
Help With Default Numbers!

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My skin is finished...

Download link:!2FBWyKAa!YXkIpRqMRoqv ... oZg_yI9kiE

Tell me if it has any error...

screenshots please
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SolLess wrote:

screenshots please

But there's a error in the default numbers

10= 0 1
11= 1 1

how i fix that
to get the numbers right, you have to change the hitcircleoverlay in skin.ini. Also is this a mixed skin? I've seen those mod icons somewhere else.
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Yeah the Mod Icons are from the original skin because I ask a friend to help me with a skin and he give me a skin who already have it so I don't know who is the original author of the skin...

What I have to change from the skin.ini:

Name: iMCrafter Skin
Author: iMCrafter
Version: latest

SliderBallFlip: 1
CursorRotate: 0
CursorExpand: 1
CursorTrailRotate: 0
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
SpinnerFrequencyModulate: 1
LayeredHitSounds: 0
[color=#0000FF]HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
SliderStyle: 2

Combo1: 255,255,255
Combo2: 255,255,255
Combo3: 255,255,255
Combo4: 255,255,255
InputOverlayText: 255,255,255
SliderBorder: 255,255,255
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SongSelectActiveText: 240,240,240
SongSelectInactiveText: 230,230,230
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
ApproachCircle: 255,255,255
StarBreakAdditive: 255,255,225
MenuGlow: 100,100,100

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 160
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 2

I change some things but I thinks it's fine now
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Name: iMCrafter Skin
Author: iMCrafter
Version: latest

SliderBallFlip: 1
CursorRotate: 0
CursorExpand: 1
CursorTrailRotate: 0
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
SpinnerFrequencyModulate: 1
LayeredHitSounds: 0
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
SliderStyle: 2

Combo1: 255,255,255
Combo2: 255,255,255
Combo3: 255,255,255
Combo4: 255,255,255
InputOverlayText: 255,255,255
SliderBorder: 255,255,255
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SongSelectActiveText: 240,240,240
SongSelectInactiveText: 230,230,230
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
ApproachCircle: 255,255,255
StarBreakAdditive: 255,255,225
MenuGlow: 100,100,100

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 80
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 2

Hi I put the HitCircleOverlap to 80 and now it's center but the numbers are upside down WHAT I DO?? HELP!!! ANYONE
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This is what I refer

Under fonts in skin.ini is a line called hitcircleoverlap
Set "HitCircleOverlap" to 0

Also, don't double post please, use the edit button. Also, is this you asking for help or a skin showcase?
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