
osu! community meeting #3

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Continuing the trend set by our January and April meetings, we will be holding the third osu! community meeting on Saturday July 26th, 12:00 noon Perth time (GMT+8).

For easier reference, this means Friday the 25th 21:00 for the US West Coast, midnight for the US East Coast and 5:00 Saturday morning for the UK.

For those who can't make it, the chat log and minutes will be available on the forums shortly after the meeting. We hope to see you there! Meeting topics will be added to this thread in the very near future. Feel free to reply and discuss the timing or potential issues we need to discuss!

A brief summary of what we should be looking at covering:

What's new? Progress since last meeting.
Website Changes
In Progress:
  1. Mascot/Dancer
  2. Taiko
  3. Tutorials
  4. Beatmap Moderation
  5. Internationalisation?
Upcoming Features
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Hope I can stay awake 'til midnight, and at the same time, not let my parents frisk me. >_>

Is there a general list of ideas that are going to be discussed? ^up there^
I'll be there.

YoshiKart wrote:

Is there a general list of ideas that are going to be discussed?
Of course. I think it's TBD right now, though.

As for me, my attendance is still up in the air - I'll be visiting a friend at this time with another friend, but the host will be out of commission after 11pm that night so I can probably borrow his laptop and log in from his place. Or via DS if there's wireless. I also might not remember entirely. But you can survive without me if you have Sinistro.
I'll be there. Luckily I swapped duty with someone else for this week :)
TBQH, I can't think of anything we need to discuss, though. :/
I'll probably be there, provided i didn't pull an all-nighter the night before.
Oh, waking up 7 in the morning.... not nice. Or maybe I'll just stay wake for the whole night instead of going to bed at the usual 3 or 4 am. I'll be there anyway.

Loginer wrote:

I'll be there.

xerxes_oli wrote:

Loginer wrote:

I'll be there.
Hey, I can be serious when I feel like it. <.<

Loginer wrote:

xerxes_oli wrote:

Loginer wrote:

I'll be there.
Hey, I can be serious when I feel like it. <.<
So can I...

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Loginer wrote:

xerxes_oli wrote:

Hey, I can be serious when I feel like it. <.<
So can I...
Not funny. :(
me wanna go
me sees that it's gonna be 12 AM...
me disappointed
me realizes that me stays up past 12 neways
me wonders how long the meeting is gonna be
The last meeting was "officially" almost 3 hours long, but after about one and a half hour, we just kept going off-topic until everything went to hell. :D
Expect 2 hours.

Loginer wrote:

TBQH, I can't think of anything we need to discuss, though. :/
Oh, I have plenty to discuss with you. *fetches whip* >:(

peppy wrote:

Loginer wrote:

TBQH, I can't think of anything we need to discuss, though. :/
Oh, I have plenty to discuss with you. *fetches whip* >:(
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*grabs popcorn*
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I'm still thinking about the Avatar finale. That's what got me distracted. >_>

Loginer wrote:

I'm still hiding. ;_;
May I ask what? :P

YoshiKart wrote:

I'm still thinking about the Avatar finale. That's what got me distracted. >_>

Loginer wrote:

I'm still hiding. ;_;
May I ask what? :P
peppy's whip.
I'LL BE THERE (i'll be there) << baywatch theme
I'll look forward to the meeting :D
Count me in.
Shiiiiitttt Mom and I are on bad terms again so she pulls the internet plug on me every night now. What am I, 4?

But seriously, now I'm not sure if i'll be there but i'll try my best.
Try finding a wireless hotspot or something idk
Will (probably) be there.

Depending on whether I'm nuts that day or not.

It'd be 07:00 here.


Download: Rita - Sun (Astom) [Lizbeth].osu

RemmyX25 wrote:

Shiiiiitttt Mom and I are on bad terms again so she pulls the internet plug on me every night now.
It's the other way around here. When my mom first came home, she wanted me to pull the plug every night. Then I taught her how things work in here. >:3
Added a brief topic list here.

Reply if you see something missing!
We should probably do a list of feature suggestions that need descussion on them so we could get input at the meeting. There are some proposed bigger changes on the forums which need more input, so listing them and giving people the possibility to check on them beforehand would be nice. I can scroll the forums a bit if required to search larger promising change suggestions.
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I meant all of the suggestions made on the forums which are larger in scale, such as this: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4215
Ah, sure. If you could compile a list, that would help much!
I've gone through the first 6 pages and this is what I have so far. The whole discussion might not be available at the url posted, there are lots of things that have been discussed on irc or partly in other topics.

The multiplayer mod system - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3530
S+ rank - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4215
Advanced score screen - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4096&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10
Changing the efficiency in web stats - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3983 (there are other suggestions elsewhere, couldn't find 'em though)
Groups/teams/guilds - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3674
A number of people have been asking about the ability to add friends within osu!, but idk if that's more of a feature request left unposted than something to tackle at the meeting.
Just found out I can't make it to the meeting :(

awp wrote:

A number of people have been asking about the ability to add friends within osu!, but idk if that's more of a feature request left unposted than something to tackle at the meeting.
I think the friends request and the teams/groups/guilds suggestions are tied together, an that's such a large thing that I think it's worth discussing.
In three hours, correct?

YoshiKart wrote:

In three hours, correct?
Oh! It is?! I hope I can be there. Parents may bug me to get to bed. :(
If I can, don't expect me there for long. >_>
what is this meeting you are talking about?
Be here in 3 hours and you'll find out.
Agent BA8 Rookbie
I might be there. Depends on two things. Scratch that, three things.
1. Whether I'm right on my "It's on the internet" hunch
2. If I can stay awake till 5:00 in the morning.
3. If I don't get bored halfway though waiting. Seriously, bored.
I really hope the sweet melodies of Aerosmith can keep me awake.

Hitoshirenu Shourai
If Bancho is resurrected before I go to bed, I'll try to attend. =o
wait.... the meeting's in about 1/2 an hour right?

mattyu007 wrote:

wait.... the meeting's in about 1/2 an hour right?
Yup... and I'm pretty sure I can be there. for a little while at least. :P
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