
Mapping Elimination Contest [Unofficial]

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Results: Everyone failed. We're done here.

Deadline: There is no more deadline. You don't pay attention to it, anyway.

Episode Summaries
Episode 1
Winner: CDFA (Winning entry here.)
Eliminated: Weezy and Shiirn (both resigned)
A personal message is sent out on March 22, 2011 to all the nine mappers to map the song Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. They must make an [Easy] difficulty. By March 29, 2011, only entries from CDFA and OzzyOzrock had been submitted due to confusion, prompting a deadline shift to April 5, 2011. Shiirn and Weezy expressed desire to withdraw from the competition due to real life issues, and a mere five minutes before the second deadline passed, SuperMaay sent me a hasty PM with the Mediafire link to the beatmap. Judging took around two days, and though the judges did not consult with each other directly the unanimous result was CDFA. For future reference, if the judges disagree I'll have them consult with each other.
Episode 2
Winner: CDFA (Winning entry here.)
Eliminated: Nobody
The new deadline, April 16, is sent out to every mapper. Their challenge is to map the song Sanxion7 - EternuS and to make an [Insane] difficulty. Some difficulty in this challenge comes from the fact that the song is in 1/3. Once again, only three mappers turn in their entries within a week but this time, it is CDFA, OzzyOzrock, and -kevincela-, and both CDFA and OzzyOzrock turn in their entries within hours of the deadline. Zelos is the first to PM his decision, and picks -kevincela-'s map. Lilac then PMs me next, and chooses CDFA's map. Seeing how -kevincela- was ineligible to win anyway, CDFA wins by default! The remaining mappers are then double marked, except for SuperMaay who is only single marked. If any of the double marked mappers fail to turn in an entry this time, they will be eliminated permanently.
Episode 3
Winner: -kevincela- (Winning entry here.)
Eliminated: NotShinta and ouranhshc (inactive for three episodes)
This one goes up to April 25. Of this year. Blue Dragon, a previously inactive mapper, is the first to turn in an entry more than three days before the deadline. -kevincela- turns in an entry within a day or two, but OzzyOzrock and CDFA are late to the party with maps a few hours late. NotShinta and ouranhshc are finally eliminated due to their inactivity while SuperMaay falls to Double Marked status. On a more positive note, -kevincela- wins an advantage in the next challenge, and everyone else is safe. Note: Blue Dragon was originally picked as the winner but could not as a result of being Double Marked. Because of this faux-win, Blue Dragon was moved out of marked status.
Episode 4
Winner: Nobody
Eliminated: EVERYONE (but mostly SuperMaay)
The new challenge is given out, to remap Poinsettia with only sliders. Burai sliders and three different slider velocities are allowed. But guess what? None of that matters because there were no entries. Not a single one. So everyone is eliminated. We're done. Finally.

The Competitors
LAST: -kevincela-
LAST: Blue Dragon
LAST: OzzyOzrock
5th: SuperMaay (Disqualified due to inactivity on Episode 4)
7th: NotShinta (Disqualified due to inactivity on Episode 3)
7th: ouranhshc (Disqualified due to inactivity on Episode 3)
9th: Weezy (Resigned on Episode 1)
9th: Shiirn (Resigned on Episode 1)

Rules and Regulations
Read these if you don't know what's going on.
On the special occasion of my first beatmap getting ranked, I am holding an elimination contest. Details are below!

1) In each "episode", everyone in the contest submits one beatmap to me under the episode's theme (for example, "instrumental"). Each "episode" will consist of periods for mapping (one week) and periods for judging (however long it takes). The judges can be seen right here:

Lilac, the Elite Mapper
Zelos, the timing expert

2) I then give download links to the judges (via Mediafire) so that our panel can decide on what they believe the WORST beatmap and BEST beatmap is. The creators of the beatmaps will have their name hidden.

3) The person with the BEST beatmap receives immunity for the next round (this stops when there are four people left). The person with the WORST beatmap will be eliminated from the competition... and die.
:) Haha! I was just kidding about that last part. sort of

4) This continues until we have one person left, and while they will win no material prizes, they will win recognition in the mapping community. I think.

(Immune) means that the mapper won the previous challenge and is ineligible for elimination on the current one.
(Marked) means the mapper failed to turn in an entry on the previous challenge and is ineligible to win the current one.
(Double Marked) means the mapper has met the conditions for (Marked) twice in a row.
(Eliminated) or (Resigned) means that the mapper cannot submit any entries anymore.
(Disqualified) means that the mapper is lazy. VERY LAZY.

If an entry is not turned in that mapper is marked and cannot win the next round. If two entries are not turned in in a row, the mapper is double marked and cannot win for two rounds. If three entries are not turned in in a row the mapper is automatically disqualified.
awesome idea, but its sounds like there will be too much mapping work, 9 competitors mean 9 episodes = 9 maps from the winner?
I lol'd so hard.

I will enter but not do anything because your post was so cool.
Topic Starter

h3k1ru wrote:

awesome idea, but its sounds like there will be too much mapping work, 9 competitors mean 9 episodes = 9 maps from the winner?
I did think about how much mapping work there would be. I'm thinking that all of the maps will be condensed (For example: only make one difficulty) for the sake of the competitors and time. Anything that drags on too long just isn't interesting anymore. Thanks for the support :)

I also added OzzyOzrock to the sign-up sheet... though I'm not sure if he's taking this seriously or not (he's probably not)
It all depends~
sign me up
No one will download all the entries to give a fair judgement. ._.

Mukku wrote:

No one will download all the entries to give a fair judgement. ._.
Topic Starter
Hm... do you have any suggestions on how that could be remedied, then?
Do you think it would be a better idea to have a judging panel in order to decide the best and worst? That way the judging would take less time.
u mad
but good luck
If this is taken seriously, I'd be more than glad to be a judge. Then again I'd love to have the names burred so there's not any bias from me or other judges.
I would like to be judge. owait already talked in IRC.
Good idea, i want to enter :D
well, i like the idea, but because i'm a lazy mapper (not only because i still haven't submitted one of my beatmaps), i'd like to be a judge, if possible
sign me in, if possible

by the way, is storyboarding allowed? just curious...

edit: on second thought, here's a suggestion: I think we should map only one difficulty per episode. The winner will map a total of 9 beatmaps, and making 3 difficulties for each is just too much... this would also make the judging process easier and faster at the same time. I'd say the difficulty should be somewhat hard but not too insane.

SuperMaay wrote:

sign me in, if possible

by the way, is storyboarding allowed? just curious...

edit: on second thought, here's a suggestion: I think we should map only one difficulty per episode. The winner will map a total of 9 beatmaps, and making 3 difficulties for each is just too much... this would also make the judging process easier and faster at the same time. I'd say the difficulty should be somewhat hard but not too insane.
All that listed seems fine.
Topic Starter
Storyboarding is fine, and so is one diff per beatmap~
Anyone else who would like to join, let me know. I want to get started so everyone doesn't grow gray hair while they're waiting~
I'll sign up then. For fun.
Shohei Ohtani
I guess. . .i'll joiN :D
Hell sign me up >w<
nvm :/
i'm back ^^
I'll join. This should be fun.
Count me in.
Urk, that first post edit is so ambiguous.

Posting here to say that it's started, bump and to give you a link if you don't want to search for an mp3.

Make it your own .osz? .osu? I dunno.
egh, wait a bit for me, my computer is broken ;_; i'll be back in 1/2/3 days
Well here is a little about myself.

I like to mod.

Enough for introductions:

This is generally what i look for in a map:

• That it is timed correctly
• That spacing is consistent
•That there are no random jumps everywhere. (You would be surprised as how many maps do this) It must fit the music if you are gonna make it jumpy.
•That folder is all correct (may not do this one for this contest)
•That there are no unsnapped notes.
•That there are no useless timing sections.
•If there is a storyboard but nothing happening.
•If it is a problem, I also look for symmetrical issues.

That is all!

I wish you mappers luck in the contest! I believe it starts on March 29th, or im not sure if the maps are due by then.

Good luck ☺
I was terribly bored.

What do I look for in a map? Hmm…

Depending on the difficulties, I look for various things to tell whether a map is good or not. First of all, it has to be rankable in every aspect, that said, do not be afraid of trying something new as long as it’s legal, legit and doesn’t play like the 3rd floor of Etrian Odyssey 3. (Because that floor was terrible. 3+ agitated FOEs that come after you as soon as your on their side of the door? Ridiculous. I mean the only reason that game was good was because the class he some decency and the skills are better.) But I digress; these are the rough criteria that I look for in each difficulty.

Easy: Some common things you are already know is that you need difficulty settings that are suitable for an Easy difficulty. I’m also a big stickler of the OD being higher than the AR for ANY difficulty. Try using the largest circle and a SV that’s reasonably low (However, high SV Easys can be beneficial sometimes.)

I look for nice flow in these types of maps. Nice slider shapes will score high but do not fret if you didn’t do it or don’t like it. I respect different types of mapping and if you manage to do a really nice Easy difficulty with non-symmetrical sliders, that’s fine as well, as long as players who can’t play well find it fun to play that’s all you need.

If you want, you can find some of the guest Easy difficulties I’ve done. Without trying to brag, I’m quite proud of what I’ve done for my Easy difficulties. I-It’s just…I-I don’t know… Anyway.

Normal: Trickier, however, not as tricky as Hard difficulties! I also look at slider shapes but I also focus on flow. Flow is a very vague term and is tossed around quite a lot and even I, myself, don’t know how to define it in words. I guess it will be something I’ll comment on when I judge your map. Sorry. ^_^;

Common things, you know. I’m pretty sure most of our contestants have at least one ranked map or have played many maps to know what is acceptable for a Normal difficulty and what isn’t.

Hard: This is where I start saying to scrap the prettiness and focus more on getting your map to flow and play well. Obviously long streams and massive jumps here will have mark deductions but don’t have none at all as that will also make you lose marks. Get a nice balance right and most people forget about the use of sliders in Hard. These are crucial if you want your Hard to play right. Throw in some long sliders or even kicksliders. It’s all gravy.

To be honest, I don’t want you to completely scrap prettiness as it is a key aspect as well for a memorable Hard. However, flow and playability of a map matters more and scores more for me than map with slider art and iNiS patterns every second combo. (No offense iNiS mappers. If I did offend someone, please tell me. T_T)

Insane: This is where I really look for flow. Feel free to chuck streams and jumps to your heart’s content but I’ll be judging and if I don’t like something… ^_^ (in other words, make sure your streams and jumps are reasonable or I will have to cry myself to sleep. T_T)

Even though I prefer jumps myself, I will not deduct points for streams. I deduct points for terrible usage of streams and jumps. Also, though I can’t play ALL Insanes, it doesn’t mean I will take points away if I can’t pass it. I know what constitutes as a good Insane. (I think Mogsy said something like that…)

Anyway, the most important thing is to have fun. ^_^; So have fun!

It's that big.
how about extending the deadline for a couple of hours? something related to the editor changes through the last update (I think) made my osu! crash twice and I lost a huge part of my work... besides that, university hasn't been much kind to me this week. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Topic Starter
The results for Episode 1 are in!
Check the first post to see the winner and loser. The second challenge is coming soon.
oh lol
don't we get to see the scores for each player?
Oh no,i thought that i've already sent to SapphireGhost my entry,but i was wrong!
Sorry,forgive me :(
EDIT:by the way,i have saved my entry so tell me if you want it!
Topic Starter
Good news: All the entries for Episode 3 are in, have been judged, and the Episode 4 challenge is up for grabs! Read all about it in the original post.

SapphireGhost wrote:

Blue Dragon was originally picked as the winner but could not as a result of being Double Marked. Because of this faux-win, Blue Dragon was moved out of marked status.

Oh well. Working for the next round.
Noo,I'm too late ;_;
Yesterday i hadn't enough time to give to you my entry D:

I lol'd so much xD
I couldn't give my entry in time but this ending is seriously EPIC!
And lol,I won.
... :o

Sorry I couldn't turn on my entry on time. My week was full, but I spent the whole weekend on Because Maybe and forgot about this. :o
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