
fripSide - memory of snow

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good map

Taiko Collab update
( Fixed Onosaki's mod and added hln's part )
Please check, thx :)

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
I will check ono's mod very soon

and forgot to star lol
ono's mod
01:51:829(26) - k? or change pattern 01:51:709(25,26,27,28,29) to kddkkd? - sound not too no
01:53:269(5) - k? -
01:54:229(36,37) - kd? - ok
02:23:509(87) - k? - ok
02:31:069(8) - k? - ok
Thanks for your mod

And fixed the below part by myself

01:52:549 (30) - added note
01:53:749 (36) - added note
01:53:989 () - deleted note
01:55:549 (44) - changed to rb(dk)
01:56:389 (48) - added note
01:57:349 (51) - added note
01:57:589 (52) - b
04:37:429 (57,58,59) - rrb(ddk)

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
Taiko Mod.
part 2
03:03:589(2) - Move to 03:03:469?
part 4
04:00:349(31) - k?
04:00:469(32) - d?
04:02:389(43) - k?
04:19:069(x) - d? or k? In this case I'm little bit confused.@@ Following voice or beat? If beat it's okay.
04:36:709(55) - d
04:43:429(23) - move to 04:43:549
04:44:629(28) - d?
04:45:109 - 04:46:789 - Hm, the tripples are ok, but I think the patterns - how the k's and d's are choosen - dosen't fit so well?
Like last time just suggestions.
No kd please, I've got it allready in my post before.

The map is in my eyes fine now, so I will give a star~ :)

OnosakiHito wrote:

Taiko Mod.
part 2
03:03:589(2) - Move to 03:03:469?
not a bad idea...but I tend to keep that

part 4
04:00:349(31) - k?
04:00:469(32) - d?

04:02:389(43) - k?
[ok, but in fact, originally that is brbbbr, due to the map should not be too hard I delete 1 b into br bbr, you can try once lol]

04:19:069(x) - d? or k? In this case I'm little bit confused.@@ Following voice or beat? If beat it's okay.
[I have been thinking about this...but quite a bit strange if I added a note at there(I mean to the mapping at there,but not the sound)]

04:36:709(55) - d
[YOU GOT IT XD, I have been finding this for times, thanks lol]

04:43:429(23) - move to 04:43:549
[ok ~_~"]

04:44:629(28) - d?
[No...I have consider that for quite a long time before]

04:45:109 - 04:46:789 - Hm, the tripples are ok, but I think the patterns - how the k's and d's are choosen - dosen't fit so well?

Like last time just suggestions.
No kd please, I've got it allready in my post before.

The map is in my eyes fine now, so I will give a star~ :)
Thanks again

Also changed the follow:
04:24:709 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - bbrrbbr

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
怨念...明知我考試你仲要我mod QAQ

Have a Quick look about this:

00:47:989(3)-Inconsistent spacing (close the grid)
I'm totally disagree about jump in normal like 02:29:749(2)- but..whatever.
03:35:989(x)-add a note here.
03:42:829(x)-useless green line.

02:16:309(1-9)-Make this stream straight..
03:14:869(1~)-terrible stuff...make sure it is make sense to the whole difficulty!!
03:32:629(x)-a short break here.Consider remove it.

Yeah..that's all
btw..I skip karen and Taiko diff due to...You know...
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

怨念...明知我考試你仲要我mod QAQ

Have a Quick look about this:

00:47:989(3)-Inconsistent spacing (close the grid) X
I'm totally disagree about jump in normal like 02:29:749(2)- but..whatever. X
03:35:989(x)-add a note here. X
03:42:829(x)-useless green line. Fixed

02:16:309(1-9)-Make this stream straight.. X,故意的
03:14:869(1~)-terrible stuff...make sure it is make sense to the whole difficulty!! X,It's really not very hard OTL
03:32:629(x)-a short break here.Consider remove it. Fixed
Thanks for mod.
If possible cut it shorter? orz

00:36:469 (3) - make it symmetrical, left 1 grid
00:41:479 (2,4) - stack?
00:51:589 (3) - left 1 grid
00:53:749 (1,1) - stack
01:35:269 (2,3,4) - (2) down 1 grid, (3) right 1 grid, (4) up 1 grid

ok ._.

Tell me which part is bakahln which part is aabc <_<
00:28:549 - kkd / kdd?
00:32:629 - k
00:48:469 - d
01:20:749 - k
01:36:109 - k
02:33:589 - kkkkd k
02:35:389 - k
02:57:589 - finish
03:13:309 - ddkkk
03:39:589 - k
04:22:069 - d k k k k d
04:43:189 - kk kd
04:48:949 - one more note then spinner?

Rating : (-1~1)
Pattern - nice except imo ALL sliders (which is 1/8 here) should be avoided: can I give 0.8? 0.5
Density - good... : 1

/me eats Baka-kana
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

If possible cut it shorter? orz Sorry, I can't. Since Taiko diff need the end part of the song.

00:36:469 (3) - make it symmetrical, left 1 grid Yeah. Fixed
00:41:479 (2,4) - stack? It's not so important , i will kill it.
00:51:589 (3) - left 1 grid Fixed
00:53:749 (1,1) - stack It's not so important , i will kill it.
01:35:269 (2,3,4) - (2) down 1 grid, (3) right 1 grid, (4) up 1 grid Sorry but i don't change it.
So yeah =w=
Thanks for modding.

wmfchris wrote:

Tell me which part is bakahln which part is aabc <_<
(aabc's part : 00:22:069 ~ 01:44:629, 03:07:189 ~ 03:54:709
Hln's part : 01:45:109 ~ 03:05:269, 03:55:189 ~ End)

00:28:549 - kkd / kdd? OK, i fixed to kdd ~
00:32:629 - k OK ~
00:48:469 - d I think the current one is fine
01:20:749 - k OK ~
01:36:109 - k ^

02:33:589 - kkkkd k I'll leave this part to hln ~
02:35:389 - k ^
02:57:589 - finish ^

03:13:309 - ddkkk I think the current one is fine
03:39:589 - k ^

04:22:069 - d k k k k d I'll leave this part to hln ~
04:43:189 - kk kd ^
04:48:949 - one more note then spinner? ^

Rating : (-1~1)
Pattern - nice except imo ALL sliders (which is 1/8 here) should be avoided: can I give 0.8? 0.5 OK fixed all sliders to 1/4. Please check~
Density - good... : 1

/me eats Baka-kana
Thanks for your modding :)

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
02:33:589 - kkkkd k For me this is more like the problem of stylish, so negative
02:35:389 - k Same as above
02:57:589 - finish Yes, that's true
04:22:069 - d k k [space] k k d ok
04:43:189 - kk kd hm...I have been thinking for quite a time....but I tend to keep it
04:48:949 - one more note then spinner? Weird if I do so...if more people mention it, I will find out the way, from now, just let it be

Other fixing
Timing point:
00:38:868 --> 00:39:349

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu

-) The offset doesn't need that care but I think that if you add +6 ms It'll be better. [+6 ms; Resnap all notes].

-)00:33:115 (1) - Penultimate build-point 1 grid down?
-)00:42:955 (4) - 1 grid right?
-)02:37:795 (5,6) - 1 grid up?
-)03:22:795 (3) - Well, I suggest to replace it better... As you can see it is unequal to other notes of streams due to position.
-)From 03:32:395 to 03:35:755 - It isn't worrying, but I suggest to insert a Break Time, but if you didn't insert it for any reason, you don't have to insert one.
-)04:09:595 (1) - It's just a suggestion, what do you think about extending it to 04:11:515? You don't have to if you don't want to.

-)Why timing sections with kiai time are missing here? You are prayed to provide.
-)01:23:989 (6,7) - 1 grid left?
-)02:15:349 (7) - New combo?
-)From 3:34:309 to 03:35:749 - I suggest to insert a Break Time, if you want.

It's ok!

Well done! Nice map and song! >w<

Topic Starter

Kecco wrote:

-) The offset doesn't need that care but I think that if you add +6 ms It'll be better. [+6 ms; Resnap all notes]. Let me think.

-)00:33:115 (1) - Penultimate build-point 1 grid down? Fixed
-)00:42:955 (4) - 1 grid right? Fixed
-)02:37:795 (5,6) - 1 grid up? Fixed
-)03:22:795 (3) - Well, I suggest to replace it better... As you can see it is unequal to other notes of streams due to position.
-)From 03:32:395 to 03:35:755 - It isn't worrying, but I suggest to insert a Break Time, but if you didn't insert it for any reason, you don't have to insert one. No ~ Sorry
-)04:09:595 (1) - It's just a suggestion, what do you think about extending it to 04:11:515? You don't have to if you don't want to.
No ~ Sorry
Thanks for modding!
8-) 8-)
I fear that you want to avoid going for approval or cutitng the mp3 so you went full song length on the taiko diff, i highly hope this isn't the case

03:34:069 - Insert break?
04:10:549 - End kiai?

The anti-jumps at the beginning are really misleading.
03:35:029 - Insert a break? this section without notes is longer than the previous one.

[Taiko Collab]
I see quite plenty of red lines that arent present on the other difficulties, please remember that red lines must be present on all difficulties, that includes non-taiko diffs. i'll check them anyways...
00:37:429 - Nothing is changing here, so i dont know why this red line is even here.
00:39:348 - ^
00:55:669 - Why are you changing the metronome here? metronome looks fine to me.
00:56:628 - Removing that one would obviously mean removing this one as well.
01:11:029 - Once again i dont think this needs metronome reset here.
01:11:989 - And once again removing that would mean removing this as well.
01:28:309 - Guess you can tell what im about to say
01:29:268 - And obviously what i'll say here as well
I'll just leave to you to check the others, i really dont think there's a metronome fix needed in these, metronome is playing correctly enough.

Really love the song, sorry for the delay, i have a lot of requests lately XD, call me back for a recheck when you finish fixing, Good Luck!~
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

I fear that you want to avoid going for approval or cutitng the mp3 so you went full song length on the taiko diff, i highly hope this isn't the case
I really want a Taiko diff that it's map the end. (Many Taiko diff that it's map the end.)
Also i used 83% in MP3(for map). I think it's no problem~ =w=

03:34:069 - Insert break? Fixed
04:10:549 - End kiai? Fixed
The anti-jumps at the beginning are really misleading. Fixed
03:35:029 - Insert a break? this section without notes is longer than the previous one. Fixed

Really love the song, sorry for the delay, i have a lot of requests lately XD, call me back for a recheck when you finish fixing, Good Luck!~
No problem & Thank you>w<
Thanks for mod>w<

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Taiko Collab]
I see quite plenty of red lines that arent present on the other difficulties, please remember that red lines must be present on all difficulties, that includes non-taiko diffs. i'll check them anyways...
00:37:429 - Nothing is changing here, so i dont know why this red line is even here.
00:39:348 - ^
00:55:669 - Why are you changing the metronome here? metronome looks fine to me.
00:56:628 - Removing that one would obviously mean removing this one as well.
01:11:029 - Once again i dont think this needs metronome reset here.
01:11:989 - And once again removing that would mean removing this as well.
01:28:309 - Guess you can tell what im about to say
01:29:268 - And obviously what i'll say here as well
I'll just leave to you to check the others, i really dont think there's a metronome fix needed in these, metronome is playing correctly enough.

Really love the song, sorry for the delay, i have a lot of requests lately XD, call me back for a recheck when you finish fixing, Good Luck!~
The timing issue is due to the sliders in taiko mode
which when it is BPM 125, those slider will be in 1/8 beats
but if it is BPM 125.001, those wil be in 1/4 beats

To maintain fitness of the song and prevent off beat, aabc chose only to adjust the timimg with those sliders.

Maybe he can explain more in details

Besides,update due to notes change:
02:04:309 (17) - b(k)

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu

matthewhln wrote:

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Taiko Collab]
I see quite plenty of red lines that arent present on the other difficulties, please remember that red lines must be present on all difficulties, that includes non-taiko diffs. i'll check them anyways...
00:37:429 - Nothing is changing here, so i dont know why this red line is even here.
00:39:348 - ^
00:55:669 - Why are you changing the metronome here? metronome looks fine to me.
00:56:628 - Removing that one would obviously mean removing this one as well.
01:11:029 - Once again i dont think this needs metronome reset here.
01:11:989 - And once again removing that would mean removing this as well.
01:28:309 - Guess you can tell what im about to say
01:29:268 - And obviously what i'll say here as well
I'll just leave to you to check the others, i really dont think there's a metronome fix needed in these, metronome is playing correctly enough.

Really love the song, sorry for the delay, i have a lot of requests lately XD, call me back for a recheck when you finish fixing, Good Luck!~
The timing issue is due to the sliders in taiko mode
which when it is BPM 125, those slider will be in 1/8 beats
but if it is BPM 125.001, those wil be in 1/4 beats

To maintain fitness of the song and prevent off beat, aabc chose only to adjust the timimg with those sliders.

Maybe he can explain more in details
As what hln said, I used those red lines because I need to adjust the hitting frequency of sliders. ( Change from 1/8 to 1/4 )

In this screenshot, I use BPM 125.000 ( 125 ) for the slider and the slider is in 1/8, which is not easy to hit them as they are too dense.

While in this screenshot, I use BPM 125.001 for the slider and the slider is 1/4, which is much more reasonable to hit.

Also, I used BPM 125.001 only on sliders, but not on other parts of the song, so that I won't make other parts of the song off-beat.

Besides, I am sure that the timing difference between 125 and 125.001 is just too small to be noticed. It won't make the timing off.

You can see that I used a red line of BPM 125 after every slider so I can fix the timing and the metronome at the same time.

If I don't use those red lines, the metronome will not hit the correct "heavy beat". ( eg: It will beep at 4 1 2 3 instead of 1 2 3 4 if I don't add those red lines )

No metronome fix is required for now because I have already fixed that after every slider.

Anyway, thanks for your modding :)
Topic Starter
So yeah. It's all fixed~
Even if you want to make it more or less dense or whatever it is NOT rankable to have different red lines on one diff of the mapset, and specially not if the BPM doesnt even change at all, which is what's probably happening, so i can't allow it anyways
imo 125.001 for all is fine concerning the slider (if you're keeping them)

insist the time difference between 125 and 125.001, period of 5 minute is just 0.00004 sec which is completely negliable.

Sakura Hana wrote:

Even if you want to make it more or less dense or whatever it is NOT rankable to have different red lines on one diff of the mapset, and specially not if the BPM doesnt even change at all, which is what's probably happening, so i can't allow it anyways
OK, I have fixed that. Please check ~

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

imo 125.001 for all is fine concerning the slider (if you're keeping them)

insist the time difference between 125 and 125.001, period of 5 minute is just 0.00004 sec which is completely negliable.

Alright. All diff is 125.001 BPM now.
The Taiko diff has ONE red line only.
I think it's no problem for now~
So all fixed. yeah.
Please ensure that all your green lines are lining up properly and where they should now, ex: 00:37:428 (3) on [Karen] This slider was supposed to be slow, but due to the bpm .001 shift the slider starts before the inherited section even if by a fracion of a ms, hence it's not being covered by it and the slider plays at 1x speed instead, Also make sure your sliders havent broken, even if it's 0.001 bpm difference the lines may move by a ms or 2 specially near the end.
tl;dr: Make sure that all your green lines are correctly snapped to where they should to avoid speed/slider/hitsound problems.
However i'm unsure about this, im starting to hit early at the end now, by a lot... instead of changing the bpm by 0.001 you should try to find other solutions, but i just tell you i wont be bubbling this at 125.001 bpm.
using an incorrect timing on purpose for the sake of a diff what dont need it at all is wrong, it is a steadfast rule that timing on a map MUST be correct, if you can even down to 1 or 2ms correct

by using 125.001 your map becomes 8ms out by the end, for HR players and high acc players this can affect them by an extreme amount

knock this to 125.000 because that is the correct timing, if taiko dont work fully you need to modify your taiko map to work, we dont change timing to suit a mapping style, timing is the one thing what has and always will be forced to be perfectly correct ;)

  • Correct timing:
    BPM: 125.000
    Offset: +17ms

    As I've been timing maps for a few months, I feel the correct timing is not alwasy good for players.

    Please have test plays without changing timing and use 25% speed to listen/use my timing, you'll find current timing works better than correct one.

    I test this without changing the timing and I asked a friend to test. Neither of us have any problem with current timing.

    Not saying current timing is right, but it's okay for players compare to lots of really offtimed maps.

0.5 tick? Some of them are annoying...

  • 00:31:668 (1) - ?? It should be S C1 end, isn't it? Otherwise 00:32:149 (T) 00:32:269 (T) would be useless...Shift 00:32:149 (T) 1~2 ms back and change to C1 if you want S C1...
    01:13:908~01:44:628 (T) - What's going on here...Greenlines are great, but they are useless if you don't add your C1 clap...
    02:34:547~03:05:267 (T) - ^
    03:07:187~04:10:547 (T) - ^
    03:09:467 (T) - Useless timeline since you don't have a volume change or slidertick file..delete?
    03:09:707 (T) - ^
    03:09:947 (T) - ^
    03:10:067 (T) - ^
    03:11:027 (3) - Clap or no?
    03:13:427 (5,7) - ^ ....etc.
Green lines are F-up, please make sure your add claps or just delete them.

Arrangements are fine to me.


  • 00:25:908 (1) - Change to whistle? Feel a little noisy because of the clap at 00:24:948 (5) ...
    00:30:708 (2) - Finish end?
    00:37:428 (3) - Add a reverse with clap end? Also Ctrl+h for 00:39:108 (1,2,3) ?
    00:56:628 (1,2) - Stacking (Use 0.0x spacing and disable the grid snap.)
    01:18:708 (3) - Clap at reverse?
    01:20:628 (5) - Clap end sounds better.
    01:24:468 (8) - Clap end..also add clap at 01:25:188 (1)? I know it's blue line..
    01:32:508 (6) - Add clap at begin and end to stress finish at 01:33:108 (1,2)?
    01:42:108 (5,6) - Clap?
    01:44:628 (X) - add a note with finish?
    02:03:828 (1,2) - Stacking
    02:16:308 (10) - Clap--finish?
    03:02:747 (5,6) - Clap?
    04:02:027 (9) - Clap end?
    04:10:547 (X) - note with finish?

Use 0.5 tick?

  • 00:31:908 (2,3,4) - I'd really like to shift these left a little. 00:30:828 (5) makes 00:31:908 (2) a little hidden, also the angle is kinda ugly..
    00:49:428 (2,3) - Stacking (Use 0.0x spacing and disable the grid snap.)
    01:33:108 (1,2) - ^
    02:11:508 (2,3) - ^
    02:13:428 (2,3) - ^
    02:32:627 (1,2,3) - 70% volume 02:33:587 (1,2) - 80% 02:34:067 (3,4) - 90%? Sounds awkward to decrease volume when shifting from transition to kiai..
    03:33:827 (X) - note?
    03:34:067 (X) - ^
    04:08:627 (1) - Also normal-hit?

Nice Song~ Also impressive hitsounds in Kana, have my star~
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

Please ensure that all your green lines are lining up properly and where they should now, ex: 00:37:428 (3) on [Karen] This slider was supposed to be slow, but due to the bpm .001 shift the slider starts before the inherited section even if by a fracion of a ms, hence it's not being covered by it and the slider plays at 1x speed instead, Also make sure your sliders havent broken, even if it's 0.001 bpm difference the lines may move by a ms or 2 specially near the end.
tl;dr: Make sure that all your green lines are correctly snapped to where they should to avoid speed/slider/hitsound problems.
However i'm unsure about this, im starting to hit early at the end now, by a lot... instead of changing the bpm by 0.001 you should try to find other solutions, but i just tell you i wont be bubbling this at 125.001 bpm.

jericho2442 wrote:

using an incorrect timing on purpose for the sake of a diff what dont need it at all is wrong, it is a steadfast rule that timing on a map MUST be correct, if you can even down to 1 or 2ms correct

by using 125.001 your map becomes 8ms out by the end, for HR players and high acc players this can affect them by an extreme amount

knock this to 125.000 because that is the correct timing, if taiko dont work fully you need to modify your taiko map to work, we dont change timing to suit a mapping style, timing is the one thing what has and always will be forced to be perfectly correct ;)
Ok. I change all the diff to 125.000 bpm & i resnap all the note and green line.
Thanks for Recheck two times ><.. sorry!

>Selee , Thanks your suggestion, Fixed some.

When BPM is changed from 125 to 125.001,
the time difference is 0.00004s (0.04ms, NOT 8ms) which cause basically no difference.

Anyway if 125.000 is to be adopted, I think you better remove sliders in taiko diff :3

wmfchris wrote:

When BPM is changed from 125 to 125.001,
the time difference is 0.00004s (0.04ms, NOT 8ms) which cause basically no difference.

Anyway if 125.000 is to be adopted, I think you better remove sliders in taiko diff :3
We will take care of this of crouse

But I will leave it to aabc because I have only one slider
Because of this 0.04ms. The map is kind of ruined.
No matter, no non-taiko players care. They only care about NON-noticeable timimg matter and "GUIDELINES", WHAT A PITY
Well, I've deleted all sliders in the Taiko diff.
I know this will lower the quality of the map, but I can't think of any better choice :?
Anyway, please check~

Download: fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) [Taiko Collab].osu
Topic Starter
- ALL THE DIFFS are 125.000bpm now
- Also, Taiko diff slider --> 1/2 or 1/4.

So. I think it's alright now.
Well i dont know what's the base for your calculation but both jeri and me felt a big impact from the BPM change towards the end of the map.
I'm really sorry about your sliders, but there are times when you have to compromise your artistic sense for the guidelines, since all in all this is a game, so yeah, considering Taiko diff is going for rank and not approval means i can bubble this so yeah Bubbled~
i love this song :P
star <3
star :)
nice map :)
Nice map 8-)
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

Nice map 8-)
Thank you>w<

00:29:749 (1) - Slider repeat is completely hidden.
03:32:629 (x) - Remove this break? Seems useless.
03:34:549 (x) - ^

Yeah, that's all... Pretty good <3

Fix and I'll give you a sweet rank.
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:


00:29:749 (1) - Slider repeat is completely hidden.
03:32:629 (x) - Remove this break? Seems useless.
03:34:549 (x) - ^

Yeah, that's all... Pretty good <3

Fix and I'll give you a sweet rank.
Ok~ fixed>w<
Yay, looks much better now!

Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:

Yay, looks much better now!

>w< Thz
baka, congratz >w<
Ibuki Suika
Ranked おめでとう! :)
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone=w+
ランクおめっとう! :)
Oooh....I forgot to mod this. :(

Oh, well. Congrats for getting your map ranked anyway! 8-)
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