
Custom HP Bars!!

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So I made this thread ages ago! but ima start doing this again!
Hey! I've noticed a bunch of you want HP bars with custom names on them but don`t have the programs to do them

If you guys want one submit your current skin (or give me the link for it) and I'll make it!
(I'll will put the username shown on the forum on it unless you ask otherwise)

Just saying time zones are a thing and I live in Australia so if I cant get back to you then that`s why!
ALSO if you don`t want to send the entire skin just send me the files marked
From that specific skin
(preferable via puush or dropbox)

You can request me to send the whole skin back (i`ll do that on dropbox)
OR I could just give you the image via puush
Good day my friends!

It takes me about 30 minutes or less!
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