
nano.RIPE - Esoragoto

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016-09-04 at 10:28:25

Artist: nano.RIPE
Title: Esoragoto
Source: さんかれあ
Tags: Sankarea
BPM: 150
Filesize: 5719kb
Play Time: 03:15
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bloom (5.2 stars, 717 notes)
  2. Hard (2.39 stars, 399 notes)
  3. Insane (3.77 stars, 532 notes)
  4. Normal (1.9 stars, 216 notes)
Download: nano.RIPE - Esoragoto
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
From my queue
抱歉只會摸insane ><

  • [Insane]
  1. 開頭00:01:634 - 00:11:434 - 建議用x0.5 SV, 畢竟前面是個calm part
  2. 00:04:834 (3) - NC
  3. 00:08:034 (4) - ^
  4. 00:10:034 (2,3) - 哦... 把這2個用平行, 比較好看
  5. 00:14:205 - insane diff不建議流空拍, 可以擺個1/1
  6. 00:18:770 (6,7) - 這種間距突然縮小的跳很難打, 建議擺開, 可以把7擺在333 244之類的位子
  7. 00:31:325 (7,8,9) - 要做這種東西乾脆把8擺在473 182, 好看多了
  8. 00:33:933 (3,4,5,6) - 一樣
  9. 00:37:194 (11,12,1) - 這也一樣, 但這邊間距怎跟前面布一樣:|?
  10. 00:42:412 (10,11,1) - ^
  11. 00:48:933 (4) - 改1/2八, 3/4有點怪
  12. 00:52:683 (9,10,11) - 這邊的flow應該要同向, 配合音樂的鼓
  13. 02:05:890 - 先擺個note在擺轉盤, 這有個很重的音, 但轉盤投並沒有打擊感
  14. 02:07:847 (1) - 對稱點.
  15. 02:52:520 (11) - NC來強調這邊的音樂
  1. Easy N标 Normal H标 Hard I标....毫无违和感2333
  2. 02:31:977 - 建议的预览点
  1. hp0?看了下 hp6.5或者6感觉不错
  2. NC有点少...建议细化一下NC 我觉得可以再加进去一半NC...
  3. 00:04:834 (3) - 尾巴可以静音,听起来怪怪的
  4. 00:08:234 (5) - NC
  5. 00:08:234 (5,6) - ..这俩跳这么小 00:09:034 (7,8) - 这俩怎么这么大。。。要不然把5拉远要不然把7拉近
  6. 00:15:020 (4,5,6) - 感觉flow不大好的样子虽然我也不知道怎么改qwq
  7. 00:23:173 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 00:23:173 (1,2,3) - 这里的大跳已经让光标处于高速移动的状态了,00:23:662 (4) - 这个突然小了快一半间距容易跑过头,而且后面你又接了一个反向连打。。打起来挺不舒服的。。建议要不然把00:23:662 (4) - 拉近点 要不然把串拉远点
  8. 00:45:020 (12,13,1) - 这里跳完了接一个反向折返有点别扭,可以让这三个等间距 然后折返follow这里的flow
  9. 00:54:477 - Kiai start and 01:15:347 - kiai end 建议的kiai 后面类似的还可以加一段
  10. 01:01:651 (3) - ?突然变近了,感觉不大好 建议拉远
  11. 01:18:200 (2,3) - 叠好,或者故意的?
  12. 01:37:031 (8,9,10) - 最好这三个stack接串,前面有两组三连这里突然变成2连有些迷
  13. 01:53:662 (2,3) - 看起来像个1/2...01:54:151 (3) - 拉远一些
  14. 02:26:760 (8,9) - stack略不合曲,也不符合这个图的jumping风格,建议不要stack
  15. 02:52:520 (11) - NC
  16. 以下谈一些主观意见,觉得不好可以直接Ignore
  17. 这张图给我感觉有点乱。。不管是排版还是flow的布置都不是很整洁。有些跳的设置也有点迷。。比如 00:50:564 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 这里前面跳的比较小,我没意见,从 00:52:357 (7) - 开始 ds突然变成3.28x,并且 00:52:683 (9,10) - 缩回1.01x,后面又是2.82的大跳。这里的音乐我听了一下没有比较强的乐器或者节奏,即使想放大跳体现一下没有vocal的不同,那么也应该保持一下ds基本一致,而不是一个大跳突然蹦到小间距忽然又跳开。。
  18. 并且,整个图设计好像有点问题。大概是没设kiai段的关系,整张图的跳感觉基本都一个类型,间距也没有抑扬顿挫的感觉,音乐表达的不大够
  19. ↑以上均为本辣姬自己的感觉 觉得不好可以直接Ignore
其他难度 4*以下不大会看;w;
卧槽 对称图 我摸完了全选一看神了gl! :)
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

From my queue
抱歉只會摸insane ><

  • [Insane]
  1. 開頭00:01:634 - 00:11:434 - 建議用x0.5 SV, 畢竟前面是個calm part 其实玩起来都差不多,暂定
  2. 00:04:834 (3) - NC O
  3. 00:08:034 (4) - ^ O
  4. 00:10:034 (2,3) - 哦... 把這2個用平行, 比較好看
  5. 00:14:205 - insane diff不建議流空拍, 可以擺個1/1 有些跃动感
  6. 00:18:770 (6,7) - 這種間距突然縮小的跳很難打, 建議擺開, 可以把7擺在333 244之類的位子 O
  7. 00:31:325 (7,8,9) - 要做這種東西乾脆把8擺在473 182, 好看多了 叠得更多了,总之改了
  8. 00:33:933 (3,4,5,6) - 一樣 这个还好吧
  9. 00:37:194 (11,12,1) - 這也一樣, 但這邊間距怎跟前面布一樣:|? 面布
  10. 00:42:412 (10,11,1) - ^
  11. 00:48:933 (4) - 改1/2八, 3/4有點怪
  12. 00:52:683 (9,10,11) - 這邊的flow應該要同向, 配合音樂的鼓 摆不太开,试试甩笔的感觉
  13. 02:05:890 - 先擺個note在擺轉盤, 這有個很重的音, 但轉盤投並沒有打擊感 O
  14. 02:07:847 (1) - 對稱點.
  15. 02:52:520 (11) - NC來強調這邊的音樂 O

[Crz]Sword wrote:

  1. Easy N标 Normal H标 Hard I标....毫无违和感2333
  2. 02:31:977 - 建议的预览点 预览放开始的考量主要是老曲子总从压轴部分开始会听腻
  1. hp0?看了下 hp6.5或者6感觉不错 离需要设置hp的时候还远,摸到差不多的时候再改吧
  2. NC有点少...建议细化一下NC 我觉得可以再加进去一半NC... 然而已经挺满梨
  3. 00:04:834 (3) - 尾巴可以静音,听起来怪怪的
  4. 00:08:234 (5) - NC O
  5. 00:08:234 (5,6) - ..这俩跳这么小 00:09:034 (7,8) - 这俩怎么这么大。。。要不然把5拉远要不然把7拉近
  6. 00:15:020 (4,5,6) - 感觉flow不大好的样子虽然我也不知道怎么改qwq 暂定
  7. 00:23:173 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 00:23:173 (1,2,3) - 这里的大跳已经让光标处于高速移动的状态了,00:23:662 (4) - 这个突然小了快一半间距容易跑过头,而且后面你又接了一个反向连打。。打起来挺不舒服的。。建议要不然把00:23:662 (4) - 拉近点 要不然把串拉远点 是很容易彩虹,改吧
  8. 00:45:020 (12,13,1) - 这里跳完了接一个反向折返有点别扭,可以让这三个等间距 然后折返follow这里的flow 然而我觉地挺爽啊
  9. 00:54:477 - Kiai start and 01:15:347 - kiai end 建议的kiai 后面类似的还可以加一段
  10. 01:01:651 (3) - ?突然变近了,感觉不大好 建议拉远
  11. 01:18:200 (2,3) - 叠好,或者故意的? 故意吧,叠着不太流畅
  12. 01:37:031 (8,9,10) - 最好这三个stack接串,前面有两组三连这里突然变成2连有些迷 差不多,后边五个一组
  13. 01:53:662 (2,3) - 看起来像个1/2...01:54:151 (3) - 拉远一些 并不会,因为9.5对于1/1的辨识度辅助已经比较强了
  14. 02:26:760 (8,9) - stack略不合曲,也不符合这个图的jumping风格,建议不要stack 嗯。。。
  15. 02:52:520 (11) - NC O
  16. 以下谈一些主观意见,觉得不好可以直接Ignore
  17. 这张图给我感觉有点乱。。不管是排版还是flow的布置都不是很整洁。有些跳的设置也有点迷。。比如 00:50:564 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 这里前面跳的比较小,我没意见,从 00:52:357 (7) - 开始 ds突然变成3.28x,并且 00:52:683 (9,10) - 缩回1.01x,后面又是2.82的大跳。这里的音乐我听了一下没有比较强的乐器或者节奏,即使想放大跳体现一下没有vocal的不同,那么也应该保持一下ds基本一致,而不是一个大跳突然蹦到小间距忽然又跳开。。
  18. 并且,整个图设计好像有点问题。大概是没设kiai段的关系,整张图的跳感觉基本都一个类型,间距也没有抑扬顿挫的感觉,音乐表达的不大够
  19. ↑以上均为本辣姬自己的感觉 觉得不好可以直接Ignore
其他难度 4*以下不大会看;w;
卧槽 对称图 我摸完了全选一看神了gl! :)
谢啦! update
from queue

Nice BG :3

Disable Widescreen Support in E/N/H
Maybe add a Kiai Time?
from 00:54:151 to 01:24:314
and maybe from
01:46:977 to 02:30:999

The Star Rating of your current Easy is Normal. You need to get it below 1.50 Stars to be an Easy.
Maybe rename it to Normal and make Normal to Advanced?
If you want it to be an Easy, you should try to map only 1/1 or 2/1 beats.
Also you will need to lower the SV to something between 0.6 and 1.0
Lower AR by 2 and HP Drain to 2 or 3.
And you've got some Distance issues you should fix. In Easy/Normal you can't do any jumps.
If you make this a normal diff you can maybe keep this SV,
but it is likely that you'll have to lower it to something between 0.8 - 1.2
Increase the HP Drain to 3 or 4

I'll just treat this as an advanced now.
Increase HP Drain to something between 3 and 5 and maybe CS to 3.5?
You've got very much overlaps. Maybe wanna renove'em?
Combo :D

02:47:629 (13) - NC
02:52:194 (25) - ^same
02:57:738 (37) - ^same

This is some nice diff :)
Again you're having a lot of overlaps.
Increase HP Drain to 6 or 7
You could increase the SV in Kiai Time (if you add it) by 0.1 or 0.2 same goes for insane
Since you have all those big jumps in Insane, but none in hard you could add some bigger jumps here too

Can't help you much here. Those jumps are to heavy for me
Increase HP Drain to 6 or 7
01:37:031 (8,1) - This part seems to be a bit overmapped.
also remove stack on 1 - 2

gl with your map :D
Topic Starter

Yanganof wrote:

from queue

Nice BG :3

Disable Widescreen Support in E/N/H haven't use storyboard, so don't need it
Maybe add a Kiai Time? well, add some
from 00:54:151 to 01:24:314
and maybe from
01:46:977 to 02:30:999
fixed HP issues

The Star Rating of your current Easy is Normal. You need to get it below 1.50 Stars to be an Easy.
Maybe rename it to Normal and make Normal to Advanced?
If you want it to be an Easy, you should try to map only 1/1 or 2/1 beats.
Also you will need to lower the SV to something between 0.6 and 1.0
Lower AR by 2 and HP Drain to 2 or 3.
And you've got some Distance issues you should fix. In Easy/Normal you can't do any jumps.
If you make this a normal diff you can maybe keep this SV,
but it is likely that you'll have to lower it to something between 0.8 - 1.2
Increase the HP Drain to 3 or 4

I'll just treat this as an advanced now.
Increase HP Drain to something between 3 and 5 and maybe CS to 3.5?
You've got very much overlaps. Maybe wanna renove'em?
Combo :D

02:47:629 (13) - NC fixed
02:52:194 (25) - ^same fixed
02:57:738 (37) - ^same fixed

This is some nice diff :)
Again you're having a lot of overlaps.
Increase HP Drain to 6 or 7
You could increase the SV in Kiai Time (if you add it) by 0.1 or 0.2 same goes for insane
Since you have all those big jumps in Insane, but none in hard you could add some bigger jumps here too I really want use more jumps but the star was already 3.8 ;w;

Can't help you much here. Those jumps are to heavy for me
Increase HP Drain to 6 or 7
01:37:031 (8,1) - This part seems to be a bit overmapped. I think there need some stream :w;
also remove stack on 1 - 2

gl with your map :D
thanks for help! will reply and update later :)

UndeadCapulet wrote:

/W\lot of stars, thanks!

AIR wrote:

Yanganof wrote:

Disable Widescreen Support in E/N/H haven't use storyboard, so don't need it
I think you slightly missunderstood me there :)
I know that you don't have a Storyboard, but you have different setting in E/N/H than in Insane
Heya! NM from my queue (^-^)/ t/462483

This is really intense for an easy difficulty.
-Lower AR to 3
-Turn down your SV. You will have to resnap all sliders, but as it is it's way too fast. I'd suggest 0.7 or 0.8.
-You usually don't want to stack notes like this in an easy difficulty. Try to avoid stacking unless it's normal or above.
-Fancy-ify your sliders! Right now they're a bit plain. Example from a mod on my beatmap: Easy difficulties lack notes so need some slider art to make up for it. Also, don't be afraid of blankets. Wrapping notes with sliders will make your beatmap more appealing to the eye.

00:51:868 (3,4) - Example of sliders you can blanket. Like this:

00:05:034 (1,2) - Another example:

00:58:390 (6,7) - Things like this are a bit too difficult for an easy difficulty.
00:10:434 (4) - At the end of this slider you should use the Finish hitsound to soften the transition.

This difficulty overall needs quite a lot of work. You have a good start (love your hitsounding!), but you need to give the beatmap a flow, make the sliders more appealing to the eye, make the SV slower, and use things like blankets to make it look nicer. Also, try to make it easier overall - it's a bit too difficult as is. If you need help, give me a PM and I'll give you a hand.

00:14:694 (1,2,3) - Fill in some notes here! It's the build-up. Map it like you did your intro. :)
00:38:662 (3,4) - Not sure if notes this low are allowed, they need to be completely on screen.
00:39:803 (6) - ^
00:41:923 (6,7) - Change spacing here, looks like you're going for 1/2 instead of 1/1
00:45:347 (1) - ? Just make this a single slider in one direction then extend it to be a full beat like this:

00:47:792 (4) - Pull this closer to end of previous slider.
00:53:173 (9) - I'd put this under the end of the slider, it's a bit awkward where it is, inconsistent with previous notes.
00:55:129 (3,4,5) - Need to adjust slider 4. Move it over half a beat, move closer to 5 like this:

00:59:368 (7,1) - Remove Clap hitsound at end of slider 7 and note 1.
01:11:923 (6) - Could extend this slider to the next note. Make it a full beat.
01:30:999 (4) - I'd lengthen this slider to full beat so you can add the hitsound at the end.
01:41:433 (3) - Don't make this a reverse slider, just one and lengthen for full beat. Get rid of hitsound at start of slider. Add a note. Look like this:

03:02:303 (11) - NC
Your hitsounding is very good as usual on this diff, just a few mistakes! :) Make sure some of your sliders make sense with the rhythm, hope I got them all.

Good job on the intro! Just one tweak:
00:10:434 (7) - Consider a slider here, reverse it so the rhythm isn't confusing to play.
01:37:194 (9,10,1) - Restack this.
02:10:129 (1) - NC
02:30:999 (1,2,3) - This is impossible unless you know the song :o I suggest a reverse slider so players don't get confused.
02:45:347 (1) - NC
02:50:238 (7,8) - You need a NC here, but since it's on a slider you may have to do something like this:
02:51:705 (5) - ^ NC and tweak
03:00:999 (1) - NC
This diff was pretty good! Nice job.

00:08:634 (3) - Too low.
00:23:662 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Get rid of 4, 5, 6, 7 and put the stream on top of the next upcoming slider. Then add jumps or sliders in between. Here's what I did:

00:48:200 (2) - Move this over, mis-timed. :)
00:48:933 (4,5) - Either shorten slider 4 or move them together.
00:58:716 (2) - Consider moving this closer so player can read it properly.
01:12:575 (10) - You need to cut this so you can start a NC.
01:36:379 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Consider sliders here, maybe...
01:41:433 (6,7,8) - Something doesn't feel right here, can't put my finger on what though. :/ try rearranging hitsounds?
01:44:857 (8) - Too low.
01:47:955 (1) - Put slider end on the slider 12 before and move 2 a bit further.
Both too low.
02:02:303 (8) - NC
02:10:129 (9) - NC
02:21:868 (3) - Too low
02:32:303 (1) - Too low
02:36:705 (7) - Too low
02:38:825 (7) - NC
02:41:433 (7) - NC
03:02:955 (9) - NC - in streams, start a new combo every 8 notes. :)
03:07:520 (5) - NC

Overall, your beatmap does need quite a bit of tweaking but it's mostly minor issues. I'd strongly suggest scrapping your easy difficulty though and restarting, and give some of the methods/fixes I gave you earlier a try. Good luck! :) Great song.
Topic Starter

Yanganof wrote: fault, I will fixed it at next update

Plaudible wrote:

Heya! NM from my queue (^-^)/ t/462483
This is really intense for an easy difficulty.
-Lower AR to 3 fixed
-Turn down your SV. You will have to resnap all sliders, but as it is it's way too fast. I'd suggest 0.7 or 0.8. maybe you are right, but it's not a unbearable problem,keep it until someone told me that I must lower them
-You usually don't want to stack notes like this in an easy difficulty. Try to avoid stacking unless it's normal or above okey, but I also think the minor defect makes map looks more spirituality
-Fancy-ify your sliders! Right now they're a bit plain. Example from a mod on my beatmap: Easy difficulties lack notes so need some slider art to make up for it. Also, don't be afraid of blankets. Wrapping notes with sliders will make your beatmap more appealing to the eye.

00:51:868 (3,4) - Example of sliders you can blanket. Like this:

00:05:034 (1,2) - Another example:

will, I cant put them so close because distance of this diff
00:58:390 (6,7) - Things like this are a bit too difficult for an easy difficulty.
00:10:434 (4) - At the end of this slider you should use the Finish hitsound to soften the transition.

This difficulty overall needs quite a lot of work. You have a good start (love your hitsounding!), but you need to give the beatmap a flow, make the sliders more appealing to the eye, make the SV slower, and use things like blankets to make it look nicer. Also, try to make it easier overall - it's a bit too difficult as is. If you need help, give me a PM and I'll give you a hand. thank care, but I relly fell if someone sooo cant leave blanket and pretty flow why they cant just to playing ohters map, that's relly not a few :o

00:14:694 (1,2,3) - Fill in some notes here! It's the build-up. Map it like you did your intro. :)
00:38:662 (3,4) - Not sure if notes this low are allowed, they need to be completely on screen. no problem here
00:39:803 (6) - ^
00:41:923 (6,7) - Change spacing here, looks like you're going for 1/2 instead of 1/1 fixed
00:45:347 (1) - ? Just make this a single slider in one direction then extend it to be a full beat like this: try a little bit overmap for fun :D

00:47:792 (4) - Pull this closer to end of previous slider. fixed
00:53:173 (9) - I'd put this under the end of the slider, it's a bit awkward where it is, inconsistent with previous notes. uhhh
00:55:129 (3,4,5) - Need to adjust slider 4. Move it over half a beat, move closer to 5 like this: fixed

00:59:368 (7,1) - Remove Clap hitsound at end of slider 7 and note 1. fixed
01:11:923 (6) - Could extend this slider to the next note. Make it a full beat.
01:30:999 (4) - I'd lengthen this slider to full beat so you can add the hitsound at the end. fixed
01:41:433 (3) - Don't make this a reverse slider, just one and lengthen for full beat. Get rid of hitsound at start of slider. Add a note. Look like this: There is no improper cuz it's follow the voice

03:02:303 (11) - NC
Your hitsounding is very good as usual on this diff, just a few mistakes! :) Make sure some of your sliders make sense with the rhythm, hope I got them all.

Good job on the intro! Just one tweak:
00:10:434 (7) - Consider a slider here, reverse it so the rhythm isn't confusing to play. fixed
01:37:194 (9,10,1) - Restack this. fixed
02:10:129 (1) - NC
02:30:999 (1,2,3) - This is impossible unless you know the song :o I suggest a reverse slider so players don't get confused. will, that's the problem, why I must make a map that everyone can fullcombo it for the first play
02:45:347 (1) - NC fixed
02:50:238 (7,8) - You need a NC here, but since it's on a slider you may have to do something like this: fixed
02:51:705 (5) - ^ NC and tweak
03:00:999 (1) - NC fixed
This diff was pretty good! Nice job.

00:08:634 (3) - Too low.
00:23:662 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Get rid of 4, 5, 6, 7 and put the stream on top of the next upcoming slider. Then add jumps or sliders in between. Here's what I did: fixed

00:48:200 (2) - Move this over, mis-timed. :) fixed
00:48:933 (4,5) - Either shorten slider 4 or move them together.
00:58:716 (2) - Consider moving this closer so player can read it properly.
01:12:575 (10) - You need to cut this so you can start a NC. fixed
01:36:379 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Consider sliders here, maybe...
01:41:433 (6,7,8) - Something doesn't feel right here, can't put my finger on what though. :/ try rearranging hitsounds? Should have no problem here
01:44:857 (8) - Too low.
01:47:955 (1) - Put slider end on the slider 12 before and move 2 a bit further. but it was already stack 10, looks clear :o
Both too low.
02:02:303 (8) - NC
02:10:129 (9) - NC
02:21:868 (3) - Too low
02:32:303 (1) - Too low
02:36:705 (7) - Too low
02:38:825 (7) - NC
02:41:433 (7) - NC
03:02:955 (9) - NC - in streams, start a new combo every 8 notes. :) fixed
03:07:520 (5) - NC

Overall, your beatmap does need quite a bit of tweaking but it's mostly minor issues. I'd strongly suggest scrapping your easy difficulty though and restarting, and give some of the methods/fixes I gave you earlier a try. Good luck! :) Great song.
thanks! will reply and update later :D
NM From Queue.


  1. AR9.5 Seems rather high for such a low BPM, 5.2* map dont you think?
  2. 00:23:173 (1) - I cant understand why you made this lower DS compared to the pevious 2. Surely you would INCREASE it as it goes on to build up with the song.
  3. 00:27:412 (3,4) - Vocals are one clean sound so yeah, sliders work here. 00:28:064 (5) - But this is 2 clear sounds, might be better to use circles to seperate it from the previous 2. You actually did this later on so Im not sure why you didnt here.
  4. 00:44:042 (8) - Possible NC here just to break up the long combo.
  5. 00:53:173 (12) - I really dont see a reason to not NC this.
  6. 01:41:678 (7) - You're skipping over a drum beat on this white tick.
  7. 01:58:390 (1,2) - Up to you if you map this or not. But theres a drum beat on the blue tick between these.
  8. 02:30:999 (1,2,3) - Since this isnt a standard 1/4, and the first time this rhythm shows up, it may be better to not stack this so its easier to read.
Just a final word. Alot of your combos are rather long, you may wanna go through and rework most of them.

Topic Starter

The Fetish wrote:

NM From Queue.


  1. AR9.5 Seems rather high for such a low BPM, 5.2* map dont you think? will I want keep it until someone told me that it's hard to play
  2. 00:23:173 (1) - I cant understand why you made this lower DS compared to the pevious 2. Surely you would INCREASE it as it goes on to build up with the song. fixed
  3. 00:27:412 (3,4) - Vocals are one clean sound so yeah, sliders work here. 00:28:064 (5) - But this is 2 clear sounds, might be better to use circles to seperate it from the previous 2. You actually did this later on so Im not sure why you didnt here. maybe maintaining contrast of00:28:390 (6,7) -
  4. 00:44:042 (8) - Possible NC here just to break up the long combo. fixed
  5. 00:53:173 (12) - I really dont see a reason to not NC this. fixed
  6. 01:41:678 (7) - You're skipping over a drum beat on this white tick.
  7. 01:58:390 (1,2) - Up to you if you map this or not. But theres a drum beat on the blue tick between these. fixed
  8. 02:30:999 (1,2,3) - Since this isnt a standard 1/4, and the first time this rhythm shows up, it may be better to not stack this so its easier to read.
Just a final word. Alot of your combos are rather long, you may wanna go through and rework most of them.

thanks! update
From queue~

nuthin really, just apply my suggestions below to all difficulties you think they apply to

-may have to remap the whole thing because the slider velocity is quite high. I would recommend 1.00 velocity max. But you should contact some other people before adjusting the SV. Anyways, I'll catch some other errors for you to keep in mind if you remap.
00:05:034 (1,2) - DS error, DS must always be consistent in Easy/Normal difficulties
00:01:834 (1,2,1,2) - slider shapes are mundane, try making the same shape for 1 combo and then change it up for the second combo (also these sliders are very long so you can do some cool things with them)
00:09:034 (2,3,4) - hitwhistles here dont match the sound
00:19:260 (1,2) - copy the first slider and ctrl+h for the second one?
00:20:564 (2,1) - overlap not look good
00:28:879 (3,1) - ^
00:33:281 (2,3) - Easy difficulties should never have consecutive stacked notes
00:34:586 (4,1) - ^

-like Easy, the hitwhistles don't match the sound in the intro
00:24:477 - dont know what you did but the mapping technique of the map seems much better developed after this point
00:07:234 (7,1) - bad overlap
00:10:034 (6,8) - ^, move the 3 last notes up so that there are no overlaps
00:10:434 (7) - might be a nice place for NC
00:15:836 (4,5,6,1) - this just looks super cluttered
00:17:140 (2,3) - DS, get rid of overlap
00:19:260 (1,2) - would look better stacked imo
00:20:727 (4,5) - blanket
00:21:216 (5,6,1) - bad overlap
01:28:227 (4,5,6) - ^
01:27:086 - 02:05:890 - there is a very uneven balance between straight/sharp anchor sliders and curve sliders
02:07:847 (6) - NC here maybe?
02:23:173 (4,5) - blanket
02:25:129 (2,3,4) - DS, overlap, also not properly stacked
02:30:999 (1,1,1) - people may not catch onto the timing change, so I personally would use a reverse slider here
based on my suggestions here, I trust that you can find the rest yourself.

Good luck!
Hi ~
because my nickname is -nanoripe- so i will mod this map ~
and also this is one of my favorite nano.ripe song :3

- for Preview point,i'm recommended to placing at 00:54:151
- dont use white color combo *because white color combo is unranbkable ~
- same as Yahuri the hitwhistles don't match the sound in the intro

- Decrease AR to 3
- Check Aimod ~ *to see what object is too close and too far ~ with the previous object
- less the slider velocity to 0,80 or 0,90 *because 1,40 its too long ~
- remap?

- Decrease AR to 5 or 4
- Check Aimod ~ *to see what object is too close and too far ~ with the previous object
- less the slider velocity to 1,00 or 1,10 *because 1,50 its too long ~
- remap?

Increase HP to 6
Increase OD to 7
00:05:434 (2,3) - reduce the distance because this is slow part/intro part ~
00:07:234 (7,1) - blanket?
00:09:034 (3,6) - bad overlap
00:14:368 (1,2,3) - ^
00:15:836 (4,5) - hmm try to stack it ~
00:44:857 (8) - remove clap
00:59:531 (4) - remove clap *its looks awkward
01:02:303 (1,2,3,4) - bad overlap
01:08:010 (2) - remove clap
01:10:129 (1) - remove clap and add finish

GL ~
Topic Starter

Yahuri wrote:

From queue~

nuthin really, just apply my suggestions below to all difficulties you think they apply to

-may have to remap the whole thing because the slider velocity is quite high. I would recommend 1.00 velocity max. But you should contact some other people before adjusting the SV. Anyways, I'll catch some other errors for you to keep in mind if you remap.
I'm so hurt, seems I need remap again
00:05:034 (1,2) - DS error, DS must always be consistent in Easy/Normal difficulties
00:01:834 (1,2,1,2) - slider shapes are mundane, try making the same shape for 1 combo and then change it up for the second combo (also these sliders are very long so you can do some cool things with them) parallel lines is cool...
00:09:034 (2,3,4) - hitwhistles here dont match the sound but the hitsounds was copy from highest diff :o
00:19:260 (1,2) - copy the first slider and ctrl+h for the second one? fixed
00:20:564 (2,1) - overlap not look good
00:28:879 (3,1) - ^
00:33:281 (2,3) - Easy difficulties should never have consecutive stacked notes it's Normal now, so looks not too bad
00:34:586 (4,1) - ^

-like Easy, the hitwhistles don't match the sound in the intro
00:24:477 - dont know what you did but the mapping technique of the map seems much better developed after this point
00:07:234 (7,1) - bad overlap fixed
00:10:034 (6,8) - ^, move the 3 last notes up so that there are no overlaps
00:10:434 (7) - might be a nice place for NC fixed
00:15:836 (4,5,6,1) - this just looks super cluttered
00:17:140 (2,3) - DS, get rid of overlap
00:19:260 (1,2) - would look better stacked imo
00:20:727 (4,5) - blanket
00:21:216 (5,6,1) - bad overlap
01:28:227 (4,5,6) - ^
01:27:086 - 02:05:890 - there is a very uneven balance between straight/sharp anchor sliders and curve sliders
02:07:847 (6) - NC here maybe?
02:23:173 (4,5) - blanket fixed
02:25:129 (2,3,4) - DS, overlap, also not properly stacked
02:30:999 (1,1,1) - people may not catch onto the timing change, so I personally would use a reverse slider here
based on my suggestions here, I trust that you can find the rest yourself. maybe try NC here

Good luck!

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

Hi ~
because my nickname is -nanoripe- so i will mod this map ~
and also this is one of my favorite nano.ripe song :3

- for Preview point,i'm recommended to placing at 00:54:151
- dont use white color combo *because white color combo is unranbkable ~ fixed, now is red ;)
- same as Yahuri the hitwhistles don't match the sound in the intro

- Decrease AR to 3
- Check Aimod ~ *to see what object is too close and too far ~ with the previous object
- less the slider velocity to 0,80 or 0,90 *because 1,40 its too long ~
- remap? it's too horrible, why everyone told me remap >:(

- Decrease AR to 5 or 4
- Check Aimod ~ *to see what object is too close and too far ~ with the previous object
- less the slider velocity to 1,00 or 1,10 *because 1,50 its too long ~
- remap?

Increase HP to 6 5 is enough
Increase OD to 7 fixed
00:05:434 (2,3) - reduce the distance because this is slow part/intro part ~
00:07:234 (7,1) - blanket? fixed
00:09:034 (3,6) - bad overlap fixed
00:14:368 (1,2,3) - ^ fixed
00:15:836 (4,5) - hmm try to stack it ~
00:44:857 (8) - remove clap fixed
00:59:531 (4) - remove clap *its looks awkward fixed
01:02:303 (1,2,3,4) - bad overlap
01:08:010 (2) - remove clap
01:10:129 (1) - remove clap and add finish fixed

GL ~
thanks for help! I also like nano.RIPE song :)
00:25:781 (2,3) - 平行
00:32:303 (1,3) - ^

00:18:118 (4,5,6,1) - 丑,flow也不太好
00:41:597 (5,6) - lap不好看
00:55:129 (3,4) - 这种叠怎么说呢......我个人觉得不太好看,不过如果是你的风格的话 :)
02:25:455 (3,4) - blanket没弄好
02:34:912 (1,2) - overlap
02:45:183 (7) - 这个地方建议还是换成一个单点+一个1/2滑条,红线起白线完的滑条没什么打击感,而且因为你滑条尾在大白线上,NC也不好NC

00:07:234 (7,1) - 没包好
00:19:260 (1,2) - 两个滑条尾叠起来可能更干净一点
00:21:216 (5,6,1) - 跟之前的难度一样,这种没什么意义的lap最好少点,要么就干脆利落地连边都不要沾,要么就多挨一点让别人看出来你是可以lap的
01:00:999 (1,2) - blanket
01:44:042 (5,8) - 8的滑条尾和5叠起来更干净
02:04:586 (4) - 我觉得这里NC一下更好,因为这里是两组三拍子,强调一下可能更好

主难度摸不动就不摸了,GL :)
late m4m ;w;

一開始的whistle都不配, 又大聲 我建議改成普通的soft-whistle

00:07:234 (3) - overlap 不好看 盡量別把條尾遮到
00:21:216 (5) - 太遠 ?
00:22:847 (5) - 條尾的音很重 盡量放個可點的在這
00:25:944 (6) - reverse被蓋住是unrankable喔
00:31:325 (7,8,9,10) - 我讀不懂;w;
00:32:955 (6,7) - 00:33:933 (3,4) - 太近了 (尤其是第二個
00:41:923 (9,10) - 之前都跟歌聲現在突然換跟鼓有點怪
00:45:347 (1) - 雖然藍點有個小聲但真的聽不出來 建議 1/1 + 圈
00:47:629 (7,8,9,10) - overmap, 應該只有1/2而已
00:48:444 (3) - 鼓?
00:50:564 (1) - 遠
00:55:129 (3) - 00:56:433 (3) - 00:57:738 (3) - etc. 這裡都有兩個股聲 全放1/2滑條真的很無趣, 可以試試其他花樣讓圖更美 更好玩
01:04:097 (3) - 鼓蠻大聲的
01:07:847 (2) - 01:08:499 (4) - 太近 (2) 跟 (4) 換位子試試看?
01:09:314 (3) - flow
01:17:548 (7) - 沒1/4.. 1/4在 01:17:874 -
01:18:200 (2) - ^

00:17:629 (3) - spacing
00:19:749 (2,3) - (2) 不好看 (3) flow 不順
00:21:216 (5) - 包好看一點吧
00:25:292 (3) - 看起來像1/4
00:45:347 (1) - bloom 一樣
01:05:890 (4) - spacing
01:06:542 (2) - 01:07:847 (2,4) - ^
01:21:216 (3) - ctrl+h :p

00:14:694 (1,2,3) - 為什麼這麼空?
00:19:260 (1) - 00:21:868 (1) - flow
00:26:433 (5) -
00:28:553 (5) - 鼓
00:51:053 (2) - reverse 被遮住
00:51:053 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 太難讀了 不適合hard
00:55:129 (3,4,5,6) - spacing 不同?

SV 太高 不適合Normal
也因為SV太高妳DS也超大的 很不像normal
00:25:781 (2,3) - 00:28:390 (2,3) - 這種flow也不太好
00:30:673 - 歌聲+鼓聲都有阿
00:50:564 (1,2,3) - flow
01:07:520 (5,1,2) - ^
01:11:433 (4,5,6) - ^
01:20:564 (1) - overlap不好

Got my GDs done, can finally do some modding

In General, I think using Grid Size large isn't very good for unique placements/precise blankets, but we'll see if it causes any problems

00:20:727 (4,5) - Grid size tiny, and then blanket these

00:21:216 (5,6) - these both have the same magnitude and buildup as 00:18:607 (5,6), but the DS is noticeably lower, any reason?

00:57:086 (1,2) - this looks like a failed blanket, If you don't want it to be a blanket, move the sliders in a way it won't be misconstrued

00:58:879 (3) - you gave this vocal emphasis a DS 2.1 here 00:58:390 (1), but this one got around 1.5, seems odd

00:59:694 (1,2,3,4) - all of these have different DS but they are all very strong beats, no idea why it would change slider by slider

01:00:999 (1,2) - blanket

01:01:977 (4,5) - strong emphasis beats with smaller DS? please open them up!

01:02:303 (1,3) - this overlap might look ok if they were the same angle

01:03:607 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here you did a great job using DS to emphasize the beats, try and look here when remapping other parts

01:05:890 (4) - this should be emphasized because of the vocals, not this 01:06:216 (1)

01:06:216 (1,2) - and this stronger beat has DS 1.0, needs to be bigger!

01:14:042 (1,2,3,4) - equalize the spacing between these 1/3 sliders, use DS 1.5 or 1.6 on ALL of them

01:24:314 (1) - lower the volume of the spinner end, no important sounds are happening, it sounds out of place

01:35:564 (3,4,5) - just too large for the lack of music playing to emphasize these notes

I think I'll leave off the DS comments for the rest of the map, because you need to go back and completely remap some of these parts that have no reason to have such dramatic changes in DS. And the mapping style is very old, this could be the problem too, not too sure though

02:02:303 (6,7) - stack the slider end with he circle, you did it before, might as well do it again

02:30:999 (1,1,1) - I'm not expecting this rhythm when playing. Yes you made a NC on each note to show something is happening, but they can't be stacked like that, please move them apart so it seems noticeable

03:06:216 (1,2) - blanket

03:12:086 (3,4,5,6) - I know i said I wouldn't so you could go do it yourself, but damn this circle has some huge buildup and a large impact into nothingness, this should've been a moderately sized jump, and the rest of the circles behind it

Pls look at your map's DS and the changes you should make to it, very outdated mapping style could be the problem
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