
Global queue test - Hanatan - Kotoba Tsunagi (Narcissu)

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This map is bubbled and is been looked over by jonathanlfj, Yuii- it has rougly over 10 mods as well.

This thread is a test to show a wip concept for team wide pending tracking.

the idea is to have a forum of all pending maps, so it would be cool if we as BNs could like
signature our names on the maps we could check
like this:
1. map ▶ 5 mods. 🔍 Rocket, Xinely and Ascendance have modded it.
2. map ▶ 0 mods 🔍 0 BNS 😞
3. map ▶ 2 mods 🔍 Natsu, Sonnyc have modded it. 💨 Yuii-
4. map ▶ 9 mods 🔍 Avishay, Gero have modded it 💨 Gero ❤ Doyak
5. map ▶ 20 mods 🔍 Insert name of bns 💔 by Desesperate-kun . New Cycke 1 mod

this idea was brought up to me by happyrocket88 and I feel like if we could do this manually for sometime support for a feature like this could be added.

Feel free to talk about this in this thread but I will end up making something official if the BNG/QAT like this idea.
So basically you want us to sign our names (where?) on pending maps we've modded in the past so other members in the BNG can know our actions? Like if I were to click on any pending map, I could see which other BN's have already modded the map?

How do you go about "signature'ing" a map in a way that is easy to track? Will a list of BN's and # of Mods be available for us to see right when we open the thread? Because if we have to scroll through the map to see who's checked the map, that defeats the convenience of this system anyways lol.

Why would a disqualification signal a new cycle? It makes it sound like the previous mods and BN work have been wiped clean, whereas information about # of mods/BN involvement would be especially useful after a dq.

t/439511 <--- Link to the thread.
Hi, I just wanted to come out with an idea to see if it could improve the way we, as BNs, take requests.

The current purpose of making this was the fact that BNs are getting overloaded with requests of mapsets we can't handled due to the amount of maps which aim to be ranked. Withal saying that Star Priority doesn't really show if a beatmap is ready to be nominates since nowadays the mapper can throw 12 stars to be ready to be "bubbled". The whole idea consists of making the queue where we could work together to pick up the maps we would want to nominate instead of doing it individually.

There were some question which were arisen through discord that I'd like to point out here to give an answer id this gets a possibility to get amended.


Q: How do you filter maps getting into the list?
A: At the beginning I thought it could get filtered according to the amount of mods it has been getting through the time it is on Pending. If another BN already looked it up, it will prioritize this map since it was worth to being checked by a BN. Do note that it has nothing to do with Star Priority!

Q: Are there many bns that would have enough motivation to check random maps instead of requested ones?
A: This likely depends if the BN want to see the pending beatmaps list like this instead of the current one who doesn't show anything regarding the standard quality of the map.* The current idea is to work as a team and avoid working separately when we could work together as a team!

Q: What the practical use of that?
A: The main reason is to avoid having 1684684 queues for each BN just to get their requests alone when there could be one with all the beatmaps which are potentially available to get nominated.

Q: Basically is to stop the circlejerking?
A: This wasn't and never would be the purpose of making this global queue since BNs are human beings and they are free to follow/deny this idea. It's only to encourage BNs that are willing to help out the community, they can simply check this thread.
  1. Standard Quality: How many mods has the beatmap got?, was it checked by another BN(s)?, who bubbled it?

Any kind of suggestion, question, complain would be really welcome and appreciated! Thank you very much!
I think the reason people make their own queue's is so they are more directly in contact with mappers/modders, whether for NM or m4m's. There's also a feeling of gratitude and contribution in modding from your own queue, and of course, getting the occasional thank mr monstrata.

If we filter the pending list to # of mods and BN activity, the Star Priority system, which is already a really messed up system, becomes completely useless outside of the +12 SP because now maps won't even be on the top of the list even if they have 200+ SP.

Speaking for other mappers, I would prefer having 1684684 queues instead of just one single BN queue. It's better to get rejected from a BN check than to be ignored, which is how this queue will translate to. Someone's map will be posted on the queue, and they won't know if any BN's are even going to work on their map. This concept is only displaying BN activity and # of mods. At least if you reject someone's request, they can go looking for someone else.

Also, I don't think filtering based on # of mods is a good indicator of quality either. Rather, it's a good indicator of how much work has been put into the map.
So, while I do agree with most of the stuff proposed here, I will have to say "no" for the time being. The reason why I stopped using queues it's because I prefer to pick maps individually by looking at them by myself and/or by PMs on the website. It's a personal and more organised thing I have since I do like to push maps forward that way (at least in my opinion) and that I feel they are more than ready to be ranked. Also, I tend to take a lot of time to mod a map, sometimes even 1 month (or more) after I get the request because of me keeping a constant eye on the pending section. Some people tell me "hey, in my opinion, this map is really cool, it's an awesome style, could you take a look at it whenever you can?", and that's how I basically pick up maps.

Having a queue will most likely destroy my time because modding a map in such a short period of time (let's say... 1 week) is not something I aim to when it comes to modding.

Although, I do like the fact that you want to improve the pending/wip section with something else. And also there's another point with this and that's the maps which are going to be picked. We know that most of them are going to be high quality maps, however, I'd like to RECOMMEND a queue for those people who don't have any ranked maps whatsoever and that deserve one.

Star priority is not something I look up to... like... never. It's kinda, huh, I don't like it, that's it, personal opinion there.

There's also this question I'm wondering and it is: how are we going to "moderate" all these requests? Being honest, it's most likely that we're going to get a lot of requests every single day. I did something similar to this on my queue some time ago and... I had to look over 50 maps, and pick up 5 of them, sometimes even more. High quality maps, from high quality mappers, some of them where decent maps and I thought mappers would need that ""extra"" mod from me, so I gave them a chance as well, even if I wasn't really to icon them. Maybe, you can suggest "oh, yeah, but we can split 200 beatmaps into 10 BNs, and that'd be much less of work." And then it comes the problem of some particular case in which a BN really likes someone's style, but none of the others agree with it. How would be solve that? Global queues (or most likely "shared" ones) have this problem of "disagreement" between members. Being honest, that's fine, I mean... having different opinions is something great, right? Problem is, with these particular requests, how are you going to take them (to handle)?

As another thing, the map that it's mentioned in the title, is one I took a look at a time ago and I told the mapper (after getting his reply) if he could re-answer properly, because I couldn't understand what he meant. Like something like this is most likely to be seen as a math problem rather than an answer. Someone talked to me about this, telling me that he'd get Narcissu to reply to me reply properly (in Chinese) and he's never done that... so yeah, that's a particular case over there. I do like the map, although I would really like to understand why he declined the points I brought up.

Let me repeat, I don't disagree with the idea, it's something personal I have against it since it doesn't fit my "times" (let's say). Nevertheless, I'm supporting it.

EDIT: Wording/English.
I like to use my own queue, since I have my own criteria for iconing maps, also I love to mod and icon maps that I think are good enough, also I agree with yuii picking the map you feels comfortable is better.

High SP and mods usually means low quality instead of higher quality, so basically we gonna step down to help maps that need serious rework instead of looking for the maps that are ready to be ranked.

Anyways, I can contribute sometimes, but I still want to prioritize my queue and my individually mapping searching, if the queue is voluntary and we can choice to participate or not then is fine, if gonna be a forced thing then I don't agree,
  1. The quantity of mod itself is not much an important information.
It sure is an existing data that could be manually or automatically done considering our current star priority design, but then what? The amount of mods is just an indicator of how much inputs were given into the map regardless of the actual quality. Low number of mods doesn't mean the map has a low quality, vice versa.

  1. BN individuals are normal community member who can give an icon on beatmaps.
This means, BNs should not so be different from the ordinary modders. Getting a mod from a BN should "not" be a special event, and should "not" be treated differently. [BN A & B have modded this map.] What information does this provide about the beatmap, and why should this be stated at the first place? Those were just a mod made by one of the community members afterall.

  1. BNG was not meant to be a "team".
Actually this concept needs a revision personally. Originally, BA"T" was renamed to BN"G" to avoid confusion with the old system, and to indicate BNs are no longer a team considering its size getting bigger and bigger. However at the current state, the member of BNG nearly resembles the old staff-BAT scale. If the BN is going to be a not-so-big group for a longer time, then finding a way to work as a "team" will benefit in the future. Maybe this global queue can be a good start, but I'm not pretty sure if this is a powerful idea to meet that goal.

Most idea seems to start from the premise "BNs are apart from the normal modding community" in my view, which is colliding with the originally designed concept of BN.


The major purpose of this proposal seems to be a "Star Priority Rework" considering how it looks like. There's an old thread made by me here, and guess it could be related with this concept. Perhaps the idea there would give some help on further revision.

It's about dividing SP into 2 categories, and a brief summary would be the following(added Endaris' idea here):
  1. Priority by Attention: The community member shoots a star regardless of the beatmap quality to show interest of the map. (Could require a kudosu, or maybe requiring no cost at all. Needs more idea here imo) Something like how the old SP system worked.
  1. Priority by Modders: The community member mods a map, and can decide to increase the map's priority when a kudosu was awarded. This priority will work as a "community nomination" on the beatmap, which has a relationship with the beatmap quality. Something like how the current SP system works, with a combination of the old feature.
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yeah I know that some are wanting this to be a queue you have to use but I was thinking something more of something the BNG can use at glance to find out something to put through and knowing what members have already looked at it is a good way for others that might have questions to ask someone that has already looked into the map.
Just my 2 cents because I can't really gain a lot of information from ztrot's post together with HR88's FAQ:
So you need to have someone watch the posts of all Nominators / Qats to make this happen? No idea how many bns mod each day, given on the number of these posts gathering information should be reasonable effort.

Yet I don't think the amount of BNs that looked at a certain map / modded it has any special meaning towards the quality of the map or makes it more attractive, my best guess is that most would just keep on doing whatever they want instead of paying attention to something like that.

Or to the contrary if 20 different BNs have looked at the map and it isn't bubbled that might be taken as an indicator that something different is very wrong with the map leading to everyone avoiding cases such as these, idk if this is the effect you intend here
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