
What's your biggest weakness in osu!?

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Overmapping stream + deadly jump

That's the stuff.
I have a new weakness.

Anything below AR8.
Slider speeds and any stream above 5.
Sup A Noob
I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.
a double edged sword that is
Sup A Noob

gatitoneku wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I shall update my weakness now.

Approach circles.
a double edged sword that is
Lets you see rhythm, but can be a distraction when it comes to reading. When they're AR8 they're too slow. 9 even. Should just Hidden all the way.
Very large spacing...and I do mean very large... like >1.8x on a >160BPM song with lots of 1/2 and 1/4 notes.

inb4 "It's like gold duuust, ya hear me coming through your spe-ea-kers"

and randomly stacked notes.
In all seriousness, my biggest weakness is AR 9 on maps/songs that aren't fast enough to warrant AR 9. My brain expects something slower, so it's a pain in the butt for me.
slow songs. can't. be. patient. enough. always. forget. to. click.
Usually slow songs, but I put them on DoubleTime if I can.

Otherwise really large jumps.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Lets you see rhythm, but can be a distraction when it comes to reading. When they're AR8 they're too slow. 9 even. Should just Hidden all the way.
in a way it is good for you because it forces you to use hidden which usually will grant you a top 40
however some maps are just hard to use hidden on
Things piled up on top of each other.
Spaced notes. I usually end up getting C rank
I have a bad habit of, when I'm in a "zone" while playing, guessing that the beat on a note is faster than it is. It hurts my accuracy pretty badly, when it doesn't kill my combo completely. (And this is particularly bad since I also suck at watching the approach circles. I can't seem to do that and keep my mouse on the note at the same time.)

I also can't seem to switch between my two fingers very well. I'm not at the difficulty where fast streams are common yet, but once I get there...well, I have no idea how I'll do streams unless I figure out a way to get my fingers to switch back and forth easily.

Emaal wrote:

slow songs.
Sutorimus and low AR.
Slow songs and very fast sliders
Massive or small hitcircles with a low AR

ShinseinaTenshi wrote:

Slow songs and very fast sliders
easily BIG jumps, and if there are more than 2 -_-
also if there is a video in the background even though i always have the no video mod on :o
because its too hard to see :x
and also when the fruit is really small :|

Hitoshirenu Shourai
My biggest weakness? Lack of dedication. When I'm bad at a song, I tend to get frustrated and find something else to play. If I keep doing badly, I stop playing. Then I just listen to the music, remembering how bad I am at the game. Soon enough, I have the music off and I'm pouting. Then I stop showing up on osu! for several months, until one day, on a whim, I decide to come back.

That, and I suck at jumps. I've never been able to properly z/x, so most of the maps I'd love to play are off-limits to me. Clicker for life.
Osu: Streams that are fast and last long.
Taiko: Never tried Taiko
CTB: Big Jumps.
The spinners... They are my worst enemy.
...confusing hits @_@
t+pazolite - chipscape
Fixed: 170-200 BPM streams, anything above or below is fine.
Raging Bull

Wishy22 wrote:

Fixed: 170-200 BPM streams, anything above or below is fine.
Interesting..because I can do 155-200 and any higher or lower and I struggle >_>
In addition to streams: Streams with wide spacing; streams which are shaped VERY awkwardly e.g. lots of right angles and such.

Also, sudden and pointless changes in slider velocity. Yeah. I hate that as well.

ALSO: Frenetic patterns which do the opposite of the melody, e.g. wanting to go up-down-up-down with the melody, when the pattern does the opposite. Lovely.
Spinners on catch the beat. Ugh, I never know which ones to go for. :o
Big jumps. And rhythm beats. They're to weak to make out. Spinners are just fine. And pressing beats repeatedly screws me up.

P.S. I'm new...
Not sure what BPM I can handle, but anything involving a series of "quick" mouse-clicks throws me off immediately (wish I had a touch device to see if that would help or not)
the change of tempo between notes. like going from very consistent and fast notes to suddenly slow and then fast again, usually between just 2 notes before it continues the normal speed - I HATE IT!

and obviously deathstreams lol.
doubles, especially when its a slider and then the double.
Holy shit, I can do streams with ease now! I don't know what happened; I just did a few runs of that Justice to Believe map, and suddenly I "got" streams. Before I never got the right pace; I was usually too fast. Now? 300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300

So, streams are no longer my weakness (not sure if I posted that, but it was). Now it would be really fast BPMs (including DT).

Ekaru wrote:

Holy shit, I can do streams with ease now! I don't know what happened; I just did a few runs of that Justice to Believe map, and suddenly I "got" streams. Before I never got the right pace; I was usually too fast. Now? 300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300-300

So, streams are no longer my weakness (not sure if I posted that, but it was). Now it would be really fast BPMs (including DT).

thats a quite nice moment when learning osu, isnt it ?:)
Mouse running out of batteries
Stupidly short repeating sliders within note sequences, and sliders where the mapper suddenly decided increasing the slider speed to maximum would be a good idea are what usually get me :(

I used to have a little trouble with actually timing hits successfully but not so much anymore, and I've generally always not been bad at cursor accuracy or spinners.
JUMPS D: cuz i suck mouse-only (i like streams :>)
1/8 streams that suck i cant even do them x.x
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