
Prioritised Feature Requests

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In order to get a better idea of what the community wants to see in osu!, and focus developer time in these areas, the feature requests forum now supports prioritisation based on user votes. Read on for the full details!

To begin with, every user has 2 votes, plus 2 more if you have an active supporter tag (supporters' votes are also worth double!). More votes will be distributed every few weeks/month after I get an idea of how many people should have (and there will be another announcement at that point). For the time being, go check out those features and throw some votes on the ones you want!

Please do note that highly voted features will not necessarily be implemented. It is just an extra metric to allow us to analyse what is seen as the most valuable features to the majority of the community. Also note that new accounts will not receive any votes until the next distribution wave kicks in.

Visit Feature Requests now!
Note that like the BSS kudosu priority system, you can disable priority to see the newest requests as per usual.
This is yes.
Fantastic idea.
Star! oh wait this is already a feature..
Nadi Likes
I like this, thanks peppy!
Oh god yes <3
Well this seems nice. Let's find some good feature requests to promote!
Awesome! :D
Was worried this could just turn into the star system that the maps currently have (which..doesn't work)

But with the strict limit suggested it actually doesn't seem like such a bad idea~

James2250 wrote:

Was worried this could just turn into the star system that the maps currently have (which..doesn't work)

But with the strict limit suggested it actually doesn't seem like such a bad idea~
This. How about to strict it to maps too, so starring will make a sense.
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Maybe someone should start a feature requests with a proposal for changing kudosu / beatmap star priority ;).
Another wonderful idea! o/
Really useful, Well done.
This is just great. It'll help ppl to see the forum more clearly, and filtered from requests like: "Guitar Hero Mode" or "Youtube channel for osu! website"
Awesome idea ppy! :)
wow~ Great idea :D
Sweeeet ~
lol I like this feature. inb4 use kudosu as priority stars
cooll !!! ^^

Very nice peppy. This has been needed for a while.
This looks pretty nice, hope it will be used well.

What about if you want to downvote a feature request? :P
Should upvoting your own request be allowed?
It kind of seems useless for a person to vote up their own request.

adam2046 wrote:

Should upvoting your own request be allowed?
It kind of seems useless for a person to vote up their own request.
I agree (as I have already seen people use all their stars on their own request and it just seems to defeat the purpose)
Well, I guess it's okay since the amount of stars you can use is really limited. If their own topic has their single most important request, I see no problem with them usin all their stars on it. I mean, it's not like it's a "free" boost since they forfeit the ability to vote up other requests they like~
This way the stars don't reflect how many people want that feature but rather how badly they want it. If everyone could only use one star per request, I'd also be against self-starring...
This is so Great That My Mom Slapped Me in the face
This is Win i have a couple ideas as well ^_^

peppy wrote:

Also note that new accounts will not receive any votes until the next distribution wave kicks in.
so I can create 9000+ accs, wait a bit and RAGEVOTE all I want?

senaya wrote:

peppy wrote:

Also note that new accounts will not receive any votes until the next distribution wave kicks in.
so I can create 9000+ accs, wait a bit and RAGEVOTE all I want?
Having more than 1 account is against the rules, so no
It should be fairly obvious but make sure you have searched very hard for a duplicate before you go and throw stars at your own suggestion (I have seen it a few times already today)

James2250 wrote:

adam2046 wrote:

Should upvoting your own request be allowed?
It kind of seems useless for a person to vote up their own request.
I agree (as I have already seen people use all their stars on their own request and it just seems to defeat the purpose)
hmm looks tempting to put in feature request and bump it with some of my own stars

also will stars be refunded if the feature gets implemented

qlum wrote:

also will stars be refunded if the feature gets implemented
I highly doubt that, just like your kudosu isnt refunded if you spent it on a map and it gets ranked
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Nothing will be refunded when features are completed.

senaya wrote:

peppy wrote:

Also note that new accounts will not receive any votes until the next distribution wave kicks in.
so I can create 9000+ accs, wait a bit and RAGEVOTE all I want?
If you want a permanent ban to the face.
Nice feature, but I hope you can't vote your own requests.
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Yes you can vote for your own requests. I don't see this being a problem. Note that if you are going to post a new feature request and spend all your votes on it, you better be pretty damn sure it's not a duplicate. If it is, your votes will be lost forever.
wait, isn't it impossible to have 5 votes?
It was originally 5 for supporters, but peppy decided to change it to 4 at the last minute.

Derekku wrote:

It was originally 5 for supporters, but peppy decided to change it to 4 at the last minute.
ooo so thats how i went from 5 to 2 while only using 2 votes before he made the limit 4
AWESOME! THANK YOU! This is what I've been waiting for! :D
Nice idea peppy!
So, when will we exactly get more votes :?

There has been quite some nice Feature requests the latest months that I wanted to vote for but we haven't got new votes on several months
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I don't want to allocate more votes until I get around to implementing some of the top ones; it seems quite pointless.

peppy wrote:

I don't want to allocate more votes until I get around to implementing some of the top ones; it seems quite pointless.
Ok, good point.
sp, why I dont have even one vote???
I have never used one (how even if I have none)

peppy wrote:

I don't want to allocate more votes until I get around to implementing some of the top ones; it seems quite pointless.
Next time you should read the posts, maybe you find your question answered and you don't have to necropost a thread, like you just did.

Please don't do this again :(
Raging Bull
You were even answered already >_> viewtopic.php?p=1084498#p1084498

ZST wrote:

Why would you necrobump this, seriously, people like you irritate me.
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