
osu! elo system

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +22
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so since the current rank system in osu is shitty and highly based on farming i had a idea where there is a mode that will assess true skill. im talking of course about a elo system like in league of legends and counter salt global offensive. basically you will queue for a ranked 1v1 in osu, both players will start at 0 pp and there will be a timer of like 30 mins or something and the person to get the most pp by the end wins, maybe there could be a cap on how many top plays can count towards the overall pp. this ensures that rank will be more based on true skill and not trying to fc daidai genome for 2 hours.

Please search a bit before requesting
All I did was type 'Elo'
Topic Starter

Bara- wrote:

Please search a bit before requesting
All I did was type 'Elo'
my idea is different since it will use a timer and is not based on multiplayer.

Please think a bit before posting
It got talked about in that thread

Anyways, I highly prefer Mp actually
Well, I don't want either, I don't want osu to be taken over by LoL and such game tbh
Topic Starter
mp isn't really made for competitive play imo and how would this turn osu into LoL?
That sounds dumb i dont want to be forced to play for 30 minutes straight and in the end it will result in the same farm situation anyway

"Yo my ranked build order daidai DT -> no title -> tatoe..."

LoliPantsu wrote:

mp isn't really made for competitive play imo and how would this turn osu into LoL?
Because in Lol, you can't play with bots (aka single player) and get ranked, while you can in osu.

This idea will also alienate the non-competitive players.
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eeezzzeee wrote:

That sounds dumb i dont want to be forced to play for 30 minutes straight and in the end it will result in the same farm situation anyway

"Yo my ranked build order daidai DT -> no title -> tatoe..."
the better players would be able to farm faster/having a higher chance of fcing a map with lower tries
Idk, the 1v1 idea might be cool, but the concept behind "how" to make the new rankings is a bit strange (or to say it better: I can't see its meaning in my head).

I'm not a fan of the idea itself tho: for me osu! is a sort of sport where you need to train in order to improve. Playing against someone is usually slower, since you'll find yourself playing mostly things you can do easily and can't concentrate on a specific pattern/rhythm you lack in.
(It's like always playing football matches instead of training, lol)

LoliPantsu wrote:

the better players would be able to farm faster/having a higher chance of fcing a map with lower tries
That's what happens with the current ranking system now xd

MrSergio wrote:

(It's like always playing football matches instead of training, lol)
That's actually a pretty good analogy xddd
Sandy Hoey

MrSergio wrote:

I'm not a fan of the idea itself tho: for me osu! is a sort of sport where you need to train in order to improve. Playing against someone is usually slower, since you'll find yourself playing mostly things you can do easily and can't concentrate on a specific pattern/rhythm you lack in.
I totally agree with this. You would never challenge yourself because you would be to afraid of failing and losing the match in this system, which you can do in the current system without to much stress
Topic Starter

Sandy Hoey wrote:

MrSergio wrote:

I'm not a fan of the idea itself tho: for me osu! is a sort of sport where you need to train in order to improve. Playing against someone is usually slower, since you'll find yourself playing mostly things you can do easily and can't concentrate on a specific pattern/rhythm you lack in.
I totally agree with this. You would never challenge yourself because you would be to afraid of failing and losing the match in this system, which you can do in the current system without to much stress
its not like you cant still play solo
Cra Dow
No league CANCER please.
That system is just not enjoyable.
Rhythm games should have song ranking, not pvp ranking.
PP combines them both, you should work on making PP better instead of wasting your time on league hell stuff.
If you study a little, you will learn that without repetition you can't get perfect at something when the difficulty rises and retying is not farming its just perfecting (hard work of some players). You farm in rpgs not in rhythm games.
In music its the same, you can't learn to sing/play perfectly a song at first try, there is a handicap you should handle with some repetition each new level.

Cra Dow wrote:

No league CANCER please.
That system is just not enjoyable.
Rhythm games should have song ranking, not pvp ranking.
PP combines them both, you should work on making PP better instead of wasting your time on league hell stuff.
If you study a little, you will learn that without repetition you can't get perfect at something when the difficulty rises and retying is not farming its just perfecting (hard work of some players). You farm in rpgs not in rhythm games.
In music its the same, you can't learn to sing/play perfectly a song at first try, there is a handicap you should handle with some repetition each new level.

Sorry, but I'll have to agree with the others. Competition in rhythm games are more based around how dedicated a player can be to their practice and training than who they are able to win against. If you want to judge someone's skill, watch their replays or spectate. For example, when I see a DDR player finishing Pluto on expert double pad, I see skill without having to directly compare them to somebody else side by side. The drama of pvp isn't the only way of showing skill in these games, and nor is it worth changing the entire system for. Now I'm not saying the pp system is impossible to improve, but I don't think making it into a pvp-reliant system would do the trick, sorry.
Elo can't work if you aren't always playing the same maps.
And if you do what's the point in playing osu!?
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