alright, so, as most already know, skin's are extremely versatile as is, but i noticed... warning arrows have forced color. that actually ruins my skin, personally, and I have a gut feeling a few other people have a problem with it as well. Maybe we should have a new line for the skin.ini? something like "warningarrowoverlay: 0/1"
"pausearrowcolour: R/G/B"
"warningarrowcolour: R/G/B"
That way there, it's not FORCED, and the default skin can still take advantage of it.
simply put, if the overlay argument is set to 0, it's disabled, but if it's set to 1, it's enabled, and then the two colour arguments would provide the preferred color (say a green overlay on the pause menu for example)
I just really think this could make skins just that touch bit better... i mean, in skin version 1.0, this wasn't an issue at all.
"pausearrowcolour: R/G/B"
"warningarrowcolour: R/G/B"
That way there, it's not FORCED, and the default skin can still take advantage of it.
simply put, if the overlay argument is set to 0, it's disabled, but if it's set to 1, it's enabled, and then the two colour arguments would provide the preferred color (say a green overlay on the pause menu for example)
I just really think this could make skins just that touch bit better... i mean, in skin version 1.0, this wasn't an issue at all.