
Why is there still only ONE payment option for a namechange?

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Can you please get off your lazy asses and start making this game better?

And where is osu next? It's a game of sprites people, how long do you facking need? Games like Skyrim are made faster then this.
There's going to be more methods of payment in the near future.
osu!next is coming quickly, and the progress is there (osu!next, twitter, etc) to show it. It's a big implementation. There is a work in progress website, AND a newly designed game.
What's with that attitude? It is coming.
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Pawsu wrote:

There's going to be more methods of payment in the near future.
osu!next is coming quickly, and the progress is there (osu!next, twitter, etc) to show it. What's with that attitude?
It is coming.

I haven't been online for two whole months and still nothing has changed.

SOLID771 wrote:

I haven't been online for two whole months and still nothing has changed.
And you have to understand that you're accounting for an entirely new designed website, and a newly designed game with even more features than what we have now.
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Pawsu wrote:

SOLID771 wrote:

I haven't been online for two whole months and still nothing has changed.

And you have to understand that you're accounting for an entirely new designed website, and a newly designed game with even more features than what we have now.

My main complaint are the payment options anyways. First time I complained about that was half a year ago. Answer back then: ''in the near future''. And now the same answer?

Yeah right. I think the correct answer is ''between now and 20 years, but more likely 20 years.''
it's osu, it's not worth getting your knickers in a bunch over

relax, this stuff takes time to implement (esp. on the financial side of things; any sort of payment system has its own archaic hoops to jump through for proper setup, esp. international payment methods)

also you might wanna think again before posting game-related stuff in OT no one gives a shit

Boy, why are you so salty about a damn name change and osu next? Lmfao lay off the meth
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Mogsworth wrote:

it's osu, it's not worth getting your knickers in a bunch over
relax, this stuff takes time to implement (esp. on the financial side of things; any sort of payment system has its own archaic hoops to jump through for proper setup, esp. international payment methods)
also you might wanna think again before posting game-related stuff in OT no one gives a shit

You give enough shit to reply.

Question was meant for whoever is running this shit anyways. I don't care if you don't care. Piss off.
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Could a mod close this? Won't get an answer here anyways.
Pawsu already gave you one.

And also, what did you expect from OT? Please. :P

SOLID771 wrote:

You give enough shit to reply.

Question was meant for whoever is running this shit anyways. I don't care if you don't care. Piss off.
What did you expect? It's OT.
To further my point, take a look at Peppy's Twitter to see the progress of osu!next. Stop being an inpatient child.
I can't even find the place for a namechange anymore but I bet it's paypal again (Which isn't ONE option)

Fuck yeah paypal lets me use discover card when other places won't take discover it's great
Not our fault you gave yourself a shit name
you play this game for free you entitled brat

Railey2 wrote:

you play this game for free you entitled brat
He wants to give osu some more fucking money they should be grateful
what Khelly you want to argue again? About how "they" should feel about people complaining that nothing gets done, which isn't even true? I thought you were done for good with arguing. You don't care after all, so why argue

Railey2 wrote:

what Khelly you want to argue again? About how "they" should feel about people complaining that nothing gets done, which isn't even true? I thought you were done for good with arguing. You don't care after all, so why argue
I just enjoy seeing you frustrated
You enjoy seeing text next to my username that gives you the impression that I might be frustrated? I don't think that is very reliable. Also, if I was frustrated, I'd probably give you more than 2 lines.
When you, who constantly writes paragraphs to people in fucking OT, don't even bother to give me more than two lines I feel accomplished.
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