
Catch the Beat Indonesia Cup (CIC) 2016 - Final

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Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto

Dibuat oleh : 10nya

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Catch the Beat Indonesia Cup (CIC) 2016 merupakan turnamen resmi untuk mode Catch the Beat tingkat nasional dan ini merupakan tahun yang ke 4 penyelenggaran salah satu turnamen osu! terbesar di Indonesia.

Waktu pelaksanaan turnamen dari awal pendaftaran sampai babak final yaitu sekitar 7 minggu dengan pengdeskripsian timeline turnamen sebagai berikut:

  1. Pendaftaran : 17 Juni 2016 - 3 Juli 2016

  2. Pembagian Grup : 8 Juli 2016

  3. Group Stage : 15 Juli 2016 - 17 Juli 2016

  4. 16 Besar : 22 Juli 2016 - 24 Juli 2016

  5. Semifinal : 29 Juli 2016 - 31 Juli 2016

  6. Final : 6 Augstus 2016

Pembagian hadiah akan berdasarkan total prize pool yang sudah dikumpulkan oleh panitia/staff. kami berusaha untuk terus menaikan total prize pool dan kalian dapat membantu kami dengan menyumbang uang untuk meng-support turnamen ini. Untuk pembagian prize pool akan ditentukan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

  1. Juara 1 : 60% dari total prize pool dan 1 tahun supporter tag

  2. Juara 2 : 30% dari total prize pool dan 6 bulan supporter tag

  3. Juara 3 : 10% dari total prize pool dan 3 bulan supporter tag

  4. Juara 4 : 1 bulan supporter tag
  1. THS
  2. Yuka-
  3. Kazuyo
  4. GAMI

1. Tournament Manager
  1. Intel21
  2. El Solarbeam
  3. Shurelia
  4. Kazuyo
2. Map pool Selector
  1. El Solarbeam
  2. Shurelia
3. Streamer
  1. Mako Sakata
  2. moncar321
4. Commentator
  1. Kazuyo
  2. Yukaa-
  3. Phantom_Stella
  4. Willia02
5. Refree
  1. moncar321
  2. KinAce
  3. Senritsu
  4. -Mikorin-
  5. 10nya
  6. -Chiyorin-
6. Scheduler
  1. Yukaa-
  2. Fiola
7. Designer
  1. 10nya

1. Sistem Turnamen
  • # Setiap pertandingan akan menggunakan Score V2 (Penjelasan apa itu Score V2 bisa klik link ini ).
    # Map Selector akan memberikan map pool untuk match maksimal seminggu sebelum pertandingan dimulai.
    # Jadwal akan ditentukan oleh panita Scheduler.
  1. Jika peserta keberatan dapat mengkontak panitia Scheduler.
# Peserta akan di invite multiplayer 15 menit sebelum pertandingan dimulai.
# Jika peserta tidak ada maka waktu pertandingan akan diundur maksimal 10 menit.
# Jika wasit atau staff terkait tidak ada/offline, maka pertandingan akan diundur.
# Jika didalam match peserta fail maka akan dihitung kalah dan masuk diperingkat terakhir.
  1. Pengecualian jika pemain bisa revived kembali maka peringkat akan ditentukan berdasarkan skor terbesar.
# Jika peserta mengalami permasalahan jaringan (Disconnect) maka akan dihitung sebagai failed.
  1. Jika peserta disconnect maksimal 30 detik setelah map dimainkan maka pertandingan boleh diulang (rematch).
# Jika peserta mengalami permasalahan atau disconnect ditengah match maka pertandingan akan diberhentikan sementara maksimal 15 menit.
# Alasan lag tidak diperbolehkan ketika sedang match.
# Diperbolehkan untuk mengsetting Visual Settings.
# Jika ada permasalahan didalam match, maka staff refree akan membuat keputusan mutlak.
  1. Jika permasalahan tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh refree, maka Tournament Manager akan turun tangan.
# Diharapkan untuk respect dan bersikap sopan ketika bertanding. Segala penalty akan diberikan jika ada yang melanggar.
  1. Jika peserta memancing perkelahian dengan peserta lain akan direport ke staff osu! dan diblacklist untuk turnamen yang berikutnya.
  2. Penggunan cheat akan dilaporkan ke staff osu! dan diblacklist untuk turnamen yang berikutnya.
  3. Membantu peserta (Joki) akan diblacklist pemilik akun dan pengjoki akun untuk turnamen yang berikutnya.
2. Pendaftaran
  • # Peserta asli dari Indonesia dengan bukti flag Indonesia di osu!profile nya.
  1. Jika peserta asli dari Indonesia tetapi flag negara lain akan dipertimbakan lebih lanjut oleh Tournament Manager.
# Minimal playcount harus diatas 4000.
# Jika sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat mengirim forum PM ke Intel21 dengan contoh format

# Batas maksimal slot peserta yaitu 32 orang.
  1. Jika jumlah pendaftar banyak, maka slot player akan ditentukan berdasarkan urutan pendaftar.
3. Sistem Grup
  • # Setiap grup akan diisi oleh 4 player
    # Pemain akan bertanding dengan sistem Tag Match
    # Sistem Tag Match akan menggunakan point untuk setiap peserta dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut
  1. Juara 1 : 2 Point
  2. Juara 2 : 1 Point
  3. Juara 3 : -1 Point
  4. Juara 4 : -2 Point
# Pemain yang dapat bertanding ke babak berikutnya ditentukan oleh :
  1. Peserta yang memiliki point terbanyak.
  2. Peserta yang menang dibabak Tiebreak.
  3. Peserta yang menang WO.
  4. Jika ada peserta yang mengalami diskualifikasi saat match berlangsung.
# Ketentuan jumlah grup dalam setiap babak yaitu sebagai berikut :
  1. 32 Besar : 8 Grup
  2. 16 Besar : 4 Grup
  3. 8 Besar (Semifinal) : 2 Grup
  4. 4 Besar (Final): 1 Grup
3. Peraturan Pertandingan
  • # Setiap peserta akan melakukan "!roll' untuk menentukan siapa yang dapat memilih beatmap pertama.
    # Setiap peserta berhak memilih satu beatmap yang dapat dibanned dalam match.
    # Setiap grup hanya boleh maksimal 3 kali pemanasan (warming up) sebelum match dimulai.
    # Hasil dari setiap match wajib dishared/dipost ke trit oleh panitia Refree beserta link mp dan screenshoot

English Ver.

Designed by : 10nya


Catch the Beat Indonesia (CIC) 2016 is the official tournament for the Catch the Beat mode in the national region. This tournament marks the 4th year for one of the biggest osu! tournament in Indonesia

The Tournament Schedule beginning from the registration phase until the final phase will take about 7 weeks.
The schedules are as follows:

  1. Registration : 17th June 2016 - 3rd July 2016

  2. Group Selection : 8th July 2016

  3. Group Stage : 15th - 17th July 2016

  4. Top 16 : 22nd - 24h July 2016

  5. Semifinal : 29th - 31st July 2016

  6. Final : 6th August 2016

Prizes will be based off the total prize pool already prepared by the tournament management team. However, we will still continue to try and increase the total prize pool amount, in which you can also contribute money to help support this tournament. Furthermore, the ratio of each prizes will determined with the following criteria:

  1. 1st Place : 60% from the total prize pool and 1 year supporter tag

  2. 2nd Place : 30% from the total prize pool and 6 months supporter tag

  3. 3rd Place : 10% from the total prize pool and 3 months supporter tag

  4. 4th Place : 1 month supporter tag
Supported by
  1. THS
  2. Yuka-
  3. Kazuyo
  4. GAMI

1. Tournament Manager
  1. Intel21
  2. El Solarbeam
  3. Shurelia
  4. Kazuyo
2. Map pool Selector
  1. El Solarbeam
  2. Shurelia
3. Streamer
  1. Mako Sakata
  2. moncar321]
4. Commentator
  1. Kazuyo
  2. Yukaa-
  3. Phantom_Stella
  4. Willia02
5. Refree
  1. moncar321
  2. KinAce
  3. Senritsu
  4. -Mikorin-
  5. 10nya
  6. -Chiyorin-
6. Scheduler
  1. Yukaa-
  2. Fiola
7. Designer
  1. 10nya

1. Tournament System
  • # Each match will be held using the Score V2 system
    (The Score V2 scoring system is explained in further detail here: link).
    # Map Selectors will announce the group map pool for each phase at least one week beforehand.
    # Schedules will be determined by Schedule Staff.
  1. If the participant has any objections about the schedule, they may contact the Scheduler staff.
# The participant will be invited to the multiplayer room at least 15 minutes before the match commences.
# Should one of the participants still be offline, the match will be suspended by a maximum of 10 minutes.
# If no staffs or referees are available, the match will be postponed.
# Failed players' scores will count as having lost and will automatically be placed at last place.
  1. Exception: Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing and will count normally based on the highest score.
# If a player have problem connection (e.g. : disconnections), they get treated as if they have failed the map.
  1. Disconnections within 30 seconds after a map's begin can result in a rematch.
# If a participant goes offline due to connection issues during a match, the match will be suspended for a maximum time of 15 minutes.
# Lag is not a valid excuse during any match.
# Participants are allowed to set Visual Settings.
# Should any problems arise during any match, the Refree will give the final decision.
  1. If the problem can not be solved by the Refree, then the Tournament Manager will handle it.
# Every participant must be respectful and polite. Penalty will be given should any participant violate the rules.
  1. Any participant provoking other participants will be reported to osu! and will be put into the blacklist for the next tournament.
  2. Cheat abuse will be reported to the osu! staff and will likewise be put into the blacklist for the next tournament.
  3. Any help from other participants (e.g. : Jockey during a match) will result in being put on the blacklist to user account and the Jockey for the next tournament.
2. Registration
  • # Participant must from Indonesia with Indonesia flag in osu!profile.
  1. If there is participant from Indonesia but use another flag will be consider by Tournament Manager.
# Minimal playcount is 4000 plays.
# If you qualified with regulation above, you can regirstration via forum PM to Intel21 with example format

# Maximum slots for participant is 32.
  1. If the number of registrations are overload, then slot participants will be decided by sequence number of registration.
3. Group System
  • # Each group has 4 participants.
    # Every participant will play against each other using the Tag Match system.
    # Tag Match system will use point for every participant decided by :
  1. 1st Place : 2 Points
  2. 2nd Place : 1 Point
  3. 3rd Place : -1 Point
  4. 4th Place : -2 Points
# Participants who will move to the next round are decided by:
  1. Participant who has the most points.
  2. Participant who has won in the tiebreak round.
  3. Participant who wins by default (WO).
  4. Any participants disqualified during a match.
# Each stage is made up of the following amounts of groups:
  1. Top 32 : 8 Groups
  2. Top 16 : 4 Groups
  3. Top 8 (Semifinal) : 2 Groups
  4. Top 4 (Final): 1 Group
3. Match Regulation
  • # Every participant must "!roll" to decide who will pick the first beatmap.
    # Each participant may choose one beatmap to be banned before a match.
    # Each group will have three chances to warm up before the match begins.
    # The result of the match must shared/posted to the thread by Refree staff with the mp link and screenshots


Q : Kak ini tuh turnamen apa sih?
A : Ini turnamen ofisial Catch the Beat Indonesia, jadi setiap tahun nya sudah pasti diadakan.

Q : Kak cara daftar turnamen ini gimana ya?
A : Syaratnya kamu harus punya playcount mode catch the beat sebanyak 5000 atau lebih dan memiliki bendera Indonesia di osu!profile kamu, lalu kirimkan private message ke Intel21 sesuai dengan format yang ada di thread.

Q : Kalau playcount ku kurang dari itu bisa ikut kak?
A : Karena syarat playcount minimal 5000 jadi tidak bisa ikut.

Q : Performance Point (PP) ku 3000 kak, bisa daftar turnamen ini ngak?
A : Selama playcount melebihi 4000 diperbolehkan ikut.

Q : Nanti misalnya saya berhalangan hadir sewaktu turnamen akan berlangsung bagaimana?
A : Jika tidak hadir ke pertandingan pada jadwal yang di tentukan maka akan di diskualifikasi, Namun perubahan jadwal bisa di lakukan dengan contact ke staff scheduler dan dengan persetujuan 3 orang yang ada dalam grup.

Q : Bagaimana jika saya datang terlambat?
A : Peserta harus hadir selambat-lambatnya 10 menit sebelum match pertama di mulai

Q : Pertandingan sudah akan di mulai tapi saya belum di invite, jadi saya harus bagaimana?
A : Silahkan hubungi pihak referee agar di invite, pastikan pada option di bagian online, alert and privacy mencentang "Allow multiplayer game invites from all users".

Q : Saya tidak menemukan satu referee pun online, lalu harus bagaimana?
A : Silahkan dengan segera contact tournament manager yang online untuk di tindaklanjuti.

Q : Akun osu saya tiba-tiba terkena restrict, apakah saya boleh pakai akun yang lain?
A : Akun yang hanya boleh di pakai ketika turnamen hanyalah akun yang di daftarkan, jika akun yang di daftarkan terkena restrict atau banned, maka secara otomatis akan di diskualifikasi.

Q : Haruskah saya mendownload seluruh beatmap dari map pool yang di sediakan?
A : Sangat di wajibkan untuk mendownload seluruh beatmap dari map pool untuk kelancaran match.

Q : Ketika bermain tiba-tiba osu saya crash / hang / disconnect, apakah pertandingan tetap berlanjut?
A : Selama match belum berjalan selama 30 detik maka pertandingan akan di ulang (rematch).

Q : Apakah bercanda di perbolehkan selama pertandingan berlangsung?
A : Bercanda di perbolehkan pada chat tapi tetap menjaga kata-kata (Tidak mengandung unsur sara dan sebagainya), dan match harus berjalan dengan lancar.

Q : Bolehkah saya meminta teman saya untuk memainkan akun saya?
A : "Membantu peserta (Joki) akan diblacklist pemilik akun dan pengjoki untuk turnamen yang berikutnya".

Q : Saya masih bingung kak dengan turnamen ini, jadi harus bagaimana?
A : Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut, kamu bisa bertanya melalui discord pada channel #pertanyaan (sangat di rekomendasikan) atau langsung reply ke thread ini.
Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto
Mappool CIC 2016 Semifinal

No Mod :

  1. Caravan Palace - Dragons (Insane) by Charles445 :
  2. DJ TOTTO feat. *spiLa* - illumina (byfar's extra) by handsome :
  3. Hinatabi Bitter Suites - Kurokami Midareshi Shura to Narite~Rinedition~ (EX) by CLSW :
  4. Walkure - Ichido dake no Koi nara (Furely's Overdose) by noraRcat :
  5. yuikonnu & ayaponzu* - Okochama Sensou (Spec's Overdose) by Len :

Hidden :

  1. 96Neko - Yoshiwara Lament (Insane) by Minakami Yuki :
  2. a_hisa - Fairy Dance (ursa's Rain) by Priti :
  3. Kano - Merry Merry album ver. (Farewell) by El SolarBeam :
  4. LeaF - MEPHISTO (Spec's Overdose) by Alumetorz :

Hardrock :

  1. cosMo@BousouP - Oceanus (Asagi's Insane) by Broccoly :
  2. Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets - Rewriter (Rewriter) by Suzully :
  3. Nekomata Master - Scar in the Earth (ignore's Another) by skranger :
  4. Tatsumi Megumi featured by Sano Hiroaki - Tsubomi (Flower Bud) by SYAHME :

Double Time :

  1. 07th Expansion - worldenddominator (La Cataline) by Natteke :
  2. Kozato - Tsuki -Yue- (Another) by jonathanlfj :
  3. Tamura Yukari - fancy baby doll (Insane) by S o r d a :
  4. void feat. Komatsuna - Akatsuki no Tsuki (Frobe's Platter) by Spectator :

Tie Break :

  1. Yooh - MariannE (CtB Collab) by neonat :

Map Pool Pack Semifinal
Map pool pack untuk Semifinal bisa di download pada tautan ini

Quarter Final
Mappool CIC 2016 Quarter Final

No Mod :

  1. B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes (Feint Remix) (Insane) by CLSW :
  2. bj.HaLo - Ende (Rain) by ZiRoX :
  3. Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Mika Kobayashi - Bios (LKs' Another) by goodbye :
  4. Memme - Dajiahao (exam's Rain) by IamKwaN :
  5. TwoThirds & Feint feat. Veela - Starscapes (Rameses B Remix) (Extra) by Streliteela :

Hidden :

  1. DJ TOTTO & Qrispy Joybox - Curtain Call Memories (Extra) by Meg :
  2. Kano - Toy-toi (Insane) by Fycho :
  3. Mili - Nine Point Eight (Lost) by CLSW :
  4. Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - Element of SPADA (Another) by Strawberry :

Hardrock :

  1. 07th Expansion - rog-limitation (Insane) by AngelHoney :
  2. Nekomata Master feat. Hayashi Momoko - Rainbow after snow (Platter) by -[ Asuna ]- :
  3. Rameses B - Transcend (Insane) by Milan- :
  4. Shihori - Day Breaker (Insane orion) by Frostmourne :

Double Time :

  1. Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me (Insane) by tutuhaha :
  2. Bossfight - Sonder (Platter) by WildOne94 :
  3. ESTi - Ray of Illuminati (Maniac) by fanzhen0019 :
  4. ZUN - Voyage 1969 (Lunatic) by Sushi :

Tie Break :

  1. Halozy - GO 4 IT (Rain) by JBHyperion :

Map Pool Pack Quarter Final
Map pool pack untuk Quarter Final bisa di download pada tautan ini

Group Stage
Mappool CIC 2016 Group Stage

No Mod :

  1. AKINO with bless4 - Jet Coaster Ride (Insane) by Kawaiwkyik :
  2. DJ TOTTO VS TOTTO - vajra (Expert) by Kloyd :
  3. Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds (Rain) by BoberOfDarkness :
  4. Rabpit - Saika (m1ng's Rain) by Kandai-sa :
  5. Natsume Chiaki - Hanairo Biyori (wkyik's Insane) by rinsukir :

Hidden :

  1. Haruna Luna - Kimiiro Signal-TV size ver.- (exam's Rain) by Crystal :
  2. Nhato - LIMBO (Collab) by Reiji-RJ :
  3. Sasaki Sayaka - Zzz (Euro Star Mix) (Cloud) by - Magic Girl - :
  4. yak_won - Sewing Machine (Extreme) by ktgster :

Hardrock :

  1. K2 - Karaburi Sadistic (Hard) by Shinxyn :
  2. Namikawa Daisuke - The Delicious Tomato Song (Hard) by Sallad4ever :
  3. YUKI - Sakamichi no Melody (TV Size) (Buhei's Insane) by mintong89 :
  4. aioi feat. KAMATA JUNKO - New World (Hard) by shikyu :

Double Time :

  1. Chou Huei - Bing Kuai (Insane) by Flask :
  2. Marina And The Diamonds - Weeds (Collab Hard) by Desperate-kun :
  3. nano.RIPE - Gekka (Insane) by hoLysoup :
  4. ZUN - Higan Retour ~ Riverside View (Lunatic) by Black_Cherry_Ita :

Tie Break :

  1. Chata - Nocte of desperatio (Maestitia) by Fii :

Map Pool Pack Group Stage
Map pool pack untuk group stage bisa di download pada tautan ini


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Tuhan memberkati



updated tolong liat spreadsheet statistic
untuk req waktu pergrup bisa di rundingkan dahulu sebelum hari H.
dan default saya kasih waktu jam 15:00 s/d 21:00 per Group Stage
Goodluck sendpie( • 8 • )
Tuhan memberkati

Mangat yang turni \o/
( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )kasih kredit bannernya dong 8( /gakk
gl buat yang daftar
Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto

10nya wrote:

( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )( • 8 • )kasih kredit bannernya dong 8( /gakk
sabar te kan nanti masuk ke list staff 8((
GL GL ululululu
gudlak turninya gan sis
SG ga bole ikut ya ? :v awkakaw

Daripada gue ngomong ga jelas, bakal lihat perkembangan selanjutnya deh.
wiw udah dimulai
good luck !!
Hunter Howl
numpang pejwan

good luck yak buat yang ikutan huee
gl buat yang ikut nanti
Reservasi kursi peserta mz mb
CIC 2016

Weew GL, Bay. BTW gw ada saran buat welcoming wordnya.


jadi "Turnamen Ofisial" atau jadiin Inggris sekalian, "Official Tournament".

GL lagi. \:D/
GL GL yang ikut :^D !1!1satu!1
u guys better join up or i cri
Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto

egas00 wrote:

Weew GL, Bay. BTW gw ada saran buat welcoming wordnya.


jadi "Turnamen Ofisial" atau jadiin Inggris sekalian, "Official Tournament".

GL lagi. \:D/
Oiya efek bikin tengah malam wkwkwkwk jadi ngelantur
Okay then edited
good luck
pengen si jadi refree cuma pas liat tanggal gk menentu....
ikut meramaikan aja
hypeeee. GL buat peserta

Shurelia wrote:

u guys better join up or i cri
ramdhan intensifies, good doin or cri.
Decitful Insta Win
GL yang ikut~
GL buat yg ikut ;)
ini yang pada ngomong "GL buat yg ikut" dan semacamnya . Bakal ikutan turni kan ntar?

Soalnya banyak pemain T50 yg ngomong begini wkwk
Latian lagi anjeg :VVV
GL GL bos
Bakalan menarik nih

Shurelia wrote:

ini yang pada ngomong "GL buat yg ikut" dan semacamnya . Bakal ikutan turni kan ntar?

Soalnya banyak pemain T50 yg ngomong begini wkwk
T50 apaan?

sweetbravery wrote:

T50 apaan?
Top 50

Shurelia wrote:

u guys better join up or i cri
Don't worry, beb ;D

Oh iya itu ofisial ganti jadi resmi aja kek wqwq

sweetbravery wrote:

Shurelia wrote:

ini yang pada ngomong "GL buat yg ikut" dan semacamnya . Bakal ikutan turni kan ntar?

Soalnya banyak pemain T50 yg ngomong begini wkwk
T50 apaan?
yang mejeng di pejwan ranking
liat sikon lel
belum juga buka pendaftarannya .-.

Shurelia wrote:

ini yang pada ngomong "GL buat yg ikut" dan semacamnya . Bakal ikutan turni kan ntar?

Soalnya banyak pemain T50 yg ngomong begini wkwk
ngerasa ga enak ga ikutan akwkkw, waiting for new pc/laptop RIP
Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto
Info untuk prize pool
Total yang udah dikumpulkan sejauh ini : Rp 900,000

Dan cic ada discord nya juga lho kalo mau gabung join aja dilink dibawah ini

Intel21 wrote:

Info untuk prize pool
Total yang udah dikumpulkan sejauh ini : Rp 900,000

Dan cic ada discord nya juga lho kalo mau gabung join aja dilink dibawah ini
buset dah banyak amat
Buka tempat untuk mappicker?
- Mas bray366 -
Saya ingin ikut tapi saya tidak tau bagai mana mendaftaranya :(

- Mas bray366 - wrote:

Saya ingin ikut tapi saya tidak tau bagai mana mendaftaranya :(
pendaftarannya belum buka kok :)
masih ada waktu buat latihan
Buka tempat untuk mappicker? (2)

Intel21 wrote:

Designed by : 10nya


Catch the Beat Indonesia (CIC) 2016 is the official tournament for the Catch the Beat mode in the national region. This tournament marks the 4th year for one of the biggest osu! tournament in Indonesia

The Tournament Schedule beginning from the registration phase until the final phase will take about 7 weeks.
The schedules are as follows:

  1. Registration : 17th June 2016 - 3rd July 2016

  2. Group Selection : 8th July 2016

  3. Group Stage : 15th - 17th July 2016

  4. Top 16 : 22nd - 24h July 2016

  5. Semifinal : 29th - 31st July 2016

  6. Final : 6th August 2016

Prizes will be based off the total prize pool already prepared by the tournament management team. However, we will still continue to try and increase the total prize pool amount, in which you can also contribute money to help support this tournament. Furthermore, the ratio of each prizes will determined with the following criteria:

  1. 1st Place : 60% from the total prize pool, a profile badge and a supporter tag

  2. 2nd Place : 30% from the total prize pool and a supporter tag

  3. 3rd Place : 10% from the total prize pool and a supporter tag
Supported by
  1. THS
  2. Yuka-
  3. Kazuyo


1. Tournament System
  • # Each match will be held using the Score V2 system
    (The Score V2 scoring system is explained in further detail here: link).
    # Map Selectors will announce the group map pool for each phase at least one week beforehand.
    # Schedules will be determined by Schedule Staff.
  1. If the participant has any objections about the schedule, they may contact the Scheduler staff.
# The participant will be invited to the multiplayer room at least 15 minutes before the match commences.
# Should one of the participants still be offline, the match will be suspended by a maximum of 10 minutes.
# If no staffs or referees are available, the match will be postponed.
# Failed players' scores will count as having lost and will automatically be placed at last place.
  1. Exception: Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing and will count normally based on the highest score.
# If a player have problem connection (e.g. : disconnections), they get treated as if they have failed the map.
  1. Disconnections within 30 seconds after a map's begin can result in a rematch.
# If a participant goes offline due to connection issues during a match, the match will be suspended for a maximum time of 15 minutes.
# Lag is not a valid excuse during any match.
# Participants are allowed to set Visual Settings.
# Should any problems arise during any match, the Refree will give the final decision.
  1. If the problem can not be solved by the Refree, then the Tournament Manager will handle it.
# Every participant must be respectful and polite. Penalty will be given should any participant violate the rules.
  1. Any participant provoking other participants will be reported to osu! and will be put into the blacklist for the next tournament.
  2. Cheat abuse will be reported to the osu! staff and will likewise be put into the blacklist for the next tournament.
  3. Any help from other participants (e.g. : Jockey during a match) will result in being put on the blacklist for the next tournament.
2. Registration

3. Group System
  • # Each group has 4 participants.
    # Every participant will play against each other using the Tag Match system.
    # Participants who will move to the next round are decided by:
  1. Participant who has the most points.
  2. Participant who has won in the tiebreak round.
  3. Participant who wins by default (WO).
  4. Any participants disqualified during a match.
# Each stage is made up of the following amounts of groups:
  1. Top 32 : 8 Groups
  2. Top 16 : 4 Groups
  3. Top 8 (Semifinal) : 2 Groups
  4. Top 4 (Final): 1 Group
3. Match Regulation
  • # Every participant must "!roll" to decide who will pick the first beatmap.
    # Each participant may choose one beatmap to be banned before a match.
    # Each group will have three chances to warm up before the match begins.
    # The result of the match must shared/posted to the thread by Refree staff with the mp link and screenshots
Fixed English translations

+ itu tambahin supportagnya berapa lama 8)

anyways good luck and have fun people
900rb :o
wadaw, UAAANG !!
Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto
Thanks sur buat benerin english nya hehehe
Buat suptag lagi on going buat request ke staff osunya mungkin bisa setahun atau cuman 6 bulan doang hehe
- PICO -_old
yaahh.. GL buat yang ikutan ntar... gw cmn newbie :3

Topic Starter
Urabe Mikoto
~ INFO ~

Hadiah untuk juara 1,2 dan 3 telah diubah silahkan melihat ke first post thank you ~
-Purple Heart-
need more playcount :(
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