
animask's Puzzles (New and Improved!)

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Sleep Powder
I've been playing too much of Professor Layton again...solved every single puzzle...except the bonus ones.

22 puzzles left. (If not here I'll take them somewhere else.)


Anyone who solves a puzzle will go in the winners list and receive Picarats.
Each difficulty is worth about the same number of Picarats.
The more errors you make, the less Picarats you will earn.
You have 2 free guesses and every guess after the 2nd will deduct 2 Picarats + 1 for each difficulty level. (applies per person)
*NEW* Stars earned from explanations to answers for each puzzle can be spent on hints. 1 Hint per Star.

Difficulty Levels/Names:

Very Easy - "Another puzzle solved."
*NEW* Easy - "Every puzzle has an answer."
Simple - Locked 1 puzzle more to unlock.
Normal - Locked 4 puzzles more to unlock.
Difficult - Locked 6 puzzles more to unlock.
Challenging - Locked Randomly Dispensed.

Puzzle 1 :

Difficulty: "Another puzzle solved."
Picarats: 25

A man walks around his neighborhood one day when he sees some children selling cookies at a stand. He has some money to spare so he
decides to buy a cookie. A few generous people have just recently bought some boxes of cookies. There are some chocolate chip, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon cookies out on display. The man decides to buy 1 chocolate chip cookie. He gives them the money but the children deny his request. Why?

Hint 1 (Use this Hint if you really can't figure it out)

No Hint Yet :P


This puzzle was simply a test to see if this game has piqued your interest.

Puzzle 2 :

Difficulty: "Another puzzle solved."
Picarats: 25

A random otaku who understands English gives you the word, "Cagayake". The otaku tells you to unscramble those words to create a noun that is slightly related to the anime the word is based from. You realize that the anime is much better than the manga but notice that information is irrelevant. The otaku gives you one hint. There is one adjective in the phrase. You quickly spot the answer and realize how dumb it is. What is the noun? What is the adjective? Now, what is the entire phrase?

Hint 1 :
Hmm, unless some people find this challenging I will keep the hint hidden.


K-ON!! was a far better anime than a manga. Cagayake Girls was the song that this puzzle was referring to. This
puzzle has such a juvenile answer that I barely consider it a puzzle. Enjoy knowing that you can spell "Gay Cake" with that song title. Actually, maybe not. Forget this puzzle ever happened.

Puzzle 3:

Difficulty: "Every puzzle has an answer."
Picarats: 30

Below is a picture consisting of many lines overlapping each other. If you look closely you can see some numbers. But, your goal is to find a letter from A-Z. You must find the letter that I am referring to in my explanation. Lets see if u got it.


You've probably noticed the "u" in the last sentence. That itself was a hint. Giving you the idea that the answer is A,Z, or U.
Once you've deducted that then things would get a little trickier. You would probably need to use 2 of your free guesses to solve this but
there is no penalty for the 2nd guess. Unless, you've guess "U" as well. "U" would not be a likely answer is there are no curves.

Hint 1 :
The letter you're looking for is much more clear in the explanation than the picture. But, its way more obvious in the picture once you find out what letter it is. The letter is a capital letter.

Puzzle 4:


Difficulty: "Every puzzle has an answer." SPECIAL
Picarats: 30 x2 * 's (Requires explanation for full points) (Guesses earn half)

You see some numbers on a wall. There are 3 rows and 4 columns. Your friend tells you that if you add and subtract
the numbers just right you'll find that the numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be shown. But, you must follow the same rules that he did. Also, you must find the least number of adding/subtracting it would take to do so.

1. Add/Subtract as many numbers as you like from the same row.
2. The number(s) that you have added/subtracted will become a new number.
3. Then, add/subtract the number to another number in another row.
4. The number you add/subtract (Not the number you are adding to or subtracting from.) will be erased from the row that is was in.

Example for Rule 2: On the last row you have a 3,2,1. You add the 3 to the 1 and you get a 4. The 3 and the 1 are gone from the row and replaced with 4.

2 1 0 1
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 2

Hint 1:
You're making the 3 rows end up with 1,2 and 3. They can be 3,2,1 or 1,2,3 but your job is to find
the least amount of changes that you'll need to make.

Also, what do you think the zeroes are there for?


Of course, this is still an Easy level puzzle.
You weren't expecting a hard to find answer were you?

Puzzle 5:

Difficulty: "Every puzzle has an answer."
Picarats: 30

You invite guests over to your house for lunch break and they find pieces of paper all over your coffee table.
"Hey, I bet we can do something fun with these." says one of your guests. Your guests decide to grab some nearby
scissors and cut the paper into several pieces. When you get back with some sandwiches you realize that they have
cut and ripped most of your newspapers from this morning. "I was going to read those!" you strongly replied.

They left a hidden word in their paper pieces. The word has something to do with the paper scheme itself.
EDIT: Oh, and there is missing 1 piece.

Hint 1:
The first letter is a T.

Puzzle 6:

Difficulty:"Another puzzle solved."
Picarats: 20

Uh oh, I need to think of a puzzle quickly! With all my puzzle notes I find a text adventure, an anagram, a hidden word and a route puzzle. I need to choose something that goes with the flow of this puzzle explanation. What puzzle should I NOT choose?

Hint 1:
Too easy! If you really need a hint, I pity you.


An anagram would be hard to make out of this. This puzzle is pretty much a text adventure. A hidden word wouldn't be too hard to make. Adding some arrows and direction to anything can make a good route puzzle.

Puzzle 7:

Difficulty: Challenging?
Picarats: 20 (Earns 3 * 's)

There are 7 people in a room. 1 person is watching the 6 other people and currently have no sentences to say but will later on. 2 other people are next to each other and have 10 sentences to say to each other. The other 4 people have nothing to say at all. The 4 people are around the 2 people. The 1 person is a larger distance away from those other 6 people. The people talking to each other and the number of them will change periodically. The 1 person will occasionally be near the 6 other people. 3 people here have a lot to say to the other people. The original 2 people are one of the 3. 2 other people will not need to say anything throughout the entire time.

Find out where they are and categorize each person's job/function.

With all this information you would think the answer is easy to find.
Fine, one more hint. Most of the people are moving around when they are speaking.

Hint 1:
There are actually a lot more people here. These people are doing something around a lot of other people.

Bonus Puzzle: 1

Difficulty: Unknown
Picarats: 30

I was forced to watch the 45th SuperBowl today. (Actually, I was just strongly encouraged) The Packers and the Steelers had a great game but the game really felt long. The game reminded me of a simple route-related puzzle which I decided to duplicate. The objective is to find out the best person to pass the ball to. The Orange player is the one holding the ball. (Offense) The gray is the direction the offense team is going and the other is the direction the defense team is going. Assume that if the lines are crossing the players will run into each other. The players will only move once you pass the ball.

Hint 1 :
Do not read this like you normally would for a football play.


This puzzle will be an example of more bonus puzzles to come. Oh, and if you've watched the Super Bowl. I hope you didn't bet on the Steelers. Good night.

MINI GAME : Text Adventure

This is a mini game where you aren't deducted points for guessing. Good actions give you an extra Picarat while bad actions will deduct a Picarat from your overall score. (Won't go below zero) Finding the right solution will give you +5 extra Picarats. You are allowed 1 action per post.

You wake up in a sturdy tool shed. There is an open door with nothing visible outside. Two windows that seem too small for you to fit through. Some large pebbles on the floor that look light enough to carry.

Find a way out!

Stars are assigned to the person(s) who have answered with less/minimal assumptions and guessing. (per puzzle)
DeathxShinigami - 25 *
pieguy1372 - 25
OzzyOzrock - 25
Rantai - 75 **
Lybydose - 30 **
NoHItter - 30 *

Is it because you can only buy boxes of cookies at that store?

pieguy1372 wrote:

Is it because you can only buy boxes of cookies at that store?
^ this, that and the cookies are prepackaged and are not sold individually like at some cookie stores.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

New Puzzle (about) 10 hours after this post.

This puzzle was a test to see who was interested~


The rest will be harder, I promise you.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
New Puzzles!

Bonus puzzle as compensation for being late.
Puzzle 2: A gay cake?

Bonus 1: I'm going to say the green guy directly above (and slightly forward) to the orange guy, he seems to be the only one without a collision course because the green guy above him will run into the red guy before running into the other green guy.
One adjective, eh? Dumb, eh?

failure (ohhhh)

Wait, that doesn't relate at all...



Wait that's horribly wrong... gah

All I know is that the anime IS better than the manga.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
No high amount of deduction for that one so no star...unless you somehow come up with a highly logical way then good luck.

Try the Bonus?

animask wrote:

No high amount of deduction for that one so no star...unless you somehow come up with a highly logical way then good luck.

Try the Bonus?
I went by the assumption that the anime was K-on! - Cake was a staple food during the club's after school tea time and gay could have stemmed from 1 of two things.

Firstly, the girls seem rather happy (gay) when they eat their cake.

Or secondly, the anime (while I believe the anime had some lesbian/bi undertones) had Mugi, who seemed fascinated by girl's love, who also happened to provide the cake.

Edited the bonus into my original. That's all I've got though.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
Everyone who has answered received points for the 2nd puzzle. Rantai, you received a star for your Bonus explanation. Easy puzzles were also unlocked and the next 2 puzzles will be about 9 hours after this post. (For real this time. No Super Bowl to slow me down this time.) The ability to buy hints with your stars are also available. 1 Hint per Star per Puzzle. (Decided not to do that.) The used stars will be in bold in the winners list.

EDIT: Oh gawd, you did explain it after all. They won't be easy for too long so don't get your hopes up. (For easy puzzles that is)
Ooh, the way Rantai said it makes it seem so right! :‪D
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
New Puzzles!

After these puzzles there will be a new way to earn Picarats without solving puzzles.
(Mini Game that includes solving a problem.)
Puzzle 4, rule 2 is a bit confusing. Or it could be my brain not working right, either way I'll do my best when I wake up.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
Explained your objective and Rule 2 with more information for Puzzle 4. Also, added a hint for Puzzle 4.
Puzzle 4

1 is already shown in row 1
2 is already shown in row 3
3 is found in row 2: 2 + 1 = 3

2 1 0 1
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 2

Your friend tells you that if you add and subtract
the numbers just right you'll find that the numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be shown
The rules say nothing about the entire row having to be a single number, so I win with just one addition/subtraction.

Puzzle 3 makes no sense. You can make a lot of Es, Fs, and Vs out of the lines. Also Os and Cs if you want them to be particularly blocky Os and Cs.

You must find the letter that I am referring to in my explanation
Your explanation doesn't reference anything, so this rule is pretty irrelevant.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
<3 aww

Also, Puzzle 3 is supposed to have m---(spoiler).

You're looking for a specific one.

EDIT: You just haven't found the relevance yet.
Bonus Puzzle:

Trick question. The orange dot is the center, so he passes it to the guy directly behind him (the quarterback).
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

Lybydose wrote:

Bonus Puzzle:

Trick question. The orange dot is the center, so he passes it to the guy directly behind him (the quarterback).
Actually no.
It wasn't a trick question.
The puzzle was already solved.
The puzzle isn't exactly about football.
The puzzle was INSPIRED by football.
Also, who did you expect to win?
I'll take a stab.

Puzzle 3: Looking at the picture there are what looks to be 22 lines. Of those 22, 21 of them clearly cut another line in one form or another. The 21st letter of the alphabet is U, so I'm going to say U is the letter.

Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

Rantai (1 Free Guess left)

You've seemed to find out that the "U" placed in the explanation was there for a reason.
Unfortunately, the "U" wasn't the answer.
Hmm, I'll go with my other train of thought.

Working per sentence, mentioning numbers has me to believe that the number of lines has some significance (22).
We've got to find a letter, that is referred to in the explanation.

I'm thinking the 22nd letter of the explanation sentence, T, is it.

If not, I'm out of ideas for now.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

Rantai (No more free guesses.) Puzzle 3

Buy a Hint for 1 Star? :)

animask wrote:


Rantai (No more free guesses.) Puzzle 3

Buy a Hint for 1 Star? :)
>.< I bet I'm overthinking this.

Hint me :P
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
Hint for Puzzle 3 unlocked!

Good Luck~

I'll also be posting the next 3 puzzles (about) 10 hours from this post.

FYI, I'll be here for 20 more minutes.
One last try before I need to go.

The letter X, I can see it in the picture and it's one of the 2 capital letters that have overlapping lines.

Looking forward to more, I love puzzles (even if I can't get them)
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
Sorry, incorrect again. Just to let you know before you go so you can think of what it may be later on.
Puzzle 3:
First guess- Z
Second guess - A

Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
oh gawd...

I think those 2 choices pretty much explain that you know the pattern.

Oh damn, I thought I over thought that badly. Good times :D
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
3 New Puzzles have been added!
(Mini Game arriving today!)

I lost the rest of my puzzle notes D:

Will find them after school today. (Short Day)

EDIT: Eh...they weren't good puzzles after all...making new ones tomorrow.
6 and 7 were filler puzzles Dx
Puzzle 5: Staring at it isn't helping right now.

Puzzle 6: Only an anagram stands out to me.

Puzzle 7: :S
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

Rantai wrote:

Puzzle 5: Staring at it isn't helping right now. Think of other ways of looking at it. Try to form a letter somehow. Any letter.

Puzzle 6: Only an anagram stands out to me. CORRECT! See it was easy after all...

Puzzle 7: :S I know its a lame puzzle...if someone manages to solve if there is a big star reward. A good idea for this puzzle is to draw out the people in your mind first. Then, fill it in with possible roles until one of them fits perfectly. The answer isn't something unusual.
Oh the text game: I would walk out through the open door carrying some pebbles with me just in case I need them.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
- 1 Picarat (Rantai)

An invisible well...made you trip and some unknown things came and knocked you unconscious and back in the tool shed again.

Obviously, that open door was a trap.

Pebbles are back in the shed.

You wake up and try this again.
Mmm figured that was too simple...

What if I looked around and searched for any tools, being a tool shed.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
+ 1 (Rantai)

Oh, you found something that you didn't see earlier!

A wooden stool. This might have been useful earlier on.

Also, you find a crowbar, an empty toolbox, and a coin.
I guess the next step would be to look closer at the shed walls and peer through the windows.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
+ 2 (Rantai)

The walls seem to be strongly bolted together. You look up and see some wooden planks that make a floor near the ceiling.

The wooden planks look like they could fall down easily.

You look through the window and notice that the windows look loose and can be removed from the inside.

(kay I'm going now lol)
Hmm, I'm curious to know what that platform might be hiding. Using the stool, I might be able to get my head level with the platform and take a good look at what's up there.
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
+ 2 (Rantai)

The stool seems to be tall enough to see the top of the platform.

You don't find anything up there but the whole platform looks fragile. Any sudden movement might make the wooden planks collapse.
For lack of attempts, I'll take a guess at puzzle 5.

Topic Starter
Sleep Powder

Rantai wrote:

For lack of attempts, I'll take a guess at puzzle 5.


Rantai ( 1 free guess left )

The answer is not a month or a date.

( But that was a decent conclusion based on facts. )
Topic Starter
Sleep Powder
Added Hints for the currently unsolved puzzles.
Minigame: Hmm, I'd want to take those planks down seeing as nothing is up there. Starting at the very edge of the platform where there is no wood above me. I'm thinking putting the stool near a wall and using the wall as extra balance, I take the platform down by hand. If the wood is too heavy to lift, pry them loose with the crowbar and let them fall.
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