
Incredible what YGOTAS can accomplish...

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Hey everyone~ (or at least the ones that are reading this)

So, I guess it's good manners to at least make a somewhat decent introduction on the forums of what promises to be my new night companion... It's so addicting @.@
As you can guess from the title of this I just found it this awesome game because I was lurking on Youtube and I saw the Brooklyn Rage map xD (And it has become my new goal to get that song!)

And since I suck terribly at introductions I'm going to make this super quick. I'm Alandra, you may call me A-chan, Ali, Alan (I swear I don't know where that one came from... Someone just randomly called me that xD) I'm a girl and I'm from Argentina.

I'll leave it at that, hope to make some friends around and not make my fingers bleed from excessive gaming x.x

Edited the red text of doom :D
ygotas is good, but red text isn't.
Welcome anyways.
Hola! Como estás?
El texto rojo ;__;
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