
Any way of loading number-textures of >512 pixels?

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Mio Winter
If I replace the default-1.png texture with a 512 pixel wide texture of anything, it will load up just fine whenever the game tries to write "1". But if I replace it with something above 512px width, the game just shows a blank whenever it tries to write "1".

Now, I want to load textures with a width of 1980+128 pixels. Uh.. For important and usefwl reasons, I assure you. Is there any trick (involving perhaps the .ini file or the size of other textures) that will make the game load number-textures of a larger width?

But, Timo... Why, why, would you want to replace number-textures that are 2108 pixels wide?
Astute question. It gets technical... I'm trying to replace the numbers with dots that don't overlap each other, and I want it to work when the game tries to write "10", "11", "21" and so on. I won't bore you with the details of how unless you ask. : P
Send Screnshot your Problem. :)

use Skin.ini > HitCircleOverlap: x for rejusting :)
Topic Starter
Mio Winter

Fatal3ty wrote:

Send Screnshot your Problem. :)

use Skin.ini > HitCircleOverlap: x for rejusting :)

Here's the directory of the skin I'm currently using:

Now, when I start the game up, and place circles 1, 2, 3 and 4 (that all have pink combo colour), you can see that all the textures load, except for those that are wider than 512 pixels (the texture of circle 2).

Tweaking the HitCircleOverlap setting won't allow me to load wider textures, alas.

I don't really expect you to know a way to load textures wider than 512 px, I'm asking just in case you (or someone else) breaks my expectations by knowing a solution. Thankyou. : )
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