04:18:642 (4) - white tick
13:13 Azerite: 04:59:936- what is this line even supposed to achieve
13:15 Azerite: thats all
13:19 Akali: there was a slider before
13:19 Akali: so line muted slider idk
13:19 Akali: I need that one overlap to make <3 slider art
13:21 Akali: p o s t
13:21 Azerite: kdsp lz
+1 for song choice akali
Topic Starter

Mazziv wrote:

+1 for song choice akali
I always choose amazing songs like wtf

thanks for bump
2016-09-10 16:57 Sebu: is this supposed to not stack properly with the note before? 00:10:789 (6) -
2016-09-10 16:57 Sebu: cause its like 2 pxls off
2016-09-10 16:57 Sebu: xd
2016-09-10 16:57 Akali: ye it is
2016-09-10 16:57 Sebu: k
2016-09-10 16:59 Sebu: man
2016-09-10 16:59 Sebu: so polished
2016-09-10 16:59 Sebu: xd
2016-09-10 17:00 Akali: polska stronk
2016-09-10 17:00 Sebu: yea
2016-09-10 17:00 Sebu: fuck u
2016-09-10 17:03 Sebu: movement from this stream to next note is awkward xd 02:04:789 (3,4,5,6,7) -
2016-09-10 17:03 next 2 notes *
2016-09-10 17:04 Akali: what about this direction
2016-09-10 17:04 Sebu: yea
2016-09-10 17:04 Sebu: thats a lot better
2016-09-10 17:05 Sebu: makes transition to next slider better 2
2016-09-10 17:06 Akali: 02:07:789 (5) - found bad addition hitsound!
2016-09-10 17:06 Sebu: nice
2016-09-10 17:06 Sebu: better thank me Kappa
2016-09-10 17:07 Akali: edit it out
2016-09-10 17:07 Akali: put your name there
2016-09-10 17:07 Sebu: tru lol
2016-09-10 17:11 Sebu: this pattern 02:52:260 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2016-09-10 17:11 Sebu: is cool and all
2016-09-10 17:11 Sebu: but i think it should start with first triple upwards
2016-09-10 17:12 Sebu: 2 sec
2016-09-10 17:12 Akali: but it uses sliders to swap te flow circularily properly
2016-09-10 17:12 Sebu: i know but like
2016-09-10 17:12 Sebu: disregard placement
2016-09-10 17:12 Sebu: i feel like it plays better starting like dat
2016-09-10 17:12 Akali: 04:00:024 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think I should put it all on the right side though
2016-09-10 17:12 Sebu: totally up to u tho
2016-09-10 17:13 Akali: because next time it's all on the left
2016-09-10 17:13 Sebu: in that case yea
2016-09-10 17:13 Sebu: didnt get to that part yet
2016-09-10 17:13 Sebu: but ye
2016-09-10 17:13 Sebu: that'd be nice
2016-09-10 17:13 Akali: whoah what a recording
2016-09-10 17:13 Sebu: ?
2016-09-10 17:14 Sebu: iz gif
2016-09-10 17:14 Akali: I'm still in the era of pictures
2016-09-10 17:14 Akali: anyway will just change it so everything is on the same side
2016-09-10 17:14 Sebu: idk, would be stupid to take picture of that
2016-09-10 17:14 Sebu: nice
2016-09-10 17:14 Akali: I want this overlap effect
2016-09-10 17:14 Sebu: that'd make more sense
2016-09-10 17:15 Sebu: oh yea, this probably wont be a problem when u redo the part but this overlap is ugly 02:53:672 (4,5) -
2016-09-10 17:16 Akali: a bit
2016-09-10 17:18 Sebu: ugly xd 03:31:083 (7,8,9,10) -
2016-09-10 17:19 Sebu: woa
2016-09-10 17:19 Sebu: did i just find a secret heart xd
2016-09-10 17:19 Sebu: 03:31:083 (7,8,9,10) -
2016-09-10 17:19 Akali: yezz
2016-09-10 17:19 Sebu: kewl
2016-09-10 17:19 Akali: took me too long to make for what it's worth
2016-09-10 17:20 Sebu: lmao
2016-09-10 17:21 Akali: rove sru ar eternity
2016-09-10 17:25 Sebu: 03:53:319 (4) -
2016-09-10 17:25 Sebu: this and whats after
2016-09-10 17:25 Sebu: should make something similar to 03:52:083 (6,7) -
2016-09-10 17:25 Sebu: like this (2 sec)
2016-09-10 17:26 Sebu: omg internet
2016-09-10 17:26 Sebu: xd
2016-09-10 17:26 Sebu:
2016-09-10 17:27 Sebu: something like dat
2016-09-10 17:27 Sebu: imo
2016-09-10 17:27 Sebu: would play nicer with it turning that way 2
2016-09-10 17:27 Akali: 6-7 uneven too
2016-09-10 17:27 Akali: zz
2016-09-10 17:27 Akali: still hasn't loaded
2016-09-10 17:28 Sebu: dont care xd
2016-09-10 17:28 Sebu: said something similar not exact same
2016-09-10 17:28 Akali: ye I mean gif was loading for 2 hours
2016-09-10 17:29 Sebu: rip xd
2016-09-10 17:29 Sebu: or space out more liek this
2016-09-10 17:29 Sebu: idk
2016-09-10 17:29 Akali: anyway 03:53:583 (5) - has higher pitch difference
2016-09-10 17:29 Akali: so I spaced out more
2016-09-10 17:29 Sebu: u map god u find something
2016-09-10 17:30 Sebu: still feel like at least what i sent last works xd
2016-09-10 17:30 Akali: xd
2016-09-10 17:30 Akali: xd
2016-09-10 17:30 Sebu: up 2 u tho xd
2016-09-10 17:30 Sebu: nevertheless the first sldier looks p potato
2016-09-10 17:31 Sebu: feels like it doesnt fit but w/e
2016-09-10 17:31 Akali: which one
2016-09-10 17:31 Sebu: 03:53:319 (4) -
2016-09-10 17:32 Sebu: this is ugly 04:11:319 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-09-10 17:33 Sebu: this is pretty tho 04:08:495 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-09-10 17:33 Akali: kk will see
2016-09-10 17:34 Akali: ye it kinda is
2016-09-10 17:34 Sebu: why is this slider 04:13:789 (8) - when its not around here 04:07:613 (4,5,6,7,8) -
2016-09-10 17:34 Sebu: or am i stupid
2016-09-10 17:34 Sebu: same sound, but not same intensity
2016-09-10 17:34 Akali: no you aren't
2016-09-10 17:35 Akali: I had more sliders on those but removed them
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: still should be mappe with circles or smth
2016-09-10 17:35 Akali: I think
2016-09-10 17:35 Akali: maybe forgot about this one
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: to be the same
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: maybe its fine
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: since u have slider here too 04:16:613 (8) -
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: and its same section thing
2016-09-10 17:35 Sebu: idk
2016-09-10 17:36 Sebu: but here u have circles again 04:19:436 (7,8) -
2016-09-10 17:36 Akali: the second one is lower
2016-09-10 17:36 Sebu: wat
2016-09-10 17:36 Sebu: yea
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: hm
2016-09-10 17:37 Akali: 04:24:907 (6,7) - this kinda sucks too
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: 04:13:613 (7,8) - and 04:24:907 (6,7) - is same, no?
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: yea
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: switched slider and circle position
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: for no reason
2016-09-10 17:37 Sebu: idk
2016-09-10 17:37 Akali: maybe cause mapping same theme 1000th time and went loco
2016-09-10 17:38 Sebu: probably
2016-09-10 17:39 Sebu: hm
2016-09-10 17:39 Sebu: other than that seems fine
2016-09-10 17:39 Sebu: pls rnak
2016-09-10 17:40 Akali: ok
2016-09-10 17:40 Sebu: now i post on forum and get kds plz thnx
2016-09-10 17:40 Sebu: lov u
2016-09-10 17:40 Akali: fru all eternity
Louis Cyphre


- add in tags 'Shin Megami Tensei, ATLUS' and that would be enough.
- I don't know, probably because i'm a great fan of persona, that background just doesn't fit at all for me and i believe for others who played persona 3. It's up to you, but i'd set Persona background instead.


00:54:730 (8,1) - extend the slider till blue tick so it will go right according to vocal, since you follow vocal rhytm right after at 00:55:083 (1,2,3,4) -
00:57:024 (3,4,5,6,7) - there are tones of such streams in entire map. I understand that there are sounds on background of the song, but i personally find this useless, it abuses the map.
00:59:848 (5,6) - I'd add here a jump, since there are jumps at 00:59:936 (6,7) - 01:00:642 (10) - which fits with song very well.
01:04:436 (5) - i don't want to be nazi, but urrr... perfectionism inside my heart just had an insult. Please stack perfectly with this slider 01:04:083 (4) -
01:08:319 (3,4,5,6,7) - delete '5' it breaks the rhythm. You did it right at 01:09:730 (3,4,5,6) -
01:11:142 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:13:966 (2,3,4) - ^
01:25:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - it's better to make jump from '6' to '1' instead of '1' to '2'.
01:40:260 (1) - i'll mention just once. I always diagree to use non linear shapes in short sliders. Seriously, this is not looking good.
02:07:083 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'd delete '2' and extend slider '1' till blue tick. Fits better imo.
02:25:260 (1) - this is the only slider of such shape. I'd understand if it was at unique part of the song, but unfortunatly it isn't. Consider to fix it.
02:59:583 (2,3) - fix the overlap
Topic Starter

Louis Cyphre wrote:



- add in tags 'Shin Megami Tensei, ATLUS' and that would be enough. added with some moonrunes/whatever
- I don't know, probably because i'm a great fan of persona, that background just doesn't fit at all for me and i believe for others who played persona 3. It's up to you, but i'd set Persona background instead. I like it and fits the atmosphere of the song super well for me


00:54:730 (8,1) - extend the slider till blue tick so it will go right according to vocal, since you follow vocal rhytm right after at 00:55:083 (1,2,3,4) - vocal starts on 00:54:554 (7) - and I think it's ok to map it as note+1/2 slider to avoid skipping clap
00:57:024 (3,4,5,6,7) - there are tones of such streams in entire map. I understand that there are sounds on background of the song, but i personally find this useless, it abuses the map. It's to keep the flow going and rhythm more varied, it's ok in dnb for the most part
00:59:848 (5,6) - I'd add here a jump, since there are jumps at 00:59:936 (6,7) - 01:00:642 (10) - which fits with song very well. 1/4 jumps after notes have different impact than the ones after sliders which are way more lenient and note placement after them doesn't matter that much
01:04:436 (5) - i don't want to be nazi, but urrr... perfectionism inside my heart just had an insult. Please stack perfectly with this slider 01:04:083 (4) - editor does that rip
01:08:319 (3,4,5,6,7) - delete '5' it breaks the rhythm. You did it right at 01:09:730 (3,4,5,6) -
01:11:142 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:13:966 (2,3,4) - ^ again it's dnb rhythm, it's not overmapped and is interchangeable for the sake of variety and rhythm structure I want to use, (quint /doubles/quint/doubles/ 1/2 build up part)
01:25:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - it's better to make jump from '6' to '1' instead of '1' to '2'. jump after 01:25:436 (1) - doesn't matter that much again but added it on the next slider
01:40:260 (1) - i'll mention just once. I always diagree to use non linear shapes in short sliders. Seriously, this is not looking good. depends but agreed here
02:07:083 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'd delete '2' and extend slider '1' till blue tick. Fits better imo. ye why not
02:25:260 (1) - this is the only slider of such shape. I'd understand if it was at unique part of the song, but unfortunatly it isn't. Consider to fix it. never liked it dunno why I kept it
02:59:583 (2,3) - fix the overlap

00:38:142 (1,3) - Stack nie jest perfekcyjny.
00:44:319 (3,1) - Nie wiem czy to to ze jest zmieniony angle i sie dziwnie przechodzi czy to spacing, ja bym troszke podwiekszyl spacing!
00:51:907 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Napewno da sie to jakos ladniej urzadzic! nr 3 nie jest symetrycznie a moglo by byc! (chba ze jestem slepy i zle widze bo juz watpie sam czy to jest tak czy nie ale po mojemu to troche krzywe)
01:01:083 (2,3) - Zeby pasowalo, powinno byc CTRL-G odwrotnie, slider-note wtedy zlapiesz kazdy strong beat na poczatku kicksliderow i sie fajniej gra!
ewentualnie tak ->
01:16:966 (5) - Pasuje to troche dalej dac, more spacing :)
01:25:701 - Ta nutka jest niepotrzebna!
01:30:377 (1,2) - To musi byc jakos oznakowane ze tam jest jedna nutka jeszcze pod spodem, nikt sie teko nie bedzie spodziewal jesli jest polozone w taki sposob ale z drugiej strony to nie bedzie tego elementu doubla.. hmm nie wiem ale mi sie to nie bardzo podoba, dziwnie sie gra akurat ten part.
02:14:760 (5,6,7,8,9) - To sie troszke dziwnie gra, bez zadnego przygotowawczego slidera albo nutki, tak z dupy ze tak powiem :D wiem czemu tak jest rozumiem tok myslenia ale nie wiem czy to jest dobry pomysl, ja bym tam pewnie dodal jedna nutke albo zaczal od slidera zeby miec poczucie tego offbeata.
02:20:142 (2,3) - Tak samo tutaj, CTRL-G na te dwa to kickslidery lapia wszystkie dzwieki ktore powinny. Ewentualnie tak ->
03:54:377 (1,3) - Stack
04:04:260 (3,6) - Stack
04:09:907 (3) - Stack
04:50:495 (4) - Troche za blisko w porownaniu do 04:49:789 (2,3) -

To by bylo na tyle, jestesm strasznie slaby w mapowaniu DnB ale probowalem, jesli uwazasz ze mod za krotki podaj inna mapke w grze to zrobie kolejnego moda bo za duzo nie znalazlem, wg mnie mapka ok :) Bardzo fajnie sie gra a ja generalnie nie lubie doubli :>

Topic Starter



00:38:142 (1,3) - Stack nie jest perfekcyjny.
00:44:319 (3,1) - Nie wiem czy to to ze jest zmieniony angle i sie dziwnie przechodzi czy to spacing, ja bym troszke podwiekszyl spacing! powiększył, tutaj raczej zwiększył :D
00:51:907 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Napewno da sie to jakos ladniej urzadzic! nr 3 nie jest symetrycznie a moglo by byc! (chba ze jestem slepy i zle widze bo juz watpie sam czy to jest tak czy nie ale po mojemu to troche krzywe)
01:01:083 (2,3) - Zeby pasowalo, powinno byc CTRL-G odwrotnie, slider-note wtedy zlapiesz kazdy strong beat na poczatku kicksliderow i sie fajniej gra!
ewentualnie tak ->
01:16:966 (5) - Pasuje to troche dalej dac, more spacing :)
01:25:701 - Ta nutka jest niepotrzebna!
01:30:377 (1,2) - To musi byc jakos oznakowane ze tam jest jedna nutka jeszcze pod spodem, nikt sie teko nie bedzie spodziewal jesli jest polozone w taki sposob ale z drugiej strony to nie bedzie tego elementu doubla.. hmm nie wiem ale mi sie to nie bardzo podoba, dziwnie sie gra akurat ten part. bardzo bym chcial to zostawic
02:14:760 (5,6,7,8,9) - To sie troszke dziwnie gra, bez zadnego przygotowawczego slidera albo nutki, tak z dupy ze tak powiem :D wiem czemu tak jest rozumiem tok myslenia ale nie wiem czy to jest dobry pomysl, ja bym tam pewnie dodal jedna nutke albo zaczal od slidera zeby miec poczucie tego offbeata.
02:20:142 (2,3) - Tak samo tutaj, CTRL-G na te dwa to kickslidery lapia wszystkie dzwieki ktore powinny. Ewentualnie tak ->
03:54:377 (1,3) - Stack
04:04:260 (3,6) - Stack
04:09:907 (3) - Stack
04:50:495 (4) - Troche za blisko w porownaniu do 04:49:789 (2,3) -

To by bylo na tyle, jestesm strasznie slaby w mapowaniu DnB ale probowalem, jesli uwazasz ze mod za krotki podaj inna mapke w grze to zrobie kolejnego moda bo za duzo nie znalazlem, wg mnie mapka ok :) Bardzo fajnie sie gra a ja generalnie nie lubie doubli :>

good mod applied everything almost
[mod cos i have to]
The keysounding on the parts at the start with the piano aren't obvious that they're hitsounded at all, it just sounds like it's a part of the music, try finding a light whistle-like hitsound to put on top of them as well as your keysound so it's more emphasised. Since as it stands, when playing 00:03:377 (4,5,6,7) - this is more emphasised than 00:02:848 (1,2,3) - , make it so it's at least even on emphasis =].

00:10:524 (3,4,5,6) - Replace this rhythm with 2x1/4 sliders starting on that blue tick? It would fit the wooshy sounds that are on the blue ticks there better, giving stronger emphasis
00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - These hitsounds are rly quiet, try using another hitfinish? In dnb songs, I tend to use this hitfinish , just a suggestion. That or increase the volume of your hitsound here.
Your method of hitsounding by putting kicks on the whistles is odd.
00:24:907 (4) - Unnecessary hitsound
00:26:672 (7,8,1) - Hitsound unnecessaryu on the (7) and especially so since you're putting 1/4 there for the 1/8, it feels like a mess and with the hitsounding feels like it should play as 1/2. You could however choose to hitsound it like you did here 00:32:319 (9,10,1) - , which masks the 1/8 much better and allows for a more natural 1/4 play.
00:41:319 (3) - Blanket the 1 and have it so it is symmetrical either side of the y-axis.
00:43:788 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Same as earlier
00:44:848 (1,2,3,4,1) - Increase spacing to emphasise this more from the previous streams
00:46:966 (2,3,4,5,6) - This shouldn't be 1/4 boring hi-hat patterning here, since the drum beat on the white tick makes it hard and rubbish to play, since you place no emphasis on the drum beat here, you spam 1/4 hit hat patterns when the part of the rhythm is empty of kicks and snares and shit =] Instead, try having it so that it is slider, circle, slider, with there being a jump to the blue tick circle, it would fit the song much more.

00:47:495 (6) - Why have you put this hitsound here?
00:50:319 (4,5,6,7) - Nice
00:53:142 (7) - Why have you placed all these hitsounds on here and why is it spaced so much less when you're obviously trying to emphasise it with all these hitsounds and the vocals give a good reason to increase or maintain the spacing.
00:54:201 (3,4,5,6,7) - Same as previously mentioned about the strong drum beat in the middle of the hi-hat spam things. Instead, this time you could do it so it's 00:55:348 (2,3) - You did it good here :)
00:57:024 (3,4,5,6,7) - Again =[
I won't mention the white tick things in the middle of the 1/4 anymore, since I think you get the idea
01:00:201 (7) - Remove whistle
01:01:083 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Rhythm works better when it looks like this, since the saxophone is more dominant than the vocals 01:03:554 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too many whistles, keep to the drum beat
01:04:083 (4,5) - These sliders are too long by 1/4 of a beat each, even when they're 1/2 they play like ass, since they retract from the momentum
I won't comment more on the hitsounds, you get my drift about the hitsounds right? You keep putting kicks when there are no kicks in the song so it sounds/plays confusingly
01:13:260 (9,10,1) - Why clap spam though
01:30:024 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Seriously avoid this, I know there are vocals on the blue tick, but it's totally unexpected and the drum here is way more dominant than the vocals which start on a 1/4 beat, just have a standard quintuple here bro and put the slider on the downbeat, since it plays like ass.
01:53:760 (4) - How come this isn't a 1/2 slider?
02:16:172 (3,4,5,6) - Incorrect spacing?
02:51:907 (5) - Missing whistle thing
03:14:848 (1,2) - Flows poorly from the previous slider, maybe try having it so it looks something like this? 03:22:966 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Same as previously mentioned about this :)
03:30:024 (1,2,3,4,5) - Flow direction changes all over the place. The slider coming out of the pattern is counterintuitive.
03:32:848 (1) - :| looks like it's gonna only be a 1/4 slider, could be an issue
03:39:466 (6) - I'm confused why this is a 1/4 slider here since this is probably the least dominant 1/4 in this stream. If anything 03:39:377 (5) - should be a 1/4 slider cos this is a vocal and the consequent 1/4 lacks a vocal. I suggest changing the rhythm of 03:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - to this 03:43:083 (1,3) - Confused why these are sliders, they play really slowly and poorly.
03:45:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - The flow between these two patterns is fucked, 03:45:554 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ctrl h this and move the slider shape a bit and it already flows so much better. There's no justification for the really awkward direction of play change between the two patterns in this buildup
03:54:907 (3) - Whistle missing on the slider end
04:18:642 (4,5,6) - Why this hitsounding all of a sudden though?
04:32:495 (1) - Blanket the start of the (5) slider
04:41:319 (5,6,7) - Keep spacing the same here, there is a jump from 6 to 7
gl hf
Topic Starter

Hula wrote:

[mod cos i have to]
The keysounding on the parts at the start with the piano aren't obvious that they're hitsounded at all, it just sounds like it's a part of the music, try finding a light whistle-like hitsound to put on top of them as well as your keysound so it's more emphasised. Since as it stands, when playing 00:03:377 (4,5,6,7) - this is more emphasised than 00:02:848 (1,2,3) - , make it so it's at least even on emphasis =].

00:10:524 (3,4,5,6) - Replace this rhythm with 2x1/4 sliders starting on that blue tick? It would fit the wooshy sounds that are on the blue ticks there better, giving stronger emphasis I think this fits + is more obvious rhythmically?
00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - These hitsounds are rly quiet, try using another hitfinish? In dnb songs, I tend to use this hitfinish , just a suggestion. That or increase the volume of your hitsound here.
Your method of hitsounding by putting kicks on the whistles is odd. these are all drum claps and toms
00:24:907 (4) - Unnecessary hitsound
00:26:672 (7,8,1) - Hitsound unnecessaryu on the (7) and especially so since you're putting 1/4 there for the 1/8, it feels like a mess and with the hitsounding feels like it should play as 1/2. You could however choose to hitsound it like you did here 00:32:319 (9,10,1) - , which masks the 1/8 much better and allows for a more natural 1/4 play. removed + I leave on second instance because it's end of the stanza = build up/emphasis/whatever
00:41:319 (3) - Blanket the 1 and have it so it is symmetrical either side of the y-axis. It is blanketed just far away, moving note after it instead of Y symmetry (symmetrical but tilted a bit)
00:43:788 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Same as earlier
00:44:848 (1,2,3,4,1) - Increase spacing to emphasise this more from the previous streams
00:46:966 (2,3,4,5,6) - This shouldn't be 1/4 boring hi-hat patterning here, since the drum beat on the white tick makes it hard and rubbish to play, since you place no emphasis on the drum beat here, you spam 1/4 hit hat patterns when the part of the rhythm is empty of kicks and snares and shit =] Instead, try having it so that it is slider, circle, slider, with there being a jump to the blue tick circle, it would fit the song much more. I use those when something happens with the vocals, I think boring standard hihat pattern fits here, then vocal starts again 00:47:495 (6,7) - and it's a small jump

00:47:495 (6) - Why have you put this hitsound here? cuz succ
00:50:319 (4,5,6,7) - Nice
00:53:142 (7) - Why have you placed all these hitsounds on here and why is it spaced so much less when you're obviously trying to emphasise it with all these hitsounds and the vocals give a good reason to increase or maintain the spacing.
00:54:201 (3,4,5,6,7) - Same as previously mentioned about the strong drum beat in the middle of the hi-hat spam things. Instead, this time you could do it so it's idk how it's strong if it's just kicks all day and it blends, but cool idea with the rhythm tbh 00:55:348 (2,3) - You did it good here :)
00:57:024 (3,4,5,6,7) - Again =[
I won't mention the white tick things in the middle of the 1/4 anymore, since I think you get the idea
01:00:201 (7) - Remove whistle
01:01:083 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Rhythm works better when it looks like this, since the saxophone is more dominant than the vocals 01:01:436 - sax hit is here, so I want to keep it consistent with (2,3) so it's a stack on the slider not a return, kinda weak 01:03:554 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too many whistles, keep to the drum beat ye pretty ass
01:04:083 (4,5) - These sliders are too long by 1/4 of a beat each, even when they're 1/2 they play like ass, since they retract from the momentum plays fine for me idk
I won't comment more on the hitsounds, you get my drift about the hitsounds right? You keep putting kicks when there are no kicks in the song so it sounds/plays confusingly
01:13:260 (9,10,1) - Why clap spam though should have been whistles lul
01:30:024 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Seriously avoid this, I know there are vocals on the blue tick, but it's totally unexpected and the drum here is way more dominant than the vocals which start on a 1/4 beat, just have a standard quintuple here bro and put the slider on the downbeat, since it plays like ass.
01:53:760 (4) - How come this isn't a 1/2 slider? variety
02:16:172 (3,4,5,6) - Incorrect spacing?
02:51:907 (5) - Missing whistle thing
03:14:848 (1,2) - Flows poorly from the previous slider, maybe try having it so it looks something like this? what, it doesn't03:22:966 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Same as previously mentioned about this :)
03:30:024 (1,2,3,4,5) - Flow direction changes all over the place. The slider coming out of the pattern is counterintuitive.
03:32:848 (1) - :| looks like it's gonna only be a 1/4 slider, could be an issue
03:39:466 (6) - I'm confused why this is a 1/4 slider here since this is probably the least dominant 1/4 in this stream. If anything 03:39:377 (5) - should be a 1/4 slider cos this is a vocal and the consequent 1/4 lacks a vocal. I did it to introduce player to the idea that the mixed vocal/synth rhythm part is incoming which happens in the upcoming kiai so I have a bit of focus switch here I suggest changing the rhythm of 03:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - to this 03:43:083 (1,3) - Confused why these are sliders, they play really slowly and poorly. vocals, variety, will think about changing this
03:45:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - The flow between these two patterns is fucked, 03:45:554 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ctrl h this and move the slider shape a bit and it already flows so much better. There's no justification for the really awkward direction of play change between the two patterns in this buildup
03:54:907 (3) - Whistle missing on the slider end
04:18:642 (4,5,6) - Why this hitsounding all of a sudden though? additions set fked, but things calm down so changing after this
04:32:495 (1) - Blanket the start of the (5) slider
04:41:319 (5,6,7) - Keep spacing the same here, there is a jump from 6 to 7
gl hf
thx god bless no reply = probably fixd
sorry for the box formatting
10:59 cheesiest: hey
10:59 cheesiest: mind if i IRC mod
10:59 *cheesiest is editing [ Shoji Meguro - Memories of You (Aethral Remix) [Remembrance]]
11:01 Akali: hm ok
11:01 cheesiest: okey
11:03 cheesiest: one thing i noticed like
11:03 cheesiest: when i was first looking at it
11:03 cheesiest: a week ago or whatever was this part
11:03 cheesiest: 00:18:024 (11) -
11:03 cheesiest: the 1/1 space is very
11:03 cheesiest: Negative
11:03 cheesiest: when it feels it shouldnt be
11:03 Akali: shouldn't be 1/1 or shouldn't be this close
11:04 cheesiest: well both
11:04 cheesiest: i just think
11:04 cheesiest: you could do like a double thingy
11:04 cheesiest: 00:16:966 (1,2,3,4) - like this
11:04 cheesiest: but with 11 and the 1 being the ends
11:05 Akali: but these are for piano
11:05 cheesiest: 00:18:907 (3,4,5,6) -
11:05 cheesiest: an example of UnPiano doubles
11:05 Akali: ye measure after measure with the piano
11:05 cheesiest: oo
11:05 Akali: I can change stream but don't want so many doubles in arow
11:06 cheesiest: perhaps maybe a slider
11:06 cheesiest: for 11 could work
11:06 cheesiest: but im not sure exactly how you're patterning this
11:06 cheesiest: so it is up to you
11:08 cheesiest: anyways, past that
11:08 cheesiest: 00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - i really like what you do here
11:08 cheesiest: very simple, very nice
11:09 Akali: I guess
11:10 cheesiest: 00:46:966 (2) - perhaps it could just be me but
11:10 cheesiest: i feel this could be a circle, then stream
11:11 cheesiest: it feels a bit weak otherwise but i could understand not wanting to change it
11:11 cheesiest: since it'd probably oversaturate circles and stuff
11:11 Akali: yee would have to drop the stream
11:11 Akali: and I want those from time to time
11:13 cheesiest: 00:56:142 (7,8) -
11:13 cheesiest: although like ctrl+ging makes the pattern placement weird
11:13 cheesiest: i think perhaps the pattern, time-wise, is perhaps better?
11:14 Akali: I do sort of drums with the sliders before so keeping backbeat focus idk
11:14 Akali: could be both
11:16 cheesiest: i see
11:16 cheesiest: i feel though that specific part could be layered and have it work still
11:18 cheesiest: the kiai looks really good
11:19 cheesiest: and the part building up to it as well
11:19 cheesiest: no complaints there really o:
11:19 cheesiest: 01:40:260 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - although
11:19 cheesiest: perhaps just using 1/4 here would be best
11:19 cheesiest: and 01:41:230 (6) - feels out of place
11:20 Akali: oh right good catch
11:20 Akali: synth doesn't go there
11:22 cheesiest: just a bit of nitpicking but 02:52:260 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
11:22 cheesiest: would be cool to see the motions be similar kinda
11:22 cheesiest: like the first one has 3 then up to 4, and the 2nd and 3rd ones have 3 then down to 4
11:22 cheesiest: but it really doesnt matter enough to change imo
11:23 Akali: yee I know about that
11:23 Akali: but too lazy and it's ok
11:23 Akali: would have to move other stuff around a lot
11:23 Akali: 8)
11:23 cheesiest: ye B)
11:23 cheesiest: i feel lmao
11:23 cheesiest: esp since
11:23 cheesiest: your mapping seems very structured
11:24 cheesiest: 03:32:848 (1) - ???
11:24 Akali: tried hard on this one
11:24 cheesiest: are you trying to go for a heart slider
11:24 Akali: 03:31:789 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - forms a secret heart
11:24 Akali: 8)
11:25 Akali: rove fru aru eternitu
11:26 cheesiest: i feel the slider i linked is like
11:26 cheesiest: a real odd one out
11:26 Akali: maybe
11:26 cheesiest: since its like close and doesnt really overlap the 2 slider
11:26 Akali: could just opy 03:31:789 (1) -
11:27 Akali: copying what I linked worked
11:27 cheesiest: alrighty!!
11:29 cheesiest: other than that really
11:29 cheesiest: the map is really solid and i like it a lot
11:29 cheesiest: maybe OD 9 B) B) B) B)
11:30 Akali: tbh why not
11:30 Akali: oh wait vocal mapping
11:30 Akali: so no
11:30 cheesiest: ye lmao
Yow! saw this was the map for m4m

Seems like normal-hitclap2.wav is unused

  1. 00:00:025 - check that custom sample settings are the same for the red/green lines
  2. 00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - kinda wondering what your ds pattern is for these combos, like shouldnt these 00:21:554 (1,2,3) - be 0.6ds since you never have a drop from 0.8 to 0.4 only a gradually one like 01:06:730 (1,2,3) - and 03:22:966 (1,2,3,4) - shouldnt these be 0.8 like the other similar ones? can't really hear anything that made them stand out, same for 02:37:436 (1,2,3) - used to be 1.0ds for similar parts
  3. 00:32:848 (2) - sliderbodywhistle seems unintentional here
  4. 00:42:024 (6) - shouldn't this be a slider from the pattern your following (High pitch end = 1/2 low pitch = circle?)
  5. 01:40:260 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - no custom hitsounds for the drums here?
  6. 01:41:936 (2) - finding the middle beat your skipping here for these during section pretty strong,since it has a beat for the instrument your following here aswell, could maybe bring 01:39:113 (2,3) - back sometimes during this section instead of all 4 sliders for some variety?
  7. 01:46:789 (4,5,6) - would increase the ds a bit between 4-5 like the others
  8. 01:52:613 (5,6) - swap hitsounds
  9. 02:43:613 (1,3) - NC on 3 instead? since the new sentence starts there and you also have a bit of an indicitator for the stacks to spaced stream thingy
  10. 02:47:142 (3) - whisle on tail
  11. 03:28:966 (1) - knick in the middle to represent the skipped vocal here?
  12. 03:54:907 (3) - whisle on tail
  13. 03:59:672 (4) - maybe control +h ish this, kinda hard flow for this combo since you already broke here 03:59:319 (2,3) -
  14. 04:41:142 (3) - seems a bit weird this is the only one whisled, could also whisle the red tick in the returns or atleast whistle the end of 04:39:907 (3) - aswell since its the same with that strong piano
  15. 04:42:024 (7) - any reason why this is kinda emphasized wiht a jump? loses a bit of impact for 04:42:377 (1) - imo
  16. 04:42:377 (1) - whisle on tail like the others in the combo for that sound
  17. 04:59:936 - can delete the timing point here since its the same as previous
  18. I think someone mentioned this before but the drain is actually 1ms short and you know how strict the minumum 5 minutes are so maybe extend the spinner a small bit by 1/16th or something, looks bad but isnt noticable and you get the 5 minutes rather then extending the mp3 file a second
Nice map, GL!

00:00:025 - to 05:00:024 -

04:53:760 (1) - extend this to the blue tick will do

Wishkey wrote:

Yow! saw this was the map for m4m

Seems like normal-hitclap2.wav is unused

00:00:025 - check that custom sample settings are the same for the red/green lines
I think someone mentioned this before but the drain is actually 1ms short and you know how strict the minumum 5 minutes are so maybe extend the spinner a small bit by 1/16th or something, looks bad but isnt noticable and you get the 5 minutes rather then extending the mp3 file a second
uh your drumclap3 and drumclap4 has a buildup sound before the actual "hit" goes off, so it might feel delayed, would be cool if you could cut it off imo

00:14:672 (5,6,7,1) - pretty disgusting overlap

00:16:613 (7) - move to 440,84 for better visuals

00:18:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing looks messy for this whole patern

00:32:848 (2) - there's a whistle on the whole slider :X please remove it

00:43:788 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - expected you to change the spacing on these like on the rest 00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - etc

01:03:201 (7,8,1,2,3) - I guess you're going for star here but it doesn't fit that well here. sound on 01:03:201 (7,1,3) - gets intense with each hit but you keep the star patern as same distance, so as a result 01:03:377 (8) - feels too much spaced and 01:03:907 (3) - feels too little spaced

01:17:672 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - pretty inconsistent also
01:28:966 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - and so on..

02:04:083 (7,1) - pretty anticlimatic way to go into the new section

02:09:024 - why is this empty

02:34:613 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - don't reallty get how come you start from big spacing and reduce it when the buildup is happening

03:36:201 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - too much spacing for such calm section, they way you did it at 03:24:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - 03:26:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - etc seems more appropriate

04:18:642 (4) - seems off rhythm wise, starting on white ticks is better imo
04:18:907 (5,6) - sounds off aswell

map is alright but still can use more polish before calling me back
Topic Starter

Wishkey wrote:

Yow! saw this was the map for m4m

Seems like normal-hitclap2.wav is unused

  1. 00:00:025 - check that custom sample settings are the same for the red/green lines
  2. 00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - kinda wondering what your ds pattern is for these combos, like shouldnt these 00:21:554 (1,2,3) - be 0.6ds since you never have a drop from 0.8 to 0.4 only a gradually one like 01:06:730 (1,2,3) - and 03:22:966 (1,2,3,4) - shouldnt these be 0.8 like the other similar ones? can't really hear anything that made them stand out, same for 02:37:436 (1,2,3) - used to be 1.0ds for similar parts
  3. 00:32:848 (2) - sliderbodywhistle seems unintentional here
  4. 00:42:024 (6) - shouldn't this be a slider from the pattern your following (High pitch end = 1/2 low pitch = circle?) not really following any pattern, just felt like it
  5. 01:40:260 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - no custom hitsounds for the drums here? no because you don't click all of them
  6. 01:41:936 (2) - finding the middle beat your skipping here for these during section pretty strong,since it has a beat for the instrument your following here aswell, could maybe bring 01:39:113 (2,3) - back sometimes during this section instead of all 4 sliders for some variety? I want it this way, want this part to be less intense clicking wise
  7. 01:46:789 (4,5,6) - would increase the ds a bit between 4-5 like the others
  8. 01:52:613 (5,6) - swap hitsounds
  9. 02:43:613 (1,3) - NC on 3 instead? since the new sentence starts there and you also have a bit of an indicitator for the stacks to spaced stream thingy
  10. 02:47:142 (3) - whisle on tail
  11. 03:28:966 (1) - knick in the middle to represent the skipped vocal here? whaat
  12. 03:54:907 (3) - whisle on tail
  13. 03:59:672 (4) - maybe control +h ish this, kinda hard flow for this combo since you already broke here 03:59:319 (2,3) -
  14. 04:41:142 (3) - seems a bit weird this is the only one whisled, could also whisle the red tick in the returns or atleast whistle the end of 04:39:907 (3) - aswell since its the same with that strong piano
  15. 04:42:024 (7) - any reason why this is kinda emphasized wiht a jump? loses a bit of impact for 04:42:377 (1) - imo
  16. 04:42:377 (1) - whisle on tail like the others in the combo for that sound I try to hitsounds only active parts if I can
  17. 04:59:936 - can delete the timing point here since its the same as previous
  18. I think someone mentioned this before but the drain is actually 1ms short and you know how strict the minumum 5 minutes are so maybe extend the spinner a small bit by 1/16th or something, looks bad but isnt noticable and you get the 5 minutes rather then extending the mp3 file a second
Nice map, GL!

Strategas wrote:

Wishkey wrote:

Yow! saw this was the map for m4m

Seems like normal-hitclap2.wav is unused

00:00:025 - check that custom sample settings are the same for the red/green lines
I think someone mentioned this before but the drain is actually 1ms short and you know how strict the minumum 5 minutes are so maybe extend the spinner a small bit by 1/16th or something, looks bad but isnt noticable and you get the 5 minutes rather then extending the mp3 file a second
uh your drumclap3 and drumclap4 has a buildup sound before the actual "hit" goes off, so it might feel delayed, would be cool if you could cut it off imo

00:14:672 (5,6,7,1) - pretty disgusting overlap

00:16:613 (7) - move to 440,84 for better visuals

00:18:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing looks messy for this whole patern

00:32:848 (2) - there's a whistle on the whole slider :X please remove it

00:43:788 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - expected you to change the spacing on these like on the rest 00:21:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - etc 00:44:848 (1,2,3,4) - want these to be spread because vocals, so having constant decrese on previous too would be meh

01:03:201 (7,8,1,2,3) - I guess you're going for star here but it doesn't fit that well here. sound on 01:03:201 (7,1,3) - gets intense with each hit but you keep the star patern as same distance, so as a result 01:03:377 (8) - feels too much spaced and 01:03:907 (3) - feels too little spaced

01:17:672 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - pretty inconsistent also
01:28:966 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - and so on.. these have vocals on them

02:04:083 (7,1) - pretty anticlimatic way to go into the new section

02:09:024 - why is this empty

02:34:613 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - don't reallty get how come you start from big spacing and reduce it when the buildup is happening evened it out

03:36:201 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - too much spacing for such calm section, they way you did it at 03:24:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - 03:26:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - etc seems more appropriate made it smallerbut still more than previously, music changes

04:18:642 (4) - seems off rhythm wise, starting on white ticks is better imo
04:18:907 (5,6) - sounds off aswell

map is alright but still can use more polish before calling me back

edit changed more of the drumrolls, except two instances where I feel other triples/streams fit for variety and because of vocals/bgm
Topic Starter
Changed intro a bit but not much, still want to have this sort of dense rhythm and a bit more hype dynamics because of guitar,

2016-10-01 17:01 Strategas: 00:20:054 (3) -
2016-10-01 17:01 Strategas: big jump
2016-10-01 17:03 Akali: changd
2016-10-01 17:03 Strategas: 01:16:613 (3,4,5,6,7,8) -
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: looks kinda mess
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: you could make it into star
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: or smth
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: 01:18:377 (1,2,3) -
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: weird how this is rotated
2016-10-01 17:04 Strategas: and all of those others are not
2016-10-01 17:05 Akali: oh ye
2016-10-01 17:05 Strategas: 01:22:966 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) -
2016-10-01 17:05 Strategas: blanket?
2016-10-01 17:05 Strategas: like
2016-10-01 17:05 Strategas: 01:21:907 (1,2,3,4,5,3,4) -
2016-10-01 17:06 Strategas: 01:26:672 (2) -
2016-10-01 17:06 Strategas: shouldn't be a jump this big
2016-10-01 17:07 Akali: neither 5-6 right
2016-10-01 17:07 Strategas: ye
2016-10-01 17:08 Strategas: first thought it was drum but that was only hitsound
2016-10-01 17:10 Strategas: 01:50:936 (4) -
2016-10-01 17:10 Strategas: this is pretty nasty lol
2016-10-01 17:10 Strategas: think it's better to stick with straight slider
2016-10-01 17:11 Akali: hm ye can't say im a big fan as well
2016-10-01 17:11 Strategas: or just not overlap like that
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: 02:02:760 (6) -
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: probably delete
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: jump too big rn
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: doesn't seem the spacing you would use for leniency here
2016-10-01 17:12 Akali: yee
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: 02:03:113 (2) -
2016-10-01 17:12 Strategas: here too I guess
2016-10-01 17:12 Akali: I wanted it to be more intense but meh not worth
2016-10-01 17:13 Strategas: if you wanted intensity it's enough to increase spacing
2016-10-01 17:13 Strategas: 02:03:730 (5,6,7,1) -
2016-10-01 17:13 Strategas: etc
2016-10-01 17:13 Strategas: 02:06:024 (2) -
2016-10-01 17:13 Strategas: pretty close
2016-10-01 17:14 Strategas: should be more space than to the next note
2016-10-01 17:14 Strategas: 02:16:172 (3,4,5,6) -
2016-10-01 17:15 Strategas: looks weird cuz the first note spaced more
2016-10-01 17:15 Strategas: or actually not really but
2016-10-01 17:15 Strategas: usually you would want not to overlap at all or just make it the same
2016-10-01 17:15 Strategas: 02:18:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) -
2016-10-01 17:16 Strategas: like here you did it
2016-10-01 17:16 Akali: oh you mean after slider
2016-10-01 17:16 Strategas: yes
2016-10-01 17:16 Akali: ye not intentional
2016-10-01 17:16 Strategas: 02:21:730 (3,4,5,6,7) -
2016-10-01 17:16 Strategas: I feel like you moved this by mistake
2016-10-01 17:17 Strategas: just stack it
2016-10-01 17:17 Strategas: on
2016-10-01 17:17 Strategas: 02:22:789 (2) -
2016-10-01 17:18 Strategas: 02:26:848 (1) -
2016-10-01 17:18 Strategas: this whole section feels too dense
2016-10-01 17:19 Strategas: I remember you used repeat arrows in this one before
2016-10-01 17:20 Strategas: and since you don't use either doubles or repeats here it seems too streamy
2016-10-01 17:20 Akali: I guess
2016-10-01 17:21 Akali: don't think it's super important and it's fine but w/e can change
2016-10-01 17:21 Strategas: it's not super important
2016-10-01 17:21 Strategas: but it's not hard to fix
2016-10-01 17:24 Strategas: 02:59:142 (3) -
2016-10-01 17:24 Strategas: huge
2016-10-01 17:24 Strategas: 03:02:495 (2,3) -
2016-10-01 17:24 Strategas: also emphasis
2016-10-01 17:24 Strategas: 03:09:907 (7) -
2016-10-01 17:25 Strategas: there's a cymbal here so could emphasize better
2016-10-01 17:25 Strategas: like a kick slider
2016-10-01 17:26 Akali: two kicksliders into 03:10:260 (10) - seem better
2016-10-01 17:27 Strategas: works
2016-10-01 17:28 Strategas: 04:13:966 (9) -
2016-10-01 17:28 Strategas: can increase spacing
2016-10-01 17:29 Strategas: 04:21:554 (3) -
2016-10-01 17:29 Strategas: move this to like 401;39
2016-10-01 17:29 Strategas: for better spacingg
2016-10-01 17:30 Akali: nice
2016-10-01 17:30 Strategas: 04:25:083 (7) -
2016-10-01 17:30 Strategas: too close
2016-10-01 17:31 Strategas: then you can update
2016-10-01 17:32 Akali: will this be ok instead
2016-10-01 17:33 Strategas: yee
2016-10-01 18:13 Akali: k
2016-10-01 18:13 Akali: didn't do a star went with 1-2s instead
2016-10-01 18:44 Strategas: 01:16:260 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
2016-10-01 18:44 Strategas: just saying but maybe you want to progress with spacing here
2016-10-01 18:44 Strategas: cuz of buildup
2016-10-01 18:44 Strategas: but the way it is now is also fine
2016-10-01 18:44 Strategas: just suggestion
2016-10-01 18:45 Akali: so gonna keep it
2016-10-01 18:45 Akali: 01:16:436 (2,1) - are sort of larger so whole thing is intense enough
2016-10-01 18:45 Strategas: k
pls help ever since u meme'd on modhelp i can't stop listening to this song on loop for hours on end ;-;

ty for showing me this gem


  • 00:01:083 (7) - Move to the left for one grid to link with note before
    00:54:201 (3,4,5) - this short stream is not straight
    01:04:083 (4,5)- make these slide Half racket and 15 degre Patterns is great to emphasis the drum beat
    01:26:142 (5) - Move to the left for a few grids
    02:12:554 (9,10,1) - straighten this stream or band it more
    02:13:613 (6,7,8) - flip this stream
    03:09:819 (6) - Move to the right 4 1grid
    03:33:730 (2,3) - repeats the slide and delete the after one


  • my first mod , most of these change led by motion
    and its really a great map :)
Here's my long awaited and coveted mod I hope it was worth the wait

. .
....................................................................... . .
.. ..................................................... .
.............................................. .
.. ............................................. .............................................
.. ..........................................................................................
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.. .


Hope it helps good luck! :v
Topic Starter

Xuechun wrote:


  • 00:01:083 (7) - Move to the left for one grid to link with note before ?
    00:54:201 (3,4,5) - this short stream is not straight
    01:04:083 (4,5)- make these slide Half racket and 15 degre Patterns is great to emphasis the drum beat don't really understand
    01:26:142 (5) - Move to the left for a few grids kinda fits vocal
    02:12:554 (9,10,1) - straighten this stream or band it more it's fine
    02:13:613 (6,7,8) - flip this stream it's fine
    03:09:819 (6) - Move to the right 4 1grid
    03:33:730 (2,3) - repeats the slide and delete the after one it's fine


  • my first mod , most of these change led by motion
    and its really a great map :)
don't wanna pop bubble sry no kd

side pls

enable countdown is kinda pointless cos the song doesn't have enough audio lead in
applause is in .mp3, can you convert this to .wav?
some missing hitsounds here and there
02:30:730 - 02:34:260 - 04:15:201 (5) - 04:24:377 (4) - 04:25:083 (7) - 04:27:201 (3) - should have claps

poke me when uve fixed stuff
no kds btw

edit: mapper fixed everything so bubble #2
#modreqs =w=/

hi Pentori
Congratulations! (~>wo)/

Revialink wrote:

Congratulations! (~>wo)/
hooooooly shit love u love persona 3 <333333333

hi Sergio
Mind providing a metadata reference for the song? Also, I would like to know if this is a remix version of Persona 3 ending song, Memories of You. Thanks.
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

Mind providing a metadata reference for the song? Also, I would like to know if this is a remix version of Persona 3 ending song, Memories of You. Thanks. ... _Persona_3

yes it is
There's no direct information from the remixer of the song?

Regarding to the Source, you have to put ペルソナ3 there.
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

There's no direct information from the remixer of the song?

Regarding to the Source, you have to put ペルソナ3 there.
No, google result leads to soundcloud but song is deleted from there. It is uploaded as such on youtube years ago.

Don't think the source is really important (piece isn't from the OST directly or anything) but if it's necessary...

Akali wrote:

Don't think the source is really important (piece isn't from the OST directly or anything) but if it's necessary...
Yea, source has to be there even though it's just a remix, look at those Touhou remixes. May also remove the space of the Unicode Artist as shown here.

I have also concern over the Title of the song. Why isn't it キミの記憶 (Aethral Remix) ? That should be the original name of the song. Are there any places stating the English translation name?

So, in my opinion,
Unicode Title: キミの記憶 (Aethral Remix)
Romanised Title: Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Unicode Artist: 目黒将司
Romanised Artist: Shoji Meguro (here)
Source: ペルソナ3

I don't know if you agree with the title, let's discuss until we reach a consensus and let me requalify afterwards.
So you probably could use this chance to fix that clap in the beginning.
Topic Starter

Kyubey wrote:

So you probably could use this chance to fix that clap in the beginning.
that's the first thing I'm gonna do (you could say I got clapped)

IamKwaN wrote:

Akali wrote:

Don't think the source is really important (piece isn't from the OST directly or anything) but if it's necessary...
Yea, source has to be there even though it's just a remix, look at those Touhou remixes. May also remove the space of the Unicode Artist as shown here.

I have also concern over the Title of the song. Why isn't it キミの記憶 (Aethral Remix) ? That should be the original name of the song. Are there any places stating the English translation name?

So, in my opinion,
Unicode Title: キミの記憶 (Aethral Remix)
Romanised Title: Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Unicode Artist: 目黒将司
Romanised Artist: Shoji Meguro (here)
Source: ペルソナ3

I don't know if you agree with the title, let's discuss until we reach a consensus and let me requalify afterwards.
only youtube upload from what I've seen, romaji and "memories of you" in tags would probably be more accurate. I should probably add Yumi Kawamura in kanji/hiragana (no idea) to tags as well not sure how to order those Given name: ゆみ Family name: 川村 nvm found it
Sure, let me know if you are ready again.
Topic Starter
kk let's go
Please delete the space between 目黒 and 将司.
Topic Starter
whoops done
We are back!
Topic Starter
thanks for swift help and fixes!
Topic Starter
[quote="Akali"]This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 30 października 2016 at 13:17:17

Artist: Shoji Meguro
Title: Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Source: ペルソナ3
Tags: Memories of You Yumi Kawamura 川村 ゆみ dnb Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 ATLUS
BPM: 170
Filesize: 10686kb
Play Time: 05:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Remembrance (5,26 stars, 1632 notes)

Download: Shoji Meguro - Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
metadata got weebd boys

thanks to all modders, Strategas, Pentori and MrSergio

rove sru all eternity
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