
What would YOU do?

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Well, I don't know if you guys know about the show What would You do , but if you do, then you will kinda get this game.

So basically you have to create a situation and ask the user below you what would he/she do?
LiLi: What would you do if you only had 1 hour to live?
Aomi: I would stare at Aoba's face until my last breath.

It would be great if you could create the most intense situations~
Have fun~
Topic Starter
What would you do If you had to kill 5 people in order to save your life?
Zain Sugieres
I would kill them in a suicidal bombing

What would you do if you woke up in North Korea
Steal a propaganda sign

What would you do if your best friend snatched your wallet?
Let him use my wallet

What would you do if your account suddenly gets banned for no reason?
Zain Sugieres
I would contact osu!support.

What would you do if you woke up as a different gender.
pinch myself until I wake up, nothing that amazing would ever happen to me
either that or I'd do "questionable" things

What would you do if you heard someone dying outside in the middle of the night?
then i guess it's time to osu mapping, i quickly reach the nearest headphone and shift my hearing to virtual dimension

in the middle of playing osu, your mouse cease from functioning and rendered you immobilized, quickly resulting in your failure to ss a 10 stars song. it was your 99th tries with 6 hours non-stop of trying the same song again and again. how destructive your frustration would be? wat u gonna do
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I would get up, walk to the kitchen, make some tea, wait for the tea, come back to my computer, take the mouse and throw it out the window :') then quickly seat down and drink my tea with this face

What would you do if a serial killer enters your house, kills your entire family and is waiting outside your room door to kill you next?
damn, this had 2 threads about this game but now it says "what would YOU do" instead of "what if"

ot: i would rather kill myself to escape this horrible world and will end up in hell.

what would you do if someone stole your valuable stuff [like your pr0n] and you are at work/school/outside with out even knowing
worst fl player
my 1#s are valuable. I would retake and snipe you. kappa

what would you do if someone offer you sex ?
tell them im gay

What would you do for sex?
suck dick

what would you do if you were walking down an alleyway in the middle of the night and suddenly heard footsteps behind you?

run like this away.

What would you do if anime gets real?
find trip and fuck him

what would you do if violence in video games became legal in the real world?

What would you do if your couple is cheating on you.
Play vidya and cry like a bitch

What would you do if you woke up in an empty room with a big red button with the sign "DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON" and an exit door.

(Choose before checking the result)
pressed the button: The door will disappear and you gain immortality.
choose to exit: You will wake up from a dream.
immortality is boring

what would you do if you woke up in an old, run down mental hospital, the only source of light is that of a flickering lightbulb barely hanging by a thread?
I'd be too scared to move. I probably would have stayed there for a good two hours before mustering up the courage to leave.

What would you do if your best friend fell in love with you?

would u fuck
Friend Zone

What will you if your loved ones turns into zombies?
player kruzons throw holy water at [his loved ones] dealing 9999 damages, status turn back to neutral

wat wud u do if thrs no electricity in le world

What would you do if you lose your vision?
Topic Starter
I would go exploring instead of staying in the computer all day :')
I WOULD learn how so listen~

What would you do if you go back in time to your 5 years old self with your current mind?
i'd procrastinate every moments of events, it's gonna be a tough ride full of procrastination, but eventually will learn good technique for it, including back roll, somersault roll, back flip, and spinning procrastination. i learn good stuff from the past, worth it

wat would u do if i stole ur ice cream
I'll fucking kill you.

Alright... serious question.
What would you do if you got stabbed and you only have the item on your right.
how fucked you are?
How's my bed gonna help in this situation ;-; im so fucked

What would you do if you had telekinesis ability?
Topic Starter
I would telekinize the fuk out of objects ~

What would you do if you could change the world?
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