
Closed, Moved to Haise's and Tae's.

Total Posts
Topic Starter

Welcome to the Garden of Heaven! I'm Reunilu, otherwise known as SSShaymin, and I'm a GFX artist that's been practicing GFX for at least four years. While I don't view myself as very serious about this art medium, I'm very passionate about it and it's one of the few hobbies that I enjoy, both making GFX and doing it for people. In all of the years that I've done GFX, it surprises me to see that this is the most I've seen people interested in GFX. It's certainly not a bad thing, this is an art medium that I'm still pretty attached to.

What I Offer

  1. Signatures
  2. Avatars
  3. Banners (both regular and irregular shapes, can also be beatmap banners)
  4. Renders
  5. Study PSDs
Note: Renders and study PSDs do not have order forms to be ordered, as all it takes is a simple post saying something like "could I get x rendered or get the PSD? thx".

Basic Mumbo Jumbo

  1. Don't request again until a week has past.
  2. Be patient. I do things outside of graphics.
  3. Don't spam the thread. Or my PMs. Or my game while I'm at it.
  4. Use my work for at least a week.
  5. Maximum of exactly one image per request.
  6. Use the order form. P l e a s e .
  7. Do not edit my work in any way.
  8. Please do not be overly detailed with your request, it ruins the quality of the order and ultimately makes me want to delay your request.
  9. I am okay with multi-requesting in other threads as long as you request for something different from another shop (e.g, request a sig here and an avatar from another place). But please don't waste my time or another person's time trying to request the same thing from two places.
  10. Failure to comply with the rules above results in a two week ban. Don't bother trying to request from me in that period, I'll ignore you. Failure to comply to the rules of the do not's in the PSD results in perma-ban from the shop.

Miscellaneous Things

  1. Deliveries will be made Friday through Sunday. Make sure your wait time is the one you want.
  2. Renders are recommended for signatures, I don't care what you give me for avatars.
  3. Reunilu is one of my other names, so I haven't stolen art from some poor sap that works their butt off, so if you see "REUN GFX" on the sig/banner, it's mine. Any previous works that have "Shay GFX" or "Shay Edits" are still mine.
  4. Have the courtesy to look for a high quality, high resolution image. If you can't, there's waifux2 (2x... whatever).
  5. Only request if you can take long wait times. Delivery times for signatures and banners may be incredibly sporadic since I have two other shops outside of the forum to take care of on top of schoolwork and practicing art.
  6. Failure to comply with the above things won't get you banned, but I'll be slightly annoyed.
  7. Default sizes for signatures are 450 x 150.
  8. Default sizes for avatars are 128 x 128.
  9. Default sizes for banners are 600 x 190.
  10. The details regarding irregular banners can be found here.


Avatars (Varying Sizes)
Jeez, I didn't realize how many Kancolle related avatars I made. >< I'll try to make more non-Kancolle ones.

Kinda old, but they're the best one's I've got

Support the Shop!



  • [list:1337]OP's space:
For the moment, decorations for the shop aren't really my thing. I'm kinda used to a very barebones thread like this one. One of these days. ^^;

Side Note: This shop is open for collab to anyone, however I absolutely must see an interest in GFX and/or willingness to learn GFX. I'll not be teaching you per se, but I'll guide you to the best of my abilities.

Last Edited: 1/16/2017
Changes in order forms, back open.

Credit goes to the lovely - K a t h - for the second support button!
hello! good luck on your thread! :D
your works it's so Awesome D:

Good Luck for your thread :3 /
- K a t h -
Oh my god, your examples are great! *w*
Good luck to you ~ ♥
Little Zhang
Image: ~~~~
Text: 'I support Homonculus|Shay GFX'
Extra: I don't remember what size is normal for support images, so whatever you feel like doing xD

Good luck with your shop~
Topic Starter
Oh jeez, thank you for the good luck, everyone ><

[-Satoshi-] wrote:

Image: ~~~~
Text: 'I support Homonculus|Shay GFX'
Extra: I don't remember what size is normal for support images, so whatever you feel like doing xD
Hey, thanks for the support! I had a lotta fun with this one.

good luck :3
u s a g i
Good luck! :3
Little Zhang

SSShaymin wrote:

Oh jeez, thank you for the good luck, everyone ><

[-Satoshi-] wrote:

Image: ~~~~
Text: 'I support Homonculus|Shay GFX'
Extra: I don't remember what size is normal for support images, so whatever you feel like doing xD

Hey, thanks for the support! I had a lotta fun with this one.

It looks good c: I wasn't sure what you'd do with it, since it was legit just a girl in a hoodie xD I'm impressed c: Keep up the good work, maybe I'll make a real request soon xp
- K a t h -
Hallo again! I am requesting since I really love your works *w*


Image: sorry for the not so great quality ;w;
Size: 650x150
Text (if any): If I had stretched out my hand just a little more, Would it have reached you?
Anything else?: Up to you desuu~ And could you please make one without the text?
Take your time, and thank you so much and advance >v<
I love the samples..<3 Goodluck!!!!
Good Luck..

Image: Image
Size: 630x140
Text (if any):
Anything else?: (Don't go too crazy on this, just little details like rounded edges and stuff)
Topic Starter

- K a t h - wrote:

Hallo again! I am requesting since I really love your works *w*


Image: sorry for the not so great quality ;w;
Size: 650x150
Text (if any): If I had stretched out my hand just a little more, Would it have reached you?
Anything else?: Up to you desuu~ And could you please make one without the text?
Take your time, and thank you so much and advance >v<
Here you go!

In Progress
- K a t h -

SSShaymin wrote:

- K a t h - wrote:

Hallo again! I am requesting since I really love your works *w*


Image: sorry for the not so great quality ;w;
Size: 650x150
Text (if any): If I had stretched out my hand just a little more, Would it have reached you?
Anything else?: Up to you desuu~ And could you please make one without the text?
Take your time, and thank you so much and advance >v<
Here you go!

In Progress
Oh my fking gosh.
That's amazing! Am literally screaming right now > <
Thank you so much! I'm going to use it another website~
I could PM you for proof *v*
Topic Starter

- K a t h - wrote:

Oh my fking gosh.
That's amazing! Am literally screaming right now > <
Thank you so much! I'm going to use it another website~
I could PM you for proof *v*
Yeah, go ahead and send me the proof. I don't mind.
Topic Starter
Completed Requests

Sorry for the wait! This one took quite a bit of time for a result that I liked. That and well... Floating Head Sydrome and I don't get along. ^^;

In Progress


SSShaymin wrote:

Completed Requests

Sorry for the wait! This one took quite a bit of time for a result that I liked. That and well... Floating Head Sydrome and I don't get along. ^^;

In Progress

OMG I Love It <3
Topic Starter
Minor Updates

I've been tweaking the OP for the last few days, so I'll bring the rest of the thread up to speed. I'm hoping to decorate the OP a little more than what I have, but considering that I'm still working on a request for a separate forum, that will have to wait.

  • [list:1337]New!
  1. I now offer banners. I've been considering making these for the past couple days now, and there's no reason why I shouldn't say no. Same deal with the decorations, examples will have to wait until this last request for another forum gets out of development hell, but the offers are there for your convenience. Just use the same form as the signatures.
  2. Animations are available. At the moment, I'm not offering signatures that can use frames from anime, but I can definitely do some animations for anything else I can make.

Animation?: Y
Anything else?:Example is click here,fonts this Call of Duty download here,example my signature click here and effect brush splash color blue

Goodluck C:
Image: Here
Text:Welcome to Cool Grill's userpage!
Animation?: Y (animate rain if you can :p)
Anything else?:Make it awesome! :P
This is my first post on this forum since i've been lurking for a while, i really liked your work btw!
Size: 128X128
Text: Seif.
Transparent?: No
Borders?: Yes
Good luck!
Chihara Minori

Size: keep on current
Text (if any): welcome to weekends modding queue
Animation?: Y, make some animation with the "weekends modding queque" text, but keep it on "standard cool", and dont make it light please, ppls already dizzy with my signature ww
Anything else?: Aa extra frame would be perfect i think, and if possible make the words solid to keep characteristic of my modding queue forum :)
Note: Here's my forum queue, in case you want to see hows the characteristic
Topic Starter
Ugh... this week has not been pleasant for my schedule. >_<

Completed Requests

Pending Requests

  1. Yukisa (Wall-ed's types of animations are beyond my capabilities, all I can do is make animations from blur filters.)
  2. Cool Grill
  3. eclipselotus (That banner is from Sukiye's shop, right? That one took me a bit of time to track down the original image. @_@)

SSShaymin wrote:

Ugh... this week has not been pleasant for my schedule. >_<

Completed Requests

Pending Requests

  1. Yukisa (Wall-ed's types of animations are beyond my capabilities, all I can do is make animations from blur filters.)
  2. Cool Grill
  3. eclipselotus (That banner is from Sukiye's shop, right? That one took me a bit of time to track down the original image. @_@)

Holy cow that is insane thank you so much!
After thinking this through a bit i want my request to be cancelled because i've changed my mind about how i want it to look and i don't want to slow down the queue.

Sorry about this kinda douchey move but i hope you understand.

I really hope that you have not started with making it.
Topic Starter

Luddish wrote:

After thinking this through a bit i want my request to be cancelled because i've changed my mind about how i want it to look and i don't want to slow down the queue.

Sorry about this kinda douchey move but i hope you understand.

I really hope that you have not started with making it.
Just now saw the message. It's fine, I totally understand. My whole schedule has been and is gonna be pretty tight until next Wednesday anyways, so it's a bit of a weight off my shoulders. The only things I've had time for recently are rendering out the other requests. Don't worry, I didn't start on yours.
Topic Starter
Completed Requests

Whoo x_x Finally have free time to do GFX. Other requests should be up rather soon.

Didn't know how to capture a characteristic, so if you need me to tweak something, my inbox is open.

Chihara Minori

SSShaymin wrote:

Completed Requests

Whoo x_x Finally have free time to do GFX. Other requests should be up rather soon.

Didn't know how to capture a characteristic, so if you need me to tweak something, my inbox is open.

As perfect as i wish
Thanks so much ~
and for the source looks so, i just puush what i got on my folder (mostly not remember where i got it)
Topic Starter
Completed Requests

I didn't mind the PM request, but if at any point in time you want to request again, please request in the thread. I know I haven't made a rule for it, but keep that in mind.

Also, I feel bad for only putting this amount of effort, so I made one with the full gif length, but it won't show up on the forum for whatever reason.

Image: ... 4K-442.jpg
Size: best for you :)
Text (if any): Ink_Pots Profile
Animation?: Y, with Text plz :)
Anything else?:you are free ^^
[- Taty -]
Good luck!

Hello wanted your help text animation ; w ; wanted to know how the text animation is done if you have video to explain better! use Photoshop CS6 .
Topic Starter

[- Taty -] wrote:

Good luck!

Hello wanted your help text animation ; w ; wanted to know how the text animation is done if you have video to explain better! use Photoshop CS6 .
Thank you ^^

And sure, I'll teach you! I don't have a video, but I can PM you the explanation.
Topic Starter
Should've put the trademark symbol after soon. Should've put it. Damn art block.

Completed Requests

Cool Grill

So this request gets hand drawn rain because this took far too long to figure out what I was going to do with this and I just so happened to get a tablet in the mail as soon as I did. Also rain done through filters looks weirder than it should, I'm sure you don't want heavy rain on your request.
Req : Sig
Image :
Size : 640x150
Text : "暑いですよね"
Animation? : Y (Only the text)
Anything else? : could you please add a rounded border with cut lines? thank you in advance <3
Topic Starter
Completed Requests

Yukisa (er... do you still want this?)

Please don't repost to deviantart if you do see this and are planning on using one of these, thanks. The direct links are there for your convenience.

So I couldn't comply to all of the request because the animations are Wall-ed's and I have no idea how the heck they did it. What I do know is that they did it with a different program than Photoshop and like heck am I gonna learn another program. This was actually kind of a difficult request because it was just a head. A front facing head, in fact and that's pretty difficult because it has almost nothing to work with unlike regular full body images.

@ Other two customers: I should be able to cut out your images by tonight, and ideally I should be able to get one of your requests by the next day. Both of the requests don't look particularly difficult, so it shouldn't take a long time with my free schedule.

Edit: Man, seriously? I underestimate myself. No matter, the requests shouldn't take a month to complete.
[- Taty -]
Type: Signature
Image: your choice
Size: Reccomended
Text: that you think you go with the image
Border: N
Details: I want you to make me a signature to your style, choose the photo you want and all

I love u
I will be aware of your work uwu byee
Hey! May I request 2 avatars for a collab?

Size: 128x128
Text: Left = gman; Right = Argunaz; (Could you make both texts the same colours are the girls' hairs please?)
Transparent?: No
Borders?: Yes (Square shaped if possible)

If you can, please make the avatars in a way that their whole heads with the fingers can be seen. Thanks in advance!! :)

SSShaymin wrote:

Should've put the trademark symbol after soon. Should've put it. Damn art block.

Completed Requests

Cool Grill

So this request gets hand drawn rain because this took far too long to figure out what I was going to do with this and I just so happened to get a tablet in the mail as soon as I did. Also rain done through filters looks weirder than it should, I'm sure you don't want heavy rain on your request.
This is awesome thank you!
Late reply asf ik was on break.
ANyways thank you!
Your work is absolutely stunning! Keep it up!
Topic Starter
So here's a very late update that I should've said earlier.

After that last request I did, my frustration got to me and I got pretty mad that my GFX wasn't being used, even though I said to use my work for at least a week. It was further amplified by the fact that I was just given a head as a base, which at the time I took as sort of an insult as a GFX artist. I've since gotten over it, but I got very demotivated from doing GFX because of it.

That said, I'll keep doing GFX, but I'll scrap the current queue in a couple of days unless any of you four would like to say that you would still like me to do your request.
i wan't if possible ^^
Topic Starter
Completed Requests

- T a t y -

This was a fun request! Thanks for ordering!

Pending Requests

  • None...?
hello ^^

i want to req sig

image : up 2 u *( idk how to search a nice pitc lol ;w; )
size : as recomended
Text : Try to be good until next Challange
border : N
detail : up 2 u ^^ *( and if a possible can u make another one without text ^^ )

*Note *( oh maan idk what 2 say . . but your art really2 awesome >v<)b )

Sry i can't talk english so much ;w;
[- Taty -]

SSShaymin wrote:

Completed Requests

- T a t y -

This was a fun request! Thanks for ordering!

Pending Requests

  • None...?

Thx <333
Image: current avatar
Transparent?: Just a white background
Borders?: No

Also, If you can, can you make it something like cookiezi's old avatar with ichinose rika plz? and same font as well. K thanks bye

Good Luck
Topic Starter

Shigiezi wrote:

Image: current avatar
Transparent?: Just a white background
Borders?: No

Also, If you can, can you make it something like cookiezi's old avatar with ichinose rika plz? and same font as well. K thanks bye

Good Luck
Um, you've requested in Nao's thread for the same thing. Who's gonna do the request, me or them?
Ty :D
Hi! :)

  1. For avatar
  2. Image: Here :3
  3. Size: 128x128
  4. Text: Shogun
  5. Transparent?: No
  6. Borders?: No
Thanks and Good Luck!
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