
Profile Picture with Taiga request

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Hey there

I just want a beautiful profilepicture for Osu with Aisaka Taiga from Toradora!

I don't want to give money for such little things. The only thing I can give if you is a push on my YouTube channel.

Thank you and have a nice day

Love, Soundsky :)

Soundsky wrote:

Hey there

I just want a beautiful profilepicture for Osu with Aisaka Taiga from Toradora!

I don't want to give money for such little things. The only thing I can give if you is a push on my YouTube channel.

Thank you and have a nice day

Love, Soundsky :)
You can request here : t/462669 I can make that :D
please dont create thread again for ask / req it
Do read the rules t/389676
Theres a large amount of GFX threads awaiting for a request, creating a thread for one is pointless.
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