
Override map skin [Denied]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I looked around and didn't see anything about this.
I like to see an option to override a beatmap skin and use the one set in settings.

I use the minimal skin because I don't like the large 50, 100, and 300 hit stars.
I'm sure there are others who would like to see this.

I can see why It wouldn't be implemented as people spend a lot of time making custom skins for their maps, but the option would still be nice.

I know of one way to do it but I'd prefer not to.

I spend way too much time deleting skins right now~
Sorry to all beatmappers out there, I just can't play with skins that I'm not 100% used to ^^"

selimsrm wrote:

I looked around and didn't see anything about this.
I don't think you looked around that much, since there has been like a thousand topics for this
As Gabi said, there are plenty of these requests viewtopic.php?f=30&t=44144&hilit=skin .If you really can't stand a skin, as long osb2 has not come out, you can delete the skin files so you can at least play with the standard skin. Beyond that, if you had a problem with a skin, you should ask the mapper the change the skin before a map is ranked.
I have bad news for you man.

When the new osu comes out you won't be able to delete skins so we'll be stuck with the most retarded fat skins with huge hit bursts that block your entire screen.

I'm just hoping that there will be much stricter rules to skinning than there is today because most skins I see today have a fake outline which isn't part of the hit note, so even though you think you're clicking on the side of the note you're actually clicking nothing at all.
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