EDIT: There is now a new project known as OpenTabletDriver. The github repository is here: https://github.com/OpenTabletDriver/OpenTabletDriver
Hello, I've been browsing and haven't found anything on setting a tablet area for a Huion graphics tablet.
The example here is using a Huion H610, this should have identical procedures for H610 pro as they are technically the same tablet but with different pens, and this guide SHOULD apply to all Huion tablets, as the DIGImend page states it is compatible with most, if not all, huion tablets.
First of all, you will want to download your appropriate driver from here: https://digimend.github.io/drivers/
Scroll to digimend-kernel-drivers and open the link to the newest version (current is v6)
When you scroll down on the next page, you'll find a deb download, and three source code links. If you are not running an Ubuntu or Debian based build, download the source code from any of the three links, which one doesn't matter.
Installing from source code
extract the zip or tar.gz files into any directory, I'd suggest Documents/ and then open terminal and "cd" to the directory, for example
cd ~/Documents/digimend-kernel-drivers-6/now type in the console
makeand then
sudo make install
Now reboot.
Once your system is logged back in, open a terminal and the following command will be used to set the active area:
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" W 0 X 0 H Y 0 0 SLeave all 0s the same, or mess with them if you want different rotations, but before you jump in and copy + edit this command let me run through what each part does:
"HUION PenTablet Pen" - type xinput into terminal and look for each device relevant to your tablet, replace this if it doesn't work and go through each different option shown in xinput. W - Division of the width of the tablet. 2 = half, 1 = full area. 1.5 = 3/4 of the area X - the invert X value. 1 = left side, -1 = right hand side. -0.5 = half way H - Division of the height of the tablet. 2 = half, 1 = full area. 1.5 = 3/4 of the area Y - Inverse Y position of area. 1 = top, -1 = bottom, -0.5 = half way. S - Scale multiplier. 0.5 means the area will be shrunk to half of its size on both axis. 2 will essentially render the area useless, as it will only use a half of your desktop area.
For example, the command I use is
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1.6 0 -0.5 0 1.4 0 0 0 1And the default setting is
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
To write an executable shell script that will execute this command do the following:
Type into terminal;
nano ~/Documents/OsuTabletArea.shType this into the script;
#!/bin/bash xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" W 0 X 0 H Y 0 0 SIf you want to copy/paste it, copy that and to paste it into the nano script use ctrl+shift+v.
Have fun, post any questions and I'll respond ASAP!