
please help me~

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thanks for coming here,

so the problem is
(1) i want to use some elements from this skin, i tried contacting the author BDWZ, via forum message and his/her posted website in his/her userpage. but got no answer until now..
so, what should i probably do now?

(2) anyone here familiar with mania skinning? when i'm using that skin (the link on the 1st question), the key give some upper glow (for example if the key is green, it gives green light to the entire line) when pressed, and when i look around in the folder, i only found semi-transparent white file that looks similar to it.. how do i change it's color?

i'm sorry if this is already asked before.. i tried to search the problem in the forum, and can't find anyhting yet.. *hoping someone will read and answer this while i'm still searching for it*

So, as for question 1, I don't really know what to do... If you haven't tried osu's PM (private messaging) then try it. You can get to his PM by c,inking the mail icon under his avatar. Make sure you use the word 'skin' in the subject

Question 2:
The file you should have found is the mania-stage-light. It's colour is controlled by 'code' (it's not really code but yeh) in the skins skin.ini file. Open that with a simple text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, Textedit) and you can see some more parts of the skin.

If you want to publish a skin, and sent it to the public, you'll need to include a skin.ini. The best way to make a skin.ini is just to edit someone else's, but make sure to edit more than 60% of it. If you wish, there are more commands outlined at the skinnable files list.

Good luck with your skin! You can PM me if you need anymore help
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