- A 1vs1 tournament
- A Standard osu! tournament
- A International tournament
- 128 Players can register
- We using Score v.1
- Rank Limit: #0 - #15k
- 27.06.16 Registration starts
- 24.07.16 Registration ends
- Join Our Discord for fast information
Groupstage, Round of 32, Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals, Final, Grand-Final
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your allocated timeslot!
- 1 Warm-up pick per player.
- A referee will invite you before the game starts.
- Players will be asked to do a !roll command to determine who has the first pick.
- There will be 2 bans per player
General Rules
- Matches will be held according to respective UTC’s.
- Staff is allowed to play (Except map selectors).
- Mappool: (6 NM, 3DT, 3HR, 3HD, 6FM, 1TB).
- The tiebreaker is a freemod pick.
- This is a 1vs1 tournament with losers bracket.
- Max 64 Players with losers bracket.
- If a player fails to show up for a match after 10 minutes, the player will be disqualified.
- Groupstage and Round of 64 will be best of 5.
- Round of 32 will be best of 7
- Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals will be best of 9.
- Final and Grand-Final will be Best of 11.
- Disconnect results in a loss for the map being played
Match Rules:
- The match will be created by a referee, and the players will be invited into the match.
- The referee cannot play during the match.
- A !roll command will be used by the players to decide who gets the first map pick.
- Referees will take the MP link and post on a Google Docs thread.
- Game mode is Team VS (Warm-up HeadToHead).
- If the Player fails, he will lose that map.
- Multiple mods (HD & HR) are allowed.
- In a freemod pick, both players must use a mod.
- The referee will hold host at all times. Players will state the map in the #multiplayer match and the referee will select it. Host is given to players for warm up picks only.
- During DT picks the picking player can decide whether they play doubletime or nightcore.
Twitch Operator
Twitch Operator
your job will be:
- create and edit commands
- moderate the Twitch chat
- create highlights and export them to Youtube
your job will be:
- create and edit commands
- moderate the Twitch chat
- create highlights and export them to Youtube
- Registration end: 24.07
- Mappool(Groupphase): 24.07
- Seeds: 27.07
- 30/31.07 | 6/7.08 Groupphase
- Mappool(Round of 64) 7.08
- 13/14 | 20/21.08 Round of 64
- Mappool(Round of 32) 21.08
- 27/28.08 | 3/4.09 Round of 32
- Mappool(Round of 16) 4.09
- 10/11.09 | 17/18.09 Round of 16
- Mappool(Quarter Finals) 18.09
- 24/25.09 Quarter Finals
- Mappool(Semi-Final) 25.09
- 1/2.10 Semi-Final
- Mappool (Final) 2.10
- 8/9.10 Final
- Mappool (Grand-Final) 9.10
- Grand-Final 15/16.10
5 Months osu!supporter for 1st place
4 Months osu!supporter for 2nd place
3 Months osu!supporter for 3rd place
osu!supporter provided courtesy of the osu! staff
Organizer: [Haruki-Sagae]
Co-Organizer:Marisa Kirisame | Blade12629 | Zeonive
Refeere: Kawaii Kaneki | Absolite | - kneesocks | Aknano | -Shizuka- | Yazzehh | Sofiae | el Shinra | [Hiiro Sakaki] | n0n0man | NotSuhun | Hantsuki | Snowwy | Chriz | ChampionChaos
Mappool-Selector: -Shizuka- | - kneesocks | [Haruki-Sagae] | Syph
Mappool-Tester:[Hiiro Sakaki]
Commentator: Aknano | NotSuhun | OmgForz | Ascended | NotToBlame | TheTsundereLoli | Kawaii Rikka | Kawaii Kaneki | -Akuro
Streamer: Blade12629 | [Haruki-Sagae]
Twitch Operator: Blade12629 | Kawaii Kaneki | [Haruki-Sagae] | ChampionChaos
Designer:Marisa Kirisame | Reo
Replacement: [Haruki-Sagae]