
What's your biggest weakness in osu!?

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Rizumu Tenshi
  1. Beats after spinners (osu!)
  2. Jumps (osu!)
  3. Super Dashes (CTB--dashes your catcher twice more speed--I call it that way--the fruits that shine red)
  4. Repeated circles (they f**k me a lot that if you do it Sudden Death you'll never complete it--need to practice Z and X)
  5. Flashlight mod in long maps (Flashlight gets closer and closer that I must miss to get big light)
  6. SS's in David Wise - Darkmoon Caverns, Nightcore - Lucky Star II, Grant Kirkhope - Final Battle, Blind Stare - Shotgun Symphony+, P!nk - Get the Party Started, Nobuo Uematsu - Final Destination, Nightcore - Pinball and much more--some CTB, some osu!
  7. IOSYS - Cirno's Perfect Math Class [TAG4], IOSYS - Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita [Hard], any Renard map and more
  8. HardRock mod making circles too small; in Hirano Aya - Hare Hare Yukai [Hard]
Too much? Still more. But not big weakness.
Any mod on, jumps, deathstreams, any friend popping up, any message I get and the thing I've reminded lately, F***** SLOW SLIDERS.
Movement on Insane mods. I can do a few of them, such as DJPop's Marisa Stole the Precious Thing.

Neruell wrote:

gatitoneku wrote:

now with a tablet spinning isn't a problem anymore

i don't like approach rates below 8 and above 9
sometimes even 8 is hard
also od 9 and 10 always make my accuracy shitty
I have the same problem and solved it by using hidden. No approach circles = just listen to the beat = better accuracy (if the map is done correctly)
however if the map is not done correctly, it's checkmate
Yep, that's what I wrote. Most of the "wrong" maps are mostly old one. Sometimes such newer maps pop up but they get unranked pretty fast again.

Neruell wrote:

Yep, that's what I wrote. Most of the "wrong" maps are mostly old one. Sometimes such newer maps pop up but they get unranked pretty fast again.
ah old maps
i hate how most of the time i got shitty accuracy on them

anyway hidden doesn't make much difference for me, i need moar training :(
My biggest weakness is the spammer time, when you have to tap (my "clickers" are Q and W) qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw seriously fast.
But 3-9 is okay.. but when it becomes more than this or spam circle circle spam.. I'm lost.
You call this "streams" right?

How can I improve my skill in this? :d

higurush wrote:

My biggest weakness is the spammer time, when you have to tap (my "clickers" are Q and W) qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw seriously fast.
But 3-9 is okay.. but when it becomes more than this or spam circle circle spam.. I'm lost.
You call this "streams" right?

How can I improve my skill in this? :d
just play more streamy maps like kanbu/risa

gatitoneku wrote:

just play more streamy maps like kanbu/risa
I give my best :d and thanks for the maps :)
I have to gain a little muscle on my finger ;D
big Jumps and not to forget ... high BPM ... :o
with mods will Hidden be my biggest weakness ... (at least till now) :(
Big jumps in osu! mode

In Taiko, i hate these maps...With a high Slider Velocity :/

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Streams with more than 7 beats if ≥175BPM

I have good aiming skills but my fingers can't keep up >_>
This, and anything over 180 BPM
s 8 n
endles 200bpm streams :evil:
Playing it. Except for some 1-or-2-star difficulties, I'm just not that good.
Spinning and jumps because I have a shit mouse and it skips all the time.
Kiai time and not expected slow sliders D:

OOOH and patterns :(
07 Ghost
Slow and easy songs.
streams in general, can't click fast enough and not used to using keys yet. :/
sudden hitnotes after spinners (85% breaks my combo)
diagonal triples
linear triples
mini circle
125-130 BPM
Moving from the very top to the bottom (mini-mousepad, my arm gets crippled and I miss)
So far, just really long note streams.
Streams and jumps.
High BPM streams (can't get the rhythm right) and beatmaps where there are lots of consecutive triples at a high bpm. I can't quite get the hang of going zxz then pausing for a split second and then doing it again... I just treat the triples as one split up stream and fail. xD
Don't know when to give up...
Slow songs and songs when the BPM suddenly changes :/
Sudden changes in slider speeds without any warning -.-'

And slow songs.
Overmapping stream + deadly jump

That's the stuff.
I have a new weakness.

Anything below AR8.
Slider speeds and any stream above 5.
Sup A Noob
I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.
a double edged sword that is
Sup A Noob

gatitoneku wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.
a double edged sword that is
Lets you see rhythm, but can be a distraction when it comes to reading. When they're AR8 they're too slow. 9 even. Should just Hidden all the way.
Very large spacing...and I do mean very large... like >1.8x on a >160BPM song with lots of 1/2 and 1/4 notes.

inb4 "It's like gold duuust, ya hear me coming through your spe-ea-kers"

and randomly stacked notes.
In all seriousness, my biggest weakness is AR 9 on maps/songs that aren't fast enough to warrant AR 9. My brain expects something slower, so it's a pain in the butt for me.
slow songs. can't. be. patient. enough. always. forget. to. click.
Usually slow songs, but I put them on DoubleTime if I can.

Otherwise really large jumps.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Lets you see rhythm, but can be a distraction when it comes to reading. When they're AR8 they're too slow. 9 even. Should just Hidden all the way.
in a way it is good for you because it forces you to use hidden which usually will grant you a top 40
however some maps are just hard to use hidden on
Things piled up on top of each other.
Spaced notes. I usually end up getting C rank
I have a bad habit of, when I'm in a "zone" while playing, guessing that the beat on a note is faster than it is. It hurts my accuracy pretty badly, when it doesn't kill my combo completely. (And this is particularly bad since I also suck at watching the approach circles. I can't seem to do that and keep my mouse on the note at the same time.)

I also can't seem to switch between my two fingers very well. I'm not at the difficulty where fast streams are common yet, but once I get there...well, I have no idea how I'll do streams unless I figure out a way to get my fingers to switch back and forth easily.

Emaal wrote:

slow songs.
Sutorimus and low AR.
Slow songs and very fast sliders
Massive or small hitcircles with a low AR

ShinseinaTenshi wrote:

Slow songs and very fast sliders
easily BIG jumps, and if there are more than 2 -_-
also if there is a video in the background even though i always have the no video mod on :o
because its too hard to see :x
and also when the fruit is really small :|

Hitoshirenu Shourai
My biggest weakness? Lack of dedication. When I'm bad at a song, I tend to get frustrated and find something else to play. If I keep doing badly, I stop playing. Then I just listen to the music, remembering how bad I am at the game. Soon enough, I have the music off and I'm pouting. Then I stop showing up on osu! for several months, until one day, on a whim, I decide to come back.

That, and I suck at jumps. I've never been able to properly z/x, so most of the maps I'd love to play are off-limits to me. Clicker for life.
Osu: Streams that are fast and last long.
Taiko: Never tried Taiko
CTB: Big Jumps.
The spinners... They are my worst enemy.
...confusing hits @_@
t+pazolite - chipscape
Fixed: 170-200 BPM streams, anything above or below is fine.
Raging Bull

Wishy22 wrote:

Fixed: 170-200 BPM streams, anything above or below is fine.
Interesting..because I can do 155-200 and any higher or lower and I struggle >_>
In addition to streams: Streams with wide spacing; streams which are shaped VERY awkwardly e.g. lots of right angles and such.

Also, sudden and pointless changes in slider velocity. Yeah. I hate that as well.

ALSO: Frenetic patterns which do the opposite of the melody, e.g. wanting to go up-down-up-down with the melody, when the pattern does the opposite. Lovely.
Spinners on catch the beat. Ugh, I never know which ones to go for. :o
Big jumps. And rhythm beats. They're to weak to make out. Spinners are just fine. And pressing beats repeatedly screws me up.

P.S. I'm new...
Not sure what BPM I can handle, but anything involving a series of "quick" mouse-clicks throws me off immediately (wish I had a touch device to see if that would help or not)
the change of tempo between notes. like going from very consistent and fast notes to suddenly slow and then fast again, usually between just 2 notes before it continues the normal speed - I HATE IT!

and obviously deathstreams lol.
doubles, especially when its a slider and then the double.
Holy shit, I can do streams with ease now! I don't know what happened; I just did a few runs of that Justice to Believe map, and suddenly I "got" streams. Before I never got the right pace; I was usually too fast. Now? 300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300

So, streams are no longer my weakness (not sure if I posted that, but it was). Now it would be really fast BPMs (including DT).

Ekaru wrote:

Holy shit, I can do streams with ease now! I don't know what happened; I just did a few runs of that Justice to Believe map, and suddenly I "got" streams. Before I never got the right pace; I was usually too fast. Now? 300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300

So, streams are no longer my weakness (not sure if I posted that, but it was). Now it would be really fast BPMs (including DT).

thats a quite nice moment when learning osu, isnt it ?:)
Mouse running out of batteries
Stupidly short repeating sliders within note sequences, and sliders where the mapper suddenly decided increasing the slider speed to maximum would be a good idea are what usually get me :(

I used to have a little trouble with actually timing hits successfully but not so much anymore, and I've generally always not been bad at cursor accuracy or spinners.
JUMPS D: cuz i suck mouse-only (i like streams :>)
Enna Alouette
1/8 streams that suck i cant even do them x.x
I suck at almost everything on osu!.

-Sekai- wrote:

1/8 streams that suck i cant even do them x.x
You can make 1/8 streams nao?

/me goes and overmaps a shittysong
Become Tomato
Streams, Jumps, and a stream of small sliders.
1. Streams over 155 BPM
2. Jumps over the screen.
3. Speed
4. Flashlight
1. Everything
1. Jumps
2. TAG4 (not with HalfTime)
3. Speeeeeeeeeeeed!!! (Even with small jumps)
P.S. I play with the tablet)))))))))
1. Anything below AR8

-- Other weaknesses --
Easy mod
Jumps with certain shapes
Small hitcircles with long sliders
Anything with fast, single beats in repetition. Not sure how else to explain it, but I get off-beat quickly, and tend to start missing the beats....
I'm new whereat I have a lot of weakness..

But most of impact on me..

1. Small circles with long sliders.
2. Consecutive circles & sliders
3. Short-term spinners
4. Small fruits
5. Complicated taiko drums
my biggest weakness : long stream, repeating jump , + fast and long jump
Spinners (eff myself because people can spin a lot faster... :o)

I can't play using tablets, it has to be on-screen tablets. :(

Playing fast (hence insane maps are out of question to me) :(

Due to being perfectionism (striving on SS), I hit [Retry] a lot, especially since I often play with [SuddenDeath] mod. :P

(My strengths goes here)
Sup A Noob
It's now gone back to jumping. God damn environmental changes.
osu!standard :

large spacing , shaped jumps , circle and slider on a stream at the same time , etc... many things..
EDIT : Oh and progressive spacing.

Taiko :

Goddammit , many patterns who are complicated x_x

Catch The Beat :

I don't play CtB , but i think i'm sure that's jump' , because i have played it a long time ago. *A*
large spacing , jumps getting bigger (like in BD's Airman map) , BPM 195+

many kats/many kats in streams , strange patterns

those left-right-left-right-left-..... patterns D:
standard: AR10, Deathstreams, CrossScreen-jumping (if >4 times), BPM >200

taiko: 1/4-change of don and kat I try to do with one hand (kddk-player) and then fail (for example dkddd, I'd play the first 3 ones using just my right hand and break my combo >.<)
hit circles that are very close to slider. It always make me confused
stacked beats with different timings and cramped fast beats and sliders....
Spinners for sure. I could get so many #1s if I could only spin more than an average of 300 SPM...
Playing with my laptop touchpad better. Don't really know specifics as well as you guys.
Standard: Hands start to itch when I play... oh and spinners. I can't do more then 300 -_-
Taiko: This entire mode is my weakness.
CtB: Still need to learn to use sprint with control..
Anything above 220 BPM.

McNagah wrote:

Playing with my laptop touchpad better. Don't really know specifics as well as you guys.
I heard putting your touchpad in Absolute mode helps a lot (or take it a bit further and either make or acquire a stylus, then it would be similar to a tablet maybe)

Espionage724 wrote:

McNagah wrote:

Playing with my laptop touchpad better. Don't really know specifics as well as you guys.
I heard putting your touchpad in Absolute mode helps a lot (or take it a bit further and either make or acquire a stylus, then it would be similar to a tablet maybe)
Sorry, I'm new. What's absolute mode?

McNagah wrote:

Sorry, I'm new. What's absolute mode?
I'll try to explain it the best way I know :p

With traditional touchpads, when you move your finger in a direction on the touchpad, the cursor goes that far.

If the cursor is at the top left of the screen, and you drag your finger from the bottom left of the touchpad to the bottom right, the cursor will either move the entire distance or only part way (but it should be still at the top of the screen either way).

With absolute mode, your touchpad acts like a touchscreen or tablet, as in, wherever your finger is, the cursor will be there.

If the cursor is at the bottom left of the screen and you put your finger at the top right corner of the touchpad, your cursor will snap to the top right of the screen. Then if you put your finger back to the bottom left of the touchpad, the cursor will snap back down there. You can also drag your finger on the touchpad for cursor placement too (if you drag your finger from top left to bottom right, the cursor on your screen should go from the top left to the bottom right, passing the center of the screen when your finger passes the center of the touchpad).

If your interested in trying it out, I used viewtopic.php?f=2&t=515 (not sure if it works on non-Synaptic touchpads or not, if it does't and you have a non-Synaptic touchpad, you might be able to use your driver's control panel to change the option)
spinners. i spin like 160 - 220. 260 the highest. I use a mouse. i got no arm or wrist movement, because the small area I'm in, and I have to holdmy mouse at the end of the table(to get better movement). If i sit up right next to the monitor though, i can spin like 250 - 320. some shit like that. damn i suck at spinning.

dunku wrote:

spinners. i spin like 160 - 220. 260 the highest. I use a mouse. i got no arm or wrist movement, because the small area I'm in, and I have to holdmy mouse at the end of the table(to get better movement). If i sit up right next to the monitor though, i can spin like 250 - 320. some shit like that. damn i suck at spinning.
Why would you go through so much extra trouble only because you'd like to keep your high sensitivity?
I currently play with 450 dpi, and I have absolutely no trouble playing hard maps. Besides, it's actually easier to spin with a lower dpi
since the spinner is small. This allows for more movement in spinners, which allows for more speed (given practice).

Also, spinning with your arm is a MUST if you have ambition to spin fast. Just find a comfortable "channel point" on your wrist and shake it.

kriers wrote:

Besides, it's actually easier to spin with a lower dpi
since the spinner is small. This allows for more movement in spinners, which allows for more speed (given practice).
Seconding this. I don't use 450dpi, but I use 800 which is also somewhat slow. I spin 420-440 usually and sometimes up to 470 if I am warmed up enough.
I posted here already, didn't I


1/1 stacks and slow (less than 170BPM) streams
Jumps. *u*


kriers wrote:

dunku wrote:

spinners. i spin like 160 - 220. 260 the highest. I use a mouse. i got no arm or wrist movement, because the small area I'm in, and I have to holdmy mouse at the end of the table(to get better movement). If i sit up right next to the monitor though, i can spin like 250 - 320. some shit like that. damn i suck at spinning.
Why would you go through so much extra trouble only because you'd like to keep your high sensitivity?
I currently play with 450 dpi, and I have absolutely no trouble playing hard maps. Besides, it's actually easier to spin with a lower dpi
since the spinner is small. This allows for more movement in spinners, which allows for more speed (given practice).

Also, spinning with your arm is a MUST if you have ambition to spin fast. Just find a comfortable "channel point" on your wrist and shake it.
tbh, it's kinda fun with the high sensitivity. i don't have to move much, and i actually do great at the hard maps. I never had trouble with hard maps(only when i was a noob 2 months ago.) just that when i sit close to the monitor, i slip with the mouse a lot, and it gets me frustrated. Like when I'm close to the monitor I can't do distant jumps. With me holding my mouse at the end of the table i can do the jumps, and I'm faster, with better accuracy(I'm not sure about this, cuz i just played with lower dpi and i got better accuracy on a map i never had A on) but now i lowered my sensitivity(like 10 mins ago) and I'm doing so much better, and I'm back to sitting close to the monitor.

I'll experiment with this for a while to see if it's right for me.
You need to define what "hard maps" means. If it's [Hard] maps, then you will see once you reach [Insane] map level, or even beyond that. With no immediate control over your movement, it will be tough to successfully do anything properly so lower sensitivity is recommended.
I can pass the easy insane maps like grimoire of alice by zun ,with a A, but shit like homework crisis. i fail in like 60 - 120 secs. dreamdischarger insame, i fail when i can't do the part where it breaks down. i can pass stuff like mary louise by lily(vocaloid)

still need more practice and all, but i was only playing with high sensitivity for experimental reasons, i never said it was a permanent thing. still trying to figure out what's best for me.
Note streams that have breaks in between all stacked in one place.

When notes string together 2-4 at a time and then jump right to the next note which is a different amount of clicks.
Big Yikes
I really suck at single tapping :'(
That's the only thing that keeps me from fcing [Hard]s with DT+HD
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