
¡#spanish Chicos vs Chicas! ¡Concurso de mappeo!

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Topic Starter

Con el fin de seguir estrechando lazos entre la comunidad de beatmappers y modders de #spanish, tendremos un pequeño concurso de mappeo por equipos. Será mujeres vs hombres, y solo habrá un ganador.


· Habrá 2 equpios, cada uno compuesto por beatmappers y modders de habla hispana, uno de mujeres y otro de hombres.
· Cada equipo tiene 1 coordinador, quien se comunicará con migo para nombarme los integrantes oficiales de su equipo (quienes el coordinador elegirá a su juicio), se encargará de coordinar su collab y de entregarlo a la fecha.
· Se entregará un mapset con un mínimo de 3 dificultades . Todas estas dificultades deben ser collabs, sin embargo, no es obligatorio que todos los miembros del equipo participen en todas las dificultades.
· No hay un límite máximo de integrantes por equipo, si hay un mínimo (3 integrantes). A tener en cuenta es que cantidad no siempre significa calidad :3
· Cada equipo debe tener su beatmap listo en la fecha límite (por definir), fecha en la cual será revisado por los jueces y juzgado según los aspectos mencionados abajo. A tener en cuenta, es que cada equipo lo puede subir por BSS si lo considera necesario para ganar mods y mejorar potencialmente su mapset.
· Cada mapa debe seguir las reglas oficiales de submisión de mapas.
· Se pueden incluir dificultades Taiko en los mapsets si se estima necesario, mas estas no serán juzgadas dado a la falta de conocimiento de nuestros jueces en taiko y la incapacidad de determinar si ambos equipos harán una dificultad Taiko.

A juzgar

· Jugabilidad:
- Patrones musicales intuitivos y creativos.
- Posicionamiento de círculos y sliders que de consistencia y diversión al mapset.
- Distribución razonable de dificultades. Que el mapset sea potencialmente jugable por todo miembro de osu!

· Atractivo visual:
- Background, SB, Skin, Video ¡Todo vale para hacer sus mapas lo más atractivos posible!
- Colores de círculos, inclución de colorhax donde haga sentido, etc.
- Sliders atractivos y hermosos a la vista.

· Coordinación y trabajo en equipo:
- Flujo intuitivo y coordinado de las partes del collab. Sincronización entre todos los mappers.
- Repartición de trabajos en el collab. ¿Quien hizo los hitsounds? ¿Alguién retocó los sliders? etc. *

(las reglas se sujetan a cambios en el futuro si se estima necesario)

¡Sin más demoras, les presento a los coordinadores de cada equipo!

- Beuchi-Chan [Coordinadora]
- Lissette
- Lizbeth
- lovhin456

Canción a mappear: Paulina, Vale, Clari y Vane- Amigas por siempre

- Gonzvlo [Coordinador]
- Astom
- Erufen-Rito
- Vicho-Kun
- KennezEdward

Canción a mappear: Motel - Dime Ven



Fecha Límite:
Sabado 12 de Marzo.

Rules in english
· There will be 2 teams, each team composed of hispanic mappers and modders, a girls team and a boys team
· Each team will have 1 coordinator, who will comunicate with me to give me the details of the members of each team (each coordinator must choose his own members at hsi own judgement), will coordinate his/her collab and to get it submitted on date.
· Each team will submit a mapset with at least 3 diffs . All those diffs must be collabs, though, it's not mandatory for each team member to be on eachn diff.
· There's not a maximum limit on members per team, but there is a minimum (3 imembers). Take in mind, quantity doesn't mean quality.
· Each team must have his collab ready on the limit date (to be defined). This will eb the date when the judges will judge the map on the fields mentioned below. Each team can submit his mapset with BSS if the coordinator thinks it's necesary, tio get mods and potentially improve his/her mapset.
· Each mapset must follow the oficial ranking criteria the oficial ranking criteria.
· Taiko diffs can be included in the mapset if necesary, but they won't be judged due to the lack of knowledge on Taiko diffs from our judges and me not being able to tell if both teams will do a Taiko diff or not.

Judge Criteria

· Gameplay desu:
- Creative and intuitive musical patterns
- Circle and slider placement that gives the mapsets consistency and make them fun to play.
- Reasonable diff spread. The mapsets should be potentially playeable for every member of osu!

· Visual appeal desu:
- Background, SB, Skin, Video... Everything that's necesary to make a mapset pretty !
- Combo colors, colorhax, etc.
- Pretty and creative sliders.

· Coordination and teamwork desu:
- Intuitive and coordinated flow of each parts on the collab. Sincronization between the mappers
- How the members helped each other. ¿Who hitsounded? ¿Someone took care of the sliders? etc. * (I'll contact each coordinator on the submission date to get this info)

(Rules may be changed if the judges think it's necesary)

The teams

- Beuchi-Chan [Coordinator]
- Lissette
- Lizbeth
- lovhin456

Song to map: Paulina, Vale, Clari y Vane- Amigas por siempre

- Gonzvlo [Coordinator]
- Astom
- Erufen-Rito
- Vicho-Kun
- KennezEdward

Song to map: Motel - Dime Ven

Date of Judging:
Saturday, March 12

El premio consistirá en un mes de supporter para todos los miembros del equipo ganador, cortesía de Danzai.

Sin más que decir que... ¡Muy buena suerte a ambos equipos y que gane el mejor!

*Este punto requiere de la ayuda de ambos coordinadores, me comunicaré con ambos para los detalles sobre este punto.


Liss & Liz ... GG Absoluto.! ♥
Interesante ...
Nunca me dijeron que eran chicas vs chicos.

Hohoho mentira, soy chico y demostraremos que los chicos > chicas ;D

Suerte a todos, participare! ;D

ErufenRito wrote:

Nunca me dijeron que eran chicas vs chicos.

Hohoho mentira, soy chico y demostraremos que los chicos > chicas ;D

Suerte a todos, participare! ;D
"QUE HACIA EN EL TEAM DE CHICOS??? SOY CHICAA" No hay esa categoria, Lo siento.
aaaaa me dio depresion :(

pero bueno , uds mappean mejor asi ke siempre se les daran los meritos

gl en el concurso y aparte cual es el premio ?

PD : Chicas : Beuchi [SB WIN] , Lizbeth , Lisette , Sakura_hana [MAPPING WIN]

dense por vencidos chicos hahahaha , no mentira arriba y suerte :D
Si falta alguno en el equipo de chicos no duden en consultarme por MP o In-Game.
Aunque aun me falta por aprender a mappear :T

eldnl wrote:

Si falta alguno en el equipo de chicos no duden en consultarme por MP o In-Game.
Aunque aun me falta por aprender a mappear :T
Tu mapeas bien :D
Topic Starter
Actualizado con los miembros de cada equipo.
Puedo participar? me parece interesante :B
Topic Starter
Se me olvidaba:
Fecha Límite: Sabado 12 de Marzo.
Mucha suerte a ambos equipos!
Y Vicho-kun esta concursando por lo hombres? a sorry XD

eldnl wrote:

Y Vicho-kun esta concursando por lo hombres? a sorry XD
aersh? ¬¬ .l.

eldnl wrote:

Y Vicho-kun esta concursando por lo hombres? a sorry XD
hahahhahaahha xD

#Spanish: Chicos vs. Chicas


  1. Género: Masculino/Chicos/Hombres
  2. Coordinador: Gonzvlo
  3. Integrantes:
    1. Astom
    2. Erufenrito
    3. KenezzEdward
    4. Vicho-Kun
  1. Artista: Motel
  2. Titulo: Dime Ven
  3. Genero: Rock
  4. Duración: 03:30:834
  5. Dificultades:
    1. Easy (1.61)
    2. Normal (3.53)
    3. Hard (4.79)
  1. Repartición:
  2. Diseño
    1. Storyboard/BG: Astom/Gonzvlo
    2. Skin: Gonzvlo/Erufenrito
    3. Hitsounds: c/ participante (Astom, ErufenRito, KenezzEdward, Gonzvlo y Vicho-kun)
    4. SliderArt: c/ participante
  1. Link


#Spanish: Boys vs. Girls


  1. Team: Guys/Boys
  2. Coordinator: Gonzvlo
  3. Contestants:
    1. Astom
    2. Erufenrito
    3. KenezzEdward
    4. Vicho-Kun
  1. Artist: Motel
  2. Title: Dime Ven
  3. Genre: Rock
  4. Total Time: 03:30:834
  5. Dificulties:
    1. Easy (1.61)
    2. Normal (3.53)
    3. Hard (4.79)
Map Development
  1. Parts:
  2. Design:
    1. Storyboard/BG: Astom/Gonzvlo
    2. Skin: Gonzvlo/Erufenrito
    3. Hitsounds: Each contestant (Astom, ErufenRito, KenezzEdward, Gonzvlo and Vicho-kun)
    4. SliderArt: Each contestant
  1. Link

#spanish: Chicos vs. Chicas


  1. Género: Chicas
  2. Coordinadora: Beuchi-chan
  3. Integrantes:
    1. Lissette
    2. Lizbeth
    3. lovhin456
  1. Artista: Vale, Clari, Pau & Vane
  2. Titulo: Amigas Por Siempre
  3. Genero: Pop
  4. Duración: 03:36:602
  5. Dificultades:
    1. Easy (1.98)
    2. Normal (3.80)
    3. Hard (4.85)
  1. Repartición:


  2. Diseño
    1. Storyboard/BG: Beuchi-chan
    2. Skin: lovhin456
    3. Hitsounds: c/ participante
    4. SliderArt: c/ participante
  1. Link


#spanish: Boys vs. Girls


  1. Team: Girls
  2. Coordinator: Beuchi-chan
  3. Contestants:
    1. Lissette
    2. Lizbeth
    3. lovhin456
  1. Artist: Vale, Clari, Pau & Vane
  2. Title: Amigas Por Siempre
  3. Genre: Pop
  4. Total Time: 03:36:602
  5. Dificulties:
    1. Easy (1.98)
    2. Normal (3.80)
    3. Hard (4.85)
Map Development
  1. Parts:


  2. Design:
    1. Storyboard/BG: Beuchi-chan
    2. Skin: lovhin456
    3. Hitsounds: Each contestant
    4. SliderArt: Each contestant
  1. Link
Ahora a esperar por los resultados :>
Topic Starter
Ok, enviaré un PM a los jueces pronto con los datos y ellos tendrán un periodo para juzgar, dentro del cual recibirán sus resultados.
Muchas gracias por participar!!!

EDIT: Los miembros del equipo ganador recibirán 1 Month Supporter, cortesía de Danzai. Los Resultados debieran estar antes de (o a mas tardar) este domingo.
Esta bien peleada la cosa o:
Suerte a todos~~ =D

ilu Astomoe *.*
Perdieron cabros suerte pa la proxima xD
Topic Starter
Lamento decirlo pero los jueces se atrasaron (baka) y los resultados estarán el miercoles :<

Krisom wrote:

Lamento decirlo pero los jueces se atrasaron (baka) y los resultados estarán el miercoles :<
Blame Erufen~

eldnl wrote:

Perdieron cabros suerte pa la proxima xD
Ehhh ya, obvio (Y) lo qe tu digai ;)

Krisom wrote:

Lamento decirlo pero los jueces se atrasaron (baka) y los resultados estarán el miercoles :<
Quiero resultados ya. D:

ErufenRito wrote:

Quiero resultados ya. D:

vamo a la casa de krisom a prenderle fuego :twisted:

Astom wrote:

ErufenRito wrote:

Quiero resultados ya. D:

vamo a la casa de krisom a prenderle fuego :twisted:
Ohh dijiste fuego?? Si si vamos!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Y a los de los jueces tambien :twisted:

EDIT: Oh por dios Krisom, solo estoy echando broma >=o


Verdisphena wrote:

Topic Starter
Lamento decirlo pero por motivos de fuerza mayor Derek no está listo aún con sus votos y jeri no podrá juzgar. Si quieren puedo publicar los votos de larto mientras busco otro MAT dispuesto a ser juez.

Krisom wrote:

Lamento decirlo pero por motivos de fuerza mayor Derek no está listo aún con sus votos y jeri no podrá juzgar. Si quieren puedo publicar los votos de larto mientras busco otro MAT dispuesto a ser juez.
D: bueno, se se le va a hacer, por mi puedes colocar primero los votos de Larto nomás C:

Krisom wrote:

Lamento decirlo pero por motivos de fuerza mayor Derek no está listo aún con sus votos y jeri no podrá juzgar. Si quieren puedo publicar los votos de larto mientras busco otro MAT dispuesto a ser juez.

Astom wrote:

Krisom wrote:

Lamento decirlo pero por motivos de fuerza mayor Derek no está listo aún con sus votos y jeri no podrá juzgar. Si quieren puedo publicar los votos de larto mientras busco otro MAT dispuesto a ser juez.
Posiblemente los resultados esten hoy o mañana, eso espero :3


IRC wrote:

Krisom: Los votos de jericho ya están listos.

@Erufenrito: No son falsas ilusiones, es una gran probabilidad.
Deja de dar falsas ilusiones a la gente... mucho hiciste ya con matar los ponys de nanin :<

ErufenRito wrote:

Deja de dar falsas ilusiones a la gente... mucho hiciste ya con matar los ponys de nanin :<
Yapo! Para cuando ):?

please don't kill me :(
/me uses Sheer Cold on Derekku

1 HIT KO!!!

*Enemy Derekku has fainted*

Topic Starter
Ok muchachos/as, primero felicitarlos a todos por la buena calidad de ambos mapas, me sorprende lo bien que quedaron en el tiempo que había de límite. Ojalá hayan aprendido a trabajar en equipo y sobretodo estrechado lazos entre ustedes.

<Switches to english> I also want to thank the Judges who used some of their free time to help us with this contest, giving detailed feedback on every map, thanks a lot guys! I love you all (but derek <w<) </vuelve al español>

Sin más demora, los resultados:


Gameplay: 8/10
Visual Appeal: 9/10
Coordination and teamwork: 8/10
Total: 25/30

Larto wrote:

· Gameplay desu:
- Creative and intuitive musical patterns
No problem here. I could play the majority of the chosen musical patterns without wondering "what is this doing here". I think the hitsounds contributed to that effect in some way, so good job on those. Though I've gotta say at some spots in Hard it feels like you mapped to too much at once, and at some spots in Normal it feels like you mapped to unusually little stuff (especially in Astom's). Even while mapping a Normal you should be able to map more than just white ticks =P. Otherwise it gets just a bit monotonous. 8/10

- Circle and slider placement that gives the mapsets consistency and make them fun to play.
Most parts worked perfectly well with each other. The spacing overall was easy to read over all the parts, except for one spot that Gonzvlo mapped (00:34:559 (8,1,2) - on hard). That spacing change was odd, especially since there are no comparable ones later in the map. Overall, Gonzvlo's parts were kind of the odd ones out here, but mostly in the visuals, as he prefers to be super symmetric and pretty. The rhythms/instruments that were mapped to were usually the same, and if they changed over the course of the collab, it wasn't too strange-sounding to throw off the player much. Overall, it was pretty okay. 8/10

- Reasonable diff spread. The mapsets should be potentially playeable for every member of osu!
Hard felt like a Hard/Insane, Normal like a Normal/Hard, Easy felt like an Easy/Normal. Nothing to see here. But noobs get confused by short sliders with more than 1 repeat, so don't do those too often. 9/10

25/30 = 8.33/10 = 8/10

· Visual appeal desu:
- Background, SB, Skin, Video... Everything that's necesary to make a mapset pretty !
Can absolutely not complain here. I can see that there was more than enough effort put into the Storyboard and the skin. This needs no further commenting, awesome job. 10/10

- Combo colors, colorhax, etc.
While the colours definitely fit the map/BG, they all look quite similar. Though I can't think of any better ones. Nice enough. 9/10

- Pretty and creative sliders.
Nothing exceptional, but Gonz and Kenezz definitely put most effort into the prettiness of the sliders. On the other hand, none of the sliders are ugly or anything. Most are just standard, with Gonz and Kenezz being sexier than the others. Pretty okay. 7/10

26/30 = 8.66/10 = 9/10

· Coordination and teamwork desu:
- Intuitive and coordinated flow of each parts on the collab. Sincronization between the mappers
Like I mentioned earlier, the parts flowed really, really well into each other. While Gonzvlo's and Kenezz's styles looked a bit different from the other ones, they didn't PLAY much different, which is the important point. Both focused a bit more to the vocals in a few parts than the others did, but that was the main difference and doesn't influence my rating all that much. Nice! 8/10

- How the members helped each other. ¿Who hitsounded? ¿Someone took care of the sliders? etc.
I can't say that I know how well this was coordinated, but looking at the final product and how there are so few issues in all the parts, and, like I mentioned previously, as all the parts flow into each other so bloody well, I cannot complain much. Just the moderately uncreative sliders in all parts but Kenezz's and Gonzo's are a minor gripe, which could probably have been made a bit more creative. 8/10
16/20 = 8/10

Overall score: 8/10 + 9/10 + 8/10 = 25/30

Gameplay: 7.5/10
Visual Appeal: 7/10
Coordination and teamwork: N/J
Total: 14.5/20 -> 22/30 (regla de 3)

jericho2442 wrote:

ok first off i will say that i wont judge the mp3's most likely the mp3's was not found to be as good as each other and different songs can be harder than others to find, what i WILL say is that the girls mp3 sucks horridly, i wont judge on this though.

· Visual appeal

SB: 6/10
Combo colours: 6/10
Skin: 9/10
Overall section: 7/10
info on why
ok first off what a terrible choice to use a plain black gradient as the BG for the song.

SB: ok nice idea behind the SB, gets abit repetitive seing the same thing over and over tbh but it flows nice and looks nice, the biggest problem is the HUUUGE amount of glitchs and mistakes in this SB, first off you have a flicker of the tree's at the start, then the "tree" image is not placed perfect so you can see the image behind it at the bottom of the screen, this is a very ugly glitch, and also later in the map the layering of the images mess up and it becomes even more ugly, if only more time would of been spent making this SB bug free it would of been great, as it is, its a great idea presented in a very buggy and average way,

COMBO COLOUR'S: nice idea, but some colours blend waay too much with each other mainly in the kiai sections, making it hard to tell some parts from each other, more depth in the colour range was needed here tbh

SKIN: now this is the part where you gain point back, skin was great, all the elements looked great and suited the overall map style perfect, great job here

· Gameplay


Easy: 8/10
Normal 7/10
Hard 7.5/10
Overall 7.5/10

info on why
tiny but you forgot to set a preview point xD

great easy, flow was great and every part seemed to work great, its not without its faults though because the waiting stacks like 02:39:525 (1,2) - played extremely bad and even though im a insane diff player even i missed the timing on these stacks due to a combo of the music not following it and the rhythm created before it, making me want to continue following the strong beat

nice normal, few probs though, first off your hitsounding goes abit wrong at the start of the map, with soft notes where you should have the custom drum and sometimes not following anything at all, that part did feel rather odd, also the part at 00:42:421 (2,3,1,2) - it was a really bad choice to start this new combo with a smaller spacing than the current spacing, it felt odd to play and it makes the player want to play it faster than it is, infact this and the 2 combos after it feel like they have some kind of identity crisis on what spacing it wants to be, thus sending the flow all over the place.
after you get more into the map though it becomes much better, so overall abit of a messy start but becomes better as you play on into the map more.

map is nice, and flows pretty good, i would say a few parts dont really fit like the weird spacing at 00:34:559 (8,1,2,3) .
overall the hitsounding is nice and so is the overall flow, placements of the breaks is also good and so is the kiai placement, some ulgy combo's and extreme overlaps, but overall a nice solid map

· Coordination and teamwork
tbh i think this section comes under how the maps played and its pretty much impossible to fairly judge without seing and knowing of how the members made the collab's, a lot can happen behind the scenes what a judge does not know of for these factors, thus thats why i aint gonna judge on this merit

Gameplay: 9/10
Visual Appeal: 8/10
Coordination and teamwork: 9/10
Total: 26/30

Derekku wrote:

*Offset was noticably late. Try -12.
*Mia Mont - Lolah (Gonzvlo).osb: Not sure why this is here?
*Using BG.jpg for the song selection screen and map thumbnail really isn't the best idea. Something more appropriate should have been used for the thumbnail; remember that you can always fade the image out before the map begins.
*Spinner elements: Not sure why "spin" has an exclamation mark while clear/osu don't, but that's a vey minor thing, of course.
*No preview point was set. >.>;;
*Tags: Gonzvlo and Gonz aren't needed since it's his map; Erufen, Kenezz, and Vicho aren't needed since searching any of those in would yield the full name tag.
*Expected a spinner at the end of each difficulty that fades out into silence, but that's just what I would have done. P:
*SB isn't correct at the beginning. The moon bg is shown for a split second and then jumps to the full black bg.

01:46:146 (2,1) - Would have flowed better as a slider.
03:18:421 (6,1,2) - spacing is incorrect

00:32:697 (1) - red tick was a bit unexpected. Maybe changing 00:32:077 (3,1) to a slider would have worked better.
00:42:008 (1,2,3) - I really don't like the large jumpy spacing here. It's the only time I see it in the diff, which really isn't consistent overall.
00:45:318 (1,2,3) - ^
00:49:870 (3,4,1) - why overlap one and not the other? o.o;
01:58:766 (3,4,1) - try to avoid stacking notes like this; it can be a bit confusing
03:27:525 (1) - comes a bit early after the last spinner... maybe shorten the spinner by 1/2?

*1.2x and 1.35x speed changes felt awkward since they were only used in the second chorus.
00:34:559 (8,1,2,3) - I read this fine, but the distance spacing is really incorrect.
00:37:663 (2) - ffffffff those unsymmetrical sliderticks
01:13:042 - expected a note here and missed :/
02:50:283 (1,2,3,4,1) - a bit confusing to read because of the stacking (the mass of overlapping stacked notes is too much)
03:03:939 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Easy to play, but the stack leniency makes this look a bit odd.

[Gameplay] (9/10)
*Difficulty spread was absolutely great! The easy was easy enough, the normal was nice, and the hard was difficult enough for an insane diff player like me to enjoy without being too difficult to be considered "Hard" instead of "Insane".
*Object placement was overall very intuitive and fun to play. I wasn't bored while playing any part of the map, and would definitely want to play it again.
*Hitsounds fit well and didn't feel over or underused. I heard sounds where I expected them and got some nice little surprises and ear candy at other times. Also, I love that normal-hitnormal was used with the soft sampleset; genius!

[Visual Appeal] (8/10)
*Opening SB (#spanish boys vs girls) seemed a bit cliché, but I liked it.
*The rest of the storyboard was amazing, and really fit the mood of the song. However, my one complaint is that the breaks felt a bit empty. I wish that there had been more visual interaction during those to keep the player interested.
*Also, the lyrics were a nice touch and the SB'd names looked great.
*The skin was a bit bright (and I can see many people removing it before playing), but overall I thought it was nice. I like the cursor, but it's a bit too bright and just turns into a ball of white during most of the song; especially during kiai when all of the flashy lighting effects appear.
*Combo colors 1 and 3 were pretty identical... I would have liked to seen them a bit more distinct from each other.
*No sliders were ugly or oddly-shaped. They looked nice and played well!

[Coordination/Teamwork] (9/10)
*Nearly all parts of each difficulty flowed together perfectly. A couple of spots felt out of place, but overall it felt like one cohesive mapset.
*It seems that everyone pulled their weight and worked well together. Great job!

Total score: 26/30

Guest Judge! Odaril
Gameplay: 6/10
Visual Appeal: 5/10
Coordination and teamwork: 9/10
Total: 20/30

Odaril wrote:

>Gameplay desu 7/10
I found the difficulty to be quite uneven... But the map had a very good flow.
That was a pretty good easy imo, despite being at times too hard.

>Visual Appeal desu 5/10
Lots of overlaps... And overuse of symmetry. Though the sliderart was better in this diff.

>Teamwork desu 9/10
The parts connected well, but were uneven in difficulty.
This time though, every mapper made nice sliders.

>Gameplay desu 6/10
Lots of stack and slider-to-slider patterns that make the difficulty harder than it actually is...
The map played fine once again. The flow was decent.
The global difficulty was regular as well.

>Visual Appeal desu 5/10
There were a few nice sliders, but too many patterns are symmetrical.

>Teamwork desu 9/10
The parts connected well. The difficulty of each part was good regarding the others.

>Gameplay desu 7/10
The map played fine. There weren't any surprising parts, the difficulty was overall regular.
The flow could have been better, I think.

>Visual Appeal desu 4/10
The map looked pretty standard to me.
Despite a few original sliders, I saw some patterns that I have seen lots of time before.

>Teamwork desu 9/10
The parts connected very well. They are similar, but I could feel each mapper's style anyway.

>Gameplay desu 6/10
The difficulty spread is good, and each diff does match its name.
They all play fine, and have a decent flow.
Though once again, the overuse of symmetry makes them somewhat repetitive.
Same for the hitsounds: for all three diffs, there are parts when the hitsounds are too loud.
The custom clap is too loud compared to the other hitsounds.
This causes the player to only hear the clap, and having the basic clap pattern used all the way through is repetitive.

>Visual Appeal desu 5/10
The sliders are globally rather simple, despite a few good examples.
All three diffs don't have the same visual appeal at all. Be it for overlaps, or sliders, every diff is completely different from the others.
That's a plus, but it backfired in some cases, for example with some overlaps.
Overall, there are too many symmetrical patterns.
The storyboard was quite simple, but effective (despite having the background appear in the beginning)

>Teamwork desu 9/10
As said in every diff's commentary, the parts connected very well.
They were similar enough for the map to have a continous flow, but not enough to look like they were all made by the same mapper.
The global feeling of each part was the same, which made the map play rather well.

Above average/average map. The flow was good, but the construction is rather generic.


Gameplay: 7/10
Visual Appeal: 7/10
Coordination and teamwork: 4/10
Total: 18/30

Larto wrote:

· Gameplay desu:
- Creative and intuitive musical patterns
The used musical patterns were nothing overwhelming; not terrible, but tend to feel odd while playing because it switches between different, unrelated instruments/rhythms in the song at times. 5/10

- Circle and slider placement that gives the mapsets consistency and make them fun to play.
Consistency was definitely there, within each mapper's parts, but some parts really didn't flow over to other parts well, especially with Beuchi-chan's mapping. Most of the time, her mapping was vocal-focused and way easier and lower-spaced than other parts. So, within every part, everything is quite wonderfully consistent and fun in its own way, but some parts are so different from each other that the transition just feels awkward. 6/10

- Reasonable diff spread. The mapsets should be potentially playeable for every member of osu!
Cannot complain. Hard feels like a Hard/Insane, Normal feels like a Normal/Hard, and Easy feels like an Easy/Normal. Easy did have some spots that might be confusing for nubs though, especially due to the high amount of repeat sliders. Yeeees, repeat sliders confuse nubs. 9/10
Overall Score: 20/30 = 6.66/10 = 7/10

· Visual appeal desu:
- Background, SB, Skin, Video... Everything that's necesary to make a mapset pretty !
BG is pretty low quality, really; Though the skin and the SB were quite nicely made, even if the SB wasn't anything too special. Substracting only a few points for the 640x480 BG (use 1024x768 or at least 800x600 =( ) and for the lack of anything really cool in the SB. 7/10

- Combo colors, colorhax, etc.
Didn't notice any colorhax, I don't know how you could have done anything too creative though. The combo colours are sweet, fit to the background, but don't blend in (though you could hardly have any blending colours with this BG). The blue colour is a bit out of place, but hey, it worked. 9/10

- Pretty and creative sliders.
That was a bit lacking. Most sliders were either just standard stuff, or creative, but kind of ugly. Especially lovinh's parts had a lot of really blech looking sliders. You need to work on that. Beuchi however saves the rating a bit here by putting in some really nice looking wave sliders and archs. 5/10
21/30 = 7/10

· Coordination and teamwork desu:
- Intuitive and coordinated flow of each parts on the collab. Sincronization between the mappers
Like I mentioned previously, the collab aspect of this map is kind of strange. Beuchi's and lovinh's style didn't suit the other two too much. Especially the extreme spacing switches at times can throw off the player, e.g. Beuchi's and Lissette's parts are in two different dimensions spacing-wise. This just doesn't work too well. 4/10

- How the members helped each other. ¿Who hitsounded? ¿Someone took care of the sliders? etc.
I don't think that there was much coordination in the map itself; map-wise, everyone did his own thing, like I said before. e.g. you could have had someone to double-check the slider prettiness, but I don't actually think that happened, because the sliders in beuchi's parts are pretty and creative, in lizbeth's and lissette's parts they're standard, and lovinh's sliders just look unfitting =| I think this alone shows how little coordination went into this. Sorry! 3/10
7/20 = 3.5/10 = 4/10

Overall score: 7/10 + 7/10 + 4/10 = 18/30

Gameplay: 7/10
Visual Appeal: 6.5/10
Coordination and teamwork: N/J
Total: 13.5/20 -> 20/30 (regla de 3)

jericho2442 wrote:

ok first off i will say that i wont judge the mp3's most likely the mp3's was not found to be as good as each other and different songs can be harder than others to find, what i WILL say is that the girls mp3 sucks horridly, i wont judge on this though.

· Visual appeal

SB 6.5/10
SKIN: 5/10
Overall section 6.5/10
info on why
SB: very simple idea behind it, it works but it also leaves me wanting more, with such ppl behind it i expected more than just a simple dim/light SB for different mappers, still it was glitch free, looked nice and a nice choice of BG to follow it as well, short, simple, but does the job, biggest problem is how average the SB is

COMBO COLOURS: ok combo colours was perfect choice on this map, they fit with the BG perfect, yet dont blend in at all, great job on this section

SKIN: now i have to say this point is not very good, first off the cursor does not suit your hit circles much and thus looks out of place, also no skin on the life bar so the default lifebar looks extremely odd with this skin, the spinner was nice at least though, i guess im saying again its ok, just very very average overall

· Gameplay


Easy: 8/10
Normal: 6/10
Hard: 7/10
Overall 7/10

info on why
EASY: at parts of this diff the clap becomes waaay too loud can really not nice, tbh overall the hitsounds in this diff was extremely average, the map itself though was fantastic, great patterns what always changed and you kept a Easy fun for the whole song, just unfortunate about the hitsounding but good job

NORMAL: first thing i noticed is YIKES that clap is waaay to loud for the song, tbh it even started to hurt my ears :/ also some of the slider was nice to look at yea, but sometimes to get that shape you have ended the sliders on a weird timing, like the first chorus, first time you end them at the white ticks like 01:01:002 (6) but then others you end it on the red tick like 01:10:602 (3) this creates a bad flow due to the player not being able to relax into a rhythm. i do like how you have a lot of original patterns in the map though to keep it nice and fresh, and some of the timing patterns work great too so kudo for that

HARD: ok this map started great, nice hitsounding, nice patterns, nice flow, then suddenly as i get more into the song, the hitsounds kinda became average, and then lots of 1/4 triple patterns get used in area's what dont really suit and feel like they are used to increase difficulty rather than to flow to the song, also some parts could do with some cleaning up where some combos have 2 different spacings even though they clearly should only have one, its unfortunate, i wish this map would of kept going as good as it started, but while its in no way bad, it became abit average

· Coordination and teamwork
tbh i think this section comes under how the maps played and its pretty much impossible to fairly judge without seing and knowing of how the members made the collab's, a lot can happen behind the scenes what a judge does not know of for these factors, thus thats why i aint gonna judge on this merit

Gameplay: 7/10
Visual Appeal: 7/10
Coordination and teamwork: 7/10
Total: 21/30

Derekku wrote:

*Unfortunately, the mp3 quality isn't that great. It might have been better if the volume were raised some, since right now it's pretty quiet and I really have to turn my volume up to make it sound normal.
*I would have included spinner osu/spin/clear elements so that players' skins don't get mixed in.
*Source: Shouldn't "aventura" be capitalized?
*Timing is quite off. Only one uninherited section is needed, and it's a flat 150.00 BPM. Offset is also a bit off, but 1,828 should work pretty well.

00:51:428 (1,1,2,3) - Stacking overlaps the slider and looks strange.
02:28:228 (2,3,1) - ^
*A few other notes were spaced a bit too close as well (where they would nearly overlap), but it wasn't a big deal; Parts would have just looked neater.

*Approach Rate felt a bit slow. Raising it one tick felt much better.
00:30:628 (5) - slider is shaped a bit weird; which makes the repeat arrow not face the right direction.
01:02:228 (7) - I thought that this was only 1/2 after the slider, since the previous slider/notes did the same.
01:15:428 - Nice use of authentic breaks.
03:32:428 (1) - Expected this to be silenced like Easy's was.

*AIMod lists a few unsnapped notes.
00:03:028 (4,1) - overlap doesn't look neat.
*Similar to Easy, many spots have some overlapped 1/1 or 1/2 notes which don't look very neat and are sometimes confusing.
00:24:228 - Nice use of authentic breaks.
00:59:828 (2,3,4) - Unrankable. The second repeat of the slider is hidden under the hitbursts from 2/3.
01:31:428 (6) - Try adjusting the slider nodes with tiny grids so that the sliderticks overlap properly.
01:56:628 (6) - Really not a good idea to hide a kick/repeating slider under other objects, especially since the repeats are hidden and are technically unrankable. :/
02:24:428 (5) - Sounded a bit odd. Try removing one of the repeats.
02:49:028 (2,3,4) - Unrankable. Same as 00:59.
03:09:628 (7) - I advise against doing squiggly sliders like this, especially in a collab diff like this where parts should be more cohesive.
03:32:628 (1) - Expected the spinner to star 1/2 earlier like in the last two diffs and be silenced the entire time.

[Gameplay] (7/10)
*Overall, the difficulty spread was nice. The easy was a bit too fast-paced, but I didn't have any major complaints with it. Normal felt like a Normal, and Hard felt like a Hard.
*However, many parts of each difficulty had notes that overlapped or didn't look very neat, and that distracted me from gameplay at times. Sight-reading wasn't a big issue, but there was still a lot of room for improvement.
*Most hitsounds sounded nice, but I felt that normal-whistles and normal-claps were a bit overused at times. They didn't sound bad, per se, but just a bit overpowering. Perhaps lowering the volume would have helped some.
*The mapping seemed to follow instrumentals or mainly 1/1 or 1/2 patterns, which is fine, but I would have liked more mapping to the vocals. Thus, some parts felt a bit predictable or plain.
*Regardless, I saw very nice patterns used with notes and sliders that were fun to play and weren't boring. Plus, the song was so catchy that I found myself singing it over and over after hearing it for the firs time. I'd definitely want to play this map again!

[Visual Appeal] (7/10)
*The storyboard was really cute and I feel like it felt the song very well! If visual appeal was based solely on cuteness, then this would easily get a 10.
*The hitcircle/background colors were very vivid and lively; I really liked them!
*I wish more skin elements had been included to brighten up the map even more, though.
*I love the spinner-metre, but the spinner-background is a bit plain. ):
*Besides a few squiggly sliders in Hard, most sliders well shaped well and looked nice.
*I think some lyrics or a few more visual effects would have improved this mapset.
*Also, something to enjoy during the breaks would have been nice as well.

[Coordination/Teamwork] (7/10)
*Overall, most of the parts flowed together nicely. But, there were still many parts that felt a bit messier than others, or were too distinct and made the flow of gameplay feel off.
*I'm not sure how I liked the mappers changing every few measure, but I think the coordination worked well between all of you!

Total score: 21/30

Guest Judge! Odaril
Gameplay: 5/10
Visual Appeal: 6/10
Coordination and teamwork: 8/10
Total: 19/30

Odaril wrote:

>Gameplay desu 4/10
I found this to flow rather bad. :(
The rhythms used are really simple and quite repetitive.
The diff is rather well constructed though.

>Visual Appeal desu 5/10
Some nice sliders here again, but the patterns are quite generic.

>Teamwork desu 6/10
The difficulty is very uneven. Some parts were very easy, others were very hard.
They linked together rather well though.

>Gameplay desu 7/10
The flow of this map was quite, but the hitsounds were rather simple.
Fortunately, some parts were using original hitsounds.
Overall, that was a pretty nice diff.
One thing I'd say however, is that the difficulty was too high to me at times.

>Visual Appeal desu 7/10
There were quite good sliders in this diff.
The patterns weren't bad as well.

>Teamwork desu 7/10
The parts linked very well, but some of them changed the flow. :/

>Gameplay desu 6/10
The diff played quite well, although feeling a bit slow for the song.
The hitsounds were quite well done. The flow was average, though. :/

>Visual Appeal desu 6/10
There were a few really good slider, but also a few ones that played weird.
I'd bonus for the attempt though.
The pattern weren't particularly bad or good.

>Teamwork desu 9/10
The parts linked quite well to each other. The flow and difficulty are continuous as well.
The hitsounds are very similar too :P

>Gameplay desu 5/10
These maps had a rather decent flow, but they felt rather generic as well.
The difficulty spread is good: each diff matches its name.

>Visual Appeal desu 6/10
The sliders are good and generally well used.
The patterns aren't ugly, but aren't very beautiful either.
The storyboard is quite simple but effective.

>Teamwork desu 8/10
The parts linked well to each other. Overall, the flow and difficulty were continuous as well, despite a few mistakes.

Average/above average map. Well constructed, but has generic patterns.

Para todos aquellos que no hayan estado haciendo matemáticas hasta el momento, acá los resutlados finales:
Total: 93/120
Total: 78/120

Felicidades a los muchachos por ser los ganadores de el primer concurso de mappeo de #spanish! Me contactaré con Danzai pronto para ver lo del premio. ¡Muchas gracias a todos por participar! ¡Espero ver ambos mapas rankeados pronto!


(EDIT: por si se lo preguntan, NI CAGANDO tradusco todo eso al español ;D)
11 secs ago :O

Haré un post real cuando regrese del colegio.
Yay :) Felicidades a los chicos~ :3

Lei por encima los comentarios y, por dios, que alguien me pegue un tiro ;_;. Ya se que apesto en timing pero lo de las unsnapped notes no me lo perdono ni yo... :cry:

Aparte, es muy dificil hacer que esto quede perfecto cuando los estilos de mappeo de los participantes son TAN diferentes, ya lo descubrí hace tiempo y estaba casi segura de que pasaría aqui tambien xD Echadme la culpa por ser tan rara >w<;
Felicidades a los chicos, pero me encantan las chicas tambien >w>
Derekku habla español ? oõ

Felicidades a los chicos ! (Beuchi no me golpees ;_; )

Ambos mapas no eran tan malos =p
Hablo un poco español... pues... muy muy poco español xp

Aunque, puedo leer mas que puedo escribir o hablar :C
Felicitaciones Beuchi, Liss, Liz y Lovhin el mapa les quedo genial <3
Felicitaciones Chicos buen trabajo :D

Gracias a Krisom y a los Jueces (Derek, Jericho, Larto y Odaril) por organizar/ayudar con todo esto, espero que en el futuro existan más de estos concursos para mostrar el potencial de la comunidad de #spanish.


00:34:559 (8,1,2,3) - Orz... Sorry
Felicitaciones, quedaron muy bien los dos maps aunque para mi era mas entretenido el de las chicas, pero bueno ...
Perdio el vicho ): ah no... ganó, srry se me confunden

Felicitaciones a los machos recios y felicitaciones también a las damas, que su map tampoco estuvo nada mal :P
Felicidades chicos<333
Su mapa esta genial, y se merecen la victoria.

Como dijo Beuchi anteriormente, fue bastante dificil combinarnos teniendo estilos tan diferentes, pero igual me gusto participar. Gracias por la oportunidad Krisom y Beu.

Otra vez. FELICIDADES!!!! me encanto su mapita >///< en todos los sentidos.
Muy buen trabajo!!

mi kenezz y mi astomoe los amo~~

Felicidades chicoss!!~~ Me gustó mucho su mapita y me gusto mucho participar >//<
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