
Aim error/UR for target practice

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +6
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Step 1: Find the average location on the target that the player clicked at*
Step 2: Find the distance** from center of that location and display as the "Average Aim Error"
Step 3: Find the distance** from location in step 1 for each click
Step 4: Average distances from step 3 and display to player as "Aim Unstable Rate"

Quick way to see how good your aim was.

*Presumably by treating 0,0 as the center of the target, then average location is (average x coord of all clicks, average y coord of all clicks)**
**measured with same units as the "hit object radius" is displayed in when tabbing over the song stats
What about something like this: t/406801/start=0&&hilit=Aim+Circles ?
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That would be nice too, tho I think it's easier to compare your plays if it's just a single number.
I think the request Sergio linked is more suited for TP than anything else. I agrre that TP should give more feedback on actual aim though
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Well, no reason to not do both I guess
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